"for the past a monument, for the present a bullet!"

Started by yankeedoodle, February 04, 2024, 02:13:59 PM

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A brutal - and telling - little story about jews told to Professor Ion Coja that has been mechanically translated from Romanian.

The Jews from Chernivtsi and the assassination of Romanian soldiers

The undersigned RAOUL VOLCINSCHI, domiciled in Cluj–Napoca, retired university professor, member of the Association of Former Political Detainees from Romania, I have to make the following statement, in front of Professor Ion Coja:

QuoteI am originally from Chernivtsi, where, in 1940, I experienced the drama of the evacuation of my family from Chernivtsi. I was a student at Aron Pumnul high school and was part of the Dragoş Vodă football team. We were playing dwarfs. There were three teams in Chernivtsi where young Jews played: Maccabi, Borohov and Hasmonea. We often played the Romanians against the Jews, pleasant matches, without any tension of a racist, anti-Semitic or anti-Romanian nature. We knew each other well, even though we went to different schools and lived in different neighborhoods.

In the evening of June 27, radio Monte Carlo, which my family listened to regularly, announced that Romania was obliged to cede Bessarabia and Bucovina. On Bucharest radio, trying to find out what is happening, they commented on how Prince Mihai's baccalaureate exam went... Nothing about the ultimatum! Father, however, made us start packing things from the house, in order to take refuge in the Country.

The next day, early in the morning, my father sent me to get my high school school documents, which were going to be necessary for my school enrollment in September. My way from home to high school passed through Unirii Square and in front of the City Hall. When I arrived at the town hall, I saw that there were five corpses of Romanian soldiers lying in the street, whose blood had flowed into the dust on the cobblestones. A few people on the sidelines watched in dismay and bewilderment.

I asked what is happening, have the Russians already come to Chernivtsi? I was told that the soldiers were killed "by them"! And I was pointed to two cars around which around 12-15 young civilians, armed, some of them even had two automatic weapons, one in their hand, the other behind their back, and they were struggling to fit everyone in the cars. I knew them all, some by sight, others personally or by name: Aufleger Feibis, Fisher, Abacumov, Eisinger Siegfried. They played football in the junior team of the aforementioned Jewish teams. They left shouting "Zum Flugplaz"! ("To the airport!") I returned home on a detour, as gunfire could be heard on other streets.

In the mentioned group was also Sigi Bainer, whom I had known well because we had played football together, in several matches, as opponents. I found him in the mid-1950s, at the security office in Cluj, when I was investigated and beaten several times by this Sigi Bainer. I tried to talk to him humanely, reminding him that we know each other well and that there is no way he could see me as an agent of the Western imperialist powers, as I was accused. He told me several times: "for the past a monument, for the present a bullet!"

I had met him a few times in Cluj, he had been a small-time smuggler before working for security, as an investigator and thug. When I was released I found out that he had gone to Israel.

Raoul Volcinschi


Editor's note: Does this Sigi Bainer have descendants in Israel? Maybe there will be a good Jew in Israel to point out the testimony of someone who grew up with their grandfather who was such a bastard!