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Legal Notice of Libelous Publication on the infounderground.com

Started by Ognir, January 06, 2012, 02:05:44 AM

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Further reading
http://www.salem-news.com/articles/janu ... nea-ym.php


I think they don't like this passage
QuoteInside Intel / Commies and a Pinko 10/15/2009 Haaretz: "An Israeli with links to arms makers here is helping Peru's army fight Maoist rebels... A few months ago, the Israeli security firm, Global CST, headed by Major General (Res.) Israel Ziv, won a $10 million contract to prepare the Peruvian army's special forces for its struggle against the Sendero Luminoso ("the Shining Path") - which recently renewed its struggle... Ziv and his partners in the firm have previously supplied similar services in fighting against guerilla forces and terrorists, including the integration of an intelligence system, to the Georgian and Colombian armies. Advertisement In Georgia, their students failed the test and suffered a beating at the hands of the Russians. In Colombia they succeeded in a daring commando raid, with the assistance of Americans, in saving the life of Ingrid Betancourt, the former presidential candidate who had been held prisoner for six years by the guerilla forces of the FARC rebel group. Ziv not only prepares the army, he also has an influence on the equipment it will acquire. Thus he serves as a kind of sales representative for the Israeli military industries which reward him accordingly."

Anyone got any info on this?
Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe


Ah hello can I have some feedback and good research as I have 5 jewish lawyers on my ass :lol:
Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe


So theyre basically saying to the dude at ziomania, that he has to get rid of his article, because Haaretz took their original one down??
Wouldnt it have to be a little more than that ie someone has to prove the article written was actually wrong?  

Just because Haaretz complied, doesnt necessarily mean its an admission of guilt (article containing false info, or whatever..)
So why do they think you need to automatically comply just because Haaretz' zionist asses did.

Im no lawyer and could totally be missing something here.. but wtf?  This seems crazy.


I thought the original link was from that Russian English forms?
Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe

Michael K.

The bottom line here is that this is nothing but "legal" harassment.  If you cave once, you will be called upon to do so again and again.  Those peckerwoods don't have a real case, as is obvious since there is no argument supporting their bald-faced claim.  

What they do have is a court system full of Jews to process their claim, and yes that means that they don't need to have to have facts or the law on their side.

You are personally up against a Zionist general worth mega millions.  And as I pointed out, the burden of proof in a civil case is only 51%, which means that they can win just by showing up circumcised.

Frankly, I think that conceding when you have already lost is a smart way to prevent further losses.  Unless this is your personal fight, the meaning of your life, I would see no reason to put up a struggle.  Retreat and fight when conditions are at least somewhat fair.

Taking this one on will bring this website down, and over what?

I don't mean to bring you down, but I wouldn't send you out to defend your honor against a gang of killers when the stakes are so small.


The original post here at TIU has been deleted to keep the J-Tribers off TIU's back.  
Good to see they are pissed off.  :)    

  <$>  <-- Friggin' Jew Lawyers -->   <:^0

Israelis in the Americas, (for Super Jew)

Put the title above in some search engine and pull it from cache if the link below is deleted or PM me.
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan


Looks like they arrange mercenary consulting "Deals" so they are concerned about their "image" looking good--- and it looks like they do CONSULTING FOR THE JEWLAND HOMELAND SECURITY IN THE USA... so they are concerned their "image" could be hurt.

Maybe the dumb J-Mouthy-Bitches will bomb Indo-European Iran to try and shut this one down... but G-Damn them if they dare...

QuoteA man believed to be a mercenary from Chad, captured by anti-government demonstrators in Libya
Israeli arms distribution company Global CST has reportedly, under the authorization of Tel Aviv, provided Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi with African mercenaries to clamp down on anti-government protesters.

Egyptian sources have revealed that the Israeli company has so far provided Gaddafi's regime with 50,000 African mercenaries to attack the civilian anti-government protesters in Libya.

The arms company was previously convicted in an African country over illegal deals, News-Israel website reported.

Sources say Global CST had obtained the permission for providing the mercenaries to Gaddafi from the Israeli officials in advance.

Earlier, Global CST general manager had met with the head of the Israeli Intelligence Agencies (Aman) and Defense Minister Ehud Barak and obtained the permission for the measure.

The company representatives also met with Abdullah Sanusi, the head of Libyan Internal Intelligence, in Chad to discuss the details for a final agreement, the report says.

The mercenaries who attack the civilians in Tripoli have mostly come from Chad.

