AJ is an embarrassment...

Started by LeveL, August 09, 2008, 08:17:23 PM

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7 years too late AJ.


Filed under black op because AJ is a black op. There to control the debate.

Lets see if this new film is a whitewash.

I never believed DBS could push AJ like this without AJ ever mentioning DBS, its surreal.

Well its not just DBS but the people that took his advice and probably pushed AJ into covering it.

AJ still claims the main issues are the controlled demo etc over the actual criminals responsible, its sick.

AJ has to be a Mossad agent or something!

I don't fall for this at all, I can see through it.

Its as if they are openly admitting Israel was omitted from previous films, now why would they do that, think about it.
[size=150]"Everybody thinks everybody else thinks on their level." - LeveL[/size]


Wanna know why people like me still support AJ? Real-world Activism! The day that DBS/TiU/WUFYS start physically confronting criminals like WeAreChange does or at least be carried on a major media to be heard by large numbers of Goyim, then I will be the first one to publicly denounce AJ and bad-mouth him everywhere.


Don't forget Peter Schaenk who's been exposing the Zionists way before DBS.

Also isn't it strange how Alex Jones is already tarring the all people in Israel with the same brush.  He should know better to define the trouble makers as Zionists, not Israelis.

If there's no money in the video's as he states in the audio, maybe Jones is going to walk from the movement and let it sink into a category of being anti-Semitic, other words it will be canned as Nazi's are into conspiracy themes, like it was pre 911.


Quote from: "joeblowman"Wanna know why people like me still support AJ? Real-world Activism! The day that DBS/TiU/WUFYS start physically confronting criminals like WeAreChange does or at least be carried on a major media to be heard by large numbers of Goyim, then I will be the first one to publicly denounce AJ and bad-mouth him everywhere.

The people who support AJ are part of a controlled/contrived battle. I say break away from it. AJ is no different than Michael Moore. Anybody that appears on mainstream press raises (for me) a red flag.

Ralph Furely

also maybe think about why aj doesnt fear reprisals, being suicided for saying too much, bumped off, taken out, etc.
do u really believe alex jones is a tough guy?  no, hes a pussy.  yet he has serious balls right?  to be saying all this shit on
live radio, reaching so many ppl, confronting powerful ppl, talking shit and airing serious allegations against ppl...
and on and on.  yet alex seems to have no fear whatsoever of anything.  he doesnt worry he may be taken out, doesnt fear he may be taken off the air.
hes not afriad someones gonna kill his family or somethin.  none of that.  hes cool.  he just runs around bullhorning ppl and reaching hundreds of thousands
of ppl, telling them this groundshaking information.  and he has no worries.
its because he knows hes 'their guy'.  hes their guy man hes the one they have to be the conspiracy guy for the mainstream.  hes who they allow
you ppl to get your 'underground conspiracy news' or whatever u wanna call it, from.  its so obvious.  isnt it?  seriously, u dont really believe its just that alex
is the man and doesnt give a fuck, that hes a tough guy, is it?

arent 'they' obviously gonna have someone set up to be their guy? to put out the information that was eventually gonna come out anyway, but they way they want?
wouldnt it make sense for them to be controlling the dessent, like they usually do?
right.  so who would that be then.  probably alex.  

fuck alex jones hes a piece of shit.  the ones still left impressed by his bullhorning tactics should immediately cease listening to and supporting him.  he should just go away.  gary bussey can step up in his place.


Alex Jones is the man! He can infiltrate places like Bohemian Grove without as much as a scratch! He can bypass the security of the elite without garnering a second look. Consider his omnipresence at various"NWO" events like the Bliderbrug meetings. Sheep like publicity. It validates their "truth"


did you ever see the seires on tv either bbc or channel 4 called "secret rulers of the world" made just after 911 written and directed by jew journalist Jon Ronson.each week it featured a different conspiracy nut, alex jones, david icke etc.70% true 30% nonsence muddying the water.but no mention of the jew.
well I dont think we will see Daryl Bradford Smith or michael collins piper on Mainstream TV anytime soon.


Welcome Back LAV, AJ is a dick and I agree about him being a complete agent probably for the CIA or FBI or some other initials, I remember when Prothink (when he wasn't in to this whole bullshit nazi crap) called in when AJ was interviewing another douchebag Alen Watt and when Mike mentioned Benjamin Freedman and Jack Bernstein AJ started cussing him calling him a punk and a twit and all sorts of names, now all of a sudden AJ starts mentioning zionism "occassionaly".....Joe I thought you stopped supporting AJ after he said they're always fighting regarding the Gaza attack....we don't need to support AJ or even recommend any of his work, there are far more better researchers out there that we can promote who would give a much more convincing and compelling evidence than Germanic deathcults and NWO bullshit. My current count of awakenings is 5 since the Gaza genocide, all by using Eurofascists (Nazis)/Judeofascists (zionist/Jews/Talmudists whatever you wanna call them) connection, CZ sellingout their religion to Jews instead of God, Bolshevik revolution, Benjamin Freedman and thats just to name a few....a couple of excellent researchers who hardly get any exposure are Jim Condit Jr. and Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, both have great interviews, books and videos regarding the above mentioned subjects, you can even go old school with Douglas Reed, Eustace Mullins and Archiebald Ramsy or even Elizabeth Dillings.

AJ has no research of his own, he keeps saying he researched this or that, but fails to produce even a single essay regarding his findings and his documentries are worthless, its just a bunch of videos of him going up to people's faces asking them shit like "where you at the bohemian grove having sex with other men?" and the guy is shocked! he will have two options, either punch AJ in the face or just swallow his pride and walk away from a crazy man, most politicians fearing a scandal will walk away, so AJ claims victory and says "he didn't answer cause he knows its true!!" thats the logic which he uses which is no different than Black Popers who say so and so person said hitler was a vatican agent but unfortunately this person died so we can't prove it but we believe it and you should too, so both have no evidence just bullshit sensationalism to promote a different type of negative propoganda...so I really don't see AJ as being anything but a disinfo steering people away from the real issues and real research for "a group of unknown elites who are so powerful that they can and have infiltrated all movements" this is the most self-defeating statement I've ever heard!.
\'My revolution is born out of love for my people, not hatred for others\'
Immortal Technique - Philosophy of Poverty

londongeezar (2 hours ago) Show Hide +1   Marked as spam Reply | Spam
scotch fuck israel then go and fuck your mother u long nose dirty auszwitz escaping terrorist cunt u  (the funniest comment I read on youtube)


I heard the clip when the guy from Prostink called in. That was one of the best AJ clips ever! He must have been foaming at the mouth. I thought he was going to explode. Very revealing that he challenged the guy to a fight, just like a bloated schoolyard bully.

 Another possibility is that he is an unwitting agent. Controlled from all angles by jews, (including his Jewish wife)  all telling him how great he is. We all know he has a massive ego
Don't step out of line, you don't want to upset your Jewish advertisers. :o  Who knows for sure.

One thing is for sure: He is there as a gatekeeper, to keep the subject pointed away from zionism, Jews and Israel. :roll:  :twisted:  and onto German Death cults and Nazis. Has anyone here actually even met a real live Nazi? I doubt it.

I don't listen to his show or check his websites. There are much better sources out there!