95 Theses Against the Anti-Christ. Whole Jew Scam Exposed !!

Started by AntiPharisee, April 18, 2009, 06:09:32 PM

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"Yet, the whole world has been taught, from cradle to grave, that Judaism is THE Biblical religion!

Actually, the Bible was NEVER the source of Judaism. Since Judaism is a religion composed of self-serving lies and vain flatteries, its claim to a biblical origin is spurious. The idea that Judaism is based on the Law of Moses is history's most clever deception. Judaism has carefully pawned off this GIGANTIC LIE upon a gullible world, which has been masterfully inculcated and table-mannered to eat prepackaged rabbinical lies for breakfast every day. The truth is that Judaism has always been a Babylonian religion. Under "King" Herod, his pet priesthood, the Pharisees, appropriated the Old Testament and began to assert, deceptively, that certain biblical ideas were authored by themselves, in order to elevate their rabbinical religion above all others. Via this deception, the entire world of secular and Biblical scholarship has come to believe that there was both an ethnic and religious continuity between the Judahites and the Phairsees."
