Started by CrackSmokeRepublican, March 04, 2013, 03:40:17 AM

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This important book has been converted to print form to share widely. However, a few of the words and names did not convert correctly. --CSR




The Second World War was said to have been waged for "the rights of small nations," but the author, like countless other Hungarians, is literally "on the run from Communism." He has been living in exile since 1945 because of his anti-communist views. Although he was never a member of any party, the Communist regime of Hungary, with typical effrontery, demanded that the U.S.A. authorities "hand Louis Marschalko over as a war criminal."

A former special correspondent of two leading newspapers in pre-Communist Hungary, Marshalko is a brilliant novelist, playwright and poet and has many hundreds of articles to his credit.

WORLD CONQUERORS expresses some of the bitterness and contempt of millions of enslaved Euro­peans for the rulers of the "victorious nations". It shows that by being urged to throw off the German yoke, the central European nations were tricked into becoming satellites of the Soviet Union.

WORLD CONQUERORS indicts the real war criminals. It gives horrifying glimpses of the agony behind the Iron Curtain and describes the plot to extend the slave system to the Western world. Thousands of copies of the Hungarian edition have been sold and this English translation is published to warn the West. It is written by one who is a firm friend of the English-speaking people but an implacable foe of their vacillating and corrupt governments.


DEDICATION To the memory of the Nationalist Martyrs and victims of Bolshevism


In a great many cases, the Translator has been able to check the quotations from books and newspapers with the originals. Where this has not been possible, the Publisher asks the reader's indulgence for differences due to translation.


FOR more than a century, under various pretexts, a battle has been waged for power over the nations. The exercise of power has become the supreme aim of many people. Bankers, politicians, clergymen, trade union leaders and Communist Party secretaries are all in the hunt for power. The storm troops of the dictatorships are no longer shouting the old Socialist slogans. They declare openly and trumpet brutally "Power is what we want". And the so-called Democratic parties, though trying to keep it a secret, have also in their hearts actually adopted the dictatorial battle-cry, "Power is what we want". Power, like possession of the magician's wand has become their obsession in life and it does not matter how it is achieved, whether through Conservative or Labour parties or through the Christian churches. The structure of modern society with its overpopulation has as a consequence developed the idolatory of power. The golden calf has been taken off its pedestal and has by now become a secondary emblem only. The gold, the wealth and all parts of the symbolic sacred animal of Capitalism can be apportioned, distributed or sold by anyone who has the power to do so, as if it were meat in a butcher's shop. The Church aims to attain power by controlling the human soul, the Marxist through the autocracy and omnipotence of material means, the banker by his gold or by holding in his hand the control of the Press, the Bolshevist by the sheer brutality of the tommy-gun. But all parties, groups, sects, democracies, dictatorships and churches have one thing in common; they all want power. And this is quite understandable, as power often appears to be absolute, more even than all the gold in Fort Knox. For if that gold were evenly distributed among all the people on earth the share per head would be so small that it would hardly be worth anything.

But power over empires, states, societies and continents is infinite. It can be distributed like the five loaves and two fishes apportioned by Christ. It secures ministerial posts, episcopal positions and benefits, senior ranks in the police force, party secretary ships as well as other major and minor offices. But only for those who are the followers of power or who belong to the organisation of the bosses holding power. Included are those belonging to the herd following the party leader, trade unions, boss, dictator or bankers; those who are members of some democratic union. Christian trade unions or, of course, any of the masonic lodges.

So it is quite understandable that in these days nearly every slogan and school of thought is directed at one thing only the seizure of power. "Let us pray" say the churches, but behind their words it is not always Christ's kingdom that is built, but the worldy power of some high priests engaged in double-entry bookkeeping. "Freedom" shout the Communists to their bamboozled Party members and followers but as a background to this empty slogan loom the torture chamber, gaol, detention camp and the gloomy hovels of Siberian slave-labourers. Here we find side by side the misery of exploitation and the power and wealth of the privileged Communist ruling classes. "Democracy" is the slogan proclaimed throughout the Western world, but it is well known that the voting system here does not represent the power of the people, but merely screens the mysterious influence and hidden rule exercised by secret cliques.

Behind these false facades is hidden the substance of the most satanic dream of the world conquerors -to become the masters of the whole world! How can this ambitious goal, the dream and aim of Caesars, dictators, bankers and trade union potentates ever since Ezra and Moses and through Alexander the Great to Stalin, be achieved? Conventional armies have become obsolete for furthering this purpose. The hydrogen bomb might wipe out both parties. Both parties can be attacked by rockets. Such a conquest is now impracticable, so the plan is to conquer the world by "peaceful" means, such as by the cheque book, by Unesco, by re-education, by a new moral code and by peace-propaganda. From this idea Lenin developed and built up his diabolic strategic system to seize and expand power, and this system under the name of Bolshevism has proved until now to be irresistible everywhere where people were unaware of the details of this power-technique.

The supposedly cultured world failed to realise, however, that Lenin's Bolshevism was a component only, such as were also Marxism, Freemasonry and Capitalism itself. For there existed another more thorough, universal and gigantic scheme which had been working already for over a century and a half, its aim by now very nearly accomplished. On the basis of ancient doctrines this latter scheme was not going to conquer global power for any of the "isms", parties, sects, churches, professional organisations or social classes, but exclusively for one nation only.

The plans for Lenin's system were to some degree rough and superficial. Their greatest weakness was akin to that of a general who lets the enemy know in advance the point of attack and the strength of his forces and the tactics he intends to employ. Whereas, the other, the great fundamental plan, proved much more effective because, similarly to historically successful military operations, it has carefully guarded its secrets from outsiders and indeed often from initiated persons also. Its greatest asset was that it appeared much more general than, for example, the schemes of the trade union leaders limited to the class struggle, or the tactics of church leaders restricted to the spiritual level.

It was perfect and absolute Totalitarianism.

This planning, even today, does not attempt to capture global power by means of any particular movement or political system but through the simultaneous use of all creeds, churches, materialisms, political doctrines and patterns of power. It wishes to get built into all positions, movements, churches, masonic lodges and trade unions. It wants to take possession of all key positions in the most opposing movements, in the churches, parties and trade unions. It desires to hold in its hand both Bolshevism and Capitalism, materialism and idealism, to capture or hire spiritually all writers, artists, politicians and the mob. It aims at not being visible anywhere but at being present everywhere and at directing and controlling everything. To divide and rule! To march detached but at a given moment to assault united.

Anybody now surveying the world and world affairs may well realise that this plan has already taken shape. The atomic fission of human society has achieved perfect success. Mankind is divided not only by the natural God-created races and nations. Even the nations are split up now. East and West Germany are divided, as are also North and South Korea. China, Indo-China and Trieste are split up or separated while Europe is divided by the Iron Curtain. Populations are split up and divided into white and coloured persons, capitalists and Bolsheviks, employers and employees, moneyed classes and working classes, Catholics and Protestants, suppressors and suppressed, victors and vanquished. But, as we will see later, all this chaos, disorder and division is directed by the same iron will, by the same secret force acting according to the interest of the leaders of a single race of 15 million people. They are to be found behind the well-padded doors of world capitalism as well as behind the thick walls of the Kremlin. It is they who instigate enraged crowds to strike and demonstrate while at the same time giving wage rises and promoting inflation. They attack Christianity while acting simultaneously as trustees of the gold and other assets representing the earthly power of the churches "whose kingdom is not of this world". They are the atom scientists and the anti-atom humanists; they are the masters and the murderers of the Communist secret police, yet at the same time they condemn the murders of the nations in the U.N.O.: They are the arch-enemy of patriotic ideals; they preach against the sovereignty of states and against racial discrimination, while all the time representing a racial nationalism of a vehemence so far unknown to have ever reigned over the nations of the earth.

Our globe with all its Continents either openly or secretly is already dominated by this Jewish nationalism. By using certain methods this fact can be demonstrated just as the presence of atomic radiation can be demonstrated by the aid of a geiger counter. For instance, should any nation, state, press or politician, parliament or any other person commit any act not forbidden by law or by the moral code against another state, class or person, then in this sublime age of democracy everything is free and permitted without risk. But should anyone commit the same act against Jewry or even against one Jew, the Jews will wipe off from the face of the earth this offending entity, whether it be an individual or a great nation. This will be effected, if necessary, by the atomic bomb or by the victorious Red Army or by the aid of any of the "democratic "constitutions, perhaps by the use of terror prisons of the cheque book or tommy-gun.

Amongst many other things this invisible seizure of power owed its success to misapprehension and oversight on the part of anti­Jewish people during the last century. They regarded the Jew as an internationalist, which is not the real reason for opposing him. On the other hand, one could not justify his behaviour in destroy­ing his fellow-men any the easier because his motives were based on race, creed, or birth, which, in fact, is what does motivate them. So we are convinced that it is our God-granted right and human duty to fight against the reign of terror exercised on a super­national level by a small fanatical nationalist minority which has subjugated the world and driven mankind far along the road to total extinction.

By the flash of the atomic bomb we should see at last that we are living in a false, dishonest, deceitful world-order, in a dis­organised society on the eve of a universal catastrophe. This Satanic tribal nationalism holds world power in its grasp. It holds the hydrogen bomb, and in its mad blindness could destroy the whole of the globe and, with it, humanity. Is all this a bad dream or a nightmare? To answer this question we must learn more about this tribal nationalism and its tactics. Then we shall see that the nightmare will resolve itself into reality and fact.



" and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than your­selves."-Deut. xi.23.

Without a detailed study of the Old Testament, i.e. Torah, we can neither find the solution to those Jewish aspirations bent on capturing world power nor understand the events of the present day. Those who are not intimate with the first five books of the Old Testament, i.e. the Pentateuch, might readily conceive doubts that any such Jewish intentions exist at all, and they will usually dismiss any references thereto as "anti-Semitic" delusions. Such people are unable to realise that Jewry is standing on the threshold of total world domination.

Since the end of the second World War and the defeat of German National Socialism they will label anybody a Nazi who dares to refer to these appalling facts; he will be accused of preparing a new dictatorship and, perhaps, planning another massacre. By making the word "Jew" taboo they are suppressing the freedom to express one's opinion and thoughts and at the same time making sure that people all over the world will not be able to see clearly in the moment of danger. The accusation of Nazism is handy, cheap and popular! The so-called man in the street knows as much about National Socialism as the big Jewish. press organs find fit for him to know and, therefore, in his ignorance he considers Jewry a "persecuted race" and to him the mere utterance of the word "Jew" represents "anti-Semitism".

So having his mind poisoned by propaganda, the man in the street, is disinclined to realise that everything which be now curses and condemns in German National Socialism, those principles for which its leaders were hanged in Nuremberg in the name of "world-conscience". have existed for the last three to four thousand years. During the "Fuhrer-ship "of Moses, everything was the same in the totalitarian regime of JAHVE. The Jewish race ­protection laws of those days and Jewish tribal nationalism have survived to outlive the leader of German National Socialism himself. For the conception of racial superiority, together with its religious and political cults are not Hitlerian inventions.

When Hitler, Goebbels and Rosenberg availed themselves of a racial conception they were doing nothing else but using against Jewry the weapons of Jewry. Everything that world-Jewry, under the disguise of the flag of the Allied Powers condemned, was actually of its own make and device. Jewry actually hanged itself at Nuremberg. For the laws relating to and establishing racial segregation were first published in the books of the prophets Ezra and Nehemiah, and not in the Rassenschutz-Gesetz (Race Protection Act) of Nuremberg. The first concentration camps were devised not by Heinrich Himmler but by King Solomon. The motto of total "annihilation" and total "extermination' of the defeated enemy first appeared in the orders of Moses, the Jewish Fuhrer.

Hitler only proclaimed that the Germans are a superior race to the Jews. On this point Moses went to far greater extremes in announcing that Jewry is of direct divine origin and the chosen people of God and, consequently, sacred. Each and every Jew is personally sacred and he who offends a Jew, offends God Himself! This is tacitly held even today in the opinion of Jewry.

What else is this if not the most exaggerated Chauvinistic form of racial Totalitarianism? It is quite clear that this haughty and ancient consciousness of racial excellence and sanctity remain very much alive up to the present day, when we see Jewry protesting against the trial of an indicted Jew before any Gentile court, for when they regard and treat an affront against one Jew as an affront against the whole of Jewry. According to the four-thousand-year ­old standards of Jewish nationalism, any insult against a Jew is a direct insult against God and a crime against the sacred seed of Abraham. The first and most important commandment of Moses, the great state administrator, is designed to safeguard racial purity. The ever-recurring motif of the Old Testament is this order of Moses, who before the conquest of the promised land. points at the neighbouring peoples and then says to the children of Israel:

".Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto memo Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shah net give unto his son. nor his daughter shalt take unto thy son." (Deut. vii. 2·3.)

Four thousand years later, German National Socialism had the same object in view when marriage, friendship and commercial activities with Jews were forbidden by the Nuremberg laws. The judges put forward by the Jews in the Nuremberg show trials could not emphasise enough in the name of "world conscience" that the German racial laws were barbaric. But at the same time these judges were unaware that by their sentence it was the Jews themselves they were condemning. For when the Jews returned from Babylonian captivity  ".they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude." (Nehemiah xiii, 3.)

And the diary of the "Nazi" prophet continues: "In those days also saw I Jews that had married wives of Ashdod, of Ammon, and of Moab, and their children spake half in the speech of Ashdod, and could not speak in the Jews' language, but according to the language of each people, and I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair and made them swear by God, saying, ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves.. (Nehemiah xiii. 23-25.)

Nehemiah, the prophet of the race protection laws of those ancient times, nevertheless only curses and heats up those corrupting racial purity whilst Ezra acts with much more vigour and energy. He tells us in his book that the Jews have taken wives among the daughters of the Canaanites, Hittites, Jebusites. Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Ammorite according to the abominations of these people, and that therefore the holy seed was mingled with the people of those lands. (Ezra ix, I, 2. 12.) Ezra orders the polluters of Jewish racial purity to come to Jerusalem and he exposes and denounces them in his book and quoting the divine law, demands that they shall dismiss their non-Jewish wives --and there were among them wives who had borne sons already --relates the Old Testament. It does not matter! All have to perish who desecrated the holy seed, mothers as well as half-caste children. In the theocratic state, the racial God-Fuhrership will not tolerate mothers of foreign origin or cross-bred children. The prophets cannot foresee that two thousand years later in Mr. Sulzberger's New York Times this same "lack of toleration" will be stamped and condemned as a deadly sin against God when the laws of Ezra and Nehemiah are applied against the Jews themselves. The "Christian" churches teaching and preaching the Old Testament brand the Hitlerian laws of Nuremberg as "ungodly" and yet show full and pious understanding towards the ruling of the new Israeli parliament when, in 1953, it banned marriage between Jew and Gentile. Such racial discrimination might appear to be a dark superstition, a heresy. Nevertheless, the Jewish laws regard racial purity as a commandment of the utmost importance. "An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord forever." (Deut xau. 3.)

The later descendants of the Jews took this commandment of Moses so seriously that, according to Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Jewish girls who had evidently become pregnant by Gentile men were sent away to other communities, where the expectant mothers, together with their children were killed. American Jewish rabbis as recently as 1949, issued decrees banning intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles. The magic of the sanctity of the "holy seed", the consciousness or being the master-race, burns in the Old Testament with the fierce glow of the most fanatical nationalism of all times. The Jews killed and destroyed the non-Jewish peoples of ancient times in obedience to the religious and national laws of the God-Fuhrership and when we think of the Nuremberg trials of the modern "war criminals" it makes us realise how much more the Jewish kings and prophets of old deserved condemnation on the very same score. But the so ­called Christian churches condemn nothing, yet continue teaching Gentile children that most pornographic and bloodthirsty book ­the Old Testament. The so-called Jewish holy books on the other hand clearly boast of revenge, relating most macabre accounts of the slaying and extermination of entire nations. They proclaim the slaughter of the innocents, including even babies if they are non-­Jewish, as the fulfillment of the highest national duty and as a deed most pleasing to God.

"Thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no Covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them." (Deut. vii. 2.)

The Judean master-race is at liberty to commit crime, According to Torah and the prophets the slaying and destruction of other races and peoples is not only a religious duty but an absolute right of the Jewish nation and this right includes the prerogative of ruling over others.

The prophet Isaiah already depicts this coming world-power in resplendent and brilliant colours, as follows:

"Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers; they shall how down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet." (Isaiah xlix. 22, 23.)

"And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls. and their kings shall minister unto thee" Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought. For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted"" Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the, breasts of kings"" (Isaiah lx, 10-12, 16.) Not only on the ground of racial prejudice, but on the basis of direct divine commandment, the Jews feel themselves entitled to subjugate strangers and to treat as slaves all those who fall into their power.

"And Solomon numbered all the strangers that were in the land of Israel". and he set three score and ten thousand of them to be bearers of burdens and four score thousand to be hewers in the  mountain." (11 Chronicles ti, 17·18.)

After  Moses'  race-protection  "Nuremberg  Laws",  after this racial segregation and world-power mania of Ezra and Nehemiah, we now see the first concentration camp and slave labour establishment in which foreigners work for the master-race. They are related as an accomplished fact without ever being condemned by a humanitarian court. The schemes of the Soviet terror chambers and the forced labour camps of the Kaganovitch Empire were conceived in the land of Israel.

It is the Old Testament and not Mein Kampf that must be studied in order to see that the gas-chamber made world famous by the Sulzberger Press was actually the invention of the chosen people. The prophet Samuel tells us how the "humanitarian race" in the ecstatic rapture of victory dealt with its defeated enemies:

"And he brought forth the people that were therein (in the Ammonite city of Rabbah-translator) and put them under saws and under harrows of iron and under axes of iron, and made them pass through the brick-kiln; and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon. So David and all the people returned unto Jerusalem." (II Samuel xii, 31.)

The first concentration camp, the first gas-chamber (a brick-kiln) in the world were in the land of Israel. And the first ghetto was established in Jerusalem and not in Europe. "The Jew shaped his own fate!" wrote Houston Stewart Chamberlain referring to these things.

This Jewish tribal nationalism which created the race-protecting laws, the ghettos, the concentration camps and the gas-chambers of ancient times, never died out. It continued slaying and killing neighbouring peoples and races. Whenever it wilt defeated it arose again! It chanted the melancholic sounds of its irredentism by the waters of Babylon during the Captivity and after the liberation it began to build the New Jerusalem with the vehemence of a revived nationalism. It had suffered but was awaiting the new Messiah, the Jewish nationalist deliverer and political leader, the new Fuhrer, who would place world power over all the nations in the hands of Jewry.

Jewry has never abandoned this grandiose national dream. During the Zionist Congress of 1897 at Basle, Dr. Mandelstein, Professor of the University of Kiev, in the course of his speech opening the conference on August 29th, emphatically stated that "The Jews will use all their influence and power to prevent the rise and prosperity of all other nations and are resolved to adhere to their historic hopes, i.e. to the conquest of world power ". (Le Temps. September 3rd, 1897.) By such fanatical nationalism the first ghetto was established in Jerusalem and the complete separation from non-­Jews accomplished. (Joel. Chapter iii. 17.) It was promised that Jehovah, the celestial Fuhrer would dwell in Jerusalem for ever and that all non-Jewish people would be excluded from God's presence. It is taught by the Jewish Rabbis that all non-Jewish people must be excluded from sharing the new world or taking any part in it; they can only be tolerated as a despised herd. (Traktat, Gitlin, Fol; 57, Babylonian Talmud.)

Jewish tribal nationalism faced the most perilous times in its history following the birth of Christ. This was, or could have been, a fatal moment in the history of Jewry. It was also a bitter disappointment. The Jews were shocked to learn that He was not the Messiah they were awaiting. He was no nationalist liberator, to rid them of the Roman soldiers. He was anti-nationalist, or, as He would be called today, an international rebel- One who, in the temple, dared to kick over the merchants' wares, to overthrow the desks of the money-changers and to evict the representatives and agents of the local money authorities. It was just as if a determined McCarthyist were to raid the New York Stock Exchange with a whip in his hand. This new prophet did not believe in the racial superiority of Jewry, but in the brotherhood of all mankind. According to the standards of Jewry His racial origin is highly doubtful and open to suspicion, because He came from Galilee, and in Jerusalem everybody could recognise His disciples by their Galilean dialect. In the streets of Jerusalem this Master and His disciples preached against the doctrines expounded by the most powerful authorities on the Jewish Chauvinistic way of life and on Jewish nationalism, i.e. they preached against the Sanhedrin and against the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees. This Master and His disciples did not believe in a separate tribal alliance between God and the Jews. In contradiction to the tenets of the Chief Rabbis, Peter, the fisherman from Galilee, tells Cornelius the captain and centurion of the Roman Empire that "all nations" are pleasing to God which fear Him and act righteously. These disciples teach in the name of the Lord Jesus that Romans, Jews and Greeks are all human beings and that there is no exclusive deliverance reserved for any single nation that there is no special Messiah for Jews only, that there is no racial superiority for the followers of Jehovah as all are human beings,children of the one and only God.

He told them that He was the deliverer not only of the Jews but of all mankind and that He was not prepared to accept the supremacy and rule of any master-race. Therefore, He had to be crucified. "Crucify Him!" they shouted to the Roman governor, who -an opportunist state official similar to the eternally shameful figure of the public prosecutor of Nuremberg-faced the mob's concentrated hatred in confusion of spirit. "Crucify Him" --after all, this Messiah might well prove not to be the descendant of the Holy Seed of Abraham.

Houston Stewart Chamberlain in his book entitled Die Grund· lagen des neun leh nlen Jah rhunderts (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century) deduces clearly the fatal consequences attending Jewry's entry into world history and is the earliest author to discover that Christ, insofar as racial descent is concerned, was not a Jew. Chamberlain was the first author who came to the conclusion that the name of Galilee itself is actually "Gelil haggoyim", meaning "heathen or Gentile Land" where non-Jewish settlers lived. They were easily distinguished by their dialect. "The possibility that Christ was not a Jew and that there was not a drop of Jewish blood in His veins is so great that it nearly equals to certainty", he writes in the book quoted above -Volume I. page 256.

The question "Was Christ a Jew?" is posed by Ferenc Zajthy, the Hungarian historian, in his monumental hook Hungarian Millennia in which be proves that the Jews themselves doubted Christ's Jewish descent. Zajthy points out that in the seventh century B.C. Shalmaneser drove the whole population of Galilee into captivity in chains and that not a single Jew was left there. The Scythian pastoral tribes who subsequently settled into the home of the displaced population adopted the Jewish creed with its religious teachings, but, as the Jews themselves termed it, they were "under Jewish laws" only. The Jews never accepted them as true descendants of Abraham's Holy Seed.

"Search. and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet" (John vii. 52) the Jews told the apostles. Prophets can arise from Jewish racial communities only.

The ancient Jewish laws protected Jewish individuals to the utmost, and the death sentence could only be pronounced on a "estih" i.e. on a person who tried to persuade Jews to abandon their creed or who attempted to cause a rift in their racial unity. Ferenc Zajthy describes how, according to the ancient Jewish laws and customs, the way of escape was all the time kept open for even such a person when under the death sentence. On the way leading to the place of execution observers were posted at every hundred steps. The observers' duty was to report if any new witnesses gave a sign by raising their arm that they were willing to come forward and testify in order to save the life of the condemned. In the case of any new witnesses coming forward the laws ordered new trials to be held or an amnesty to be granted. It is peculiar. though under the circumstances quite natural, that in the procession following Jesus to the Cross, no witness volunteered to testify and save Him. Among those who received Him on Maundy Thursday with jubilant festivities not one raised his hand. Nor did any of those who heard His teachings and saw His miracles. No witness volunteered to save Him. And here we have the decisive proof that He was not a Jew in that nobody was permitted to come forward. Because, according to the laws of the Jewish state, re-trial was permissible for the descendants of Abraham's holy seed only. From this right the Goyim, the Gentiles, the strangers, the descendants of those of all non-Jewish blood were excluded, as well at those who came under the jurisdiction of the Jewish laws but were not Jews racially. So excluded were the hated Galileans, the Cushians and the Huvilains that, according to the Jewish laws, they were to be pressed under the water and drowned by any wayfarer, happening to pass who should see them struggling in the water.

We Christians accept the theory of the Immaculate Conception, i.e., the tenet that Christ was, in fact, the son of God and thus he has no raciality. But in this case it is even more certain that Christ's divine origin, whole personality and teachings represented a power revolution against the tribal Chauvinism of the Jews.

The Christian Middle Ages (labeled the Dark Ages by the propaganda of Jewish Intellectuals) were very much aware of the importance of Christ's resistance against Jewish tribal nationalism. We will have the opportunity later to show how this Christian clear-sightedness became more confused after the French Revolution and the Jewish emancipation. From that time until the present day the artificial befogging and obscuration of all Christian ideals has been in progress,' and by now the darkness is so impenetrable that many movements and lines of thought confuse Christianity and Judaism. Even worse than this, some Christian priests in their ceremonial are adopting that fanatical hatred which is a characteristic feature of Jewish Rabbis (e.g. the prayer of the American Protestant padres read out before the dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

The nationalism convicted at Nuremberg lived only twenty years. But Moses' Mein Kampf with its dogma of racial nationalism was preserved and diligently studied by Jewry throughout many thousands of years. The intensity of this ancient nationalism has never abated, not even during the times of "Galuth ", i.e. homelessness.

After the Babylonian captivity, Jews and members of Diaspora from the Roman Empire settled around Alexandria. They were all free Roman citizens and "liberal-minded "people and still continued sending considerable annual gifts to the temple of Jerusalem. After the Dispersion (Diaspora) the flame of this nationalism became more intense and vehement. Seven hundred years ago, Moseban Majemon, one of the most brilliant writers of Jewish script. gives us yet another description in Mischnah Torah, in resplendent colours, of the possibilities of the Messiah's arrival and of the attainment of world power by his nation.

"The world became familiar with those things pertaining to the Messiah and to Torah," he wrote, continuing: "These things became known in far-away lands and amongst many uncircumcised peoples. The Christians were conversant with many things though formerly the Messiah was known by Israel alone." Maimonides also admits that Christianity made the world familiar with the Old Testament, i.e. with Torah, but adds that its interpretation was erroneous and that the errors will be evident at the arrival of Jewry's political Messiah who, as leader of Jewry's armed power, will subjugate the non-Jewish nations of the world and will exterminate, together with their women and children, all those who refuse to accept the laws of Noah. (Jewry and Christianity, by Canon Lipce Huber, p. 141.)

During Galuth, Jewish nationalism became transformed into a religious irredentism, with Torah and Talmud acting as its Mein Kampf. The Mosaic Mein Kampf is preserved everywhere and kept in the Torah shrine of even the smallest village. 'This national Creed was copied again and again by scribes on papyri, their eyes tired and inflamed by the work, through the layers of which the language of the lost land was learned by children and practiced by adults. The Temple was destroyed but the national way of life never ceased to exist. That religious nationalism which, together with Torah in days of old pervaded the land, spread to every place on earth where Jews were living. And this nationalist teaching prescribed not only the rules of life, the form of prayers, the quality of clothing, methods of general hygiene, and dietary regulations, but also shaped and developed the nationalist ideology. Torah remained the same in Belz, Frankfurt or New York as anywhere else. Jewry, dispersed, took refuge from the world in their own reserved ghetto, fortifying their spirit by the study of Torah and Talmud.

One of the greatest mistakes of the "anti-Semites" was to regard the Jew as an internationalist. The Jew was never an internationalist, but the conscious representative of a tribal nationalism that sought domination over all the other nations on earth. He lived in various lands, occupied positions of different social levels but fundamentally remained a Jew.

During the preparatory sittings of the Sanhedrin summoned by Napoleon in 1806, Rabbi Solomon Lippman Cerfberr said: "We have forgotten whose descendants we are. We are neither' Gennan ' nor 'Portuguese' Jews. However dispersed all over the globe we may be. we still remain the same nation:' Doctor Leopold Kahn summed up these sentiments when speak­ing about Zionism in a Jewish school at Pozsony (Bratislava) in 1901-" Jews will never be assimilated and will never adopt the customs or morals of strangers. The Jew will remain a Jew under all circumstances."  This venerable Rabbi was right. Jews lived in different countries, occupying different social levels, but remained everywhere Jews. If a Jew took off his kaftan and enjoyed forbidden foods, dressed in taits or a dinner jacket, he yet remained a representative of the same creed, the same blood relationship and the same nationalism. Perhaps he might not be living literally up to the words of his religious rites, but his racial consciousness and awareness of racial obligations remained unchanged, whether on the Papal Throne, in the Soviet Politburo or in the State Department at Washington. The Jewish author David Mocata writes in his book, The Jews in Spain and in Portugal, that for generations Jews lived in Spain disguised, intermingling with all the social classes but occupying all the key positions of the state, especially those in the Church.

Jews can always argue that there is such a thing as assimilation. They point at Jews who assumed the language and customs of their adopted countries, married Christian women and became statesmen of Christian empires. But they cannot refute the fact that the Jew who apparently becomes a true Englishman or true German or a most excellent Polish patriot still remains consciously a Jew (and the state of the world today bears evidence of this fact), consequently his allegiance lasts only so long as it does not clash with his Jewish origin.

Another extremely efficient weapon of the Jew is his ability, like the chameleon, to assume the colours of his habitat. In France he merges into the background of the local environment, as, he does in Hungary, in England and everywhere else. But although he tries to appear an Englishman in England and a Yankee in America, this is a disguise only and calculated for defense as well as for conquest. In New York and Brooklyn, where outside of Russia itself the largest crowds of Russian Jews and Polish Jews live, one rarely sees a Jew wearing a kaftan or a beard. Relatives waste no time giving a good shave to the new immigrant; they know only too well that beards and earlocks provoke "anti-Semitism". They sense that any open appearance of Jewish nationalism would arouse opposition among their hosts. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion warn them of this. "Secrecy is the foundation of our power". Therefore in Soviet Russia, the Jew is either a Bolshevik revolutionary in strict adherence to the party line, or an officer of the secret police with a sub-machine gun, in America a Yankee-like banker, and in France a radical patriot. Of course, he must also be a party member in Soviet Russia and probably a Democratic elector in New York.

But, whatever political convictions they profess, whatever nationality they may have assumed, they always remain Jews at heart, following the craving of their Jewish nationalism. Sometimes, appropriately enough, it happens that the Jewish aims coincide with the aspirations of their adopted countries. But, in fact, they never accept the authority of any "stranger", obeying the Mosaic law, "thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother" (Deut. xvii. 15), i.e. who is not a member of the Jewish race.

With the development of civilization, this adaptation to environment became more complete. This was best seen in the professions, such as the stage, the films and journalism. The film industry in Hollywood was once regarded as the national industry of America. Those who directed this industry occasionally made good American films. But under cover of the "stars and stripes" they attempted to inculcate a Jewish mentality and a spirit of false values into the American masses, and as we will see later, it was from this Holly­wood camouflage that the hundred anti-American Bolshevik film­stars emerged. The Bolshevik Jew in his attempt to conquer world power threw away his mask.

It was consistent with the nature of a four-thousand-year-old Nationalism that Jews should endure persecution, mockery and contempt. But the more they suffered, the stronger their belief grew that the time would come when they would be the masters of all peoples. Thus, Jewry tolerated even anti-Judaism. Often they themselves failed to understand why they were persecuted, derided and sometimes even murdered. For the Jew felt that he was God's creature the same as any other human being, even though "anti-Semites" might doubt it. So he was often insulted and humiliated and labeled a swindler and ridiculed and cartooned. Most people, apparently, remained unaware that his objectionable activities served a higher nationalism-that typical Old Testament sort of nationalism which is irreconcilable, towards all other peoples and which aims at the subjugation of all nations. The relationship between the nationalism of the Old Testament and German National Socialism may be compared to that of earth and sky. German National Socialism was ready and willing to co-operate with other peoples. It was hostile to one race only --Jewry. Whereas the Jewish type of "Nazism "is hostile to all races and to all non-Jewish social and ruling castes. Generations in the ghetto taught the Jews that those racial laws which kept them together as a nation could also enable them to become the masters of all nations. To this, apart from modern developments, there was added another favorable racial feature­-their indisputable talents and high intelligence. Jewish writers, artists, business men and bankers --regardless of the methods adopted-were reaping the highest awards of Western civilization. For the small Jews, left behind in this race, all the successes were Jewish successes, all the achievements were Jewish achievements. Not only the Press but the most simple Jew revered Disraeli, the great "English" statesman, together with Heine, the great "German" poet and Marx, the most capricious international revolutionary. What is this if not the conscious splendor of an un­rivalled nationalism or extreme "Nazism". A nationalism that brooks successful apostasy and is unwilling to execute even a criminal if it knows that he also is a descendant of the seed of Abraham, a nationalism that encourages the successful apostate to return to the fold which he had rejected.

And so we nearly always find Jews making headway all over the world, either as poets, bankers, English Conservatives or Portuguese revolutionaries, all believing they are predestined to reign over the peoples of the earth. So far they have succeeded in everything. It is clear, therefore, that the tenets laid down in Torah, the Talmudical principles and the Jewish secret institutions created during the Middle Ages are still effective instruments serving towards the achievement of world power.

"It is our vocation to rule the world," proclaims this aggressive minority. "Either as American banker or as Soviet Commissar we form but one nation."

It is the chief purpose of this book to show that Capitalism and Bolshevism, the two great ruling systems of our modern age, are not two opposing movements but that they rather present two different forms of expression of the same Jewish ambition to obtain world power. One of them, possibly, is more cautious than the other, nevertheless, both are the same. The attempt to bring about a conflict between Capitalism and Bolshevism is therefore a most terrible deception. The enmity directed towards Christians and Arabs proceeds from both these systems. The "man in the street" as the symbol of the uneducated and uninformed masses, may think that the capitalist world will be able "to fix" Bolshevism all right but the true fact is that the latter is nothing else but an extension of the former. Bolshevism is the offspring of Capitalism or, perhaps, it is the result of the blunders of Capitalism. Bolshevism is the adopted child of the Jewish Liberal capitalist system. Those who try to find some difference or contradiction between the two systems must never forget that in Hitlerian National Socialism, the big German capitalist entertained the most friendly relations with German socialist workers. Why therefore could not the Jewish Bernard Baruch have been on the best possible terms with Lazar Kaganovitch or even with the small Communist leader of Brooklyn?

"We are one nation", stated Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism. "We are neither American Jews nor Soviet Jews, but only Jews".

By the turn of the last century, having regard to the results achieved, it appeared as if the unity of the holy seed and its calling to win world power had begun to crystallize into reality. This was visualized in the imagination of the Jewish authors, poets, bankers, socialist revolutionaries and Communist apostles. A world-conquering nationalism had arrived. The "anti-Semites" themselves failed to notice and evaluate this development, and the events of 1945 had to transpire before a realization came concerning the indisputable mental and racial unity of "capitalist democracy", on the one hand and of Soviet "peoples' democracy" on the other. It is hardly necessary to remark that this realization was attained by an exceedingly small minority. The anti-Semites saw and understood the Jewish "racial solidarity", the "dishonest business methods" and the "Judaisation" of their own countries only. Meanwhile, what was considered by some to be a "Jewish crime" was a virtue in the estimation of Jewish nationalism. The racial consciousness of the master race, i.e. Mosaic nationalism, attained its present form by the end of the 19th century. Its slogan forged for Bolsheviks and bankers alike was: "Let us march independently and be victorious together!"

So the world conquerors began their march and set out to subjugate the globe and to become rulers of all nations.



In the Middle Ages men still recognized the cleavage between the spirit of the New Testament and the Jewish "nazism" of the Old Testament against which Christ rebelled. In Christ's person the ideal of human brotherhood was fully accomplished. The Old Testament contained the materialistic covenant of a single race with its Jehovah. Christ brought deliverance to the whole of mankind. He made the covenant in the New Testament for all of us. The idea of universal love and the whole inner meaning of the New Testament was the anti-thesis of materialistic Judaism with its obsession of pre-determined power. The greatest lie of history is the statement alleging that Christianity was born out of the Jewish religion. On the contrary, Christianity came into being as the very negation of Jewish nationalism and racial predestination. The apostles themselves taught this:

"Ye know", Peter said, "How that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean". (Acts x, 28.)

The Jews were amazed to be told that the Goyim also may enjoy and share the divine grace of the Holy Ghost. They complained that the apostles sat down at the same table with uncircumcised people. They staged a demonstration in Athens against Paul the Apostle because he brought Greeks into the synagogue and defiled the Holy Place.

Peter's statement, already quoted, uttered during his visit to Cornelius the centurion, together with the quotation below, sound like a defiance of the prevailing Jewish tribal arrogance: "of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons; but in every nation he that feareth Him and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him." (Acts x, 34-35.)

But the teaching of Paul and Barnabas in Antioch sounds even more defiant:

"Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said it was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, to we turn to the Gentiles," (Acts xiii. 46.) By Gentiles they meant the Goyim. i.e. the non-Jewish peoples, ". And(God)hath made of one blood all nations of men". (Acts xvii. 26) says Paul in Athens. And be says this because from the God-created blood-brotherhood, one nation, one race-the Jews ­excluded themselves by their own fierce tribal nationalism.

"And art confident" Paul writes concerning the Jews, "that thou thyself art a guide of the blind. a light of them which are in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of the babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law thou that makest thy boast of the law through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written." (Paul to the Romans ii. 19-20, 23-24,) The Apostles everywhere teach and preach Christ's revolutionary ideas which are the very negation of Judaism, of that tribal reservedness and of that Jewish "nazism".

"For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and should be converted, and I should heal them."

"Be it known therefore unto you that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles and that they will hear it," (Acts xxviii. 27-28,) But the Jews crucified the apostle of this faith and have not to the present day abandoned their belief that they are the chosen people and therefore the lords and masters of all peoples on earth. The dispersion of Jewry began with diaspora, after the Babylonian captivity and was completed by the demolition of Jerusalem. As a result of this the long pent-up demoniacal force was spread abroad; the ambitious aim to rule over all nations accompanied by an exclusive racialism penetrated the ethnic and religious confusion of those ancient times, It is not necessary to discuss here in detail how it was-though Jewry was not pure-bred as a race being composed of cross-breeds of various peoples and remnants of different races-that nevertheless this racial conglomerate was shaped and molded by Ezra and Nehemiah into the only homogeneous pure race in the world. Even at the end of the nineteenth century various American anthropological investigations came to the conclusion that "the Jewish race retained its ethnical purity throughout ". (Political-Anthropological Revue. March, 1904, page 1003.)

Houston Stewart Chamberlain writes that from Theodosius until the year 1800 there were only 300 persons of non-Jewish stock actually adopted by Jewry in the racial sense. From this extreme racialism proceeded a mentality which hated and despised all other peoples, whilst being at the same time ambitious to conquer. In Europe appeared the materialistic and uncompromising spirit of the Old Testament, which never abandoned its Messianic dream of that time to come when the destruction of all peoples and the mastery over greater and mightier nations would be accomplished.

It is therefore easy to understand that the ancient world, as well as the Middle Ages, drew the obvious inference from this, and separated themselves from the Jews not only ideologically but physically also. Over the people of those days the biblical account of the descent of the Holy Ghost and of Peter's sermon on that first Whit sun morning still exerted a considerable influence:

" yourselves from this untoward generation". (Acts ii. 40.)

The Middle Ages created the ghetto but at the same time by this act preserved the Jewish race. Generally speaking Jewry was able to sustain its policy of racial purity because this was recognized by the Christian world in the form of the ghetto. But, unfortunately, this did not prevent the Jews from infiltrating into the life and economic systems of the Christian states. We can learn the history of this Jewish influence from the ancient world. Nearly a million Jews were settled in Alexandria and its suburbs after the Babylonian captivity, where they played the same game and exercised much the same power as Jewry does in New York today. In the Roman Empire, especially in Rome, the power and influence of this nationalist tribal minority reached quite formidable dimensions. Cicero, the great Roman statesman, during the proceedings of a court action made his address to the court in such a subdued voice that he could only be heard by the judges.

He explained the wisdom of acting in such a fashion by stating, that Jewish solidarity constituted a force formidable enough to ruin anybody giving evidence against them. Throughout diaspora and from early times the Jews possessed organisations akin to those we now know as masonic. They initiated certain influential Gentiles who were prepared to declare themselves to be half-Jewish and through whom they were able to establish their influence in the highest places in public life. It can be established that behind Nero's persecution of the Christians were members of diaspora. Poppea Sabina, the wife of the Emperor, was a Jewess and a member of diaspora and she succeeded in persuading the Emperor through the help of his favorite courtier, a Jewish actor named Alityrus, to exterminate the Christians. Throughout historical times the Alityruses and Poppeas of this world have been behind its Neroes and Roosevelts.

Jewish influence played as much part in determining the downfall of the Roman Empire as in causing the ruin of the Spanish Empire. In the Spanish Empire Jews had, as Heman writes, the control of all spiritual and material powers from the tenure of land to the highest ecclesiastical positions, and through their usury they exercised much influence over court circles and the entire nobility. In the end they were able to extort for themselves such fantastic privileges that in a court of law the oath of one Jew was accepted as of greater value than the oaths of two Gentiles. They repeated the same form of power-grab later in Germany and in the Hapsburg Empire. In the sixteenth century a Jew called Imre Fortunatus and his associates played a tremendous part in the preparation for the downfall of the Hungarian Empire by fostering corruption in public affairs to such a degree that the Empire became unable to resist the attacks of the expanding Turkish power at the Battle of Mohaes in 1526.

The spiritual leaders and statesmen of the ancient world and Middle Ages were very much aware of this Jewish influence. From Tiberius, the Roman Emperor, to Goethe, all men of vision looked upon Jewry as a national danger. "A ministry from which the Jew obtains all his requirements, a household, the wardrobe and finances of which are under the control of a Jew or a commissariat which is under the management of a Jew must indeed be endowed with the un-drainable qualities of the Pontine marshes", writes Goethe.

Possibly the great Napoleon was the most clear-sighted of all when he exclaimed: "These Jews are like locusts and caterpillars and they will devour my France!"

It was clearly seen even as late as the eighteenth century that Jewish influence had nothing of the much-vaunted humanitarianism about it, since it was a minority movement which became a "state within a state". Though some states did not recognise the danger, nevertheless the jewish conquest was usually stopped at the last moment. Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, expelled them from Spain and elsewhere restrictive measures were taken to check them but the most important thing was that the influence of Jewish "nazism" was nowhere permitted to gain a foothold in public affairs. The ghetto at least served as a good institution in keeping up ideological and intellectual barriers against the Jews so that the Christian religions and cultures were not so exposed to mortal danger and to that of being visibly engulfed as they are today. It is important to note that up to the French Revolution the Jews had no direct influence on the masses. At the most they were only able to increase their influence over some court circles by the help of their money-bags, but they never had an opportunity of establishing any direct control over the people or of exploiting them by furthering the interests of their own nationalism.

One point only of the so-called Jewish problem passed unnoticed in the Middle Ages. Namely, that the growing influence of Jewish nationalism and its encroachment was not an instinctive activity originating from greed, selfishness or any other "Jewish characteristic" as the "anti-Semites" termed it. The demoniacal urge was already consciously at work, and the nationalism of the Old Testament, of Torah and of Talmud were impelling the Jew to undertake a quest not for money, nor for riotous living and wealth but for world power. Money merely served as the means towards this aspiration, while the attainment of mastery over the whole world remained the supreme aim. For this, not even a Jewish central government was required though such existed from time to time. Talmud and Torah were quite sufficient. These books which gave much better instruction than any government as to the conduct of Jewry, were to be found in all synagogues and in all Jewish houses.

The various countries and empires were more or less able to keep this world-conquering dream under control while its execution in different lands was uncoordinated. The danger grew very con­siderably with the expansion of the limits of the known world and when, through the medium of the press, radio and other organs of propaganda, the different countries and peoples drew nearer to each other. Then the aspiration of this Jewish minority nationalism to dominate was to operate effectively not only against single countries but against all lands and peoples simultaneously and with full force. At the same time, with the rise of Protestantism, a certain Jewish mentality began to obtain a foothold within Christianity itself.

Luther saw clearly that the difference between universal humanity and Jewish tribal "nazism" was irreconcilable. His great treatise written on the Jewish question is the proof of his clear-sightednees. But, apart from the rise of Protestantism, the Old Testament obtained a greater influence through the teaching of the Bible in church sermons and through religious education in the schools. The Protestant preachers, Hungarians, Swiss, Englishmen, Dutchmen and Germans alike turned more and more to the prophets of the Old Testament for parables and quotations. During the religious wars all the most withering curses of the Old Testament were invoked on the heads of opponents. The mentality of the Old Testament thus penetrated the Christian faith through the empty phraseology of rhetoric. Christianity began to regard itself as an extension or subsidiary of the Jewish religion instead of stressing its truly opposing character. As a result of this error, a Jewish mentality of intolerance, accompanied by a spirit of hatred, became established in the civilised Christian world and generation after generation grew up imbued with the materialistic and unimaginative teachings of the Old Testament.

English Protestantism became especially subjected to the influence of the Old Testament. The mentality of the English merchant­princes and the spiritual attitude of the Puritans likewise became identified with the principles of the Jewish Old Testament and found in it the justification of a certain business conduct. In the nineteenth century some deluded English scholars even tried to prove that the inhabitants of Britain were actually descendants of the lost tenth tribe of Israel. Werner Sombart, the famous authority on capitalism, showed conclusively that the roots of capitalism are as much Jewish as Protestant.

One thing, however, can be staled as certain. With the advent of Protestantism the former unity of the Christian world was broken up. Christ's Church separated into Catholicism and Protestantism. Through this breach Mosaic nationalism boldly penetrated the Christian world and Christian spiritual life. Under the pretext of enlightenment and progress the inhabitants of the ghettos began to shout loudly for emancipation, the very thing which, even Voltaire, the greatest champion of progress, had regarded as a mortal peril. Under the guise of philanthropy and enlightenment Christianity itself strove for jewish emancipation. It appeared unable to see that this might mean one day the death of Christianity -of Catholicism, of Protestantism, or orthodoxy and of unorthodoxy alike.

The despised Middle Ages were well aware that this possibility was always present because of the fanatical force of Jewish religious "nazism" directed against Christianity, the source of most of which is to be found in Talmud. In 1888 the Minerva Press published a striking account which was never refuted about the findings of an investigating committee called together in 1240 by Louis the King of France. The King wanted to know why the Jews were so hated in France. He convened a Royal Court over which he presided. Talmud was presented an expounded to the court by a christianised Jew who spoke Hebrew well. To test the authen1icity of the Talmudic text the court invited Jecibel the Rabbi of Paris, together with Rabbis Judah Samuel and Jacob, the latter being an eminent orator well known in both France and Spain. The fair-minded king did his utmost to ensure that the rabbis should have every chance to defend Talmud as well as to confirm the genuineness of the Talmudic text. Despite all this, the court was forced to conclude that the Talmudic laws are contrary and even repugnant to the social order, nor only of all Christian but even of all non-Jewish communities. As a result of enquiries, the court discovered that Talmud not only repeatedly insults the Virgin Mary but casts doubts that Christ was born from a Virgin, and even states that He was the child of a soldier named Pandara and a woman of the streets. The Christians were appalled when these translations of Talmud were pronounced to be authentic by the invited rabbis. As a result of the final conclusions of this court of enquiry, St. Louis ordered that Talmud be committed to the flames. (The Hidden Empire, 1945. p. 27.)

In later times the Christian world paid little attention to the Jews' holy book though, for them, it had become nearly as important as Torah. It was from Talmud that hatred emanated towards Christians and from it also spread a double-morality. It is worth while to note that even as late as the twentieth century there is no authentic translation of Talmud available. It is true that it has been translated by Graetz, a university professor of German-Jewish descent, but all the incriminating parts bave been excluded. The Hungarian author Alfonz Luzsenszky has also translated certain parts of the Talmud. One of the principal concerns of the present Bolshevik dictatorship was to throw Alfonz Luzsenszky into jail where he has most probably perished in a Jewish Communist torture-chamber.

But Talmu
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan



As a result of the suppression of spiritual freedom all over the world, we live in a kind of thieves' kitchen, concocting a flash hypocritical series of slogans in the place of free speech. There are certain taboo-like problems to which one is not supposed to refer. There are certain persons one should not name. There are also certain matters not to be mentioned in the language of Western civilised man. Speaking the truth means facing either the gallows of Nuremberg or the loss of one's daily bread.

Nevertheless we must say a few words about National Socialism.

Christian Resistance should have followed at the moment when Bolshevism broke out in Russia and when the work of Jewry became visible through the Versailles Treaty. The message Christendom should have been the restoration of unity in disorganised Europe, the instruction of the nations and the elevating of the Christian conception of hierarchy, thus guarding the individual against being reduced to herd-level. Bolshevism as well as soulless liberal capitalism should have been effectively mastered by their only real adversary-by Christian resistance all the time pointing the way upwards toward Heaven. Perhaps Christ Himself might have come with His scourge to drive the money-changers out of the House of God, thus restoring justice, goodwill and social peace and once more. He might have addressed His Christian people with Peter's forthright words: "Save yourselves from this untoward generation."

But Christianity was reluctant to adopt revolutionary methods in order to wrench world power out of the hands of these whom Christ, the founder of Christianity, attacked on Maundy Thursday. The spirit of Christianity should have impressed itself upon public life, upon government, and upon the press and trade unions but it failed miserably to fulfill its mission. Germany became a stage for the rootless "fellow-traveller" of the Weimar-Democracy. The leaders of Hungarian and Polish Catholicism tried to preach Christianity to the poverty-stricken masses from the shelter of their large estates. The Italian and Spanish clergy remained in the enjoyment of their worldly wealth. Protestantism, as seen by Axel Munthe, was unable to give faith, or to follow in Luther's footsteps, who, taking his stand with the people, exclaimed: "Here I stand and I cannot do anything else!"

But history will not tolerate unfulfilled duties and unsolved problems. In the East Bolshevism was established, while in the West reigned the atheistic speculative power of gold. The Socialism of Christ was unable to find its wings. Therefore National Socialism had to come.

Opinions may differ as to whether National Socialism was a "neo-­pagan" movement from the beginning or whether certain mistakes crept in later. But it is indisputable that National Socialism, after coming to power undertook to fulfill, under various slogans, those tasks that ought to have been performed by Christianity. No doubt it would have been much better had the Christian Churches in the turbulent hours of the upheaval of 1919 declared war on Bolshevistic atheism, on the immorality infesting European societies and on corruption, defeatism, capitalist exploitations and Marxist class ­liberation. But the Christian Churches bad developed a glass-house Christianity. Unlike Christ, who, though unarmed and "sitting upon an ass,and a colt the foal of an ass" immediately made his presence felt, by both word and deed, when he rode into Jerusalem, an anemic incapacitated Christianity restricted to empty prayers, proved itself to be only a passive witness of historic events. The fatal mistake of the Churches was in not supporting the social aspirations of the masses but rather in backing on every occasion the actual holder of state power. During the period between the two World Wars prayers were said from both Catholic and Protestant pulpits not so much for the living members of the Church community. i.e. for the masses, as for the welfare of the ruling power. Thus, in England, they prayed for the King, in France for the Republic, in Hungary for the Regent, in Italy for Mussolini, later, in Austria for Hitler, just as "pacifist priests" are ready to say prayers today even for Khruschev.

In any case, one accusation has to be deleted from the charges, rightly or wrongly brought against National Socialism. In spite of what occurred later, it was not in its early days a movement of the "masses", It stirred the masses but not with any intent to gratify the needs of the masses. The elite of the German intellectuals who were not necessarily identical with the actual leaders of National Socialism came to recognise that the most dangerous point in the scheme of both Bolsheviks and Jews to obtain power consisted in their intention to reduce free and intelligent men to the herd-level, to transform them into a malleable formless mass, which could easily he kept under control by the tommy-gun. Against this, the early years of National Socialism saw the development of lofty aspirations, as well as the growth of the concept of the elite. It campaigned not for the class struggle but for higher national morality, for freedom, for social order and justice and for national culture which would not be offensive to others. National Socialism could never have arisen had it not been for the fact, for instance, that learned Jewish professors in Germany set up experimental brothels for children with boys and girls of twelve to thirteen years of age. Could such a national disgrace ever have been perpetrated bad the way not been prepared by a series of financial swindles with public funds and by Communist plots?

Hans Grimm, the greatest champion of the German spirit in
Europe, the great German writer who later fell out with Hitler.
even after 1945 described the conditions that gave rise to the National
Socialist revolution as follows:

"An unyielding predilection for an ethnic community and a striving towards national integrity, coupled with a passionate eagerness for Anglo-German cooperation. There was general anxiety for reform in a changing world; this mass movement recognised new values-both spiritual and physical, as was demonstrated by basing the currency upon production instead of upon gold. Furthermore, the claim that quality must be protected against quantity was also upheld and the whole of this great experiment set out to prove that the spirit of Versailles must be abolished for everybody's benefit."

German National Socialism not only proclaimed certain principles but, in its initial stage, at any rate, endeavoured to put them into practice. The promotion of intellectual elite, the suppression of the class-struggle, the establishment of peace between capital and labour, the building of homes, the raising of the working classes' living standards, the cultivation of family ties, the well-planned settlement of the proletarian masses and the securing of a peaceful old age through the creation of social insurance, were all constructive forces of indisputable value. Doubtless they still play a basic role in present­day German life and make possible the rebuilding of "democratic" Western Germany, although since the German economic and monetary system is now closely geared to the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank network, and so to the power of gold and usury, these constructive forces are to some extent being warped by an unsuitable framework. For it was a tremendous achievement on the part of National Socialism to have established a currency system covered by the value of the nation's work and by the volume of the national production, which at the same time brought about the overthrow of the omnipotence of money as a commodity and also that of the domination of gold.

Although its leaders were not necessarily frequent churchgoers, the National Socialist state accepted and carried out Christian principles by establishing order and social justice. It is clear that for this to be accomplished destructive social forces had to be eliminated. It was inevitable, therefore, that National Socialism had to stand up against the relic of "1918 defeatism" as well as against the subversive activities of the Jewish spirit. It had to make a stand against the Jewish Bolshevik and the Jewish Capitalist, being aware that the unrestricted autocracy of the Golden Calf only engenders discontent, envy and class-warfare.

It makes little difference whether or not the Jewish question was "over-emphasised" by National Socialism. It is of no importance either that National Socialism actually adopted the racial theory of the Old Testament as one of its Instrumental devices; for even had it forsworn these, it would still inevitably have clashed with world Jewry, which could not tolerate the existence of any other nationalism on earth. The National Socialists might have treated Jewry as humanely as possible but this would not have altered the fact that the secret power exercised by Jews over the German Reich was being taken out of their hand, which was absolutely intolerable for them. Besides, they could not afford to contemplate such creative energy, such striving towards national unity, such influence wielded by an elite. all of which were things bearing irreconcilable hostility towards the power aspirations of world Jewry. They could not bear the fact that by the elimination of the power of gold, not only were state power and the means of influencing public affairs wrenched out of their hands, but the secret power as well. In any case, from the moment world Jewry realised that Germany was being ruled by a conscious elite, it would have promptly turned against National Socialism with just as much hatred as it actually did when "anti­-Semitism" gave an excuse for it.

In loosing Germany, Jewry lost a territory from which it had exerted power. Therefore it was determined to re-conquer it.

For a century, world Jewry, Marxism and liberal capitalism had been adopting mass-production methods to transform the people into unthinking masses, the free individual into the proletarian. They had realised, of course, that only unthinking herds could accept and endure the yoke of Judah.

In Germany, National Socialism at least arrested this process. In spite of his liberalism, the Spanish author Ortega y Gasser, in his work The Uprising of the Masses, long ago drew attention to the danger inherent in people being reduced to herd-like masses. Lothrop Stoddard, professor of Harvard University, also insisted that an uprising of the masses must be prevented. By its accomplishments German National Socialism clashed most violently with Jewry's plans, since the role of the mob is clearly laid down in the Protocols which speak of: "that same blind slave of ours-the majority of the mob." (Protocol X.) And again: "From all this you will see that in securing the opinion of the mob we are only facilitating the working of our machinery." (Protocol Xl II.)

To achieve world power auxiliary troops are needed. And these consist first and foremost of the masses themselves. To secure the independence of a nation, men of outstanding quality are required. While destruction is the basis of Jewry's world domination, constructive work is the foundation of real freedom.

Thus, to ask whether or not the Hitlerite regime was really bent on war is beside the question. There is no point in assuming that Hitler and the German leaders were madmen. We might, with more justice, admit that National Socialism had war declared upon it from the very moment of its birth. It was condemned to war because it was a system which inevitably made enemies of Bolshevism and world capitalism, i.e. of those forces forever looming ill the background without making a single "anti-Semitic" manifestation or the slightest unfriendly pronouncement, National Socialism would still have made enemies of Jewry on account of the successful completion of the "levelling up" process.

In this connection we will once more quote Hans Grimm, who states fairly and concisely in his book The Answer of a German:

"Between 1933 and 1939 more was done for public health, for the mother and child, as well as for the promotion of social welfare than before and, perhaps we might admit, than ever before!"

At this time even Winston Churchill had a different opinion of National Socialism from that which he professed later. Churchill wrote of Hitler in Step by Step:

"If our country were defeated. I hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations."

But National Socialism was condemned to war for this very reason. At the moment when Hitler took power with the determination of abolishing the system of Versailles and of raising his own people, then somewhere in the veiled secrecy of the lodges and in the mystic inner shrines of Jewish nationalism a declaration of war was immediately decided upon. One problem only remained, i.e. whose nerves would prove the stronger. Who would be able to take up best an appearance of peaceful intentions, and who would be hanged later as war criminals?

"Can we be sure that America will also come to heel?" was the question the Jews must have been asking themselves at this time. "We can be sure that the Soviet Union will be on our side when the great war comes. We can also rely confidently upon the France of Leon Blum. of Reynaud-Mandel, of Lazarus' Bank of the Grand Orient and the Rothschilds. We can be certain that when the time comes the England of the Sassoons, of Rufus Isaacs, of Hore-Belisha, of the Gallachers, Stracheys and Laskis will fight to further our ends. But suppose the people of the American democracy draw upon the results of experiences gained in the First World War-what then? What will happen if, at a critical moment isolationism, represented the Mayflower Yankees, gets the upper hand, saying that the United States have nothing to do with a war between German and Jewish nationalisms?

"Perhaps the Americans will have no interest in fighting for Danzig. But we Jews will! For Hitler is standing on the balcony of his Chancelry supported by eighty million people singing the Horst Wassrel song."

"Die Fahne hoch!" (Let's raise high the flag!) The people are marching through the Brandenburg Arch in dense columns of eight after liberating themselves from our domination. Tht fist of the German worker, previously clenched in hatred and envy now unclenches in the friendly salute of the open palm. One of these two nationalisms must perish "we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan!" is written in Protocol VII. "Therefore, we must first conquer America to ensure the conquest of the world. We must bolshevise or socialise America from above without it being noticed." For America's constitutional form is democracy. This is the best constitutional system when the true will of the people prevails, and the worst where secret bands falsify the national will. In America the people are proud of their freedom and of their democratic education. The American worker is as proud of the industrial revolution as the capitalist himself. In America everybody is equal before the law. Both the descendants of the early pioneers whose fathers came on the Mayflower as well as those of the little Jew from Galicia, can declare with equal pride: "Civis Americanus sum!" Democracy is the most ideal way of life, provided there is no individual group, party, race or sect successfully fulfilling in secret aspirations detrimental to the rest of the nation. As soon as such a parasitic force develops inside democracy, democracy itself is reduced to nothing. It is transformed into a minority-ruled herd. The right of the vote becomes a myth, since public opinion is being shaped by the press of this alien nationalism. The parliamentary system is debased to that of a theatrical act, for senators will be influenced by an artificially created and therefore false public opinion. The government will be run no longer on the lines originally con­templated, as laid down by the legislature, because the government itself will be manned by the members of this secret force, enforcing a minority will, dictating by their "power of the purse" and directed by the advice of their brains trust.

"We Jews," as the spokesman of this clannish nationalism might put it, "are well aware that in America, England, France and the Soviet Union, as well as in every other part of the world, the rule is:. Judah must come first! As long as the interests of America are identical with the interests of Old Testament 'nazism', we will be good Americans, but as soon a~ our interests begin to conflict with the interests of America, we shall betray her too. Generally speaking, democracy suits us if and when it is led by as many Jews as possible. The so-called freedom of the press is good for us provided the descendants of the seed of Abraham above all can avail themselves of it. Yes! This freedom is a valuable thing but only where we Jews are at liberty to do anything we like!

"Oh, you faint-hearted ones, who listen terror-stricken to the marching S.A. and S.S. troops; be not afraid! By now we are experts in undermining and capturing democracies. We are familiar with the methods of imposing our particular interests on the masses. America, the richest state of the Goyim is being shaken by a mortal economic crisis. The time is ripe to start our all-out offensive which will also give political power into our hands. And ours will be a take-over of a more permanent character than that of Hitler. We are going to conquer America neither by arms nor by theories. We possess a more reliable prescription to call down Nemesis on America. The fate of America was prescribed by our own Fuhrer-Moses! Torah is our Mein Kampf!"

According to Leviticus, chapter 25 (the Third Book of Moses),
all estates and properties in Israel were to be re-distributed every
fifty years. All mortgaged lands and all slaves were to be redeemed.
Every half-century there was to be a great social reform in Israel.
Old debts were to be cancelled and the poor were to be given a share
out of the assets of the rich, or, as we might say today, "prosperity"
was to be restored, i.e. money, property and land was to be distributed
again in equal shares. Every fifty years this was to be heralded
by trumpets.

"This social reform," the spokesman for Jewry might continue,
"was called the new distribution! In America it will be called the
New Deal! These words translated literally into English mean our great social reform, the new distribution. But this time we will not be distributing the assets of the Israelites but of the Americans and, of course, in such a manner as to ensure that the Americans will be left with as little as possible, and our own people with as much as possible.

"This will be the year for sounding the trumpets in America, where in Washington's time the total number of Jews was a mere four thousand. but now our bankers, our socialists and our journalists will be blowing trumpets, and our brains trust will execute the New Deal at the expense of the American pioneer-population. There­after the only remaining question will be: Whom are we going to put in the Presidential Chair at Washington?"

Those of you living in despair in your palatial residences in Wall Street or in 13th Street, as well as in the ghettoes of Brooklyn and Bronx. must not doubt that we shall find our man, the real match of Hitler who will. at the same time, place political power over America into our hands. You need only read our directions in the, forged Protocols:

"Liberalism produced constitutional status. which took the place of what was the only safeguard of the Goyim, namely despotism (autocracy-editor) then it was that we replaced the ruler by a caricature of a government-by a president, taken from the mob, from the midst of our puppet overture, our slaves. In the near future we shall establish the responsibility of presidents!" (Protocol x.) "we shall arrange elections", this Protocol continues, "in favour of such presidents as have in their past some dark undiscovered strain, some "Panama" or other-then they will be trust worthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations."

"Who shall, therefore, be the new President, who will place America in our hands and who will execute our orders?"

"His name is Franklin Delano Roosevelt!"

"But who is this Franklin D. Roosevelt?"

Robert Edward Edmondson, under the beading Famous Soils of Famous Fathers-The Rceseveus, answers this question in his book, "I Testify":

On March 7th, 1934. the Carnegie Institute compiled the family tree of the Roosevelts, from which it is evident that the President of the United States is of Jewish descent. His ancestors came to America about 1682: they were Claes Martenszen Van Rosenvelt, and on the distaff side Janette Samuel. They were originally of Spanish sephardim descent Jews who had escaped from Catholic Ferdinand's persecution in 1492 and who had gone to England. From the time of their arrival in America the Roosevelt family tree is studded with Jacobs, Isaacs and Samuels.

The New York Times of March 14th, 1935. quotes the President as saying: "In the distant past my ancestors may have been Jewish. All I know about the origin of the Roosevelt family is that they are apparently the descendants of Claes Martenszen van Roosevelt, who came from Holland."

But according to the Carnegie Institute, Mr. Claes Martenszen van Roosevelt was a Jew. Furthermore Roosevelt's well-known wife is herself a Jewess.

Europe, or to be more precise, Germany, lies between the two jaws of the pincers. Here, from the Jewish point of view, dreadful events were taking place. The collaboration of German capitalists and workers, as well as the solidarity of the middle-classes and farmers demonstrated that the class-struggle is far from inevitable. Marx's theory of destruction was being disproved, whilst the golden calf had wellnigh lost its prestige when it was seen that production and not gold was to be the true basis of the new world. All that has been taught and eulogised for more than a century as world progress has now been destroyed--oh, of course, not by a German corporal, but by the spirit of the modern age. Against the tide of world domination surging from the Eastern Hemisphere the symbolic flag of the swastika was arising. This could not be tolerated by world Jewry.

"Yet, fear not!" declares the spokesman, "Around the puppet, Roosevelt, our advisors are now gathering in conference -Felix Frankfurter from Vienna, Morgenthau from Mannheim, Bernard Baruch from Konigsberg, and Albert Einstein from Berlin, Samuel Roseman who writes Roosevelt's presidential speeches is there. So are our labour leaders; amongst them our compatriot Sidney Hillman who controls American labour in the administration of our puppet, F.D.R. There is Mr. David Dubinsky, also a fellow-immigrant from Russia, who will transform the Christian American workers into taxpayers for Zionism. The entourage of our President will consist exclusively of trustworthy men, such as La Guardia, Mayor of New York, a Jew from Fiume, and Alger Hiss, the protege of Frankfurter and of Senator Lehman, etc. Bernard Baruch will control the 35l most important branches of American industry and will equip the American boys who are going to fight against Hitler. On behalf of America, Alger Hiss will conduct the talks with Stalin. Einstein, Oppenheimer and David Lilienthal will produce the atomic bomb. At managers of UNRRA, La Guardia and Herbert H. Lehman will help the future Jewish victims of the coming war, Henry Morgenthau, jr., the Secretary of the Treasury, will prepare a splendid plan for the extermination of the German people. Our Moniz Gomberg will see to it that eighteen million people from the countries of our enemies will become stateless in Europe. Our men will be distributing cheques of eleven million dollars to provide the Soviet with arms.

"What a magnificent dream. Americans will sail across the ocean to punish our enemies. In the lodges of B'nai B'rith the Moscow-­New York axis is ready to function. Do not worry  Roosevelt will provide the armaments for Russia."

Well, did not a little-heeded prophet write twenty years ago:

"The western Jew will equip an army of twenty million on the East to destroy Christianity and human culture and to establish Jewish world kingdom!"


HITLERISM was not the only thing that world Jewry hated. They dreaded even more those movements paving the way for a new understanding amongst the nations of Europe. Jewry's main aim was to discredit these new trends as well as to make them disliked by the rest of the world. While campaigning on one side for full co-operation, they tried to strangle on the other side all those whu were collaborating with their enemies-the Germans.

"They unhesitatingly opposed even the slightest thought of making peace!" writes Maurice Bardeche.

But today we have definite proof that the Germans tried most earnestly to establish cooperation and partnership among the European elite. They were not looking for "Quislings" but for these who were considered good patriots in their own country, people dedicated to the cause of their own native land. An almost exaggerated idealism pervaded the elite of the National Socialist revolution. In their own country they stated what they believed to be the truth. They recognised that the individual has social rights. They demonstrated that this is the only satisfactory solution on a national basis, if Bolshevism is to be avoided.

They believed with revolutionary fervour that if they could succeed in liberating the European masses from capitalist exploitation then peace might be secured for a long time. They had seen how Jewish "nazism" interposed itself to disrupt the unity of the German people by means of its money power and its control of the press in order to secure exclusive domination over the entire nation. Having successfully done away with all this by their National Socialist revolution they had high hopes of securing peace and also the cooperation of neighbouring peoples, once the influence of that supranational Old Testament "nazism" was eliminated in these countries too.

This was "New Europe" in the making. And this was the very thing world Jewry had to prevent at any cost, even if it entailed reducing the Christian culture of Europe to the dust. Because, should this plan succeed, more and more states would be released from the grip of Jewish domination.

Therefore the mere thought of European unity, or of any possible cooperation had to be discredited. And because more than the sixty percent of the press of the Western world is in Jewish hands and, according to American statistics, eighty-five percent of the American press and 100 percent of American films, this campaign was conducted on a larger scale than any other propaganda operation in the history of the world.

By misinterpreting the racial concept the Jews pretended that the Germans were claiming sole supremacy for the German nation over all other nations. Thus they succeeded in estranging the other nations from Germany. They distorted the racial theory by insinuating that Germany wanted to conquer the world and on the basis of this theory was claiming world supremacy, The Ninteenth Century magazine in its issue of September, 1943, during the height of the war, admitted on the contrary that "The general belief that Germany started this war to achieve world power is, in our view, a mistake. Germany wanted to become a first-rate power, but to be a first-rate power and to achieve world domination are two different things. Great Britain is also a world power but she does not rule the world."

The Jews also falsely interpreted the theory of "Blut and Boden" (blood and soil), i.e. the theory that a man belongs to his native soil; the concept of a unity between a country and its inhabitants was so twisted as to suggest that the Germans claimed all those territories in which any inhabitants of German origin happened to be living. By this means they aroused the jealousy of all independent European nations where German minorities were to be found, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Bohemia, Rumania, and other neighbouring states began to regard with distrust the German Reich.

They tried to explain away Germany's steadily growing export trade as a preparation for war and attempted to make the world forget that Goering's slogan of "guns or buner" had a precedent in the boycott by American Jewry. They ridiculed the sincerely pro-British parts of Mein Kampf, at the same time working on the fears of both East and West by quoting certain passages of this book out of their context.

This poisoning of the mind was thus stimulated on a gigantic scale throughout the world. When the German administration tried to stop this trouble-mongering at home it was promptly accused dictatorial tyranny. As a background to all these forms of anti­German propaganda there was, of course, the undeniable fact that the abolition of the reign of gold together with the establishment of peaceful co-operation between capital and labour was a real shock for Jewry. World opinion was induced to believe that the German worker's living standard was rising only because of rearmament. But, in fact, they knew very well that large workers' settlements were every­where under construction, and that the existence of the workers' and satisfied families was a living refutation of those things taught by Jewry for over a century,  "What can have happened?" they asked one another in fear. "Have these hated Nazis really wrecked the splendid theory of the Marxist class-struggle which was serving our ends so well?" As Bettelheim expressed it, can great cities such as Berlin, Vienna and Budapest get along without Jews? Can a nation really live without exploitation, without a Jewish nationalist press, without the films, theatre and Jewish "mercenary spirit"? After all, we have kept the whole world under our influence for centuries by suggesting that without our cultural activities, our business sense, and supercilious intellect all nations would perish and all "progress" would cease. And now Germany prospers without us --with a prosperity which is the living negation of our arrogant nationalism. Anybody looking at these steadily growing garden-cities, at the satisfied and happy people and at the prospering intellectual and economic activities can see that our great nationalist writer, Bettelheim, was wrong when he predicted that world civilisation would perish without the Jews. So far, these Christians are becoming more and more satisfied, while we Jews are losing more and more ground. If the rest of the world learns about this on an international level, and if the foreign tourists and the world's proletariat see that all this is possible without us, indeed, even against us, they will realise that we have lied to them. Our politicians, journalists, trade union leaders, capitalists and labour leaders will all become liars! Therefore we must destroy the proofs!

Therefore, these nice homes with their gardens, together with the new factories, day nurseries, youth camps and hospitals must be wiped off the face of the earth. For we have at our disposal our secret nationalist weapon --the same one used with such effect at the siege of Jericho. Let us, therefore, sound the trumpets for our world propaganda.

World Jewry must be regarded as the sole war criminal of the Second World War because, in the first place, it prevented reconciliation between the nations and the possibility of cooperation, destroying even the pre-requisites to these aims. With the help of untruthful propaganda and falsehood, and by use of radio and press, it projected a totally false world picture before the eyes of mankind. It created a general world atmosphere in which the mere utterance of the truth in connection with the German question might entail danger to life or loss of livelihood, or suspicion of high treason. All peace offers made by the German statesmen were labeled sheer lies. It derided all sober and honest plans. It made all social achievements in Germany appear as reactionary red tape, all the progress as an anti­-progressive obstacle, every manifestation of the elite concept as barbarism and all forms of anti-Bolshevism as anti-democratic. Colonel Charles Lindberg, the national hero of America, became suspected of high treason when he dared to state his honest opinion about National Socialism, based on his own personal experience.

Meanwhile, in 1938, Roosevelt, who can only be regarded as a puppet of the Jewish brains trust, sent the following gaily worded wire to Churchill for the promotion of war preparations:

"You and I can rule the world!"

World Jewry declared war on Europe and on Christianity at the very moment Hitler came to power, or perhaps even before. The anti-German boycott movement flared up in America as early as 1932. Jewish organisations published full-page advertisements in the New York Times reading: "Let us boycott anti-Semitic Germany." Seeing that this did not have much result, they began to prepare the New York-Moscow axis.

Forest Davis in his book What Really Happened in Teheran, the contents of which were reviewed and published in the Saturday Evening Post of May 13th and May 20th, 1944. reveals that as early as 1933 Morgenthau was preparing for the resumption of American ­Soviet diplomatic relations. And the first Soviet Ambassador in Washington's land was nobody else but the bloodthirsty Soviet Commissar, Utvinov Finkelstein.

Before President Roosevelt, the direct descendant of the Rosenvelt family, came to power, all this would have been unthinkable. The common denominator that actually brought together American democracy and Soviet tyranny was Jewry.

James Whiteside in an article, Mr. Roosevelt and Communism, describes with appalling vividness in the columns of the St.Louis Despatch, how as soon as Litvinov appeared on the American scene, a fearful procession of Communists (i.e. of Jews) began its march towards the White House. Roosevelt gave special permisslon for the installation of a very powerful Soviet broadcasting station in the Pentagon (the American War Office) thus infecting the high command of the American forces with the most pernicious propaganda.

As early as 1933 the editor of the New York Morning Freiheit, a Yiddish paper with a circulation reaching several hundred-thousand copies, called upon American and world Jewry to unite all Jews in the war against Nazism. The American Jewish Congress, led by Rabbi Stephen Wise, joined the movement with avidity.

In 1933, also, Rabbi S. Wise, on Hitler's advent to power, announced a "Holy War" on the part of Jewry as follows: "I am for War!" This memorable announcement was made on May 8th, 1933 (Edmonson, I Testify, p. 195).

It is evident that at this time not even the outlines of the German General Staff's plans for 1940 were drawn up, for which Rabbi Wise and Co. hanged the German military leaders.

A speech had previously been delivered by Morgenthau on February 11th, 1933, declaring war on Hitler:

"The U.S. has entered the phase of a second war!" announced this prominent leader of Jewish nazism. (Portland Journal, February 12th, 1933.)

In the mean while various Jewish and Communist boycott organisations were springing up like mushrooms in the United States, scheming to ruin Hitler's economy. A Joint Anti-Nazi Boycott Committee was already fully active in 1936, while Hitler, even in his wildest dreams, could not guess the exact time when the clock would strike and he would have to try to free himself from the mortal embrace of the Hydra whose coils entwined the world.

It can now be proved historically that the youthful National Socialism was right in fearing that Jewish nationalism would make a fatal ring round the Third Reich from which it would be impossible to break out, even with the belp of arms. But was this fear really justified? Who held power in the United States, Great Britain, France and Soviet Russia?

Concerning the question of war guilt and war-mongering, the same motive remains for our consideration which constituted the principle problem of Roman law as well as of any legal system throughout the ages: cui prodest? Who will profit from the war? Wbose interests are promoted by it? The only interest of German National Socialism was the maintenance of peace.

The last attempt to prevent the outbreak of the Second World War was when Ribbentrop visited Moscow to conclude the non­aggression pact with Stalin. On August 23rd, 1939, Hitler summoned to Godesberg 2,000 officers of the General Staff. This "secret" consultation was a bluff intended for Britain. So was the impressive march of endless columns on the roads, and the endless flights of Air Force formations near the Fuhrer's eyrie. Even the most stupid agent of the Intelligence saw clearly that this was a bluff.

Regarding Britain, it was evident that although war had been decided on, it was still possible to make peace. Hitler in a speech lasting four hours declared:

"Do not think, gentlemen, that I am an idiot and will let myself be forced into war because of the question of the Polish Corridor!"

But at this moment an invisible hand reached out to take an active part in directing the flow of events-the same intriguing hand which consistently embroiled matters in the background. After the Godesberg meeting of the General Staff, Soviet Russia signed the non-aggression pact with Germany. This was closely followed by the Bromberg massacre engineered by another invisible hand.

This real war crime, recorded in detail, together with the relevant proofs, in the German White Paper published in the autumn of 1939, was later hushed up in Nuremberg. Although the artificially constructed horror scenes of the "Todesmuhle" (Mill of Death), for the shooting of which wax figures were used in the various scenes, were shown in the cinemas, the film of these horrors which had really happened, as published in the White Paper, were never shown in any cinema. Women with truncated breasts, mangled male corpses with the sexual organs cut off, bodies of German babies and four-to five­ year-old children impaled on butchers' skewers. Thousands and thousands of slaughtered innocent people about whom the "humanitarian" world remains silent. These were German victims in Poland, whose population was saturated with three million Jews, and where the Jewish-dominated press had by then whipped up hatred and the desire for war. By this time the German and Polish divisions were standing face to face on the frontiers. It was no longer a question of the Corridor, but a flaming brand had been thrown right into the gunpowder barrel. Whose hand and money was in this massacre? Was it brought about by the extreme patriotism of the Polish people or was it coldly calculated and satanic planning? Was it a Soviet or an English hand? Such a thing is hard to conceive. Nevertheless this is the decisive question in determining war guilt.

To see hecatombs of massacred victims well before war had even started was a thing National Socialist Germany could not tolerate. This situation was forced upon her in order that Britain and France could begin a preventive war against Germany.

And so on September 1st, the next day, the German divisions were really marching. "Since dawn today we are shooting back!" said Hitler in the Reichstag.­

"We will, of course, be told tomorrow morning." writes Maurice Bardecbe, a French Professor, "that Hitler has attacked Poland. Certain people have been waiting and longing for this moment. They were expecting this attack, having been hankering and praying for it. These men are called Mandel, Churchill, Hore·Belisha and Paul Reynaud. The great league of Jewish reaction was determined to have its own war. This was its holy war. They knew very well that
only such an attack could give them a chance to capture public opinion. It will not be very difficult to find the necessary proofs in the German archives that certain gentlemen in cold blood prepared the conditions which made this attack inevitable. Woe betide them should the true history of the war ever be written."

Though the first part of the great world plan succeeded. and on September 3rd, 1939, Great Britain and France declared war on Hitler, nevertheless the two most important partners, America and the Soviet Union, were still missing.

The greatest secret of the Second World War is still due to come to light and shock the world. Perhaps it will be told only after the fall of Bolshevism, when the archives of the Kremlin will be available. What promises were made by the western world conquerors to the to eastern? The Soviet Union showed another face towards the German Empire. This face was cool, sedate and sometimes a little mystically Asiatic or patriotic but had no Jewish features. The most horrible blunder made by the leaders of National Socialism was when they believed this change to be genuine. Ribbentrop during his conversation with Sven Hedin said that Bolshevism had changed for the better and that Stalin was a great man. (Sven Hedin, Without Commission in Berlin.)

Stalin, the cunning Georgian, however, did not believe the same
of National Socialism. Before signing the pact with Ribbentrop, he
suddenly demanded another Baltic port. Hitler agreed to this, sending
his approval by telegram. On learning this news Stalin remarked
shrewdly to Molotov:

"Germany has just declared war on us! My only reason for asking
for this port was to test the Germans. I knew all along that if they
let us have this port they intend taking it back from us later," (plevier, Moscow.)

Despite this, both parties were scrupulously observing the full text of the pact, including the division of Poland and the question of oil deliveries. Hitler, Ribbentrop, Goering and even Goebbels were all taking meticulous care not to hurt the sensitive Russian Bear. Stalin bids farewell to Krebbs, the German military attache, with a kiss. All the signs seem to show that this alliance of fire and water is genuine.

Then one day Molotov, Soviet Commissar, husband of the beautiful Bolshevik Jewess, Karpovszkaja, and brother-in-law of Mr. Carp (Karp), one of the greatest war industrialists in America, appears in Berlin. The date shown by the calendar is November 10th, 1940. France is lying prostrate, while over the British Isles the great air battle is raging. The German Army is taking a rest. Then Molotov places on the table the Soviet demands. They contain claims to the Dardanelles, the occupation of Finland and the conquest of the Far East. Everything they contain is unacceptable to Germany. These demands can hardly have originated anywhere else but from the Anglo-American opponents of Germany.

The leaders of Berlin were now confronted with the consequences of their greatest error.

Bolshevism, after all, had not changed; it was only wearing a different mask. The power in the Kremlin remained Jewish, only its real character remained invisible until it succeeded in involving Germany in the Second World War. By this time the Kremlin must have had guarantees in hand that the "arsenal of democracy" would help the Soviet with money and arms against Germany.

As we all know, Felix Frankfurter, one of the most influential men of the U.S.A., had by now prepared the Lend-Lease Act and it was approved by Congress as well. But will this war prove to have been in the interests of America? No, it will not! The war will not be in the interest of the American people but in the interest of American Jewry exclusively, i.e., in the interest of persons like Manuilsky, Beria, Morgenthau and Bernard Baruch, as well as of the emigrants from Germany and of the refugees from France. As is shown by statistics of the Gallup Poll (also in Jewish hands) on June 3rd, 1941, 83 percent of the American population was against entering the war.

What real interest had America in re-crossing the ocean once more? The German admirals, Raeder and Donitz, had clearly stated that invasion of America was as impossible as an invasion of the moon. Senator Barkley pointed out on March 1st, 1941, that had Germany wanted to attack America the deliveries of arms to Great Britain would already have provided a good reason for this.

Sober American people could see no reason why they should he involved in the war. Charles Lindberg said: "The entry of America into the war would lead to chaos lasting several generations." Mr. Ickes, the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, himself of Jewish descent, replied to this by accusing Charles Lindberg of being the Quisling of America. Eighty-three percent of the American people, including Republicans and Isolationists, are Quislings too, just because they did not want to march behind Morgenthau!

Roosevelt himself, impelled as he was by the brain trust towards war, was obliged to admit that the Americans did not want to intervene. America cannot even be suspected of having any commercial interest in the war through the arms traffic, for this was an ideological war. Therefore, world Jewry began shouting the command of the Protocols as the Christian armies approached Moscow:

"We will answer you with American and Chinese guns." If mankind were capable of serious thought it would have asked itself: "What was the point in America's entering the war, and especially on the side of the Soviets?" The responsible German leaders issued the following statement: "It is quite certain that the peace which will follow the German victories will not be of the Versailles type but will be a peace for the benefit of all nations. The people of those countries occupied today will regain their freedom but in the common interests of all nations they will have to compromise with certain legalities and conditions."

At the same time Roosevelt sent the following message to Congress: "A peace treaty at this time which would give control over the occupied countries to Hitler, would amount to the recognition of nazism and to the likelihood of a new war. We want to secure freedom, including religious freedom, for all nations and for each individual." "Religious freedom!" says this neat slogan. But freedom of which religion? By this time the Christian armies invading Russia could see for themselves the closed churches by the ruins of Christianity which had been destroyed by Bolshevik Jews, as well as, perhaps, the statue of Judas erected by Bolshevism in commemoration of Christ's betrayer. But from the cataclysm of war, from the surge of blood and fire, from the smouldering ruins of destroyed cities, from the thunder of bombs dropped on innocent children, Roosevelt, the most fateful figure of the 20th century, now emerges! "This war will be Roosevelt's war!" the right-wing Republicans were saying. But people like Morgenthau, Baruch, Frankfurter, Einstein and Oppenheimer, knew better:

"This war will be our war! World Jewry's war!"

For Roosevelt, this late descendant of the Spanish Sephardim, was the prototype of the 20th-century politician. In him was to be found the personification of the Protocols, although he was world deliverer and puppet at the same time. Standing behind were the real masters of America. Freemasonry and the Elders of Zion, Zionist leaders and bankers and the Galician-born trade union Bolsheviks.

"He is our President!" they said, "and this war will be our war!" We have substituted a caricature for the "real government", say the Protocols, with the President elected by our creatures and slaves" -the mob,

It is obvious that by now nearly the whole of the American legislative and executive power was in the hands of Jewry. The "anti-Semites" could only see the little Jews crowded in Galician ghettos or the small grocer of Brooklyn. Jews stood also behind the chair of Roosevelt, beside the successor of Washington!

At this time when Roosevelt was trying to involve the United States in war against the expressed wish of 83 percent of the American population, Jewish power in the U.S., Government was to be seen by the following appointments:

Bernard M, Baruch, the unofficial President of the U.S.
Judge Samuel Roseman, the founder and head of the brains trust, Roosevelt's unofficial advisor.
Professor Raymond Moley, "Favourite Personal Advisor ",
Professor Felix Frankfurter, "Chief Legal Advisor" (Securities Act Author).
Henry Morgenthau Senior, Unofficial Advisor (Jewish State Lawyer-Author).
Justice Ben], N, Cardozo, Unofficial Advisor.
Gerald Shwope, Unofficial Advisor.
E. A, Filene, Unofficial Advisor.
Charles W, Taussig, Brains Trust Advisor.
Nathan Margold, Interior Dept. Solicitor,
Charles E. Wyzanski Jr., Labour Dept. Solicitor,
Professor Leo Wolman, Labour Strike Board.
Rose Schneiderman, Labour Advisory Board (Radical Labour Unionist).
hadar Lubin Jr., Labour Bureau Statistical Expert.
Sol. a Rosenblatt. Amusement Administrator.
E. A Goldenwelser, Federal Research Director.
Jerome Frank, General Counsel.
Mordechai Ezekile, Economic Advisor Agricultural Dept. Co-Author A.A.A. Laws).
Herbert Feis, "The Brains of the State Dept."
Henry Morgenthau Jr.' Secretary of the Treasury.
David E. Lilienthal. TVA Director.
Sidney Hillman. Labour Advisory Board.
L. N. Landau, PWA General Solicitor.
L. A. Steinhard, Minister to Sweden.
Professor Albert E. Taussig, NRA Advisor.
Alexander Sachs. NRA Code Authority.
Maurice Karp. NRA Director of Personnel.
Robert Preshner, CCC Forest Army Head.
Robert Strauss. NRA Assistant Administrator.
Donald Richberg, NRA Advisor.
H. I. Strauss. Ambassador to France.
Ferdinand Pecora. Special Investigator.
Samuel Untermayer, Stock Exchange Bill Advisor.
Professor James M, Landis. Federal Trade Commissioner. (The Hidden Empire, p. 12.)

A hidden power, able to keep under its control a country of 150 million people, governing from key positions through its brains trust and from behind the Presidential chair, is a terrible thing to contemplate. But Roosevelt required the help of this far-reaching and omnipotent power in order to involve America in the Second World War.

From American sources no secret had been made of the fact that, after trying in vain to drag America into the war against the expressed will of public opinion. Roosevelt carried on provoking the Japanese with various schemings and plottings until they were left with no other choice but to attack Pearl Harbour. During the German assault against the eastern half of the world kingdom. Japan, the other potential enemy of Bolshevism, had to be neutralised, even if it meant the entry of the U.S. herself into the war.

But under no circumstances did Roosevelt want to enter the war before securing his re-election as President for a third term of office. This is the reason why he said in 1940 at Philadelphia in his pre-­election speech:

"I say to you fathers and mothers again, again, and again-- your sons shall not be sent to die on foreign soil unless attacked."

Rear-Admiral Robert a Theobald, ex-commandant of the American torpedo flotilla stationed at Pearl Harbour, in his book published under the title The Real Secret of Pearl Harbour, exposes how Roosevelt prepared and provoked this attack against the U.S. With a series of irrefutable proofs Rear-Admiral Theobald establishes that Roosevelt himself brought about the catastrophe of Pearl Harbour. On November 26th, 1941, he sent such an insulting note to Japan that she was left with no other choice but to attack.

"With the help of the note of November 26th," states Admiral Theobald, "President Roosevelt purposely and irrevocably unleashed the war for the United States. Japan's attempt to avoid the strangle­hold was without success. She had either to surrender or to fight, and there was no doubt about her choice."

Despite the fact that American Intelligence had acquired the secret code of the Japanese fleet several months earlier, so that the American High Command knew in advance of every movement of this fleet, the Commandant of Pearl Harbour received no message at all, informing him that, due to the outcome of diplomatic negotiations, a Japanese attack was imminent. As much as four weeks earlier the chiefs-of-staff knew very well that the Japanese intended to overrun Pearl Harbour. They even knew the exact hour the Japanese warships and carriers left their home ports to attack Pearl Harbour. They succeeded even in intercepting the secret Japanese telegram containing the text of the declaration of war and commanding at the same time that this declaration was to be banded over to the White House at the exact time the first bombs were falling on Pearl Harbour.

This catastrophe could have been averted easily, but President Roosevelt eagerly awaited the attack. He expressly forbade the American fleet to leave Pearl Harbour. Four thousand, five hundred and seventy-five unprotected American soldiers died, eighteen ships, amongst them four great American warships, were destroyed. But Roosevelt and those standing behind him attained their aim!

"I say to you fathers and mothers again, again, and again-- your sons shall not be sent to die on foreign soil unless attacked!" booms the promise of "our President" amid the thunder of the bombs falling on Pearl Harbour. And now he stands on the deck of the Potomac with the same hypocritical face, surrounded by other Pharisees heartily singing "Onward, Christian Soldiers ", the well­known Anglican hymn. All the time he knows very well that he will scrap the recently signed Atlantic Charter in much the same way as he broke his promise to American fathers and mothers. To the Pope, Roosevelt writes that the Russian form of dictatorship is not as dangerous to Christianity as the German type of despotism.

Roosevelt, who was a well-informed politician, knew very well that this was not true. So did the advisors standing behind him. Nevertheless, they declared it to the Pope and to the nations of the world. Those advising him and compelling him to make hypocritical promises were well aware that through exploiting his vanity they could lead this "democratic" dictator into any venture.

"F.D.R. is our President!" Yes-the President of men like Litvinov, Frankfurter, Kaganovich and Baruch. Perhaps he is the Messiah himself, whose shadow hovers over the bombed-out ruins of Christian churches, over the smouldering debris of Budapest, Berlin, Vienna, Sofia and Belgrade; today it is an acknowledged fact that, before his death, Roosevelt was envisaging himself as the first proclaimed President of the world republic through the medium of the revived U.N. and there were definite plans relating to this already drawn up. "..and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves" sounds the eternal promise. The fact that Roosevelt" progressed from peace to war, from the New Deal to the firm of Dupont Nemours, from the Atlantic Charter to the Yalta Agreement, from the promise given to the Pope of establishing and maintaining a just peace to the principle of unconditional surrender, from Freemasonic humanism to the Morgenthau Plan and from democracy to friendship with Bolshevism is the tragedy of mankind. All this is an appalling example of a statesman corrupted by Jewry. He is the "philanthropist" who causes the bombing of women and children, the "champion of peace" who prepares war, the "great democrat" who is a much greater dictator than Hitler himself, and the leading "American" who by his actions turns out to be-a Jew. The most calamitous figure of the '2Oth century is neither Hitler nor Stalin-it is Roosevelt.

And in those days when Christian armies were so near to the Soviet capital that they could see the spires and turrets of Moscow, and when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, it was only appropriate that Churchill should go to the telephone and say to Roosevelt: "Now we are all in the same boat!"

Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill! Behind them the Eastern and Western Jews-Kaganovich and Baruch! "The emblem of our nation, the symbolic serpent, has closed its ring" say the Protocols.

Not long after these events, a photograph appeared in Life. Harry Hopkins, one of Roosevelt's closest advisers and administrator of Lend-Lease, stands in the middle of a group, On his right, Finkelstein presents a greasy grin to La Guardia, who is handing over in accordance with the Lend-Lease Act the first American cheque to the Soviet Union.

It is a sum of eleven thousand million dollars, contributed by the hard work of American fathers and mothers to aid Soviet barbarism and to help the Bolshevik dictator.

Well, had not a visionary written in his ignored prophecy?
"The Western Jew will equip an army of twenty million men in the East to destroy Christianity and civilisation and to establish the Jewish world kingdom!"

The prophecy of Cassandra has come true and the evidence to prove the identity of the real war criminals has also been established.

Forrestal, who became American Secretary of War during Truman's Presidency, and who was probably killed by the sinister power that dominates the world, records his conversation with Joseph P. Kennedy in his well-known diary under the date of December 7th, 1945, Kennedy had been Roosevelt's Ambassador in Great Britain at the beginning of the last war. The entry in question reads:

"I played golf with Joe Kennedy today. I asked him about his consultations he had in 1938 with Roosevelt and with Neville Chamberlain. He thinks Chamberlain was convinced that Britain had no means to enable her to fight against Hitler. Therefore Chamberlain was not entertaining the idea of going to war against the Hitler regime. Kennedy's own view at that time was that Hitler's Germany will be fighting against Russia without being later involved in war with Britain. William C. Bullitt (also of Jewish decent), Roosevelt's Ambassador to France in 1939, was pressing Roosevelt persistently to take the firmest possible stand against the Germans in the Polish question. Were it not for the ceaseless encouragements given from Washington, the English and French would never have made a casus belli out of the Polish question. Bullit maintained emphatically, said Kennedy, that the Germans will not fight. Contrary to this view, Kennedy was of the opinion that the Germans will go to war promptly and that they might even overrun Europe. Chamberlain came to the conclusion-said Kennedy-that America and world Jewry had driven Britain into the war!"

Let us admit, therefore, that me real war criminals were never brought to trial at Nuremberg.


COULD not all this he merely a nightmare of "anti-Semites" 1 Is it possible after all for a five-or six-per-cent racial minority to drive an immense country like the U.S.A. into war? Is it possible for the Soviet to fight side by side with the haled capitalists? Let us review the strength of rhls racial minority in the two giant countries. Let us begin with the Soviet Union since we know by now that ber founders and leaders came mostly from the ranks of the world conquerors. During the great purges the world conquerors sacrificed a few individuals from their ranks. But the places thus vacated were filled by others even more loyal to Stalin's dictatorship. Stalin's wife, Rosa Kaganovich, is the daughter of Lazarus Kaganovich, ex­Commissar of Soviet heavy industry. At the outbreak of war power in the Soviet Union was in the hands of the six members of the Keganovich family and in those of the head of the secret police; Beria was also of Jewish descent. According to American reports, general conversation in Stalin's home was conducted in Yiddish, even up to quite recent times.

Many of the commissars have Jewish ideas. Molotov's wife is a Jewess, whilst Litvinov Finkelstein, ex-deputy commissar of foreign affairs, so capitalistic in appearance, was the visible link between the eastern and western halves of this tribal nationalism.

In 1935 Yeats Brown brought out his book European Jungle, and on page 181 we read that "in the Central Committee of the Communist Party, consisting of fifty-nine members, ninety-five percent were Jews, i.e. 56 members while the other three members were married to Jewesses; Stalin, Labov and OsSitlsky."

Sometimes Jews risk bragging about the power they exercise, for example, in the American Jewish Chronicle of January 6th, 1933 (page 19), we find the following: "In Soviet Russia every third Jew is employed in an administrative capacity." This actually means that out of the three-and-a-half million Jews in Soviet Russia more than one million hold administrative offices in various key positions of the Bolshevik dictatorship. They are the most loyal, intelligent and fanatical supporters of the Bolshevik system. They become commissars, party leaders, loyal Soviets, provincial governors and senior officers, as well as commissars of the Army and of the N.V.K.D.

After the great purge ordered by Stalin at the end of 1936, the top rank officials of the forty Soviet Republics, i.e. the party secretaries who were holders of actual executive power, consisted of four Russians, two Armenians, one Georgian, one Buryat and forty-one Jews. (World Service, 1936, I I.)

When in 1941 the European armies crossed the Soviet frontiers, they were shocked to find Soviet rule more 'Jewish in character than had been proclaimed even by Streicher's propaganda. Beginning at the Polish frontier, in all the provinces up to Stalingrad, Jews exclusively were the leaders of the towns, the commissars in charge of the collective farms and the chiefs of police. All Soviet commissars, all secret police officers and leading officials captured by the Germans belonged, without exception, to the same world-conquering race.

The High Command of the Soviet Army also contained many Jews, and in this connection we find the following quotation in a book entitled The Hebrew Impact on Western Civilisation, published in New York in 1951 by Dagobert Davis Runes:

"In the war fought against Hitler there were 313 Jews amongst the Soviet generals."

J. Zaltzman was in charge of the production or tanks, and Abrabam Wikbosky controlled the arsenals and gun foundries of the Soviet Union. Mikoyan directed all war production and war contracts.

It is quite understandable, therefore, why these co-racialists tried to escape from the European troops when they had a chance to do so, but the Russian and Ukrainian populations could relate many appalling crimes committed by these people. The proofs are not far to seek. Any soldier serving on the Russian front can corroborate these facts by his own experience.

The fearful power exercised by more than half a million Jews thus kept the so-called Soviet system in being. The statement of certain propagandists that the Bolshevik system does not suh the Jews because they cling to private enterprise is simply ridiculous. Wherever Bolshevism was established Jewry promptly changed its commercial and industrial key positions for those of public office. Thus the grocer became the police officer and the shopkeeper a state official. The partisan of the first stage (of the Protocols) was thus transformed into the professional soldier of the second stage.

All this was known by a few Americans. Hamilton Fish, a congressman of New York, as early as 1933 referred to the Jewish character of the Soviet, and certain data and figures were published in the Congressional Records of February 29th, 1933. According to these the Soviet Government, including the governments of the provinces, consisted of 503 members of whom 406 were Jews. Out of the twenty­-three members of the local Soviet in Moscow, nineteen belonged to the race of the world conquerors. Among the forty-two editors and publishers of the official press were forty-one Jews, led by David Zaslavsky, editor, and Illya Ehrenburg, publisher of Pravda.

Douglas Reed, the eminent English journa
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan



WHEN America entered the Second World War many people believed that the greatest democracy in the world was going to fight for the principles of the Atlantic Charter. Lying propaganda deceived the eighty-three percent majority of Americans against the war into believing that Bolshevism was the same as Democracy, that Soviet terrorism was freedom, and therefore that it was absolutely necessary to cross the ocean and save "humanity".

A certain part of belligerent Europe was also taken in by this propaganda. Those who organised the resistance movements and those reluctant to enter the war on the side of the Axis-powers were all hoping that Roosevelt would not let loose the pest of Bolshevism on Europe. Every superficial sign seemed to indicate that after all American Capitalism and Soviet Bolshevism could never be brought together into a lasting alliance. It seemed beyond all belief that American democracy was waging ideological war against the "German form" of dictatorship, in alliance with the most cruel dictatorship of all.

But this appearance was misleading. For supranational Jewish "nazism" was the real cohesive force of the alliance, that force which, as we already know, played such an important part in the Roosevelt administration as well as in the Soviet system of Stalin and Kaganovich. For those behind the scenes there was one war-aim only-the establishment of their absolute world-domination. If this cannot be achieved, then according to the ancient principles of "Divide et Impera!" the globe must be divided; the Eastern Hemisphere to be ruled by the tommy-gun and the Western Hemisphere by gold, but tommy-gun and gold are to be in the same hands.

One World!

Is it not written in the holy book of the Jewish "Fuhrer":
"And thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God
shall deliver to them"" (Deut, vii. 16.)

Let us not forget that all-out warfare was not invented by modern strategists and that Torah, the Mein Kampf of the Jews, points the way of those fighting for the "One World" principle.

"But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars,
and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn
their graven images with fire." (Deut, vii. 5.)

".. ye shall destroy their altars!" The Atlantic Charter is to be perceived here with its shop-window propaganda, the text of which was written by Samuel Roseman according to Time magazine, August 18th, 1941. Let American boys believe they are fighting for higher ideals. But, say the Protocols, the real plans will be known by us to the exclusion of everybody else! "Violence and Hypocrisy." Though the Atlantic Charter is what we promised, it is not freedom we are preparing for the world but absolute and total servitude. We will tell the Germans that we want to eliminate the "nazis" only, but our plans are ready and we are going to put them into effect.

And so in 1941, even before America entered the war, certain plans by Maurice Gomberg were published relating to "A New World Moral Order for permanent peace and freedom" (Maurice Gomberg, Philadelphia, February, 1942). See page 104 of E. J. Reichenberger's book Europa in Triimmern (" Europe in Ruins "). This is shown on a map printed in Philadelphia. It is the most incriminating evidence against those who dreamed of exterminating whole nations and races, before America was even at war.

The work is presented in such a way as to appear to be a draft of a world map after the Second World War, when the United States (meaning, by then, the Jewish world government) would take control of the whole world and would establish the New World Moral order to ensure lasting peace, freedom, justice and security and to carry out reconstruction.

According to the map, Canada, Greenland, the Azores and the Canary Islands, as well as innumerable smaller islands between Japan and Australia, belong to the U.S.A. as protectorates. Sumatra, Java and Borneo are annexed to the British Empire. The frontiers of the Soviet Union extend from Vladivostok to Cologne and the Rhine is the western frontier of Bolshevism. "Our frontiers are on the Rhine!" did not Roosevelt say? Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Rumania are shown as member states of the U.S.S.R.

This map is another shocking proof that the aim of world Jewry is to rob small nations of their independence and drive the whole world under the yoke of its reign of terror. Austria and Germany, coloured on this map in red, are put into "quarantine". China appears to remain an independent state, but Iran is shown on the map as part of the Soviet Union. France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal appear on the map as members of the new United States of Europe. But the accompanying explanatory notes are even more interesting than the map itself, as we learn from them that a new "world moral order" must be built up. In this new moral order Talmudic morals will have the upper hand. This is the despotism of the Jewish world state. "It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds," say the Protocols, and the organisers of the new world order are here evidently listing everything they have dreamed of and wish to put into effect. It will be quite sufficient to expose here the most important points of these plans.

The Soviet Union, collaborating with the U.S.A. to preserve freedom (!) and peace, will obtain exclusive control over Austria and Germany, in order to "re-educate" these states and afterwards to annex them as equal members of the U.S.S.R.

After the war the Holy Land, known at present as Palestine, is to be united to Trans-Jordania and adjoining territories by "historical right", as well as on the ground of the necessity of having a de­militarised independent Jewish Republic to facilitate the solution of the refugee problem. This Jewish territory is marked on the map as "Hebrewland".

As to war criminals, there was as yet no Moscow declaration in existence, since, apart from the Bromberg Massacres, there was no knowledge of any war crimes. Nevertheless, American world Jewry was already proclaiming Nuremberg in advance. Clause number l0 on the map states: "The criminal perpetrators and their partners in guilt of this hideous war shall be brought to justice and unforgettable punishment administered."

The plans for the murder and deportation of whole nations were also ready and were put into effect at Potsdam where the schemes worked out by world Jewry as early as 1940 were obediently signed by the Allied nations.

We learn from the notes on the map that Japanese subjects as well as persons of Japanese origin and therefore of doubtful allegiance, are to be expelled from the Western Hemisphere forever. They are similarly to be expelled from islands under U.S. protection. Their assets are to be confiscated and put towards the cost of post­war reconstruction. All Germans and Italian subjects, as well as persons closely associated to them. who spread nazi and fascist ideology, are to be treated likewise. (It is revealing that the Government of the U.S. is unable even today to refund the seized German assets of 300 million dollars.) German, Italian and Japanese immigration to the Western Hemisphere as well as to all islands under the protectorate of the U.S.A. is to be stopped indefinitely.

Here world Jewry again reverts to the ancient commandments of Torah, which aim at securing undivided Jewish rule over the Western Hemisphere.
".. thou shalt smite them. and utterly destroy them; thou
shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them." (Deut. vii. 2.)

For the purpose of cleansing the axis aggressors of military chauvinism, of smashing their military power, or recovering booty and of re-educating them to return to the family circle of nations, states Clause 36 of the world plan, German, Japanese and Italian territories are to be put in quarantine for an indefinite duration of time and are to be administered by governors under the supervision of the United Nations.

Well, here we find foreshadowed well before the outbreak of war, events which actually took place after 1915! And have we not seen the payment of Reparations made by Western Germany to Israel, together with the occupation of much of Europe by the re-educators, C.I.C agents and the dismantlers of the attempted but frustrated, Morgenthau plan, and finally the governing on behalf of Jewry of European territories by Russian and American "stooges"!

The magnitude of Jewry's world conquest is demonstrated by the fact that of all the war aims and promises, including the Atlantic Charter, the only plans achieved were those above mentioned together with some small adjustments.

All raw materials and industrial production of territories under quarantine, continues Clause 37 of the world order, will be used for post-war reconstruction.

Other clauses explain that all persons horn in East Prussia or the Rhineland will be expelled from the occupied territories and their estates confiscated for reparations. For potential military reasons, a plan must be elaborated to control the birth-rate of the territories in quarantine and thus reduce the numerical strength of the aggressor nations.

This is the very first instance in the history of mankind that a nationalist minority has openly renounced a law of nature and pro­claimed its intention of destroying other nations.

"And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee..", declares Torah.

This is the opportunity, therefore, to expatriate the people of East Prussia, the Rhineland and other eastern countries. Twenty-five million displaced Christians must be expelled from their native lands, birth-rate control must be introduced and the Morgenthau plan, which could bring about the starvation of forty percent of the German population, must be put into operation.

Never can world Jewry efface these terrible murder charges. The
more so, since it not only prepared the plans but, as we will see
later, executed them too.

The Gomberg Massacre plan, backed by most powerful American­
Jewish organisations, and its methods are not new. Several thousands
of years ago Moses had prescribed for this tribal "nazism" how a
war must be conducted, as well as how to make peace:
"..And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it [the city] into thy hands, thou shall smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword.

"But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that
is in the city, eve/l all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto
thyself." (Deut:xx. 13-14.)

The Atlantic Charter is still on display in the shop window of promises.

Samuel Fried, the well-known Zionist and pacifist, during the early part of the 1930's, while still in the flush of the First World War victory, does not hide the mass-murderer psychosis which is to be found in the drafts of the later peace treaties.

"People dreading the revival of German power will never again see the restoration of Germany's military might. We will nip in the bud every effort to restore it and finally, should the danger persist, we will destroy this nation hated by everybody, both by partition and also by dismembering the country, as well as by ruthless mass­-murders"

In 1934, Samuel Roth characterised the intense hatred later manifested in the propaganda and peace plans of the Second World War. In his book Jews Must Live, edited by the Golden Press Inc., be writes as follows:

"We are still the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We mix with the nations under the pretext that we are fleeing from persecution, we, the most ruthless persecutors whose cruelty is unmatched in the annals of the history of mankind."

Before 1945 there was a widespread belief that the so-called "Bolshevik Jew", being filled with resentment and bitterness, had no chance to become cultured and thus turned into a sadist directly he got a tommy-gun in his hand. "But the cultured western Jews are different," went the popular dictum. They were humanitarians and philanthropists who contributed generously to the Red Cross and towards the funds of free meal relief. Only the bloody terror of Mandel-Rothschild, the French Home Secretary, foreshadowed in 1940 the fate Europe could expect once these humanitarians returned to the Continent as victors.

This Mandel·Rothschild executed several hundreds of French people in the name of national unity, demanding resistance from every Frenchman against the German peril. Later, when the French front collapsed, Mandel-Rothschild was the first to flee from France.

But by this time his hands were covered with the blood of hundreds of French people.

His political conduct was the first revelation of the intense passion and animosity hidden under the Western Jew's cloak of culture and humanity.

When at the beginning of the Second World War the voice of the Western press and radio became savagely distorted and slogans of a "humanitarian" world were broadcast (such as: "Make the Germans eat arsenic!" by a U.S. Columnist), evidence multiplied to show that this was no longer a warlike spirit, still less one of the Geneva Convention, but one of sheer murder. It is extraordinary to hear men of high intellectual capacity, such as writers, university professors and publicists, all suddenly speaking in the middle of the twentieth century the language of Old Testament prophets inciting to murder. It is a shock to realise that in the security of Freemasonic lodges, "democratic editorial offices" and Zionist associations, books, articles, essays and political speeches are conceived and written, all proclaiming murder. These are not the unavoidable casualties of war but murders and cruelties planned for the ensuing peace.

T b. Nathan Kaufman, in his book Germany Must Perish! (edited at Newark, see p. 104), wrote as early as 1941 that after the war Germany must be completely dismembered. Kaufman demanded that the German population, both male and female, surviving the aerial bombings, be sterilised in order to secure the fatal extinction of the German race.

The same hatred ,flares up in Maurice Leon Dodd's book How Many World Wars (New York, 1942), in which the author proclaims that no Germany and no German race must be left after this war. Charles G. Haertman in his book There Must be no Germany after War  (New York, 1942), also demands the physical extermination of the German people. Einzig Palil, a Canadian Jewish writer, in his book Can we Win the Peace? (London, 1942), takes a similar stand demanding the dismembering of Germany and the total demolition of German industry. Ivor Duncan, another Jewish writer, in his article Die Quelle des Pan-Germanismus which appeared in the March, 1942, issue of Zefltral Europa Observer, demanded the sterilisation of forty million Germans. He estimated the total cost of his scheme to be five million pounds sterling.

Douglas Miller, writing in the New York Times in 1942, states that seventy million Germans are too many. Exports and imports must therefore be so regulated that more than forty million Germans will starve.

In t.he library of the American House in Munich, on page 456 of an American book entitled Joy Street. by Keyes, written for the greater glory of overseas propaganda, we read:

"As Major David Salamon said, 'Could I have had the chance to choose my job in this war, I should have picked the same task I was actually assigned. Right through France, right into Germany to destroy everything. Never in history has there been such a war. I am glad that I can tell my grandchildren that I was there and took part in the revenge. I thank God for this. When finally we reached Germany we began to destroy and devastate everything. Then I realised that this was what I was waiting for, this was what I was living for. (My only regret is that I was unable to destroy and kill more as we had not much time left for it. When we reached Wiesbaden our tempo became slower for there was nothing left we could attack, bomb or kill. We made such a perfect job that we bad to stop for a while.' "

These are the"Atlantic Charters" of the ambitious men wee are seeking to Bolshevize the world and to destroy the nations, and they have been, to a great extent, realised. Thus the great vision of the Protocols lives through the war. At times it may appear to be sheer propaganda. But barbarism is contagious and eventually responsible officials are infected with it.

Behind Morgenthau, Harry Dexter White and other champions of culture drew up plans for the total destruction of Germany. The Atlantic Charter may promise freedom but the proposals of the world federalists are ready too. These are the dreams of the same unique supranational "nazism". To abolish all national frontiers together with the freedom and independence of the nations and to establish world government-precisely as prescribed by the Protocols.

"In place of the rulers of today we shall set up a bogey which will be called the Super Government Administration. Its hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organisation will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue
all the nations of the world." (Protocol Y.)

There is little doubt that the commands of the Protocols were obeyed by the United World Federalists during the war when they submitted proposals for a world government. These proposals were the exact opposite of those principles laid down in the Atlantic Charter.

"The nations must surrender their sovereignty to a world government because the age of independent nations is over," emphasised Robert Hutchins, Chancellor of the University of Chicago. "All armies, fleets, air forces and atomic bombs must be under the world government. The Panama Canal, Gibraltar, Okinawa, the Dardanelles, Aden, Singapore and the Kiel Canal must all be under the administration of the world government. The laws of immigration and citizenship must be abolished. A World court and a World Bank must be established. The world government must be formed. The most important thing is to destroy that dangerous perversion called patriotism!"

One world! One world government consisting of the fifty-two Jewish advisers of Roosevelt's brains trust. In the place of patriotic independent countries, there will remain but one country, a country belonging to the world conquerors. There will be one patriotism only-- that of Jewish world nationalism.

Not only Jews take part in this feverish planning. Behind them are Fabian socialists, the Freemasonic lodges, and even certain sects of the Protestant Church.

Only some time later did we learn from the investigations of the McCarthy committee as well as from John T. Flynn's book The Road Ahead, how powerful a certain sect of American Protestantism had grown during the Second World War, which saw in the Bolshevik system the fulfillment of certain of Christ's ideals. This was the same sort of aberration which bemused the Christian world about seven hundred years ago, when told of Genghis Khan's conquests. But the rumour spread that in the East a great Christian empire had arisen, not the empire of the Mongols but that of "Prester John". He, it was said, ruled Christ's earthly kingdom which would be soon established in Europe thus fulfilling the ideals of Christendom,

This was one of the superstitions of the Middle Ages, whereas the rumour connected with the Soviet was nothing else but carefully planned propaganda originating from Freemasonlc lodges and Jewish circles. Marxists infiltrated into the ranks of the Council of Churches in America and started to spread the remarkable theory of "God's Kingdom". According to Dr. Jones, America represents "best quality" in individualism, whilst Russia stands for "best quality" in collectivism,

But this "Kingdom of God" is not the Kingdom of Christ, which is "not of this world ". It is the Kingdom of Jehovah, the Empire of Old Testament "nazism". This is the Kingdom of David foretold by the Protocols and represents absolute and unchallenged rule over the whole globe.

But many, many battles, much bloodshed, scheming and aerial bombing are required to achieve this. For though bloodstained and bombed, Europe still stands between Western and Eastern "co­operative" man, between the Western and Eastern Jew.

".. I shall destroy their altars. and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire," (Deut. vii. 5.)

The target of the bombing was by this time no longer German National Socialism but the Munich Pinakothek, the houses of the workers and the Monastery of Monte Cassino where the Christian culture of Europe was born. The two thousand years of Christianity were the target now, together with its symbol--Christ's Crucifix­- which was spat upon by the Polish grandfathers of Morgenthau while passing over the plains of Poland. (Jan & Jerome Tharraud: In the Shadow of the Crucifix.)

It can be proved that Jewry thwarted all efforts during the Second World War to reach an armistice and establish peace and understanding. Roosevelt's brains trust was behind the demand for unconditional surrender, and by his own personal appearance at Casablanca, Morgenthau forced Roosevelt to be uncompromising in demanding it. By this move Jewry succeeded in prolonging the war for two more years.

Even were there no proofs of Jewry's aspirations, the notori ous Morgenthau plan would still remain as an eternally incriminating document. It could not be proved, even in Nuremberg, that it was the intention of the Hitler regime to annihilate Jewry. Nevertheless Jewry, in its blind thirst for revenge, wished to destroy forty percent of the ninety million Germans.

The Morgenthau plan is a grandiose, undeniable historical proof of this. Jewry wished in cold-blooded premeditation to murder an entire nation. It is characteristic that the full details of this plan were never published in America. Perhaps this would have been too much even for American public opinion. But the plans of Mr. Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury in Roosevelt's administration, aimed at depriving Germany of her industry and of all means of livelihood; even the growing of sugar beet was forbidden!

"We will turn Germany into a pastoral country!" stated Morgenthau's broadcasting service, The Quebec Agreement is another undeniable proof of this in writing:

"The purpose of this programme is to transform Germany into a mainly agricultural and nomadic state." (William L Newman, Making the Peace. 1941-1 945, page 73.)

Who is Morgenthau? McFadden, an American Congressman, had this to say of him in Congress on January 24th, 1934:

"..Through marriage he is connected with Herbert Lehman, Jewish Governor of New York State, and through marriage or in some other way he is in relationship with Seligman, owner of the great international banking firm of J.& W. Seligman, who during a Senate investigation was proved to have attempted to bribe a foreign government. Morgenthau is related to Jewinsohn, the international Jewish banker, and also to the Warburgs who together control Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the International Acceptance Bank and the Bank of Manhattan, and have, besides, many other financial concerns and interests both at home and abroad. These bankers caused a shortage of three thousand million dollars in the U.S. Treasury and they still owe this sum to the Treasury Department and to the U.S. taxpayers. Morgenthau is also connected with the Strauss family and is either related to or connected with various other members of the Jewish banking world in New York, London, Amsterdam and other large financial centres."

During the great financial crisis Morgenthau was Under-Secretary to the Treasury. When Roosevelt ordered him to raise the price of gold to $35 per fine ounce, he obeyed with alacrity. And in the evening he made the following entry in his diary; "Had the public understood how we fixed the price of gold they would have received a considerable shock."

Morgenthau suggested that Roosevelt should buy up 100 million ounces of silver above the current price, in order to capture the goodwill of senators representing the "silver states" of the U.S. and thus score Roosevelt's victory at the next Presidential elections. Whilst such a use of the taxpayers' money meant splendid business for the family group of the Morgenthau banking houses and also promoted the Presidential re-election of Roosevelt, it brought 450 million Chinese and 350 million Indians into a desperate economic plight. In China, as well as in India, silver is the only metal from which coins are minted, and the price of silver due to the above purchases rose higher and higher. After Roosevelt's silver buying transaction, China could export only by selling her products one­third cheaper than previously, and consequently her population suffered more from starvation than before. At that time whole provinces joined the camp of Mao-Tse-Tung, the Communist leader.

Morgenthau is, therefore, only second to Bernard Baruch as the most powerful leader of Jewry. He is supported by the press, the banking world and nationalist masses of the world conquerors, who are unanimous in their fervour and admiration for him. What Morgenthau does is done with the full approval of the whole of Western Jewry and he is supported by Eastern Jewry as well. Some time later, in the Press Club of Hamburg, Christopher Ennel, the well-known American radio commentator, made some very interesting disclosures about the origin of the Morgenthau plan. During the treason trials of Alger Hiss, it was shown that the Morgenthau plan was worked out by the Communists with the help of the Soviet Union.

Only after the McCarthy investigations was it possible to clarify the real facts.

Behind Mr. Morgenthau, the Western Jewish banker, there was another dark figure, Harry Dexter White, Assistant Under-Secretary of the U,S. Treasury Department. The latter was born in America, but his parents came from Russia, the land of pogroms, and so brought with them all the fanaticism and hatred of Eastern Jews. Later, as one of the directors of the International Monetary Fund appointed by President Truman to represent the U.S.A., he became one of the chief members of the spy ring working for the Soviets under the direction of Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, a government official in an executive capacity, appointed by Roosevelt. He was the author of the notorious Morgenthau plan. Morgenthau, who was then Secretary of the Treasury, took it with him to the famous Quebec Conference.

The memoirs of Cordell Hull (American Secretary of State, 1933-44) testify what this double-faced tribal nationalism intended to do. According to Cordell Hull, "the Morgenthau plan aimed at the massacre, enslavement and liquidation of the German people."

"Shorty after the return of the President," writes Cordell Hull, "I told him angrily that the Morgenehau plan contradicts common sense and could never be adopted by the U.S. Government. I told him that the plan would Wipe out Germany from the face of the earth for ever, whilst forty percent of her population would starve to death as the land can feed only sixty percent of her population."

The war propaganda was first concentrated on the necessity of defeating the "Nazis". But when the Jews thought they had won the war, they wished to exterminate the whole nation.

At that time no Jew pointed out that the principle of collective punishment might, like the proverbial boomerang, return to strike the thrower.

When the Morgenthau plan was completed Jewry was able to repeat:

"The emblem of our people, the symbolic serpent, has closed its coils again! We are the nation wielding the power of a victorious 'nazism' ".

Winston Churchill, the Premier of the victorious British Empire, is still at Quebec. Possibly he still represents the real England and. at any rate, it was he who, in 1920, wrote a spirited 'anti­-Semitic' article, and whose better conscience is still in arms to prevent the peace that follows the war being turned into vengeance.

"This Churchill has no idea what everlasting hatred feels like. He still fondly believes that England has won the war, therefore we will show him that there is no real power or real victor any more in the Christian world which has been ruined in this fratricidal war, except ourselves, the people of Morgenthau! And should he be reluctant to believe it, then he too must be made acquainted with the might of Judah." During the Quebec Conference, Morgenthau pointed the knife of Shylock at Churchill's breast.

He could either accept the Morgenthau plan or let Britain go bankrupt. He must either support Jewry's revenge, in which case Britain would receive a 6,500 million dollar loan, or else he must announce national bankruptcy-and that even before the war was over.

"What else do they want from me? Do they expect me to sit up and beg like a dog?" asks the old British stalwart indignantly.

But at his side sits the atom physicist, Lord Cherwell, his good friend, whose original name was Lindemann and who is of the same blood as Morgenthau. And he explains to Churchill that he has no choice but to accept the terms, so great by now is the victory of Morgenthau's nation-world Jewry..

Are all these things nightmarish dreams of Sadducees or are they plans of twentieth-century writers, publicists and statesmen? Are these people in consultation politicians or sadists? How the "peace" was prepared is told by the pro-Red Richard B. Scandrette, one of the members of the American Reparations Commission. His account was recorded in Congressional Records (June 7th, 1945):

"Germany will not exist any longer, only German provinces under Russian, American or British colonial governments. In these the living standards will be lowered to the level of the concentration camps and exile territories of Siberia. All classes of Germans will be ruthlessly forced down to the same level. As a final solution these territories will be governed by a Reparations Committee of the United Nations, and this Committee will decide how many Germans are needed in each of the provinces to secure the standard of minimum agricultural production. All German males not needed for this scheme are to be conscripted into compulsory labour battalions and sent to America or Soviet Russia, especially to those regions of Russia destroyed during the war."

 No regard is to be paid in the enslavement to the education, family connections, or dependent wives or children of the German deportees.

"No exemptions to be made of the clergy either. Full understanding was reached between America and the U.S.S.R. regarding the question of religion in Eastern Europe. The Russian Orthodox Church, after regaining the favour of the Kremlin, will be the 'official' religion in the Baltic republics, Poland, Eastern Germany, Roumania, Bulgaria and Hungary. The Roman Catholics will be cut off from Rome."

"The Society for the Prevention of World War III", the most fanatically Old Testament organisation of Morgenthau, especially demanded that the revengeful clause relating to the dismembering of Germany be carried out. All Germans should be expelled from neutral countries. American businessmen should be given no visa to visit Germany. For the next twenty-five years no German person may receive any visa to visit America. Marriage with German women is to be forbidden and German women may not enter the US.."

Postal communication with Germany is not to be restored.

All these stipulations were signed not by dictators, but by such brave champions of freedom as F. W. Foerster, Julius Goldstein, Isidor usehOtz, Emil Ludwig, Erich Mann. Fedrik-Ferster, E. Amsel Mowre, Guy Emery, Shipler, W. E. Shirer, and Louis Nizer.

But they were not Bolsheviks. They were all civilised men of the Western World. That Jewry planned all this is proved, not only by the quotations above, but also by the German people themselves who saw this too and fought so fanatically against it.

"It is through me that kings reign," proclaims Protocol V. And in Quebec the subdued Churchill bows before Eastern and Western world power, before the earthly god, the power of gold.

"The new world state can now come. Now the glorious day of the 'Kingdom of God' is at hand.

"Behold! From the East our victorious Bolshevik armies are attacking a rapidly shrinking Europe. There they are: Vienna, Budapest, Berlin and Breslau in flames. In a single night more than 300,000 East civilian refugees perish amid the downpour of bombs from our 'Liberators'. In our 'humanity' we scatter graphite powder in the air. The air is burning. Mothers and their children are stifled. We fulfill Jehovah's commandment."

"..The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire. Ye shall cut down their groves, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction, until they be destroyed!"
"Under a burning firmament our soldiers are attacking. They are the almond-eyed Mongolians and the semi-savage people of Turkestan and Central Asia with American tommy-guns in their hands and American rubber boots on their feet. Behind them come the American Sherman tanks. They are coming to liberate our future rulers from the concentration camps, to release our brothers!"

And Jews breaking out from the barbed wire enclosures of concentration camps embrace Soviet soldiers, quite understandably and with delirious joy:

"These are our liberators!"

