Get your green hat

Started by yankeedoodle, March 07, 2017, 09:43:05 PM

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For fifty dollars - yes, $50 - shit-for-brains shabbos goy Donnie-boy will sell you a hat.  He really loves his people, does't he?  But, that's what makes America great.

  Shamrockgate: Trump's 'St Patty's Day' MAGA hat fail draws ire of the Irish

Always the businessman, President Donald Trump has cashed in on St Patrick's Day by selling green MAGA hats on his website, only the hats have a big mistake that's caused backlash on social media.

The hats, which cost a whopper $50, are limited edition and made in the USA. "Capture the luck of the Irish with this Make America Great Again Hat," the website reads.
e team should have had a better "look" at the Irish to check what the symbol of St Patrick's Day is before designing the hats.

The hats feature a gold four leafed clover on the back, instead of a shamrock, which has three leaves. The shamrock is the symbol of St Patrick's Day because the saint was said to have used the shamrock to symbolise the Christian Holy Trinity.

While this is by no means the worst thing to come out of the Trump administration, the gaffe got the attention of the Twittersphere.

Perhaps the more offending aspect of #shamrockgate was the tweet sent by the Republican party urging its followers to get their "St Patty's Day" MAGA hats.

An Irish T-shirt company even cashed in on the scandal, producing a T-shirt with a four leafed clover, with, "This is a shamrock" and "#alternativefact" written below.

Trump isn't the first US president to invite the wrath of the Irish. In 2012, Barack Obama T-shirts were ridiculed for also bearing a four leafed clover instead of a shamrock.


it states : "Proudly made in USA" .and as such you also
donate to fire-start a US Economy ...

``I hope that the fair, and, I may say certain prospects of success will not induce us to relax.''
-- Lieutenant General George Washington, commander-in-chief to
   Major General Israel Putnam,
   Head-Quarters, Valley Forge, 5 May, 1778