Pentagon Wants To Eliminate The Whole "Commander In Chief" Thingy And Attack Who

Started by Astrangerinmyownland, March 02, 2017, 05:21:51 PM

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There's no doubt the Jews are dismayed over Trump in the Oval Office because the Jews wish to use the military to oust Putin (and Assad).  They know Trump won't go for attacking Russia and that he wants, instead, to use the military to attack Israel's mercenary force ISIS.  This smells of desperation.  I have no doubt Israel controls the Pentagon just as they control the State Dept.


CNN is privy into undocumented terror attacks and drone strikes ??
And their goal is to document the event ? Some Very shady dark stuff is
being broadcast here. Trump should simply say NO to handing the
Pentagon a `drone at will' attack-baton and only be ill informed after
the facts. Instead Trump should start a congressional investigation
into the mainstream media, Conventional and/or Internet (i.e. Google,
Facebook and Twitter), and confront them with their biased and fake
reporting and sometimes outright lies, like tonight the lunatic charges
dropped at AG Jeff Sessions. Might a news organization turn out to be
front for a secret service agency, foreign, domestic or globalist,
using undocumented moneys from foreign sources, this News Organization
should not only loose its license, it should be taken down and put out
of business, even if it spells CNN. The lefties have blamed the Trump
admin for being  dark and evil. During the State of the Nation address
the ladies on the left were all wearing white dresses to make a protest
or something. What was that all about ?

``I hope that the fair, and, I may say certain prospects of success will not induce us to relax.''
-- Lieutenant General George Washington, commander-in-chief to
   Major General Israel Putnam,
   Head-Quarters, Valley Forge, 5 May, 1778