And Europe, reduced in part to ashes and smouldering ruins, looks out from the debris and from the cellars to see Soviet Commissars, and the arrival of the Morgenthau boys in the wake of the American Army.

Europe scarcely dares to heave a sigh as she watches the real victors of the Second World War.


ON May 9th, 1945, the revenge of Jehovah was turned loose over Europe. The 'planes of the British and American Air Forces were: still called "liberators", but Eisenhower announced:

"We are not coming here as liberators but as conquerors."

But were the Americans, in fact, the real victors? In the wake of the advancing American forces a sinister fi fth column followed, the members of which in ninety-nine percent of cases were not Americans. This revengeful army was made up of emigrants from Eastern European countries, of black-market operators from Brooklyn ghettos, of Czech, Polish and Hungarian Jews who took refuge in London and of criminal inmates from the liberated concentration camps. They filled all major and minor posts in the C.I.C. organised according to the Morgenthau plan; they swarmed in the O.S.S., in the various commissions searching for war criminals, as well as in the American security organisations. They became mayors of German towns and commandants of P.D.W. camps. They administered La Guardia's U.N.R.R.A. They occupied key positions in the American forces and thus exercised control over them.

There were only 2,524 German war criminals on the original list of the U.N., but soon the C.I.C. and the American conquerors were conducting a search for one million German "war criminals". At first the Soviets wanted to shoot 50,000 Germans summarily, then they proposed to bring 200,000 "war criminals" to trial at Nuremberg.

Simultaneously, the conquering flood began to move eastwards. A mass of several hundred thousand released from the concentration camps surged towards Poland, Hungary, Roumania and Yugoslavia, to become officers in the Communist police forces and other terror organisations and to assume judicial powers in the people's tribunals and so be able to pass sentence upon innocent people in an orgy of revenge. They were welcomed with open arms by the Soviet M.V.D. who were in control of the Eastern European countries. The pattern was everywhere the same. In the forefront there was either an American, a Soviet or a French general but in each case a Jewish deputy dogged his heels.

Actually, Europe did not fall under the Russians, British or Americans, but under Jewish occupation. Everything that had rightly or wrongly belonged to Europe for 2,000 years now disintegrated. The avengers continued doing (but more cruelly) the very things they had set down as crimes against Hitler. This was no occupation by the forces of American democracy or Bolshevism but by those of a victorious Jewish nationalism glowing with hatred. Ensconced in key positions among the occupying powers, they were able to punish everyone, whether innocent or guilty. In their eyes there was but one crime-to have opposed, or to be in a position to oppose-- Jewish nationalism.

To be a Jew in Europe became a greater privilege than any enjoyed by even reigning princes of the Middle Ages. The railway stations were guarded by special Jewish police and an identity check of Jews could be carried out by Jewish police only. They received their food ration cards without queueing. For a while, immediately after the war, only Jews received travelling passes, thus securing for themselves free movement and the unrestricted monopoly of the black market. In the refugee camps they were the chief caterers for U.N.R.R.A. as well as the privileged beneficiaries of this relief. Thus, they snatched the best rations from Poles, Ukrainians and Czechs, their former fellow-prisoners in the concentration camps. At the same time, on the roads, military policemen overturned cans and spilled milk to deprive German children and hospital patients of their diet. In German cities, working-class families were turned out of their homes by the tens of thousands, thus rendering vacant the nicest workers' settlements. The victims had to leave behind everything -furniture, kitchen equipment and cooking utensils, clothing and even linen, thus forcing the German people to recompense three times over in the form of wiedergutmacbung (reparations) the actual value of the goods confiscated from the Jews. Uniformed Zionist guards were posted at camp gates and, at first, for a while, even the Military Police of the victorious American Army could not enter Jewish camps. Victorious Jewish nationalism was granted similar rights in the East, in Slovakia, in some parts of Roumania, in Hungary and Bohemia. They took possession of the flats and furniture of the Gentiles, occupied key positions in government Offices and in editorial posts of the national press. Concurrently, former Jewish journalists returned to Germany and took complete charge of the newspapers of the occupied zones, and began to incite revenge upon the German nation on its own soil.

"It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds" wrote the Protocols fifty years ago. And now, backed by Soviet and American arms, the most dreadful terror descended on Europe, often without the Americans and English being aware of it. Hitlerism and the war was finished with but neither peace nor law and order or justice or democracy were restored.

The Western and Eastern Jew set out hand-in-hand to liquidate the Christian upper classes who had succeeded in escaping to the West from Bolshevism. These were considered unreliable people. Vlassow's Cossacks, for instance, wanted to fight against Bolshevism. But whoever resists Bolshevism is actually fighting one section of the Jewish world-kingdom. These Cossacks knew very well who were the commissars of the collective farms (kolkhoz) before whom the Russian peasant bad to go down on his knees. In 1940 they had seen the "Russian" M.V.O. entering Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania and thus knew the Jews almost exclusively organised the deportation of tens of thousands of unfortunate people from these small Baltic states. These people were dangerous because they had witnessed certain things. These witnesses must be slain!

How can one account for the fate of Vlassow's Cossacks otherwise than by Jewish nationalism operating behind the visible power. How else could such inhumanity be accounted for when British democracy allowed armed military police to deploy against thousands of unarmed Cossacks.

"I was calling on Vlassow," writes Laszlo Gaal, a Hungarian journalist, "when a lieutenant wearing a German uniform and whose forehead was bathed in blood. burst into the small country cottage and reported direct to the general standing amongst his three staff officers:

'...Sir, everything is lost! We are to be handed over to the Bolsheviks!'"

You who are reading this book did not see the P.O.W. camp with its fourteen feet high wire fencing and its wooden barracks. You never heard that cry of despair when the white-belted and white-­helmeted military police came to hand the Cossacks over. Tear gas bombs had to be thrown into every room. The Cossacks hurriedly knotted their shirts into ropes to hang themselves before the military police could force its way in. They barricaded the doors, then broke in the windows and fought for every piece of broken glass in order to cut open their veins. Old friends tried to cut each other's throats. Those unable to die this way tore off their shirts, offering their bared breast, shouting: "Shoot here, for I am not going back to Soviet Russia." (Pittsburg; Magyursag, July 2nd, 1954.) (Also Magyarok Utia. edited in Argentina.)

The clamour of the same executioners was heard throughout Europe from the English Channel to the Black Sea. It was not nazism that had to be liquidated now, bur the leaders of the Christian nations irrespective of political creed or party.

Those who rounded up "war criminals" by the ten thousand and tortured both guilty and innocent in their jails were, almost exclusively, Jews. The commandants, captains and secret agents in the jails for "war criminals" at Salzburg and other places, as well as in the notorious Marcus Camp were, almost without exception, Jews dressed in American uniform. According to a Yugoslav refugee who had been in the camp at Klagenfurt, its British Commandant, who handed over "war criminals" and compelled them by force to return to Communist dictatorship, proudly put a notice on his desk sporting the inscription "I AM A JEW!"
The Jews handed patriots over to the gallows and to the common grave. They handed over 100,000 gallant soldiers of the Croatian Army to the partisans of Tito and to Mojse Pijade, who summarily executed them all.

The caves and abandoned trenches of Slovenia were utilized as
common graves. Vlassow is a symbolic figure in this great tragedy,
in the slaughter of millions. He was the last person capable of rallying
an army of several million men under his flag against the Stalinist
dictatorship. So, naturally, this symbolic personality was handed  over by the Western democracies to the Bolshevik terror regime. To the Jew, Lavantri Beria, was given the pleasing task of organising Vlassow's public execution in Moscow. And because all this happened with the approval of America, an incurable wound was inflicted on the Soul of Europe.

Everything that took place in Eastern Europe can, perhaps, be explained away by the cruelty of the Bolsheviks, although we know very well that the agents of Jewish nationalism were its real instigators. At the end of the war the casualties of the German Reich amounted to 8,300,000 dead. 3,300,000 German soldiers were killed in action; more than 2,500,000 of these in the fight against Bolshevism. 1,200,000 civilians, amongst them many women and children, were killed in air raids. More than 1,400,000 men perished or were murdered in captivity by the Eastern and Western allies, mostly in Soviet P.O.W. camps. 2,400,000 Eastern Germans were butchered by the Soviet occupation forces invading East Prussia, or killed by an aerial warfare blindly extended to include the civilian population. To all these things hypocrites can retort: "Well, after all, this is what is called total and all-out war!" But nobody could explain away by referring to "total war" what happened in Czechoslovakia on the day of the armistice. When the last Wehrmacht units left Prague, Jewish Communists, led by Slansky-Salzman, returned from Moscow to the Czech capital where they proceeded to gather together the revengeful ex-­prisoners of Hitlers concentration camps-the "liberating" partisans.

"The Czech Communists made very clever use of those unfortunate Jews," wrote Vilag on March 15th, 1953, "who came out of the extermination camps half dead. They put these Jews in charge of the expatriation of Sudeten-Germans and Hungarians. The idea was not at all new as Lavranti Beria did the same when he used Polish and Ukrainian Jews to hunt down the Ukrainian and Polish 'anti­-Semites', i.e. those who could be supposed to have collaborated with the Nazis."

And because they believed that this supposition could be extended to include nearly everybody, they began a campaign of revenge unprecedented in the history of mankind.

When Edward Benes, the great humanitarian, the "bel espirit" and master of freemasonry. entered Prague on Sunday, May 13th, 1945, German citizens were burned alive in his honour in St. Wenceslas Square. (Document No. 15 concerning the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans.) Many Germans were hung up -by their feet from the big advertising posters in St. Wenceslas Square, then when the great humanitarian approached their petrol-soaked bodies were set on fire to form living torches.

Six hundred thousand Sudeten Germans were killed during the massacres in the earthly hell of the death camps of Czechoslovakia. The Sudeten German White Paper records these horrors with full details on more than 1,000 pages, horrors for which there is no precedent in the history of mankind. Armed Czech women and Jewesses continued hitting the womb of expectant mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, and in one single camp ten German women died daily in this way. (Document No. 6.) In another camp, the inmates were forced to lick up the bespattered brains of their fellow-prisoners who had been beaten to death. German prisoners were forced to lick up infectious faeces from the underwear of their fellow-prisoners suffering from dysentery. (Document No. 17.) The Czech and Jewish doctors refused all medical aid to German women raped by the Russians. Hundreds of thousands died by these means or sought salvation in suicide, as, for instance, in Brno (Brun), where on a single day 275 women committed suicide.

Naturally, the Western "humanitarian" press, the American radio network and the B.B.C. commentators took good care never to mention these facts, although they themselves were in the first place responsible for this campaign of revenge to which they instigated the members of their own nations. They were thus guilty of poisoning the soul of Christendom by the hatred they induced.

But Czechoslovakia was not the first state where horrors of this type occurred. Anna Rabinovich Pauker returned to Roumania as early as August, 1944, and under the orders of the Eastern Jews who arrived with her, massacres began there too.

According to authentic Bulgarian emigrant sources, 30,000 members of the professional classes were murdered in the trail of the invading Soviet armies by Bulgarian "proletarians", led by those "ladines" whose forefathers had been expelled from Spain by Catholic Ferdinand. Similarly, in Belgrade and Southern Hungary the name of Mojse Pijade is connected with bloody "purges" the victims of which were Serbian intelligentsia, prosperous German settlers and the most intelligent Hungarian peasantry. When, in October, 1944, the German and Hungarian armies left the territories of Yugoslavia and Southern Hungary an unprecedented wave of mass-murders broke over the unprotected population. Thirty thousand Hungarians, mostly peasants and smallholders, died in this bloodshed, under the savage terror regime of Mojse Pijade's partisans. The Katyn Wood murders are a modest, amateurish effort in comparison with it. According to documentary proof in our hands, Hungarians, Germans and Croatians alike, died slow and horrible deaths wracked with agony. Besides the 30,000 Hungarians, nearly 200,000 Germans died in the death camps of the "liberators", where powdered glass was mixed with the children's food and where with the finesse of Chinese executioners those to perish in the biological class-warfare were despatched, in order that their places as civic leaders and police officers could be taken by the revengeful representatives of Jehovah.

In this classic age of race murder, the case of Hungary is quite extraordinary. This unfortunate nation, even in its dismembered state after the 1920 Parish treaties, had provided 560,000 Jews with peaceful and safe homes. The Hungarian nation did not take vengeance on Jewry even after the first Communist dictatorship of Bela Kun in 1919-1920, despite the fact that Jews, almost exclusively, were the commissars and leaders of this Communist regime.

During the era between the two World Wars, 1,100,000 acres were owned by Jews out of a total of 9,000,000 acres of arable land. A Jewish minority of six percent possessed fifty-one percent of house property in Budapest, thirty percent of the total national income and twenty-five percent of the total national assets. When, after the German occupation, the state authorities listed the property and assets of Jewry amassed in less than a hundred years, it was estimated that it possessed the equivalent of nineteen wagon loads of gold, silver and jewels, whilst the total gold reserve of the Hungarian National Bank, could have been loaded into twelve wagons easily. Later, the American authorities returned all this amassed wealth to Jewry.

As late as 1943, Hungary was the last refuge of the Jews in Europe. Despite this, when the war was over and the country overrun by Stalin's hordes, the revengeful spirit of the Old Testament inflicted horrors on the innocent Hungarian people without precedent in the history of mankind. Under the protection of Soviet bayonets the Muscovite emigrants returned, all of them Jews without exception.

Closely behind them followed many thousands of young Maccabbees, released unharmed from the labour divisions of the "fascist" regime. They soon became terrorist colonels and police officers of the M.V.D., as well as party secretaries and police chiefs of the provincial cities. From the ghettos of Budapest 200,000 Jews were released almost without loss -Jews whom the Hungarian nazis bad been unwilling to hand over to the Germans.

One million Hungarian women were raped by the Russian Bolshevik troops, usually led by Jewish commandants. Six hundred thousand prisoners of war, as well as 230,000 civilians, were dragged off to extermination camps in the Soviet Union. At the most modest estimate, 500,000 people were murdered by the Jews in the cells of 60, Andrassy-ut, Budapest, in internment camps or in the open streets. All the characteristic features of biological class-warfare can be distinguished in this campaign of revenge. The Hungarian middle classes, the intellectuals and the national leaders bad to be slain so that their places could the taken by another middle-class 'by the Jews'! And, moreover, those who presided as judges in the revolutionary tribunals were almost all Jews.

In Western Europe, a Hungarian-born "American", Colonel Martin Himmler, directed the campaign of vengeance against 300,000 Hungarians who escaped from the Bolsheviks. Was this man a Communist? Or was he an American democrat? At all events, in its issue of April 30th, 1954, the U] Kelet (New Orient), a Zionist Tel-Aviv paper, let the cat out of the bag -he was neither; he was a Jew!

In the commentary reviewing Martin Himmler's work and career he is highly praised as one who came forward to "revenge the shedding of innocent Jewish blood".

One wonders whether Cardinal Mindszenty was also "a Hungarian nazi murderer" who during the war rescued and protected persecuted Jews, and who after the war tried to protect and rescue persecuted Christians. Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty was not a victim of the Communist terror but of racial revenge, because be had demanded an amnesty for tens of thousands of tortured Hungarians during the great massacres and gruesome pogroms directed against Christians.

Jozsef Mindszenty in his earlier capacity as Bishop of veszprem, vehemently opposed the Hungarian Nazi Government of the day. He rescued Jews whom the Germans wanted to deport by giving them Papal safe conduct passes. After the Szalasi Government came to power he protested against continuing the fighting. In the end the Hungarian Nazi Government was compelled to intern him at Sopronkohida as an enemy of the Germans and the greatest protector of Jewry.

Shortly after that the tables were turned. The armies of the Soviet barbarians occupied Hungary. Jozsef Mindszenty was released from captivity at Sopronkchlda and, as Archbishop of Hungary, rapidly became one of the leading constitutional figures.

Whatever his private political views may have been, he felt that, as a Catholic and leading exponent of Christianity, it was his duty to protect Hungarians against Jewish persecution, just as be had protected Jews against German persecution. In his letter written to Ferenc Nagy, Prime Minister after 1945, be pointed out clearly that "anti-Semitism" could only be successfully eradicated were "war criminals" to be granted a general amnesty and were the campaign of revenge against the Hungarian nation to be called off forthwith.

From this moment Jozsef Mindszenty, Cardinal of Hungary, who wished to check the campaign of revenge against the Hungarian people, became an "anti-Semite", Peter Fuerst, a Zionist writer, made murderous accusations against him.

According to Fuerst, it was generally known in Budapest that Cardinal Mindszenty was an "anti-Semite". The printed "anti­-Semitic" leaflet edited by him was in the possession of the Jewish Centre at Budapest. During the Mindszenty trials several Jewish organisations asked if it were a fact that Mindszenty was known in the West as "pro-Semitic", Bertha Gaster, correspondent of the London News Chronicle, met Cardinal Mindszenty. During one of her interviews, Gaster was surprised to hear the Cardinal using strong terms concerning the conduct of Hungarian Jewry. At the end of the interview Miss Gaster rose, thanked him for the statements he had made, but, at the same time, let him know that she was a Jewess herself and an active member of the London Jewish Community. The "Jewish Clarion" of February 1949, asserted that Jozsef Mindszenty was, in fact, a notorious "anti-semite" because he demanded an amnesty for "war criminals".

At the same time the Jewish Chronicle wrote in its issue of February 4th, 1949:

"Hungarian Jewish organisations have learned with great surprise that Western Jewish organisations took the side of Mindszenty, whom these statements show up as the arch-enemy of Hungarian and East European Jewry."

It was enough to brand the "pro-Semitic" Mindszenty, who saved the lives of many thousands of Jews, with "anti-semitism" for the most sinister campaign of revenge to start against him immediately. The hatred of Eastern Jews was picked up by Western Jews so that soon, from both East and West alike a campaign was in progress against a Christian high priest whose only "crime" was to remain human and to raise his voice against the persecution of his own people.

It was Matyas Rakosl-Roth, the Communist dictator, who entered the lists against him, whilst "ideologically" this campaign was led by Jozef Revai, Minister of Education. whose real name was Moses Kahana. Amongst his own priests who betrayed him the first was Istvan Balogh -alias Izrael Bloch. Those who produced faked evidence were Ivan Boldizsar,alias Bettelheim, a press chief; Reissman, chief of the publicity department, and Gera, alias Grunsweig, deputy propaganda chief. Hanna and Laszlo Sulner who prepared "his" forged manuscripts, were also Jews.

Colonel Kraftanov, the Soviet hangman, was brought specially from Moscow. Benjamin Peter-Auspitz, the chief interrogator, put him through the third degree; the Jew Karpati-Krausz, a wrestling champion, was his torturer; Jmre Zipszer, the Jewish prison governor, sat next to him all the time, even during the court hearings; and finally, Balassa-Blaustein and Emil Weil administered stupefactive drugs to him.

The Primate of Hungary and the protector of Jewry thus became the victim of the Jews because he wished to prevent a campaign of revenge against his nation.

About this time, even such a well-known Communist as Laszlo Rajk, whose first wife was of Jewish origin, fell victim to the same tribal "nazism". He used abusive language about the Jewish descent of Erno Gero-Singer, Chief Communist Commissar in the 1936 Spanish Civil War and from this moment he was considered an "anti-Semite". It was in vain that he helped to murder the best part of the Hungarian ideological elite when he was Minister of the Interior. During a party conference he frankly told Matyas Rakosi­Roth that "Communism would not spread because there were too many Jews amongst its leaders". From that moment his doom was sealed. He ended his ignominious life on Rakosi's gallows.

The great Hungarian patriot Laszlo Endre, who finished his life on the gallows of tribal "nazism", wrote the exact truth in his farewell letter of March 21st, 1946, the day of his martyrdom.

"The contents of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are true!". The means are in their hands by now to accomplish world-hegemony and they will destroy everything that might impede them in building this new world state. Therefore all that is now happening concerns in no way the administration of justice but only prevention and revenge. This entails the destruction of not only those who have done something, but also of those who might do or could have done something."

All these cases so far reported concerned defeated states. But let us see whether the position was any better in the states which won the war after sacrificing the lives and blood of their sons and risking their very existence.

Neither Germany nor her allies were the first victims of the revenge of Jehovah but rather victorious France, where, after the departure of the German troops, the fateful purge started. The blood-bath of the Commune of Paris in 1871 was nothing in comparison to what took place in victorious France during the summer of 1944. Twenty thousand French lives were lost during the terror regime of the great French Revolution; eighteen thousand French people died on the barricades of the Commune of Paris. But now one hundred and fifty thousand French citizens perished in more horrible circumstances than ever before. During the great French Revolution there was at least some pretence of trial by courts or tribunals. But in 1944 French people were shot dead like rabbits. The victims of the Great French Revolution, the Dantons and the others, were at least able to mount the stairs to the guillotine with straight features and an unimpaired body. But in 1944 fifty percent of these French victims were half dead from torture before being killed. Their bodies were lacerated, their nails plucked out with pincers and their flesh burned by red-hot irons or cigarette butts. Behind General de Gaulle a Polish Jew called Thomas, one of the leaders of the Spanish Red Brigade, was the chief perpetrator of these monstrosities. He organised common criminals from the jails together with ex-prisoners from the concentration camps into storm-troops to wreak vengeance.

" The whole massacre was brought about by the propaganda of Jews on the B.B.C.," wrote the German paper Der Weg, "who let loose the bloodthirsty devils of revenge." "Nazi collaborators were not primarily the victims of these massacres, but peasants with large farms and the French intellectual elite."

In Belgium and the Netherlands the same retribution continued, though with more regard to preserve some kind of semblance of legal formality. The charge of "collaboration" was brought against 480,519 people and out of these 1,208 were sentenced to death. All those who volunteered for work in Germany were convicted.

The basic motives of this campaign of revenge were not only induced by the terrible sight of the ruins but also by the guilty conscience of Jewry. The real war criminals had a foreboding that one day they might be called upon to render an account for what they had done in planning the war as well as for its barbarism. They had to produce an even greater criminal. To justify their revenge they had to find something apparently even more horrible than the 300,000 dead bodies of Dresden or the Katyn Wood murders or the massacres of Bromberg which could be used as an eye-wash to mislead public opinion. The massacres of 1945, on the other hand, could not be justified by anything else than by the magnification several hundred times over of cruelties committed by the Germans. Not only revenge as such had to be justified, but the post-war attitude of be wry itself which shocked a good many members of the Jewish community.

Sussmauovics, a Soviet Jew, Commandant of Budapest in 1945, summoned the author, Gizella Molinary, to his office and said to her:

"Why bother me with your complaints that you are ignored and let down by your former Jewish friends? Look down on the street from my window here! The war is still raging, the Red Armies have not yet reached the outskirts of Vienna. In the German concentration camps belated efforts are being made to exterminate the Jews, yet­ look out of this window and tell me what is going on down there in the street! The Jews here have little thought for their brothers pleading for their lives in distant countries. Have any of them any intention of fighting to save them? On the ruins of gutted and burned shops, in the doorways of houses and even on graves, the small pair of scales and a big poster appear: 'Gold is bought and sold', says the poster. Here, the soldier throws away his rifle and the writer his pen for everyone is sitting on graves buying and selling gold. Why do you look at me like that? Because I am aware of these things? Of course I am! I am a Jew myself and I am filled with bitter rage and contrition." (From In the Shadow of the Mindszlenty Trials by Aladar Kovach, page 131.)

A special technique of psychological terror had to be employed, therefore, to cover up all these things. Quite a number of Jewish witnesses gave evidence at Nuremberg that though they lived in the vicinity of crematoria they were not aware of their existence. Never­theless, radio commentators and "judges" taunted the German people with: "You all knew of these! You are all murderers!" If anyone, even a bishop or a cardinal, tried to raise a word of protest and state the truth, he was silenced with the threat of "Nazi"! Perhaps he was also threatened with being handed over to the Russians. Thus not only the German people but the whole of cultured Europe was intimidated. Thus a stage was reached when nobody dared to tell the truth or state the basic facts for fear of appearing to defend murder and atrocities.

The foul propaganda campaign brought about a state of affairs in which the lie appeared as the truth, revenge as administration of justice and a truthful utterance as a condonation of war crimes. This propaganda tried to convince the ill-informed Gentile masses that the Jews were the only victims of this war and that no other nations suffered any losses whatever. It remained silent about the common graves dug for ten millions of Gentile victims and not a word was said about the massacred Hungarians, Roumanians, Bulgarians and Frenchmen. At the same time the story of Jewry's sufferings was exaggerated beyond all measure. In so doing, the privileges enjoyed by Jews in U.N.R.R.A. and I.R.O., as occupation authorities, in receiving the lion's share of the food rations and in holding the black market monopoly, were
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan



Ortega y Gasset wrote his book La Rebelion de las Masas in 1929,

can be regarded as a basic work relating to the nature and problem of the masses of human society. But the importance of the masses was recognised long before the great Spanish sociologist wrote his work, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion mention as early as 1897 that they had "replaced the ruler by a caricature of government", i.e. "by a President, taken from the mob, from the midst of our puppet creatures, our slaves". "Our puppet creatures. our slaves! This definition has a decisive importance in assessing the problem of the Jewish world conquest.

No doubt capitalism, with its higher standard of living, improved conditions, prolonged expectation of life, reduction of death, ­etc., etc., has greatly increased the numbers of the masses. Hegel, Malthus and Marx all noticed this increase of the masses and the of over-population, which by itself is nothing but a simple biological and statistical fact. Neither Jewry nor Bolshevism has anything to do with this biological phenomenon, which can be regarded as an example of the natural fecundity of life. Then, first Marx, and-later the Protocols, recognised the sinister possibility of  "melting down" large crowds of people so as to form a characterless mass. To make a herd-like crowd out of the people is the surest way not only towards achieving Jewish world power but towards achieving power for any minority group.

"Without an absolute despotism there can be no existence for civilisation," state the Protocols, for: "What we have got to plan is that there should be in all the States of the world; besides ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires to our interests, police and soldiers."

"The division of society into masses and elite," writes Ortega y Gasset, "is not so much a social differentiation as a classification of people into categories which do not necessarily coincide with the ranks of the higher and lower social classes. Strictly speaking, each social class has its masses and its elite."

It is not difficult to recognise that ceaseless striving towards increasing the masses at the expense of the elite, which has been in progress throughout the century. To this result, no doubt, certain biological and hereditary factors contributed. These are dealt with by the American professor Lothropp Stoddard in his book Rebellion Against Civilisation. He ascribes the present crisis of humanity to the biological degeneration of the various races and to the disproportionate increase of world population-especially of the lowest and most worthless specimens. But world Jewry did its utmost to speed up this process during the century that has elapsed since the Marxist manifesto. Proletarians such as those composing the assault troops of Bela Kun or Sidney Hillman, who never bothered to consider what were the real aspirations of their leaders, became natural storm-troops of the masses. The theory of the class struggle, a typically destructive Jewish invention, tends in itself to increase the number of the mob. It levels downward and lops off heads above the average. The Press, and later, both radio and television, reinforced by the Jewish mentality of the Hollywood film industry, also contributed to the production of men with robot-like minds. Moreover, the mercenary spirit will neither educate the masses nor raise their intellectual status. On the contrary, by descending to the low intellectual standard of the average person, it will improve conditions for traders. In countries already conquered by Bolshevism, the breeding of colourless, leaderless masses, under the sole control of the "chosen", is proceeding according to carefully worked-out plans. The Russian aristocracy, the middle classes, the intellectual elite, the landed peasantry and those workers who could be regarded as the elite of the working class, were all executed. The independent landed peasantry were robbed of their lands and deported to Siberia. Individual and independent smallholdings were replaced by the kolkhoz system, and the "liberated" proletarians were enlisted in the workers' divisions of the factories were they had no leaders any longer but lords and masters only.

The Jews sitting in Stalin's brains trust were always aware that the "ruthless despotism" of the Protocols can only be exercised over herd-like masses. The greatest menace of Bolshevism is its creation of a herd-like mentality in the people, which thinks in terms of the lowest intellectual levels, which destroys all initiative in the individual and kills all differentiation of taste and personality. There are no Russian people left but Russian masses only, and in thirty years time the same statement will apply to all the other enslaved States behind the Iron Curtain. There will be just masses all the way from Vladivostok to Stettin. The colour of their skin may be usually white, sometimes yellow, but their distinguishing characteristic will be the negative one of belonging to the masses. This will form a mass-produced, homogeneous and characterless human pulp that has been churned out on the assembly lines of the camps and in the retorts of Communist education propaganda. This is the youth produced by Communism and trained to have no individual thoughts or ideas of their own. They have ready-made slogans only, coined by propaganda. This is a herd of anthropomorphous beings, shepherded by Jewish commissars armed with tommy-guns. One sees no longer the glittering billions of single water-drops but only muddy and turbid flood waters.

So-called civilised man of the Western world is still unaware of the meaning and importance of these anthropomorphous masses which have lost all knowledge of the outside world, of the beauties of life and of the value of personality. The Iron Curtain hermetically sealed them off from living thoughts and ideals. They possess less knowledge of the outside world than had the people of the Middle Ages. They know nothing about history, culture or present-day life in the West. They live in a distorted dream-world produced and projected for them by Ilia Ehrenburg and David Zaszlavszky.

But unfortunately the proud citizens of the West are little better off in this respect. Their knowledge, general outlook and political ideas are similarly mass-produced, controlled and directed by their Jewish entertainment monopolies. The personality of Western man has atrophied and his national heroes have been forgotten. Their place was taken by that most ridiculous figure of Western democracy, the "man in the street", i.e. by the average half-educated, ignorant human being who is unable to think for himself. Today this person states his opinion in the Press, answers the questions of the Gallup poll and represents public opinion and "world conscience" in name of which the scandal of Nuremberg was staged and massacre of Katyn was hushed up. What does this "sharp-witted" individual, this constant reader of picture-comics and detective stories, know about the "Elder Statesmen" performing behind the screen of the political parties, about the plans of the "initiates", about decisions of the lodges and about the lies of the Press? He simply reiterates everything hammered into his head by journalists newspaper kings of Galician Jewish origin. And the columnists of democratic and republican organs alike will, of course, only spread such "opinions" as favour to the world conquerors.

Thus we can readily understand how it is that the so-called states­men who appear to rule the world are, on the one hand, puppets of powers behind the scenes, and on the other, slaves of the mob, Politicians do not act any more according to the rules of common sense, but are obliged to rely on the taste and mood of the masses. They think. in terms of the masses and they allow themselves to carried away by the masses. The statesman of the past, after working out a clever programme, submitted it to the electors, hoping convince them to do the right thing, i.e. to adopt his proposals present-day politician first tries to find out the general trend of public opinion and then adjusts his own views to this. But when Jewry, disposing of all the modern media of propaganda, made the masses its sounding-board, statesmen dependent on the masses fell a victim to the will of Jewry.

The most successful politician in these days of "peace" is he who can drive the largest crowds to the polling booths, to prop up votes the policy he has broadcast previously through radio and television.

Even war itself no longer serves as a last resort in the pursuit of higher ideals; it has one purpose only, which is the extermination of large masses of people. The A-bombs, H-bombs and carpet­bombs are no longer weapons of war between nations, but between masses. A lurid murder, or social scandal connected with a star, makes headlines nowadays, but 300,000 dead in Dresden 70,000 in Hiroshima can be ignored or perhaps dealt with in a small news item of five lines.

We have already mentioned that world Jewry, in order to increase the number of destitute masses, utilises mankind's natural urge for revenge. After the last war, many people thought that the increase In the number of destitute masses was the work of Bolshevism, and thus Yalta and Potsdam were debited to Stalin's account. However, after a certain time, it transpired that during the Potsdam conference, held under triumvirate of Stalin, Truman and Atlee, world Jewry via the form of the Morgenthau Plan and the Gomberg Plan stood by all the time in either democratic or Bolshevik guise. The purpose of both was the extermination of the elite and the reduction of the people to destitute, herd-like, characterless masses.

The Potsdam Agreement made twelve to sixteen million people stateless. The Eastern European independent landed peasantry, and the skilled craftsmen and artisans of the Sudetenland were reduced it to a destitute proletarian mass thrown across the frontiers with a hundred pounds weight of luggage per head. The nazi professors were forced to do the job of street sweepers and the nazi street sweepers were thrown out of their jobs. The Transylvanian Saxons were carried off to Siberia, while the highly cultivated German seuters of Southern Hungary and Northern Yugoslavia were sent to Tito's extermination camps, where glass powder was mixed into their food. Sixteen million people were torn from their country and made into a rootless, Stateless, destitute, hungry mob. They were driven like cattle towards Western Germany in the name of humanity.

Previously, Beria had liquidated the Polish intellectuals and national leaders in the Katyn Woods. Eleven thousand officers, mostly doctors, professors and artists, were called up from their civilian professions, were exterminated, and more than a million Poles were carried off to Siberia. Who were responsible for this? According to the official records of the U.S. Congress Investigating Commission, Father Brown reported concerning his Russian adventure (Reports of Investigations, page 197) that he bad seen the secret police at work between 1936 and 1937, during the days of comrades Jeshov, Jagoda and, more lately, Beria (all three of them Jews­). They were successive chiefs of the secret police. He had also seen the Russians (Jews) murdering their own countrymen in cold blood. In view of the fact that internees were murdered by the thousand in the concentration camps of the Soviet Union, and that these atrocities were regarded as merely routine work: not worthy of mention, it can be understood that the extermination of influential Poles such as doctors, writers, professors, teachers and civil servants, etc., was similarly regarded. The report adds that this was just a part of their general plan which was the systematic extermination of racial and national groups.

Are Jeshov, Jagoda-Herschel and Beria the only culprits haunting the common graves of the victims of the Katyn Woods? Gorlczkl, a Polish witness who escaped from the mass-executions, told the American Committee investigating into the slaughter of Polish prisoners at Katyn: "when the groups were ready to march, two officers of the political police, Colonel Urbanovitz and a Muscovite Jew, Commissar Sirotky, were standing near me. I overheard Sirotky remarking to Urbanovilz: 'Yes they are happy and laughing now, but if they knew what is coming to them!'"(Reports of Investigations, page 176.) So it appears that not only did the Jews organise and carry out the Katyn Wood mass-murders, but that through Robert Kempner, the American public prosecutor at Nuremberg, they tried to conceal the truth from the world.

Thus, in a few days or perhaps in a few hours, they exterminated the soul of the Polish nation and with it most of the intellectual class.

The colourful, free Hungarian elite, so individual in outlook, was similarly annihilated in 1945 with the help of the People's Tribunal Act, when the list of "war criminals" was handed over to the Americans.

And so biological class warfare, based on Talmudic commandments, progresses relentlessly. The Marxist theory has now reached a higher rung of the ladder. For the physical extermination of the Christian elite, there are Soviet prisons as well as the gold-diggers' camps in the Arctic Circle where, according to recently returned prisoners of war, five million people are forced to slave. World Jewry, whose total strength is about 15 million, is clearly aware that it can become the sole ruling class of all nations, once it succeeds in exterminating those social layers whose calling, on account of their intellectual faculties and integrity of character, is to be the leaders of their respective nations. With this end in view, the ignorant masses, "pink" intellectuals and other bribe-able characters are invited to serve the ends of the world conquerors to the extent of betraying their own race and nation. The conditions prevalent behind the Iron Curtain show more clearly than anything else that the fifteen million Jews could soon become a supranational middle-class, ruling over entire nations and whole continents. A ruling class which no longer needs to do any inferior or subordinate work. Their next generation can safely occupy the leading positions in all States. They wish no doubt to repeat the feat accomplished in Soviet Russia, where Jewry came up from the bottom to the top of the social ladder.

And to attain this aspiration it is quite enough to carry out the Talmudic commandment:

"Kill the best of the Goyim!"

Gunnar D. Kiimlien has written a very interesting article about biological class warfare in the Rheinischer Merkur of October 41h, 1957. This paper is closely connected with Chancellor Adenauer. In this article he records a conversation he bad in Moscow recently with a Russian intellectual just released from one of the Siberian slave-labour camps. He could only speak in the greatest secrecy with this intimidated, scared man, because it was the forty years the Bolshevik "revolution" they were discussing.

"That section of society which retained an ideological independence," said the Russian, "does not count any longer today, Its strength twenty years ago was as high as about twenty percent of the population. It was still ten percent about ten years ago. Supposing it was to have been reduced one percent per annum, you can imagine how much is left of it."

A Swedish journalist who repined recently on living standards in the Soviet Union, gave a shocking picture of proletarian masses crowded in slums. The party keeps them in such poverty and in such low living conditions that the whole of their life consists of a ceaseless fight to keep themselves alive, and thus they have no time left to deal with political problems or to have any thoughts of their own at all.

Should the biological class struggle be applied to the spiritual leaders of Jewry, the Jews would call it "anti-semitism" at once. Yet the cold-blooded, systematic slaughter of the elite of the Russian people and of the nations behind the Iron Curtain is not anti-Russian, anti-Hungarian or anti-Chinese! Nevertheless the consequences of this biological class struggle would remain permanent features even after the downfall of Bolshevism.

For the systematic extermination of the elite entails a good many alarming consequences. Due to the fact that the most cultured individuals, the most capable workers, the most intelligent farmers and the most skilled tradesmen and artisans were destroyed in the, countries behind the Iron Curtain, the quality of production in all trades has sunk accordingly. There is no taste or "finish" applied to the various goods manufactured. Ornamental skill has become a luxury; chair legs will not be planed or given a smooth surface, and the most common consumer goods are no longer available. The "new intellectuals", mass-produced through "potted" courses, are nothing else but the slaves of the masses and are thus unable to direct trade, finance of agriculture. The level of the sciences reduced to the minimum; the doctor becomes a mere quack, and the ordinary scientist has little more knowledge than a foreman. On the soil of the Ukraine, the most fertile land on earth, the yield of wheat is lower now than ever before (eight cwt, per acre); the world-famous vineyards of Tokaj are in ruins and the plants dried up, the standard of the fruit-growing has regressed 100 years. The wheatfields of the Banat (in Southern Hungary and Northern Yugoslavia) where, due to the industry and skill of the German settlers, finest agriculture on earth flourished, are overgrown today by weeds, and the houses of the Sudetenland are in ruins. The population lives and starves in misery. The shapeless felt boots and the standard quilted and padded jackets are the only articles of clothing available to the enslaved masses. Whoever can look ahead can but visualise appalling future: civilisation buried under the quicksands of the desert or overgrown by the jungle. Owing to the extermination of the elite, this menace hangs over the civilisation of all Christian nations as well as over the culture of all races.

The great martyred Hungarian patriot, Laszlo Endre, prophesied from his prison: "Proletarianised Europe will face them [the Jews] with such debased and brutalised instincts that the most savage means, necessary to suppress the most savage revolt of slaves, will have to be used to keep the people in bondage."

There will be no more revolutions or wars of independence, but slave risings only. What a future! At this juncture somebody may point out that when this stage has been reached, then in all probability the world conquerors' power privileges will also come to an end. Perhaps they will! But the world conquerors do not like to look into the future. They sit in the seats of the mighty.


ON August 6th, 1945, Harry Truman, President of the United States surprised the world with the following announcement:

"Twenty-four hours ago a U.S.A.F. bomber dropped a single bomb on Hiroshima. The effect of this bomb was greater than that of 20,000 tons of trinitrotoluol (T.N.T.). This was an atomic "bomb".

Two years later, the thirty-one-year-old Rabbi Korff, one of the leaders of the Stern terrorist organisation, lead a march of 600 fanatical rabbis to Washington, where as their spokesman he demanded that on account of events in Palestine, the United States should drop another atomic bomb-on London. Rabbi Korff openly threatened Washington's successor with the power of world Jewry. (The Jews Have Got The Atom Bomb, page 3, edited by Gerald K. Smith.)

Two years later President Truman made another announcement. On September 23rd he said: "We have proofs in our possession that during the last few weeks an atomic blast was carried out in the Soviet Union."

Not long after this announcement, a report came from Britain that the authorities had detained Klaus Fuchs, a Jewish atom physicist and Einstein's intimate friend. The Jews had passed on the secret of the atom bomb to the Soviet Union!

The formula of the atomic bomb fell into the hands of the Jews in its early stages, soon after research began. At the time of his arrival in America, Einstein was in possession of complete information concerning both Professor Otto Hahn's atomic fission theory and the results achieved up to date by the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. He advised President Roosevelt to carry on with these experiments with the ultimate aim of producing the atomic bomb for the U.S. From this time on Jews never ceased to swarm around the secret of the atom. Amongst them, Lise Meitner, a female Jewish scientist, is to be specially mentioned, as she it was who passed on the results of Professor Otto Hahn's experiments to America through a Danish atom physicist, also a Jew. Leo Szilard, another Jew from Budapest, also appeared on the scene, and since then the greatest secret of our present age has been surrounded by a strange and mysterious team of Jewish proteges. Suddenly the German Jew, Robert Oppenheimer, graduate of the University of Gortingen, joined this team of Jews. He was a Communist with Communist connections, because he saw truer, more ruthless and fanatical fulfillment of Jewish interests in Communism than in the democratic system. Robert Oppenheimer was above everything else a Jew. He is one of the most characteristic top venerable representatives of Jewish world-conquering chauvinism. While Professor Otto Hahn wavered as to whether he should make or sabotage the atomic bomb for Hitler, or else present it to his own clan and nation. Robert Oppenheimer threw all his knowledge, creative imagination and inspired intelligence into the race to invent an atomic bomb first. He worked day and night without rest or reprieve. He grew lean and haggard; his weight went down to seven stone. He achieved almost fantastic scientific results for the sole purpose of destroying the Germans-the enemies of the Jews.

Naturally he was immediately surrounded by the chairmen and presidents of the various Jewish world banks and finance houses, who saw in the production of the atomic bomb not only a splendid profit but also a national mission. L. Strauss, one of the directors of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., had previously been David Lilienthal's financial advisor. Thus J. Robert Oppenheimer was put in charge of atomic research and of experiments backed with huge financial funds. Einstein let Klaus Fuchs into the experimental and production secrets of the atomic bomb. The works and offices engaged on production soon became choked with Jews from various countries. Unreliable refugees, shady immigrants, German, Ukrainian, Polish and Hungarian Jews took over not only key positions but the small jobs as well. Julius Rosenberg, David Greenglass and their ilk filled all the positions in Los Alamos.

There are doubtless many good reasons for this. There were always still mathematicians among the Jews. Besides, atomic research would  to rather suit the Jewish mentality, Atomic fission is a actually Jewish science. So far it could destroy only, and as yet does nothing. Everything else that followed was only the natural consequence of Jewish chauvinism. If one Jew succeeds in occupying any key position he will immediately try to employ as many Jews as possible. This is actually what happens during the judaisation of any institu­tion, 'section of society or profession. Those Jews who succeed in establishing themselves will help and assist more Jews to settle in too, since in their eyes only their own kind can be trusted in the furtherance of Jewish national aspirations. And so around the person of J. Robert Oppenheimer was formed a fanatical chauvinistic group of Jews. According to American sources, only the labourers in the laboratories of Los Alamos and 'Honmcutb were non-Jews. The names of Julius Rosenberg, Martin Sobell, Harry Gold and David Greenglass became known later during the trials of the most notorious atom spies. Professor Pontecorvo, the Hungarian Professor Janosi, inventor of the hydrogen bomb, and Edward Teller, all belonged to this atomic sect.

The coil of the symbolic serpent closed tightly round the production of the atomic bomb. The great secret of America, guarded, produced and administered by the Jews, was regarded by Jewry as its own national property. Thus Jewry regarded it as quite natural to share this secret with the Soviet Union. The relations between the Eastern and Western Jew were renewed in this field as well. Although the members, or the fathers and grandfathers of members of the atomic sect had emigrated long ago to escape Russian pogroms, they re­garded Bolshevik Russia as much more reliable than America. The Bolsheviks fought against Hitler fanatically. But in America there were people like Lindbergh, Taft and the isolationists. The atomic bomb, therefore, had to be handed over to the Soviet Union which they believed to be more ruthless and resolute than America.

It was of secondary importance only that there were a number of Communists amongst American atomic scientists. They had their eyes fixed all the time on the more savage, ruthless, fanatical and revengeful Soviet Jews, and they trusted nobody else but them. The Eastern Jews were well aware of this. David Zaszlavszkij and Ilia Ehrenburg referred constantly in Pravda to Albert Einstein as one of the six best friends of the Soviet Union in the U.S.A., and as being a personal friend of Stalin. And to make themselves more worthy of the trust of American Jewry they appointed Solomon Abrahamovich Rebach, one of the leading organisers of the Bolshevik secret police, to the post of High Commissar of Soviet atomic research, and comrade Abrahamovich still holds this post today. On the other side of the Atlantic, the representatives of Kuhn, Loeb, the international bankers, played a most important role in the production of the atomic bomb. The same big Western capitalists who financed the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and who bad such splendid connections with Trotsky (Bronstein), this time never bothered to conceal their feelings concerning Eastern Jewry. Albert Einstein himself never denied that, as a staunch democrat, he was enthusiastic about the Soviet Union. John Rankin, U.S. congressman, publicly accused Einstein of having connections with the Bolshevik. Thus we need not be surprised by the testimony of Major George Racey Jordan of the U.S.A.F., in which he said that as early as 1943, mysterious hands began and maintained a constant delivery to the Soviet of raw materials, equipment and secrets necessary to the production of the war. During the investigations into the case of radar espionage, atomic bomb, i.e, in the most critical hours of the Second World which was closely related to the atom spying, it came to light that twenty-six of the vanished fifty-seven most secret files of the U.S. Signal Corps of Monmouth were recovered in Eastern Germany. All those "scientists" suspended as a result of these investigations belonged  without exception to the race of the world conquerors.

Eventually it became evident during the trials in the New York court that atom espionage was not so much the work of Communists as of Jews. Those accused admitted that they handed over atomic secrets to the Soviet as early as 1943. They passed on this vital information gratis, i.e. without ever expecting any reward for it, simply driven by the zeal of their Jewish chauvinism. The most remarkable feature in the case of the atom spies was that none of the accused demanded any money from the Soviet Union in return for their services. Julius Rosenberg in one instance only received $500 for defrayal of expenses. Completely obsessed by the most fanatical Jewish chauvinism, they were perfectly convinced that to betray America and thus help the Soviet Union, was the most sacred duty of Jewry.

All the accused in the atom espionage trials, without any exceptions, were Jews. And we will see that behind them stood the whole of world Jewry. During the trials the U.S. had to avoid the slightest appearance of "anti-Semitic" tendencies, unless she wanted to be declared bankrupt or have an economic crisis. Thus the case against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg had to be assigned to a Jewish judge­ Justice Irving Kaufmann-whom the whole of world Jewry regarded as a destructive, opportunist traitor to the Jewish race. Sypol, the New York district attorney, was a Jew too. Finally, besides the accused, a Jew called Bloch was the defending counsel.

Behind the secret of the atom sits enthroned one of the most mysterious and powerful personalities of world Jewry in the person of Bernard Baruch, "the philanthropist" banker who, in the most obscure circumstances amassed a personal fortune during the two world wars. In the imagination of the American people, perhaps not without reason, Bernard Baruch appears as the "unofficial President of the U.S" and even Churchill has to visit Baruch first, before he calls at Washington to see the official President of the U.S. When Roosevelt became President, Baruch's power and influence was multiplied, Whilst the soldiers of the U.S. were losing their lives at the front during the Second World War, Bernard Baruch, in control of 351 of the most important branches of industry in the United States and of two-thirds of the raw materials of the whole world, used every effort to remove authority over the atomic bomb from the President and the Army of the United States. In this case Jewry almost completely took off the mask. If not by word, then by deed and propaganda it declared emphatically that it regarded the atomic bomb as its own national property and the means by which it hoped to establish its supranational power. As several American writers and publicists admit, Congress committed high treason when, under the lash of Baruch, it passed the Act which took control over the atomic bomb and its secret of production away from the President and the Army, and established the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. President Truman, unaware of the consequences, signed this Act.

This commission is more powerful than the President of the U.S. can act independently of any government on earth, even of the Government of the U.S. According to statements of American official circles, this commission possessed more power than Hitler, Roosevelt and Stalin combined. When everything bad been carefully planned and prepared, the members of the Atomic Energy Commission were appointed. Out of the first five members, three, or perhaps even four, were Jews. They were: David E. Lilienthal (Jew), Lewis L. Strauss (Jew), Robert F. Bacher (Jew), William Wymack (?), and Sumner T. Pike (?). It is noteworthy that although certain changes did take place in America, where the investigations of the McCarthy committee drew the attention of American public opinion to a good many things, the structure of the Atomic Energy Commission could not be changed. As a result of the Oppenheimer case, David E. Lilienthal was removed from the chairmanship of the A.E.C., but Lewis L. Strauss took his place. During this time, Professor Pontecorvo, the Italian Jew, became head of atomic research in the Soviet Union. Under him worked the kidnapped German atom scientists, while over all of them Solomon Abrahamovicb Rebach, chief atom commissar of the Communist secret police, exercises supreme control.

The atomic bomb fell entirely into the bands of the Jews. The greatest tragedy of history thus took place, and the most threatening menace looms over mankind. The atomic bomb even in the hands of duly elected democratic statesmen is a most dangerous weapon. But the march to Washington of Rabbi Korff and his 600 fellow­ rabbis gave the world a reminder of what danger the atomic bomb could become in the bands of a fanatical tribal nationalist group. By the use of the atomic bomb, not only might civilisation be destroyed but the freedom of mankind may be lost for ever. The atomic bomb in the hands of world Jewry is a permanent menace to democracy, to the independence of all nations and to every spiritual or political movement unfavourable to the world conquerors. Those nations disobedient to world Jewry, or who may consider the rate of interest fixed by Kuhn, Loeb is too high, can be easily wiped off the face of the earth. In the hands of Jewry the atomic bomb represents terror and a horrible threat even if it is never dropped. The atomic psychosis, the fear of being destroyed by atomic blast or radiation, can be exploited to the detriment of whole nations.

"Surrender your freedom and independence, abandon your Christian faith for we are holding the atomic bomb over your heads like the sword of Damocles!" At the time of the explosion of the first hydrogem bomb. The Jews succeeded in creating the impression that if America began a war against the Eastern half of their world-kingdom, the whole of the universe would probably be blown up as well.

This is not just a political possibility, but the materialisation of the vision in the Revelation of St. John, concerning the power of the beast "over all kindreds; and tongues, and nations" (Revelations xut, 7) and foretelling the extermination of two-thirds of mankind. Not even the Learned Elders of Zion, the authors of the Protocols, dared to contemplate such a vision fifty to sixty years ago:

"It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds."

The atomic bomb is the horrible agent of this terror engulfing everything, and at the same time it is the most horrifying proof that aspirations for world domination and world conquest actually exist. From 1934 until 1948 Jewish propaganda constantly proclaimed that American democracy together with the freedom of mankind could co-exist in good neighbourly understanding with Soviet tyranny. Since the end of the Second World War their global programme comprised divided world power between the Western and Eastern Jew, It is actually the sharing of the globe between them! It is rule by gold in the West and by tommy-gun in the East. The supreme aim is the prevention of war and of a showdown with Bolshevism. As we pointed out before, this is the reason why Morgenthau organised the "Society for the Prevention of World War III".

Marcel de Briancon, the French author, sees this point clearly when he writes ;

"These two apparently opposing, antagonistic and irreconcilable power concepts, which in fact complement each other, say to themselves: If the Soviet defeats the U.S.A., world power will be established in the form of a Communist world State by the organisation of a world Soviet. If the opposite happens and the U.S.A. defeats the Soviet Union, a new Pluto-democratic world State will inevitably be established following the American victory. After all, it matters little whether we Jews hold political world power by our sole possession of concentrated private capital, or whether we exercise the same political world power from key position in state capitalism. To us it does not matter which of these two concepts emerge victorious, for in either case the sole victory at the end will be ours. Under these circumstances is there any need for a showdown?'"

But later on, when world Jewry saw that a clash was possible after all, and when American public opinion had slowly begun to realise that the co-existence side by side of Bolshevism and freedom was not possible, Klaus Fuchs was suddenly arrested for handing over every detail of the atomic secret to the Soviet Union. Two names suddenly emerged from obscurity: those of J. Robert Oppenheimer and Julius Rosenberg. Both of them, as we will see later, can be regarded as symbolic figures of Jewish world-conquering nationalism.

As long as German National Socialism had to be destroyed, J. Robert Oppenheimer worked with the self-sacrifice of an ascetic and the inspiration of a genius to produce the atomic bomb. He was a western Jew in the full sense of the word, but even so, he put his trust only in the ruthlessness, bloodthirstiness and fanaticism of his Eastern brethren, and in nothing else! According to the accusations brought against him, between 1940 and 1942 he supported subversive anti-American Bolshevik activities in the U.S. with large sums of money. He married a Communist. His brother and sister-in-law were all Communists. His Communist wife's first husband was also a hard-boiled Bolshevik and was killed during the Spanish Civil War. Oppenheimer had employed Communists in Los Alamos during the Second World War.

At that time he threw all his knowledge and talent into the problem of solving the production of the atomic bomb. He had no remorse. He was not in the least conscience-stricken, for he knew that only nazis would be destroyed by the atomic bomb. But when the defeat nazism was an accomplished fact, and when the H-bomb should have been invented and produced to check the real tyranny of the Soviet system, the great Western brother suddenly became diffident and unwilling to do anything against the Eastern world conquerors. He, of all people, knew very well that these Bolshevik despots and suppressors, though they might be a thousand times worse than Hitler, were nevertheless his brethren. With him they could recite in unison; "We are all the same nation! The same tribe! The same race! We are not Russian, Portuguese or American Jews, but just Jews and nothing else but Jews!"

K. D. Nicholson, general manager of the Atomic Energy Commission, wrote:
"Oppenheimer in his official capacity as chairman of the General Advisory Committee to the Atomic Energy Commission, in 1949 strongly opposed the development of the H-bomb and made every effort to persuade the others as well to go slow with this project, even after President Truman gave definite instructions to proceed with the experiments." [American Hungarian Voice. April 19th, 1954, page 7.)

The H-bomb should at this time have been dropped on the Eastern half of the Jewish world kingdom. And the Western Jew did not want the destruction of the Eastern half of his dominion. He, the mathematical master-mind, the wizard of physics with the satanic brain, perceived clearly that the most favourable conditions for world conquest consisted in the bisection of the globe into two hemispheres, both possessing the atomic bomb, and both in a position to threaten one another constantly.

The other symbolic figures of this world-conquering nationalism were the Rosenberg couple. They are typically small, unimportant people who perhaps did not help the Soviet Union as much as many observers believed. They handed over the atomic secret out of sheer racial conviction, i.e, doing it as part of their duty towards their own people. They handed over everything to the Soviet Union and, most characteristically, said in their defence that America was her ally.

But the sulphuric flames of supranational "nazism" blazed with a most intense and violent heat when the Rosenberg couple was about to go to the electric chair. According to the law the Rosenbergs were spies; they were traitors to America. Nevertheless, ninety-nine percent of world Jewry stood up for them in solidarity. The millions of world Jewry, the capitalists and the proletarians, the residents of luxury villas of the Sea Gate and of the slums in the Bronx, the Jews of the West End of London as well as of every capital city in the world, united solidly in demonstrations to force the "nazi­-fascist-Hitlerite" Eisenhower to exercise his presidential prerogative of mercy. In the eyes of decent patriotic American citizens, this whole campaign, with its picketing, appeared like a Communist demonstration. "If Ilse Koch, the murderess of Jews, could be pardoned"-said placards carried by the demonstrators-" why must the Rosenbergs die?" "Professors Urey and Einstein demand a pardon!" and: "Distinguished leaders in Israel are asking for a reprieve!" was to be seen written on other placards.

In five continents capitalists and Communists, highly cultured Intellectuals and simple Talmudists all joined forces to save two Communist spies. The whole nation of totalitarian world conquerors lined up to support the traitors. In London the Rosenbergs' co­racialists knelt down and lay flat in the streets and shouted for pardon. In a demonstration which held up the traffic for miles, In Moscow, Budapest and Bukarest, and in other capital cities all over the world, touching stories were written in the national Press about the career of these traitors. On Union Square in New York. the Irish police­men were hardly able to cope with the situation brought about by
fainting fanatical Jewesses collapsing when they heard that their adopted country, the United States, had executed the traitors according to the sentence of the Court.

"It was interesting to listen to the New York Radio after the executions took place," wrote the American Hungarian Voice. "There were announcers who almost sobbed when giving the news. Other stations after announcing the news began to play funeral music. On Union Square Jewish women threw themselves on the pavement, wailing and lamenting hysterically, and even some of the men started to weep, shouting: 'They killed them..killed them !' "(American Hungarian Voice, June 29th, 1953, page 8.)

And finally, on Church Avenue, Brooklyn, world-conquering "nazism." held a rally remarkable for its fanaticism. Tens of thousands of people confessed and demonstrated their solidarity with the criminals in the name of their tribal "nazism" since, like the Eastern Jews, they also regarded the executed spies as martyrs to their cause.

At the memorial service, Emanuel Bloch, the defending counsel of the executed Rosenberg couple, said:

"I place the guilt of murdering the Rosenbergs on the doorsteps President Eisenhower, Attorney General Browell and Edgar Hoover, director of the F.B.I. They gave the orders for the button of the electric chair to be pressed. These two dear, sensitive, tender and cultured persons were the victims of cold-blooded willful murder. They fought against despotism. America is groaning today under the despotism of a military dictatorship, clad in civilian clothes." (American Hungarian Voice. June 19th, 1953.)

From now on, President Eisenhower, the latest successor of Washington and one of the executors of the Morgenthau Plan, could count on the fact that his name too would be on the black-list of "war criminals" and "enemies of the people". The gallows of Nuremberg were now facing towards the White House and casting their shadows on it. Supranational "nazism" has declared war upon America and upon its faithful servant President Eisenhower. Possibly not only the volce of Emanuel Bloch was to be heard over the coffins of the Rosenbergs, but the echo also of Julius Streicher's words from Nuremberg:

" will be hanged by the Bolsheviks!"


IN finally betraying America world Jewry definitely removed its mask.

Jewry may perhaps feel it has a grievance against every country in the world. The United States, however, gave everything to the Jews a country can offer-money, business, wealth, security, a peaceful life, an unrestricted liberty which was turned into unbridled wantonness and even political influence. America went into battle twice, sacrificing her sons for the sake of the business interests, the profiteering and the political influence of Jewish nationalism; for these were the forces that pushed her into both world wars. America defeated Hitler and also gave eleven billion dollars to the Soviet Union to help liberate the Jewish inmates of the concentration camps. She took her share of the odium resulting from the Nuremberg trials and from dancing attendance on Jewry's desire for revenge.

It took Jewry hardly seventy years to acquire and control the major part of American business and financial life. The destitute little Jew who had fled from Russian pogroms 'basked in the sunny side of life in the U.S.A., enjoying civic rights and many privileges. During Roosevelt's Presidency, he occupied key positions in political life. He became the owner of an earthly paradise-of much of the riches and wealth of Miami, Florida and California. For him the Promised Land was not Palestine but the United States of America. Palestine, or Israel as it is called today, was re-established for the sore purpose of receiving those undesirable types of destitute and cadging Jews who scare New York millionaires, because they carry with them everywhere the germs of "anti-Semitism".

During Roosevelt's administration America became a land of the
Jews. Thus one would expect the world conquerors to remain faithful
10 America of all countries, and not to turn against the United States
when the time came for her to fight against Communism. But the
Jews have shown in the case of America also that they feel themselves
safe only as long as they are rulers; and they will be faithful to a country only as long as the interests of that country are identical with their own.

In the absence of knowledge of the Jewish question, America might indeed have had the right to expect that world Jewry would take her side in the cold war which followed after the Second World War. But exactly the opposite happened. Somewhere behind the veiled privacy of B'nai B'rith lodges the fate of the United States was decided by world Jewry. Surely America's Gentile politicians, though in Jewish hands, did not want to win the Second World War for Jewry alone, to the exclusion of everybody else. Perhaps, with the exception of Roosevelt, they never believed in the possibility of a lasting agreement with the Soviet Union. Senator Truman, who succeeded Roosevelt, said on June 21st, 1941, the day of the out­break of war between Germany and Soviet Russia: "If we see that Germany is going to win we will help Soviet Russia, but if it is the other way round, we will have to help Germany. Let's leave them alone so that they will weaken each other as much as possible."

Friendship with the Soviet was not in the interests of the U.S"any more than was the cold war after 1945. Both of these things served the interests of world Jewry alone and nobody else. World Jewry's interests played a decisive part in the unleashing of both world wars, but a third world war to defeat and liquidate the Soviet and to liberate the enslaved nations is not in the interests of the Jews. On the contrary, at Yalta and Potsdam world power was parcelled out between them.

As the Protocols tell us:

"It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds"

According to the well-known catch-phrase America is the "land of freedom", and in the estuary of the River Hudson the Statue of Liberty holds high the symbolic torch. But in reality an "all­ engulfing terror" has reigned beyond Ellls Island since the time of Roosevelt's accession to the Presidency. Felix Frankfurter, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the U.S. said that "the real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes". The American citizen has the right to vote either for the Republican or Democratic Party, but those behind the scenes know very well that real power remains in their hands whichever party wins the election. Anybody daring to rebel, to protest or to utter a enlightening word concerning this hidden hand will be either killed, gagged, driven into suicide or publicly "smeared".

Gerald K. Smith, the courageous leader of the American Christian crusade, gives in his book an appalling account of the terror provoked by this hidden hand as well as of those patriotic Americans who fell victims to the world conquerors' "all-engulfing terror". We give here an abridged account taken from his book "Suicide" of how the powers behind the scenes exterminated those Americans who stood in the way of Bolshevism and of a second world war, and consequently opposed the aspirations of the world conquerors.

The reputation of James Forrestal, Secretary of War in Truman's administration was ruined by Drew Pearson and Walter Winchell (Lipschitz), the two radio commentators, exponents of the Jewish "M.V.D." and of the Anti-Defamation League. They made Forrestal's position impossible by stamping him as an "anti-Semite" for opposing U.S. foreign policy in the question of Palestine. Forrestal, after having publicly announced on one occasion that "these Jews will ruin America", was detained in a hospital, and later mysteriously met his death one morning by "falling" from a sixteenth story window. Joseph Kennedy, the U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, had to endure being silenced coupled with a kind of local internment in Florida, because on his return home to America before the outbreak of the Second World War he declared: "Only over my dead body will this country go to war," Kennedy's successor, John Winant, after becoming familiar with the circumstances which falsely served to embroil America in the Second World War, was left with the choice of ignominious silence or suicide. This honest American diplomat chose suicide, Henry Wallace, who was a member of an odd Oriental sect and believed that with the help of some wildcat serum he would live 150 years, became Roosevelt's Vice ­President. But when he turned out to be difficult and not amenable to all the powers behind the scenes, he died quite suddenly and quite young. General Patrick J. Harley said in 1947 that "there are still several thousand Communists sitting in the State Department". For this, he was silenced by the mysterious Black Hand of Washington which drove him into exile -disgraced. The wife of General Chiang Kai-Shek, the daughter of Sun-Yet-Sen, lived in mortal fear whenever she visited America during the Second World War, because she knew that secret agents of the world conquerors' "Gestapo" were planning her assassination. It came to light that the speech delivered by Stettinius, Secretary of State, at the opening of the United Nations, was actually written by a Hollywood Communist film star called Dalton Trumbo. Morton Kent killed himself by cutting open a vein. He knew who stole very secret files for the Soviet Union. He knew well that it would make little difference whether he spoke or remained silent; he would be murdered in any case.

Whittaker Chambers, Louis Budenz and Tyler Kent still live, but in some danger of their lives. Budenz, who previously was one of the leading members of the Communist Party and who exposed several Jewish Communists sought refuge in the Catholic University of Fordham. Should he step out of the protecting walls of the university buildings he would not live twenty-four hours. The same can be said of the other non-Jewish ex-Communist leader, Chambers who exposed Alger Hiss.

Tyler Kent, who decoded the secret telegrams exchanged between Roosevelt and Churchill -some sent before Churchill was Prime Minister-and thus became one of the most important witnesses of how the world bad been driven into war, was jailed for fifty years in Great Britain, on the Isle of Wight.

That benign and correct old gentleman, General Vaughan, had been kept busy removing Jews and Communists from the State Department in considerable numbers. He took a firm stand against David K. Niles, who was the "eminence grise" of the White House during the administrations of Roosevelt and Truman. In his younger days Niles had been convicted and sentenced in Boston to several years' imprisonment for sexual offences. Later he wrote speeches for American Presidents. General Vaughan had strong objections to letting such a Lombroso-type of character live in the entourage of the President of the United States. However, he was silenced, removed from office, and socially ruined under the pretext of "anti­-Semitism".

General Frederick Morgan. U.N.R.R.A. chief in the American Zone of occupied Germany, was an Englishman by birth. who took the liberty to state in writing that the Jews living in Germany were were well provided with both money and food, and thus suffered no need whatever. On the demand of Herbert H. Lehman, Senator for New York and head of U.N.R.R.A. at that time, General F. Morgan was removed from his post, despite the fact that at first the British government did not wish to give way to the pressure of American Jewry.

Mr. Earle, U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria, was similarly silenced. He had been banded a secret memorandum by Von Papen in Sofia, in which Hitler's Government made an offer to keep the United States "out of the war". After passing on this memorandum to Roosevelt, he was recalled to Washington, then called up for military service and sent out to a Pacific island for the rest of the war. The American people were under no circumstances to be allowed to learn that the hated nazis wished for peace with the United States.

The murder of Huey P. Long, Senator of Louisiana, was a most mysterious case. Long was one of Roosevelt's rivals with the best possible chances of being elected as President of the U.S. He alleged in the course of a speech to the Senate on August 9th, 1935, that the American "Black Hand", led by Jews, had ordered his assassination. During a meeting in a New Orleans hotel. The Senate laughed off the old fighter at the time. But a month later he was shot dead by a Jew named Karl Weiss.

According to Gerald K. Smith's book, a good many of Roosevelt's opponents perished under similarly mysterious circumstances. Amongst these were Senator Cutting of New Mexico, Senator Shaw of Minnesota, and Mr. John Simpson, president of the Farmers' Union of Oklahoma.

Keep silent or die! -this was likewise the order to Admiral Kimmel, who knew the real story of Pearl Harbour. And the Admiral remained silent, unwilling to risk his life.

Dr. William Witt, a university professor of Gary, Indiana, apparently as the result of a mistake, received an invitation to a very exclusive social gathering where he heard explained plans and preparations of the Jews and Communists to take over power in the United States. He reported what he had heard to the Press and was consequently summoned to one of the "anti-American activities committees" of the Senate, presided ever by Senator O'Connor. The committee stamped Wirt as a liar. Wirt died not long after these hearings in the most suspicious circumstances. But on the first anniversary of Wirt's death, Senator O'Connor visited the grave of this victim and prayed for forgiveness.

Gerald K. Smith, the leader of the American anti-Jewish movement, was once poisoned with arsenic, and the doctors only saved his life with difficulty. This same Gerald K. Smith writes that Gerhard Eisler, a Communist German Jew who emigrated to America and then, having been branded an important Stalin agent, escaped from the American authorities to the Soviet Zone of Germany, ordered the assassination of several thousand American citizens. Westbrook Pegler, one of the best known American publicists, lived in permanent fear for his life. Those papers in which Pegler's articles are published exposing the subversive activities of the Communists (Jews) are consistently threatened by Jewry with boycott and terror.

The story of Charles Lindbergh, the valiant pilot who flew the Atlantic, is now well Known. Lindbergh opposed the war, and in the course of one of his speeches delivered in Des Moines, Iowa, he pronounced the word "Jew" in a not very flattering tone of voice. Such an intense campaign immediately started for his moral destruction that even today in circles of the Anti-Defamation League, the mention of "Lindbergh-treatment" conveys the assassination of a person's character, career and social position. These circles Know very well that the elimination of Lindbergh from public life was the work of Jewry. Martin Dies was silenced also by methods similar to the Lindbergh-treatment, because he was the first to try to drag Communists before the Senate and so into the spotlight of publicity. There were attempts to kidnap his son and his wife was constantly threatened. Eleanor Roosevelt and her friends attended the sittings of the Senate Committee to poke fun at its chairman. The Press received confidential instructions to boycott the work of the committee. Yet though Dies was silenced, his committee's work was carried on by Senator Joseph McCarthy on whom world Jewry's anathema was declared and who may also be murdered at any time. (Since the publication of Gerald K. Smith's book, Senator McCarthy has died in the most mysterious and suspicious circumstances. Several American papers hinted openly that he was murdered.-Author.)

This was also the fate of the Canadian M.P., Norman Jacques, one of the most popular Members of the Canadian Parliament. Before his death he wrote to several of his acquaintances that; "In my next speech in parliament I am going to open the eyes of my audience and I intend to expose the whole Jewish nationalist conspiracy." But before he could deliver his speech he died from "heart failure".

(Gerald K. Smith points out that the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt in itself is a great mystery. It appears almost certain that Roosevelt did not die a natural death. According to some versions he suffered from having a guilty conscience because of Pearl Harbour, or because of that far-fetched Soviet friendship which resulted in a promise to hand over to the Soviets five million people consisting of Germans, Italians, Hungarians, Roumanians and Bulgarians. According to another theory, he wished to be proclaimed President of the World Republic, simultaneously with the establishment of U.N.O., but was forced to realise that the state of his health made him unfit for this office.

Only a single photograph remains to posterity showing the President of the U.S.A. Republic in his coffin. In this photograph a white flower can be seen covering a wound on Roosevelts head. And when his, son Jimmy Roosevelt arrived for the funeral, his mother and family did not dare to open up the coffin so that he might see his father for the last time.

All these facts and events clearly prove that Felix Frankfurter is right. Actual power in America does not rest with the visible government but is in the possession of individuals behind the scenes. They are the people representing supranational "nazism", whose interests were so well served by the Second World War, but whost interests would not be served by a third world war in which the sword of America would rip open the Iron Curtain. What would happen if the Soviet prisons were opened, or if the American soldiers saw the same things in the liberated territories that were seen after I941 in Soviet Russia by the warriors of Europe (Hitler's Warriors)? What would happen when the political prisoners were freed together with the slaves of the internment and forced labour camps? Would they not all tell the world who the real jailers, torturers, executioners and murders of the Soviet regime were? Has not Lenin himself said that "anti-Semitism" is the means of the counter-revolution?  With the fall of Bolshevism a great awakening of the Gentile nations would follow. The secret archives would be opened. Woe betide the world conquerors then!

World Jewry changed its tactics after 1945, because it saw clearly that a showdown between the U.S.A. and the Soviet must be avoided at all costs. The policy now is so to debilitate America that she will have no strength left to defend herself in the end. And so Jewish nationalism, having established unparalleled financial and political power, through armament races, inflation, unemployment, world wars and revolutions, now turns round suddenly and becomes "peace-loving". It starts the greatest political campaign of its history with the help of the U.N.O., U.N.E.S.C.O., the European Council of Strasbourg and various parliaments which are under its influence. With the world Press in its hands, it works with the sole aim of making America weak and isolated, of leaving her without allies on the day when the clock strikes and she has to force a showdown with the Soviet Union. The aim is to make the policy of the United States unpopular with other people, at the time when she should be rallying to her side the Christian nations and other non-christian people, such as Mohammedans.

Jewry's interests lie in Jewish world government on the concepts of Einstein, and the totalitarian Jewish State. And this nationalism, after having carried out the most bloodthirsty war propaganda campaign against Hitler, now makes a volte-face. Now, the hidden hand, acting quietly behind the scenes, is taking steps to force America on her knees by augmenting as much as possible the strength of the Soviet Union and at the same time by crippling those forces which consider war against Bolshevism inevitable.

These tactics have had a certain "merit" in the past. But in Europe they were used only at the end of lost wars. They are known as sabotage and as whispering campaigns that poison the mind. "Do not fight any longer, you people! The Russians are also humane!" went the Whisper assailing the ears of those ready and willing to defend their country against Soviet barbarism. Morgenthau's policy plans to crush the might of America by almost identical means. "After all," say the triumphant Jews to each other-the Jews who beat Hitler -"just read the Book of the Prophet Isaiah and you will see that not only the Protocols promised us power over the world, but the Prophet himself too:

"Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces the the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought." (Isaiah fx. 11.)

"For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted." (Isaiah Ix. 12.) "Over there, on the other sick of the Iron Curtain, 40,000 Soviet tanks, 15,000 aircraft and 175 divisions of the Soviet Army are waiting in readiness to overrun Europe and accomplish the fulfillment of our world power. Churchill said in 1949 that the atomic bomb alone was protecting America and Europe from a Soviet attack. But the atomic bomb, as you know, is ours!"

"Those who carry the secret of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union are all our blood-brothers. It is just as if Einstein had selected them personally and sent them to carry out their great missions. Such are Klaus Fuchs, whose treason speeds up the production of the Soviet atomic bomb by two years, and Bruno Pontecorvo, the Italian Jew, who carried atomic secrets to the Soviet in eleven large trunks. There are also many others such as Harry Gold, David Greenglass, Julius Rosenberg, Emmanuel Bloch, William Perl, Professor of the University of Columbia, Abraham Breibmann, Mirijam Moskovicb, Simson the plutonium thief Jew, Janos! the Hungarian Jew who would protect Lazar Khaganovich's empire with a cosmic ray curtain, John Vag-Weiszfeld, who was Harry Gold's accomplice. David Boehm and Edwin David, all of them members of our race. Why is there not a single Christian among them? Because Gentiles are not reliable! The secret is ours; we do not deny it. Julius Rosenberg admitted frankly to the New York Court that 'Soviet Russia is our ally and I considered her, therefore, entitled to receive such information from us!'..."

America possessed hidden weapons which could have made her the leading anti-Bolshevik world power. They were the greatest military secrets of history, with the help of which she could have delivered the world from the menace of servitude. These secrets had III he stolen and sold, so that as a substitute for the powers known "America and Russia, a single power should remain in the world: the world power of Jewish nationalism which keeps at bay both America and the Soviet Union. If it does nothing else, the betrayal of America will prove better than anything that there is a grandiose Jewish plan in existence to divide the world into eastern and western hemispheres, and consequently to rule both of them, and that this plan has so far been executed with the most ruthless efficiency.

Radar and the inter-continental rockets were also among the military secrets in the hand of th
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan