Khazar history and Arthur Koestler's LIES

Started by twiceborn, April 24, 2008, 11:58:39 AM

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It seems that Jewish authors have been fabricating historical evidence of Khazaria and their empire for many centuries. In fact, most of the original knowledge of this kingdom came from these literary forgeries.

Modern historians would never have started looking for the empire of Khazaria unless they were prompted by these false descriptions. As we know, if you are being paid to look for something, you will find it. If you don't you lose your funding. This seems to be the case here, with modern historians "rediscovering" evidence for the long forgotten empire, or simply inventing it wherever it suited their agendas.

I'm not buying it, and i'll show you why.

The first example is one that Arthur Koestler uses in "The Thirteenth Tribe". Koestler was a propagandist, a communist revolutionary, and a Zionist, and I dont know why anyone thinks he'd write an honest book. Let me just say this, no one ever branded him an "anti-semite" and he died a very wealthy man. Alan Watt would have us believe he was really exposing the truth, yeah riiiight.....  

In this account, apparently a Spanish Jew, "Hasdai Ibn-Ishaq",  heard of a wonderful Jewish paradise to the East. He decided to write them a letter, and lo and behold, they responded!

But this was not just any response, it was from the KING OF KHAZARIA himself, the honorable "King Joseph, son of Aaron". (notice the biblical names...) The good king told Hasdai about his kingdom, a wonderful land where jews were free to frolic like nature intended. How touching.

King Joseph even wrote Hasdai a follow up letter. Between these two letters we get all of our early information describing Khazaria.

This letter was very popular to Jews in that era, and Hasdai became a well known figure. Apparently this letter still exists, and is still the ONLY EVIDENCE OF A KHAZAR KINGDOM WHICH CONVERSION TO JUDAISM. Yep, thats it, thats the evidence. All of it.

Now, if thats not idiotic enough for you, consider this.

The arab mapmaker Ibn Hawkal, who wrote the FIRST MAP showing the Khazar Kingdom got his information about the Kingdom from the rumors he heard about Hasdai.

On his map he writes:
"Hasdai  thinks that this great long mountain is connected with the mountains of Armenia and traverses the country of the Greeks, extending to Khazaran and the mountains of Armenia. He was well informed about these parts because he visited them and met their principal kings and leading men."

Notice how the story changed? Now the rumor was that Hasdai had gone to Khazaria himself and met with it's "Kings and leading men". Also, notice the description: "traverses the country of the Greeks, extending to Khazaran and the mountains of Armenia".

He clearly describes "Khazaran" as a country past Greece and before Armenia. Compare this to Arthur Koestler's map of Khazaria which shows it in a completely different location.

What Ibn Hawkal describes on his map is a Kingdom in the area of modern Turkey, which correlates to my theory that the land of the Khazars was the land of the Caesars - the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire. But this map itself is a little vague, it was also dated as between 479 and 1086ad. That's over 500 years, a mighty big gap for an accurate historical dating, wouldnt you say?

Its probably a forgery, as no one seems to know when or where the hell it came from.

This is not the only original work on the Khazars that came from Hasdai's fantasy pen pal club. There were several books written on the Khazars using the letter as source material. These were all written by prominent Rabbis in the few generations after Hasdai. And ladies and gentlemen, THESE ARE THE VERY WORKS WHICH HISTORIANS USE FOR THEIR INFORMATION TODAY.  One way or another, ALL of the research on Khazaria derive from these texts.

The worst part about all of this is that Arthur Koestler TAKES IT SERIOUSLY. He does go over the information I just stated but he did not really question any of the information as I just did, he just shrugs it off and stays his course. All of this is put into "Appendix 3" of his book,wayyyy at the end, but he never seems to mention that ALL of the information given in the preceeding chapters derived from these sources!

He really wants to get across that idea that the "Khazars converted to Judaism" and that "They are the European Jews today", regardless of how little evidence there acutally is for these events.  Pointing to southern Russia and saying "there be Jews" is a great way to divert our attention and is the essence of disinformation.

We need to really question this story, and stop taking it for granted because it's hundreds of years old and "historically accepted". Most historians are rich little twits who decided to study history so they wouldnt need to get a real job. They go with the flow, and never question anything as it would be professional suicide and would upset all the other History Dorks.

If you dont believe me, go to a Renaissance faire and THEN tell me i'm incorrect in this assessment...    :lol:

I dont want to smash a held belief and offer nothing to replace it, so here are my theories. I MAY BE WRONG, but its something to start with.

I do believe there was an Empire that "adopted" Judaism (created it actually) in the East. It is the same empire that "created" the Catholic Church and modern Christianity out of the Egyptian Gnostic beliefs. The same ruling class developed BOTH Judaism and Christianity and then gave them false histories, stretching into the archaic past, so they could not be questioned. Acharya S. gives a great description of this in her books. I highly suggest them.

Why are both "Jewish" and "Christian" texts included in the bible? Because it was written as a collaboration between those two groups. They both came under the leadership of the Empire, and both had their places.

Judaism was never "persecuted", their numbers were meant to be small and THEY THEMSELVES choose to live in separate communities, just as you would want from a "ruling class" who needed to stay above and apart from those they ruled.

This all happened in the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, the real "Caesaria" (KHAZARIA) - "the land of Caesar".


Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe