RSG: A Peaceful, Constitutional action plan

Started by Anti-Zionist League, May 31, 2010, 03:44:28 AM

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Anti-Zionist League

A response to legit concerns and quite illegitimate wishes that we've just perused from a familiar, would-be Cali truth warrior....
Statements Pre- and Post- Israeli consulate demos notwithstanding, the rank and file activists are always served by understanding their leadership. (Such coments are to be expected in either case...Good guys would want to address those obvious questions of the extent of "We are Change" ifluence...but so would the agents in anticipation of that glaring concern...especially abmong leadership in Cali actions...not among rank and file activists. If Ms. Lake is about to show a leading role as well..then we are all the more grateful for the approach she has just shown.))

On with the constructive input, and out with the sour grapes of vain agents who would begrudge even the mention (what choir exists for this?) of dangers which Hmura's supporters face as we speak (which succeed the risks Hmura himself is under...and NOT because their efforts have been OFF target, inaccurate or without effect at the jugular where it matters).

While there are distinctions to be made between
* "LA We Are Change" itself,
* Activists who aren't members of that group, but now find themselves joining in with former leading members of "We are Change",
* Spokeswomen who are not LA=based but whose video (Sophia...911 Mysteries) is has been pushed extensively during LA We are Change highway demos,
there is certainly a "We are Change" component to the leadership which has spawned this consulate demo.
Beyond this general observation, there are facts which we are not divulging which reveal definite infiltration. No one need share that view to stick to the common sense approach: by taking matters into the honest hands as much as possible while maintaining vigilance. Some of the betrayal which WILL later surface is already known to us at this time...but that is OUR position...while maintaining hope that all honest activists will prosper = no matter what their setting may be. Over and over we have dealt with shills, come up against their treachery, and yet still our outreach has proven "serious" enough to garner direct backlashes from the enemy...from an avowed "Mossad killer" and even a likely stalking by a suspected 911 terrorist. These DIRECT attacks were not incurred by Tony Hmura (although he too has been assaulted and threatened with death in past few months, without any such choir that Jenny Lake wishes to allude to...any more than her cousin Daryl Smith pulled anything but treachery against Hmura when an agent was in Hmura's neighborhood trying to set him up as a terrorist). With the obvious "seriousness" of AZL's outreach having been established, we sould of course council anyone to look with askance at anyone who urges folks to "have fun with" (or enoy) 911. While Jeny Lake posts scenarios in which non-conspirators (in bomb program) wre faced with agents in their midst, and hence could not have had too much fun...that is not the "type" we are identifying. Instaead, we are concerned with the genuine conspirator who DOES have fun leading the 911 movement into ruin, oblivion, criminialization, etc. This is the objective problem ...and a trait which provocateurs generally exhibit, and it is not sour grapes but common sense to say on behalf of activists (especially with what we know about that situation) to do all they can to take those matters into their own hands ...and to shun fake leaders once they start acting wierd...hyping up some little event as if they've just been beaten to death..laying all kinds of "Jazz" on them to prevent gravitas and a "Jugular" approach from being taken by real activists (an approach we have taken as police records prove out...without which our messages about dangers would still be blocked heroic forums which have merely switched their tune temprarily to save face in light of those police reports).

By all means, take the demos to ALL Israeli consulates..but watch for controlled opposition in leadership. The gift we have just received for instance from Jenny Lake is invaluable. Knowledge Protects, and she has just shown us more than we could have hoped for about certain posturing "allies". If said honest "consulate" activists across this country (lets hope that DOES happen) find themselves in trouble, one place they can go for exposure (which was NOT afforded by any choir, last of all the one Jenny is familiar any of Humra's or his suporters' recent dangers. Jeny alludes to fires Hmura experienced decades ago with seemingly no awareness (point thus proven, as to the fallacy of thse supportive choirs she alludes to..especially mong her people) of the dangers faced right now by those she is addressing..dangers which for Hmura's suporters, actually exceed his own. Anyone who wages an atack like that against a likely victim of stalking by suspected 911 terrorist Michael goff (of Tech) is doing the AZL and this movement a great favor by revealing something about themselves.))  

It is for far more serious reasons that access to and audios at The AZL now reserved for uncompromised law enforcement. God help those who have added to the endangerment of our loved ones. We kow many of them, and we shall defeat every one of them. It is obvious we paid less heed to our own survivability in all this...but we shall see red forever in our response to those whose betrayals as agnts have in any way endangered our loved ones. This work may not be fun, but it IS all about love. All about love = god's love first andGod is the ONLY one who has empowered us and stood by us (Charles Giliani, Tony Hmura, Michael Collins, other AZL supporters))

LOOK INTO THE RSG ACTION PLAN, and PRECINCT STRATEGY, and be smare when hooking up for Demos. Keep your demos real and watch those who are seeming to have fun at your expense, and to your further endangerment ...always a sign of an agent. an The AZL ROundtable now reserved access for UnCompromised Law Enforcement:
Access to 'The AZL Roundtable' audio page and webpage is now limited to uncompromised law enforcement. We hope that each of our readers and listeners has gained some benefit from our efforts over these past few years. Remember your enemy's strategy? "The best way to control the opposition is to lead them". From our experience, that principle is very much at work for the controlling of anti-Zionists (none moreso than those who limit their own response to online talk for 9 years after 9/11). Top 911 journalists? Nationalist newspapers? Leading spokesmen for defense-oriented patriots? "We are Change" spawned activism? Think again. Look more deeply.

For our part, assaults and death threats against WW2 combat veteran Anthony Hmura and a journalist writing in his defense the latter case, directly by an avowed "Mossad Killer" - have occured in early 2010. Also, a suspected 911 terrorist has likely stalked an AZL journalist. Prediction:  

Perhaps 'Code Pink' and 'We are Change' associates can fill the gap now (no exaggeration - we expect just that), since we know of very few other leaders willing to make this movement credible with public presence. That is not to say that there aren't many brave, prospective activists who CAN step into present "911 protests at Israeli consulates" and (with vigilance towards agents) ensure that some real effects come from that such efforts. It is for the safety of those honest ones that we encourage them to be vigilant about agents in their midst (yes: even and especially in leadership). Despite the problem of phony leadership, any honest activist who is endangered, and in need of exposure as a measure of safety is encouraged to contact Truth Hertz Radio ... truthhertzradio @ AZL co-host Charles Giuliani will be glad to help out. Those honest activists deserve to be backed. It is not without support for them that we limit access right now. Instead, it is for our own legal purposes  (having nothing to with suspect demo leaders), amidst dangers we face, that we limit these AZL sites now to uncompromised law enforcement.  

In contrast to We Are Change, are there any reliable leaders and plans of action which remain?

Among the very few leaders with uncompromised plans of action are Jim Condit and C. Cunningham. Look into the Precinct Strategy that Condit advocates, along with C. Cunningham's "Restore Self Government" action plan. These peaceful, constitutional strategies can be spread, jointly in "RSG" study groups. Also, read Cunningham's great book, "The Secret Empire", ($50 set offered now at only $8 to cover mailing) upon which  which grass roots activists can base their own "RSG" study groups.

The AZL Roundtable                             -Audio page        -Webpage

Anti-Zionist League

Correction: Omitted show which any endangered activist (real rank and file activists not fake leaders) may speak on in the event they need exposure:
 By all means, take the demos to ALL Israeli consulates..but watch for controlled opposition in leadership. The gift we have just received for instance from Jenny Lake is invaluable. Knowledge Protects, and she has just shown us more than we could have hoped for about certain posturing "allies". If said honest "consulate" activists spread themselves across this country (and DO of course hope that happens) and at times find themselves in trouble, one place they can go for exposure is to AZL Roundtable co-host Charles Giuliani at truthhertzradio  @ He will blast your plight to his many listeners at
Clearly no such exposure was afforded by any choir, last of all the one Jenny is familiar with...when it comes to recent dangers experienced by both Humra and those who work and ACT in his defense. Ms. Lake alludes to fires that Hmura experienced decades ago with seemingly no awareness (thus proving the lack of this alleged choir) of the dangers faced right now by those she is addressing. Dangers which for Hmura's supporters, actually exceed his own. Anyone who wages an attack like that against a likely victim of stalking by suspected 911 terrorist Michael Goff (of PTech) is doing the AZL and this movement a great favor by revealing something about themselves. Those with eyes to see, and ears to hear, we trust, will use them to their advantage when observing this little discourse, which (Being our last, nevertheless:) has been most beneficial to us. Thank you helped us tie up a few crucial loose ends. So many dots to connect beneath the surface. Casual readers will see what they want but we don't doubt that Jenny and the AZL are reading the same subtext...the same one we're leaving behind as we proceed for the jugular.