German Translator Needed For Jewish Expose by Johann Andreas Eisenmenger (1654-1704)

Started by Timothy_Fitzpatrick, April 13, 2010, 03:28:48 AM

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After reading Michael Hoffman's Judaism Discovered and learning about Johann Andreas Eisenmenger (1654-1704), I decided to look for his writing but can only find a German rendering which is available at the piratebay:

Entdektes Judentum ... 54-1704%29

I will consider paying someone if they don't have it in their heart to do it for free  :P

PM me or leave a response here.

I also have another Jewish Expose book I need translated. It is in French. Any Frenchies or bilingualists here?

Small excerpt with English translation:

In Franckreich haben sie die brunnen vergifften lassen. Wie auch in der Schweitz / und in dem Elsaß.

Im Jahr Christi 1321. haben die Juden in Franckreich durch die außsætzige die brunnen vergifften lassen / daß viel Menschen darvon gestorben seind / und seind alle / die daran schuld hatten / auff des Kœnigs Philippi befehl verbrant worden / wie in des Heinrich Anselms von Zieglers tæglichem Schauplatz / so anno 1695. allhier in Franckfurt in folio ist gedruckt worden / paginâ 5. col. 2. und des Sebastian Muensters im jahr 1550. zu Basel gedruckter Cosmographia, paginâ 192. im zweiten buch berichtet wird. Eben solches haben sie auch im Jahr 1348. in der Schweitz / und in dem Elsaß gethan / wie in des Muensters gedachter Cosmographia paginâ 656. und 660. und Zieglers Schauplatz paginâ 353. col. 1. 2. wie auch in des Cluverii Epitome historiarum, Preßlauer

[s. 219] vom Jahr 1672. paginâ 577. col. 2. gelesen wird. Und ist solche that / wie Ziegler meldet / von den Juden bekant / und gesagt worden / weil sie auß der zweitracht des Keysers und des Papsts geschlossen / der Christen untergang wuerde vorhanden sein / so haben sie denselben durch solches gifft befœrderen wollen. Sie haben aber ihren wolverdienten lohn empfangen / dann mann derselben zu Basel / Straßburg / und Mayntz viel verbrant hatt. In anderen ohrten hatt mann sie in eben diejenige gifftsaeck / die mann in den brunnen gefunden / gestecket / und also in das wasser geworffen / und ertræncket / andere aber erstochen / von den hæußern gestuertzet / und sonst / ohne ansehen alters und gefehlechts / auff alle ersinnliche todtes-arten hingerichtet. Solcher durch die Juden geschehener vergifftung der brunnen / thut auch der Jesuit Matthæus Raderus in seinem Bavaria sancta im zweiten theil / paginâ 315. meldung: und im dritten theil / welcher zu Muenchen im Jahr 1627. gedruckt worden / schreibet er auch paginâ 172. 173. und 174. daß sie dieselbige gestanden haben.

Experience teaches us that the Jews do not consider it at all wrong to kill one or more Christians. In Alexandria, they killed many Christians.

As to the above, experience also teaches us that the godless Jews consider it no wrong to kill a Christian and they have done so, not just to many adult Christians but to many innocent young children of the same from pure hatred against the Christians in a godless manner as proven by many histories of which I will only cite a few. Socrates [the 5th-Century A.D. Greek-Byzantine cleric, not the more ancient Greek philosopher] reports, in one of his church histories in the seventh book, chapter thirteen that the Jews, in the year of Christ 418 in Alexandria, ganged up during the night, braided palm leaves around their fingers as a sign [to each other] and then raised a howl and claimed that the Christian church in that city which was called the Alexander Church was on fire. When the Christians ran out to put out the fire the Jews lay in wait for them on the road and killed all those that they could catch. For that reason, Bishop Cyril, the next day expelled all Jews from Alexandria.

In France they poisoned the wells. How they did the same in Switzerland and Alsace.

In the year of Christ 1321 the Jews in France had local lepers poison the wells so that many people died as a result and all those who were guilty of this crime were burnt on the orders of King Philip as was the case in Heinrich Anselm von Ziegler's Taeglicher Schauplatz [Daily Showplace, a sort of almanac] in the year 1695, as printed in Frankfurt in folio, page 5, column 2 and in Sebastian Muenster's Cosmographia, Book Two, page 192, printed in Basel in the year 1550. The same thing also happened in Switzerland and Alsace in the year 1348, as stated in Muenster's respected Cosmographia, pages 656 and 660, as well as in Ziegler's Schauplatz, page 353, columns 1 and 2, and as we may read in the Cluverii Epitome historiarum, of Breslau,
Fitzpatrick Informer: