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Stanley Fischer reportedly on shortlist to lead New York Fed

Started by Ognir, December 03, 2008, 10:00:47 AM

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Stanley Fischer, the governor of the Bank of Israel, is reportedly again a candidate to replace Timothy Geithner as president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, according to media reports.

Geithner has been nominated for Treasury Secretary of the Barack Obama administration.

The New York Fed is the most important of the 12 regional Fed banks. The instuitution serves as the U.S. central bank's most direct link to Wall Street as well as its chief crisis manager.
The New York Fed is moving ahead with seeking a permanent replacement for Geithner, its chairman Stephen Friedman said last week.

Apart from Friedman, Geithner and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke will likely have the most say in who is selected, economists said.

Among the top contenders for the job, Fed watchers say, are Fed Governor Kevin Warsh and New York Fed official Bill Dudley.

Dudley has played a key part in combating the credit crisis, helping to design the Fed's liquidity programs. Warsh too has been crucial to the Fed's crisis management effort as the Board of Governors' liaison to financial markets.

Fischer had been a candidate to run the New York Fed in 2003, but he withdrew his candidacy.

Other names said to be in the running include Christine Cumming, first VP of the New York Fed; Terrence Checki, head of emerging markets; JPMorgan Chase chief executive Jamie Dimon, who sits on the board; and Dino Kos, who ran the New York Fed's markets desk before Dudley and is now at research firm Portales Partners.

Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe


Well it looks like the idiot Zionist Jews are dropping the towel a little lower.... incredible if true!

The USA is damned because of corrupt idiot Jewry.  This only shows the idiot Chutzpah and dumbass "entitlement" idiot Jews feel about "ruling" over America and Americans.  Typical idiot Jewry in action here. Of course, like the idiot Jew Criminal Dov Zakheim, I'm sure the USA's 51st state will be treated #1 by these Criminal idiot Jews. It's not like they haven't stolen Trillions for Israel before - same Jew SH*T just a different SH*TTY MONEY JEW worming away for Criminal Zionism behind a desk:

http://www.onlinejournal.com/artman/pub ... 1047.shtml

Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11


As an American, this only indicates that some of the Secular-Zionist Jews may be feathering the bed to make the USA destination #1 if wild nukes get loose near Israel.  They did this in 1965 before the Arab Wars, they needed to drop the "immigration" quotas in case Israel lost everything and the criminal nation needed a "friendly to Jews" country to land in.  The continued intergenerational crime of Jew Usury looks like it will go international for the USA now - Fischer will be appointed to pave the way for Jewish occupation in case Israel collapses economically or suffers a massive attack.

-- The CSR
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan