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King Charles, Donald Trump and Mark Carney walk into a bar ......

Started by yankeedoodle, March 26, 2025, 12:10:59 PM

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It's Getting Ever Wilder and Weirder
King Charles, Donald Trump and Mark Carney walk into a bar ......
Richard Sauder
Mar 23, 2025

Just when you think you're finally getting a handle on things, an errant ball unexpectedly comes zinging in from the outfield, as startling a thing as an out of control wombat sprinting straight at you.

Of course I'm referring to public statements in recent days by Donald Trump and British King Charles concerning the U$$A, Inc. becoming a member of the British Commonwealth. See the following links:



I never saw that coming, and I'll bet you didn't either. If both of them are speaking of it publicly, then it's a sure bet that the matter is being discussed/negotiated(?) in private.

The obvious question is: why would the U$$A, Inc. join the British Commonwealth? Why is this suddenly a top level policy matter within the global Anglosphere, being publicly broached by both the House of Windsor and the White House?

While I can only speculate, if the massively bankrupt U$$A, Inc., aka, the Federal Corporation - - and yes, it is a corporation, see: 28 USC ยง 3002(15) - - It's All Disgustingly Corporate (Fascist) - - can only remain afloat by acquiring tens of trillions of (increasingly worthless) dollars of hard assets; then with the ever worsening failure of the attempted imperial conquest of Mother Russia by force of arms on the killing fields of the Ukraine, and the consequent loss of Russia's $75 trillion cache of resources by the grubby hands of NATO/EU/Pentagon/Wall Street/City of London gangster/bankster interests, other continent-sized prizes full of trillions of dollars of resources to loot/plunder/exploit inevitably come into play.

Which brings us full circle to Canada, and Donald Trump's repeatedly articulated intention in recent months to seize/incorporate/annex Canada to the U$$A, Inc. as the 51st State - - or something like that.

Not to forget that Canada is estimated to have something like $35 trillion of natural resources and modern infrastructure; quite a haul, and arguably enough loot/plunder/booty to prop up a failing/falling imperial power for a little while longer.

Canada has it all:

international airports

deepwater seaports



a national electrical grid

productive fisheries off of both coasts

vast tracts of productive farmland

huge forests

a long Arctic coastline


natural gas

enormous fresh water reserves








tens of millions of corporate slaves

Canada produces 60% of the world's fertilizer, eh! How's that for being in position to influence global agricultural production, and thereby the global food supply?

Getting back around to the idea of the U$$A, Inc. joining the British Commonwealth, well, don't you know that to this day Canada is a subject of the British Crown. The British King is also the King of Canada and sits on the Throne of Canada: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Canadian-Senate-thrones.jpg

Canada is under the British Crown. It is under the British monarchy, and legally is the Monarchy of Canada: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada

Perhaps you see where this is headed.

If the U$$A, Inc. accedes to the British Commonwealth, will King Charles, as the titular and de jure head of the British Commonwealth, potentially employ his royal prerogative and join the two Commonwealths, the Monarchy of Canada and the U$$A, Inc. into one North America Commonwealth; thereby effectively dissolving the existing international border, and folding the major portion of the North American continent into the British Commonwealth under British Crown auspices ?? - - which, by the way, has been a major policy objective of the British Crown and the City of London for more than 400 years. That was the founding vision behind the first British colony at Jamestown-Virginia in 1607, and clearly is still an objective of the British Crown, or else King Charles would not still be talking in March of 2025 about the U$$A, Inc. joining the British Commonwealth

Mind you, as the Canadian Sovereign/Canadian Monarch, the British Crown has ultimate say-so on Canadian policy and the disposition of Canadian territory. If you are a Canadian resident or citizen don't bother to write and tell me that you are not a subject of the British Crown. You are a Crown subject, and Canada is not a free country.

And if you are a so-called "USA" citizen or resident, please don't write and tell me that you are a free individual, and not Federal Corporation livestock, owned and under the dominion of the U$$A, Inc. You're on the corporate books as collateral property, and if the massive Federal Corporation, in its almost terminal bankruptcy throes, decides to join the British Commonwealth, in order to advance the larger objective of establishing the Technate of America - - probably paying the British Crown a very generous/hefty trillion dollar finders fee (ahem) in the process - - then that's what will happen! You are not on the board of directors, and you don't get to vote.

King Charles is on the board of directors. Donald Trump is on the board of directors. Mark Carney is on the board of directors. But not you and me.

Something along the lines of the scenario that I have sketched out here is the only thing that makes sense to me.

And that would also explain why Mark Carney has just recently been made Canadian Prime Minister. He's a very BIG MONEY man. Tens and even hundreds of trillion$ of dollars are in play if the Monarchy of Canada and the U$$A, Inc. are to be joined territorially and politically. Mark Carney is just the man to make the deal of this or most any other century with Donald Trump and and King Charles.

I'll tell you exactly why. To begin with, Mark Carney is an Agenda Contributor at the World Economic Forum (WEF). He's an influential, high-level, global mover and shaker. Here is his publically known curriculum vitae:

Bachelor's in Economics, Harvard University

Master's and Doctorate in Economics, Oxford University

Thirteen years with Goldman Sachs in London, Tokyo, New York, Toronto

Chairman at Brookfield Asset Management

Deputy Governor, Bank of Canada

Senior Associate Deputy Minister of Finance

Governor of the Bank of Canada

Governor of the Bank of England

Chairman, Financial Stability Board (FSB)

External member of the Board of Stripe

Other board memberships: Global Advisory Board of PIMCO, Harvard University, Rideau Hall Foundation, Bilderberg Group, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Peterson Institute for International Economics, the Hoffman Institute for Global Business and Society at INSEAD, Cultivo

Senior Counsellor of the MacroAdvisory Partners

Advisor of the Watershed

Chairman of Chatham House

Chairman of the Group of Thirty

Advisory Board Chairman for Canada 2020

Present Prime Minister of Canada

So you see, it's all about business, very big, global, multi-trillion dollar business.

Mark Carney and Donald Trump have been selected to manage one of the biggest real estate and raw resource deals in all of history.

It will have all the solemnity and circumstance of an arranged marriage to cement bonds between two neighboring clans in the old country:


Like it or not, it looks like that is what has been set in motion. Speak now, or forever hold your peace.