Yahoo News Removes Comment Section

Started by maz, July 23, 2020, 03:40:14 PM

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Out of nowhere, they just took the comment section away. It's gone because it had been red-pilled for years which is surprising that it even lasted this long.

When you go to where the comment section used to be, you now see this:


Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. In the meantime, we welcome your feedback to help us enhance the experience.

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I noticed about 5 years ago they changed the format and took away the feature that allowed you to be notified of a reply so that you could go back and respond. If you cared to see what the response was, you instead had to go back and find it, which was time consuming.

It has always been a place that was heavily censored if your comments included the typical forbidden words. I did notice that a few other words would also be censored too. You could not say "goyim," "talmud" "shiksa" and a lot of times you comments would not appear if the word "Jew" appeared in a sentence that included the terms "white," "white supremacist," "black"  or "gay."

This is how I knew that the Yahoo comment section was running under some kind of ADL protocol.