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Jewish plan for the future – take your land and turn you into a Jew

Started by yankeedoodle, March 25, 2025, 05:38:29 PM

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Jewish plan for the future – take your land and turn you into a Jew
A prominent Jewish futurist talks about Jewish future
Hua Bin
Mar 24, 2025

Max Singer was a Jewish co-founder of Hudson Institute and a self-styled futurist. Hudson Institute is a right wing think tank originating from Rand Corporation "with a unique future-oriented perspective" (according to their marketing material).

Singer's better known co-founder was a Herman Khan, fellow Jew and the most celebrated nuclear strategist of his day, who had the dubious honor of being the model for the mad ex-Nazi scientist Dr. Strangelove, a movie directed by another Jewish celebrity Stanley Kubrick.

Max Singer, the Jewish futurist, wrote an article titled "A futurist looks at the Jewish future" in 1987 and the magazine Mosaic, an online Jewish publication "of Jewish ideas, religion, politics, and culture", reprinted it in 2020: https://mosaicmagazine.com/observation/history-ideas/2020/04/a-futurist-looks-at-the-jewish-future/

The following are some quotes from his article that shed light on a leading Jewish futurist's idea for the future of the Jews and Judaism. Of course, those were his views only, not some overt official Israeli or Jewish religious mandates. You can interpret them anyway you want to. My own thoughts are in italic in the parentheses after each quote.

"...more importantly, we Jews have much more power to defend ourselves than we have had during most of the last 2,000 years. We no longer need be dominated by the fear that if we attract attention we will be attacked and destroyed.

This all adds up to a tremendous opportunity for the expansion of Judaism. If classic Judaism represents a superior way of life and/or the way God wants people to live, why shouldn't tens or hundreds of millions of people choose to become Jews? By "choosing to become Jews" I mean deciding to join their fate with and to love the Jewish people, and to live a Jewish life with the Jewish people according to Jewish law—as best they can—after a conversion according to that law".

(many in the west have accused Muslims want non-Muslims to live under Sharia Law. I wonder what they think of this? How many in the west want to join "the superior way of life and/or the way god wants people to live – as exemplified as Israel today?)

"This view of future Jewish possibilities tells us something about our role as Jews today. We, and especially the Jews of Israel, are determining the future of Judaism by showing the world what kind of life, what kind of people, and what kind of state Judaism produces."

(Indeed, the world has learned what kind of life, people and state Judaism produces in its homeland of Israel from Israel's very moral actions in Gaza and the west bank in the last 2 years).

Now look at Judaism as a competitor in the marketplace where people decide how to live and what to live for. Pride is not the only basis for thinking that we have a product good enough to gain a serious share of the market. Judaism is intended to teach a way of life that fulfills basic human needs. It is an extraordinarily wise and sensitive system for making the world better by helping people to be good. It is also an expression of idealism that can attract and harness the determination of young people to improve on their parents' world with methods that build on rather than destroying what has been created before."

(interesting. It seems the state of Israel is bent on "creative destruction" in Palestine today, not so much "building on rather than destroying what has been created before. Who knows, maybe they don't mean what they say – surprise, surprise. Didn't we talk about their sacred Kol Nidre before?)

"The facts of future demography are clear. In a century or so there will be about ten billion people in the world... If Jews are to constitute even 1 percent of this population—and we have never been such a small fraction of the civilization of which we were a part—there will be at least 100 million Jews (many of them converts or descendants of converts)...This means that there will be plenty of Jews to be a majority in Israel—whichever line eventually becomes our eastern border."

(now it makes sense why Israel doesn't have a border – it is in a state of "becoming" so its eastern border is organic and grows. Mohammed bin Salman, watch out).

"We can be 100 million in a century and a half-billion in two centuries, even if there is not a single year in which new converts are as many as 1 percent of our population.

To get a perspective on how much change can happen in only two centuries, think back to the United States 200 years ago, when we wrote our Constitution. There was already an American people, but they were few, poor, uneducated, part slave, and relatively unimportant in the world. Now all those things have changed, but we are still Americans (and as a committed Jew whose two grandfathers were immigrants—and two of whose sons are Israelis—I still can comfortably say "we").

The United States grew so big and powerful primarily because of the immigration of people who were not American and didn't speak English, but became American. (And the United States never sought, or even desired, large numbers of immigrants.) While there are obvious differences between the United States and Judaism, American history does teach us how much can happen in 200 years—and how much continuity can be combined with so much change."

(now this comparison with the US is thought provoking on many levels – 1) isn't the US already the New Jerusalem, ruled by a Jewish overlord class? 2) Can the world live with another US-like Jewland? Do people have to live with Jewish hegemony on top of US hegemony? Will the US hegemon fight the Jewish hegemony for world domination or merge into yet another Frankenstein state? 3) To accommodate "half a billion" Jews, how many land do they need to grab? To reach the size of US – even minus 51st state Canada and Greenland, Eretz Israel needs to take over the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Granted India is only too happy to become part of Jewland given their fervent admiration of all things Jewish, including Jewish genocide – see for yourself on X, Facebook and other social media, would the others also kneel and succumb?).

"...although we generally think that Israel will be successful if most Jews come to live there, the fact is that if 200 years from now most Jews live in Israel, Judaism of this era will have failed. That is, even if there are 30 million Jews filling our ancient borders, if there is not a much larger number of Jews living outside of Israel we will have failed to achieve our task of living lives that witness God's hope for the peoples of the world.

To me, all of this says that Judaism up to now has all been prologue, and that the real show is about to begin. The actors are about to come on stage in great numbers for the first time. What are we if we do not believe that we can live so that a fair share of them will choose our way?"

(the battle line is drawn – what has come so far is just a prologue, the Jewish project has much bigger aspirations. They want your land and convert your children into a Jew. The question is how will the goyim choose).