Tell me about Luke Rudkowski...

Started by Panoptimist, November 04, 2010, 06:27:44 PM

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...So I watched some youtube video on the whole debacle only a minute ago. I wouldn't give a shit because the kid is such a faggot, only two things: I became active in the Y4L group in 2007/2008 before Jewbama was elected, and I more recently graduated through Alex Jewns and INTO THE STACKS OF THE FUCKING LIBRARY ITSELF...ITS ALL THERE!!!! (Living on/near a campus facilitates this. Also I live near the second largest library in the world.)
2. Jewke Jewkowski goes to my school.

Should I write and print shit exposing him? The school papers are too bitch to cover it (and even they would, I operate on my own from here on out). I can write and distribute fliers, posters, etc. I don't give a fuck about that psyop of a movement, I just want anyone who has given to that cause to wake up.

AHAHAHAHA HOW fucking funny is it to see him in those videos next to Jones? Little Master and Bitch apprentice with stars in their could tell they  were both possessed by the very same demon..hahahaha..that fuckin kid is such a punk

really, I'm his age (he cant be older than 21) and people donated money to that scumbag kid back in '07? Holy shit he must have a jewish grandmother.
The Orthodox Nationalist [11/18/10] - Berdayev and Dostoevsky; Modernism and Materialism; The critique of the bourgeois [Must Listen]
"[W]ithin himself / The danger lies, yet lies within his power]PL[/i] Book IX, ln. 349-356.


As you may or may not remember, Troy From West Virginia and I got together a couple years back and made a video where I played Rudkowski busting Troy as an Illuminati agent. :D

It was funny as  :mrgreen:

Dude hit me up if you wanna talk about the topic of punkin truferz.

Anyone else on this forum is more than welcome to hit me up too :D:D

My skype is: ahhnubisaki
phone numba: 540 twoninetwo 2420