The False Flag and True Liberty

Started by yankeedoodle, June 08, 2017, 01:02:23 AM

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Wrote this poem a few years ago, but, since today, June 8, 2017, is the 50th anniversary of Israhell's treacherous false-flag attack on the USS Liberty, it's time to bring it out again.

The sun was up, and so was the flag,
thirteen stripes and fifty stars,
so who could have forecast the rain
that came after the flying boxcars.

A rain of bullets came that day,
from other stars in the sky,
the painted-over stars on warplanes,
of America's favorite ally.

A sudden and violent storm it was,
and with the rain came thunderous roars,
the roars of rockets and torpedoes,
sounds heard often in major wars.

But what war was it?
Who, why, where, and when?
Who would want to sink the Liberty
and her crew of brave men?

In 1967, in the month of June,
all hell broke loose on day eight,
it was the day that had been chosen
to change America's and the world's fate.

The why was conquest, the who Israel,
and the where was the Mediterranean,
and Israel had done it before,
and that day they did it again.

The trick is called a false flag attack,
it like when wrongful children blame friends
who get the punishment in their stead,
but adults use it for more nefarious ends.

Here's how it works - disguise yourself
with the flag and appearance of your enemy,
then you go and attack another country
and watch the war break out with glee.

That's what Israel did that day,
that day when jews became Egyptians,
and with disguised planes and ships
they attacked defenseless Americans.

Ruthlessly they riddled that little ship,
the brave ship called the Liberty,
and if the ship had sunk that day,
it might have started World War Three.

What better trigger could there have been,
liberty being the American creed,
and every red-blooded American would
gladly falsely make the Egyptians bleed.

That was the plan, but the crew said no,
Liberty means liberty, and for it we'll fight,
and hour after hour they struggled to stay afloat,
and with no sign of rescue in sight.

But a brave hero defied bullets that day
and raced across the ship's gory deck
to wire-up a shot-up radio antenna
and thus he probably stopped a war.

The radio message finally went out,
but despite that, there was some delay
in the American Navy's response,
and about that much we can say.

But let's just say this, finally
ships and planes were on their way,
and the Israeli attackers disappeared,
and afloat the USS Liberty would stay.

But let's also say this, the ship didn't sink,
but like dead crewmen, this story was buried,
with the surviving crew threatened and gagged,
and to hide this story the bureaucracy hurried.

Crewmen were separated, and the ship scrapped,
and, oh sure, the heroes were recognized,
but with medals awarded without fanfare,
and not to be worn, their bravery disguised.

But this story must be known, it must be known,
that Israel attacked America - intentionally,
and yet Americans are told, constantly told,
that Israel is America's number one ally.

Israel wants war, they just want war,
they want enemies killed and they want their land,
and they want the profits from the wars,
and they do nothing - it's very well planned.

Israel got away with it, then and since,
false flag attacks that mean Americans die,
and while warring America weakens, Israel grows,
more powerful and arrogant - why, why, why?

The why is because Israel has corrupted
America's government, universities, media, and press.
Is it time for Americans to put a stop to this?
The answer is yes yes yes.