Gaddafi regime pays $2000 per day for each mercenary. The mercenaries receive $100 per day and the remaining goes to Global CST, the report says.

Meanwhile, the United States has demanded the UN Security Council (UNSC) to remove the provisions of charging mercenaries with war crimes in the killing of Libyan civilians.

The request is for the UNSC to word the resolution in a way that no one from an outside country that is not a member of the International Criminal Court could be prosecuted by the Court for their actions in Libya.

The Libyan revolution, inspired by the recent revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, sparked nearly two weeks ago.

Brutal crackdown by the Libyan regime on anti-government protesters has left thousands of people dead so far.



Their "Experience"...makes you wonder if they are  global actors for FFs--"turn key" style--- PURE J-EVIL  <$> :



http://www.voltairenet.org/Mercenary-co ... Global-and
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan

Christopher Marlowe

I just read this today.  I was going to say to go ahead and remove the link, but I guess you already did. Michael K summarized it nicely: little to gain, much to lose, and the cards are stacked against you.

Defamation in the internet age is difficult to navigate. It is hard to enough to figure out all of the differences state by state, let alone nation by nation. And whose caselaw are we going to use?  Historically, plaintiffs like to sue from England/GB/slaveland because the law there favors them. The US affords more protections for defendants.  Generally, it had to be shown that a newspaper published the defamatory comment with malice. (Note that malice in this context means that the newspaper knew that the information was false, or acted recklessly by publishing without proper investigation into the matter.)  There are also variations according to who the defendant is and what type of defamatory information has been published.  

I'm a little out of date on this topic, so I would have to do a little more research before I opined on the specifics of this case.  But just using common sense:
1. The plaintiffs have already gotten a settlement from a major newspaper.
2. Major newspapers have expert legal staff who, we assume, try to protect the newspaper's right to free speech.
3. The legal staff advised the paper to remove the material and create a settlement. (retraction, $$$?)
4. The defamatory material is essentially the same, and republished here at TIU.
5. If the case is brought in the same jurisdiction, the results are likely to be the same.

To me it's a no-brainer: "The better part of valor is discretion..."
And, as their wealth increaseth, so inclose
    Infinite riches in a little room


Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe


It seems with Wikileaks and CST that this is essentially a Jew Merc Firm working as an "agent" for Israeli Foreign Policy objectives.  Israel's biggest foreign income earner are arms and "Security" services (maybe second if ill-dope gains are discounted) .  If CST's management talks with Ehud Barak, then these are some high level ex-IDF badasses that want to make a buck messing with "troubled security zones".  Personally I see them as a threat to the United States and US citizens traveling in regions they are operating in as consultants. What if one of their Jew paid "Mercs" kill an American Reporter, Diplomat or Businessman  in a troubled zone (Colombia, Africa)?  Without this information published as "truth", the death and criminality could be covered up by the J-Tribe Consulting firm...as merely "incidental".. and  that is what Zio-mania charges as well. This company is on the "hook" for their Mercs... and if it is in the press then it is what it is.   This CST group and the NDAA make a dangerous "Jew cocktail" for Americans globally that go about just telling the rest of the world what they see regarding Israel and Israeli MERCs.  Are they above Western European Laws?  Do we have the Magna Carta at root in the USA and Europe... or some Jewish Talmudically  "hashed up" B.S. rag as law?  I dropped the links just to stop any kind of quick hit but the question of "Legality" for this "charge" still stands.  In America... this means... F*** OFF JEW LEGAL B*TCHES...since they don't have a "case"...  sorry to be so crass but they only listen to vulgar insults.  

So, if they desire to clamp down on news stories, they best get more than just Jew-Israeli laws to push their case when they go for something "Globally" applicable... but that is of course is a "Pandora's Box"... like Wiki-leaks -- they may not want to open the box to see "what applies" to "whom" and "where". Ramming a lot of IDF-Jew Criminal  Ass to the "ICC" should not be a problem at this point in time and that includes this "hurt" Israeli General B*tch*ass JewTard.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internatio ... inal_Court

Nothing coming from a scamming Merc Jew outfit saying "Libelous"...applies to "Goyim" in my book... F'em...  --CSR
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan


March 2011, a financial newspaper, Ziv's goal:  international infrastructure mogul
http://www.calcalist.co.il/articles/0,7 ... 50,00.html


Retired general Israel Ziv trained soldiers in Africa, established units Georgya and fought guerrillas in South America, backed by Shlomo Ben - Ami, Ephraim Sneh and David Tzur. In spinning deep connections in Colombia, now would make him into the international infrastructure ram he dreams of.
Means: "the new Panama Canal."
Complication: a struggle Geo - strategically between China and the United States.
Prospects: We wished the soldier success

on ziopedia
http://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%99%D7% ... 7%99%D7%95
Israel Ziv (b. - 1957 ) is general in the IDF in the reserves , the head of the Operations Division  in the IDF in 2003 - 2005 .
Ziv was born as Israel Silberstein.


QuoteSubject: Fwd: Legal Notice of Libelous Publication on the infounderground.com [THEINFOUNDERGROUND.COM@domainsbyproxy.com] (FROM: mailto:kereny@kahn.co.il">kereny@kahn.co.il)

The post in question has been removed by the poster


QuoteOn Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 1:25 PM, keren <kereny@kahn.co.il> wrote:

    Thank you very much for your help in this matter.

    We wish you continued success with the infounderground.com.

    Keren Yalon

Nothing to argue about if it isn't here
Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe

Christopher Marlowe

I remembered the false rumor about the mercs being supplied to Ghaddaffi by this company.  It turns out that Amnesty International helped spread those rumors, but now says they were not been substantiated.  

This was part of the media campaign to delegitimize the Libyan army.  

QuoteThe Barry Chamish Website

by Barry Chamish
March 21, 2011

If you're a leader who is looking for an expensive means of losing power, hire Maj. Gen. Israel Ziv at his firm Global CST and he'll arrange for your downfall. Just ask Libyan strongman Muamar Ghaddafi for a recommendation.

      Quoting reliable Israeli sources Yediot Ahronot and Inyan Mercazi, I recently, if not proved then strongly contended, that a desperate Ghaddafi hired Ziv's Israeli firm to supply him with a mercenary force to defeat the rebels' ragtag army on the verge of ousting him from power. Permit me to reprint my claims:

 With approval from the government in Tel
Aviv, an Israeli security firm is responsible for sending groups of African mercenaries to Libya
to fight the protestors who have been calling for the fall of the Gaddafi
regime for the last two weeks, reports Al Jazeera's website, citing a source in
the Israeli press. The journalist from Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot, who
prefers to remain anonymous,
said that according to speculation in the security
sector, Israel looks at Libya from a strategic perspective and in terms of
security. The fall of Gaddafi would open the door for an Islamic regime in
Libya, according to speculation. In a meeting on February 18, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defence
Minister Barak and Foreign Minister Lieberman decided to recruit African
mercenaries to fight alongside Gaddafi, according to the journalist. During the
meeting, they decided to let General Israel Ziv, the director of security firm
Global CST, which is active in many African countries, to make a group of
paramilitary mercenaries from Guinea, Nigeria, Central Africa, Mali, Senegal,
Darfur and Southern Sudan available to Abdullah Assinousi, one of the heads of
Libya's intelligence agency.

       Since then, details of the plot have emerged from the dark. Attending the fateful Feb. 18 meeting were Netanyahu, Barak, Lieberman. They heard assessments from IDF intelligence chief Gen. Aviv Kochavi  and Chairman of the Division of North Africa in the Foreign Ministry, Shalom Cohen, that if Ghaddafi falls, a radical Islamic regime would follow him. Based on this unlikely assessment, the Prime Minister decided, supposedly on behalf of the Israeli people, to bail out Libya's leader with a well trained and equipped army of African guns for hire. He contacted Gen. Ziv who arranged a meeting with Ghaddafi military representatives in the Chadian capital N'djamena. Joining them were two reps from the Israeli government, former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami, and Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser. There, a deal between Israel and Libya was cut.

       There should be no shock that Ghaddafi agreed. He had two choices; be overthrown or be saved by Israel. Naturally, he chose the latter even though the terms were tough. Global CST would supply tens of thousands of mercenaries for 5 billion American bucks. After they slaughtered the last of the rebels, Israel would be granted rights to explore and export Libyan oil hushhushedly and Gen. Ziv would be permitted to operate his army from Libyan soil to spread its unique talents at saving dictators throughout Africa.

       Ghaddafi almost got his money's worth...and then a UN resolution and mostly an American force attacked Libya with bombs and missiles. Suddenly, Ghaddafi could and likely would lose.

QuoteIsraeli spook firm recruiting mercenaries for Qaddafi?
blog | May 18, 2011 - 10:37pm | By Bill Weinberg
http://newjewishresistance.org/blog/isr ... es-qaddafi

Persistent rumors that private Israeli security companies are recruiting mercenaries for embattled Libyan dictator Moammar Qaddafi were given new credence by a May 2 report on the Zurich-based International Relations and Security Network (ISN) website. Although the report itself cites unnamed "reports," it for the first time names a particular Israeli firm which is said to have been contracted by the afflicted Tripoli regime:

    A number of captured mercenaries have admitted that they were given orders from Gaddafi's regime to attack demonstrators. Additional reports have suggested that the Israeli arms distribution company Global CST acted as a mercenary recruitment intermediary, offering to provide Gaddafi with 50,000 recruits from Africa. While Gaddafi paid them an average of $2,000 per mercenary per day, Global CST allegedly pays its recruits $100 per day, creating a substantial profit for the company. Despite mounting evidence , the exact numbers and nationalities of the foreign fighters arriving in Libya remain unclear.

The ISN report links for the claim "offering to provide Gaddafi" to a page on the Eurasia Review website, which we ourselves also linked to when it first appeared back in March. But now (presumably since the ISN story went online) the link appears to have gone dead. Fortunately, Eurasia Review had merely lifted a March 1 story from the Palestinian independent Maan News Agency, where it remains online under the title "Report: Israel company recruiting Gadhafi mercenaries." However, the Maan account—which in turn cites the Hebrew-language news site Inyan Merkazi—does not actually mention the firm by name, saying only that it is "run by retired Israeli army commanders." It is ISN—without giving a source for the information—that names the Israeli firm as Global CST. Led by Maj. Gen. Israel Ziv, the former head of operations for the Israeli military, Global CST recently made headlines when WikiLeaks revealed its numerous intrigues in Latin America. Global CST, significantly, has also been up to its keister in West Africa. The May 9 McClatchy Newspapers story that broke the firm's Latin America shenanigans also noted:

    It wasn't just in Latin America where Ziv and his company pledged quick fix-its for acute security problems. The company, based in a city east of Tel Aviv, would also work in Togo, Guinea, Gabon and Nigeria, as well as in Eastern Europe. Last year, the Israeli government fined Global CST for negotiating to sell weapons and military training to Guinea's military junta.

Meanwhile, the ISN account states:

    At the same time as Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's bloody crackdown against his own people was grabbing international headlines in February, newspapers in Guinea, Nigeria and Ghana were publishing advertisements placed by the Libyan regime that offered would-be mercenaries up to $2,500 per day to help suppress the uprising. Reports suggest that up to 6,000 foreign fighters traveled to Libya from Sudan, Mali, Chad, Niger, Liberia, Nigeria and Zimbabwe, including the 2,500-strong Islamic Pan African Brigade that Gaddafi had trained and supplied with arms over the years.

Interesting, eh? We have long noted sinister Israeli intelligence intrigues in West Africa. We also recently noted a political logic to Israel paradoxically seeking to keep Arab dictators in power, preferring the devil it knows to revolutionary regimes that might more aggressively (or honestly) make common cause with the Palestinians...
It sounds like the whole story was planted by spooks to make the CIA-supported troops look like the popular movement, and to make Ghadaffi seem tyrannical, i.e. Ghadaffi needed to pay israel for foreign troops to fight his own people.    

After the fact, Global CST proves that they had nothing to do with sending mercs to Libya, and then sues for defamation.
And, as their wealth increaseth, so inclose
    Infinite riches in a little room


We Gentiles could use a Legal Fund.

Is Edgar Steele an attorney ?
Planet of the SWEJ - It's a Horror Movie.


Christopher Marlowe

Quote from: "abduLMaria"We Gentiles could use a Legal Fund.

Is Edgar Steele an attorney ?
He was an attorney. But I reckon he resigned after being sentenced for attempted murder.
QuoteAttorney Roster Search - Individual Attorney Result
(as of 1/12/12)

Edgar James Steele
ISB Membership Number: 5549
Admittance Date: Apr/23/1998
Status: Resigned in Lieu of Discipline
And, as their wealth increaseth, so inclose
    Infinite riches in a little room


I can't believe that you would just say that with-out saying, ALSO, that it was apparent that he was taken-out legally, and his wife and mother-in-law say that he is completely innocent.  There is SO much more to this story, and I don't have time right now to post all of the information, but someone should because what happened to Edgar Steele CAN HAPPEN TO ANY ONE OF US.

You people who talk shit about him or Jim Traficant or the myriad of others had better realize that.

The Military KNOWS that Israel Did 911!!!!
