Anti War Radio 01/19/2010 Report: Guantanamo inmate suicides were in fact homicides

Started by joeblow, January 21, 2010, 08:20:48 AM

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Listen To The Anti War Radio 01/19/2010 Repori: The Other Scott Horton (no relation), international human rights lawyer, professor and contributing editor at Harper's magazine, discusses the evidence in his article that the June 2006 Guantanamo inmate suicides were in fact homicides, the Seton Hall report that debunks the government cover-up story, Gitmo prison guards who saw the three inmates removed from their cells and transported toward infamous Camp "No" on the night they supposed hung themselves, the Camp America commander's threatening reminder to Guantanamo servicemen to adhere to the official narrative and the involvement of the DOJ and FBI in the cover-up and in stifling Congressional investigations.....Mp3 Stream