Most call it Perversion except you know who

Started by Ognir, February 18, 2011, 02:01:52 PM

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Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe


 <:^0  <:^0  <:^0
cultivating paraphilia.
http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.c ... e-gay.html

Two Jewish boys, playing dress up, out visiting a local
amusement park so they can cavort with the kiddies.

Here is an exhaustive list proving, once and for all, that the radical homosexual movement in the United States is a Jewish movement. Jews created it and run it from top to bottom. They are pushing the perversion and degeneracy that is spreading disease, sin and sickness through America like a wildfire.

No one cares less about Gays, Mormons, Russians, dogs, cats, or birds. It's when the Mormons, or Gays, get exploited as a voting bloc, or as the rallying cry of Hate Laws. That's when they get shown it a negative spotlight.Take a look who is really behind the Gay agenda, and how a few despicable deceivers use the group for their own goals.
The gay agenda is just the perfect tool along with other ploys to sleaze-up White countries ~ part of the entire agenda. But many Jews have already come out of the closet, as we can see from the huge listing of Jews in the Gay business below.

Easily the lowest point of this mess is the celebration of NAMBLA. I could post the URL to this slime hole of filth, but shan't do them the favor. Any man who advocates relationships with minor males has a major problem with corruption.

Gay Pride in Jerusalem
Hell, this filthy agenda is set to tear apart the family unit and turn every country into sick, corrupt and vile societies. They tried to do the very same thing to Germany during the 1920's, but the people said "to hell with that" and elected Hitler to put a stop to such perverted visions.

Read below to see just how many Jews are involved in the gay scene. And don't forget Hollywood, too, the Jews out there are the ones responsible for foisting this stinking crap in "our" movies and TV shows. Along with that, they have the unmitigated gall in attacking the Catholic church in the movies and news, considering the number of Jew rabbi pedophiles are out there. But then, the Talmud says it is all ok.

Here is an exhaustive list proving, once and for all, that the radical homosexual movement in the United States is a Jewish movement. Jews created it and run it from top to bottom. They are pushing the perversion and degeneracy that is spreading disease, sin and sickness through America like a wildfire.

Gay Pride in Toronto. It's no secret that Jews dominate the Gay rights agenda and being a "Queer Jew" themselves is openly bragged about. The rest of Jewry (the few not really Gay) work with them to use the whole Gay schmeil to hide themselves behind (they've succeeded in Canada) ~ as they screw-up our race, religion and values in White, Western countries!
Number One Jew Gay of all time:
"Founding Father" of the Gay Movement, Frank Kameny, who was instrumental in pressuring the American Psychiatric Association to reclassify same-sex activities as "normal." They sometimes call him the "pioneer of the Gay Rights movement," but I just call him a sick old f–ker. Check out what the Gay Geezer had to say about it all, including getting it on with animals:

"So: Let us have more and better enjoyment of more and better sexual perversions, by whatever definition, by more and more consenting adults. We will all be the better off thereby. And that will be Americanism in action..."
"Bestiality is not my thing ... But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn't mind (and the animal rarely does), I don't mind, and I don't see why anyone else should." Read more here!
People, these Jews are totally sick in the head. They want to do all kinds of filthy crap and expect you to go along with it, as well as brainwash your kids in school to join the pink team or at least try out. Indeed, there are now ANIMAL or BARNYARD BROTHELS inDenmark!

I say NO WAY are decent people are going to let you get away with all this ~ YOU FILTHY, MORALLY BANKRUPT CREATURES!!
1) Allan Ginsburg, Jewish poet, leading member of NAMBLA,North American Man Boy Love Association, Pedophile organization.
2) Alan Klein, Co-founder of group ACT UP,co-founder of group Queer Nation,National Communications Director and chief spokesperson for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).Klein also co-founded the successful multimedia campaign STOPDRLAURA.COM.
3) Larry Kramer, Co-founder of "Act Up," a homosexual/AIDS activist organization; co-founder of the Gay Men's Health Crisis.
4)Harvey Fierstein, Film actor (Mrs. Doubtfire); well-known gay activist.
5) Arnie Kantrowitz, Co-founder of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).
6) Winnie Stachelberg, Political director, Human Rights Campaign.
7) Jonathan D. Katz, Founded and chairs the Harvey Milk Institute, the largest queer studies institute in the world. A long time gay political activist, was a co-founder of Queer Nation.
8)Israel Fishman, Founder of the Gay Liberation Caucus in 1970, now known as the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table.
9)Congresswoman Bella Abzug introduced the first gay and lesbian civil rights bill in the U. S. Congress, 1975.
10)Moisés Kaufman, Playwright and film director (The Laramie Project).
11) Michael S. Aronowitz, The New York Log Cabin Republicans.

12) Tony Kushner, Gay activist; Tony and 1993 Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright. The first members of the U.S. House of Representatives to introduce legislation banning discrimination based on sexual orientation (1974).
13)Len Hirsch, President of the GLBT federal government employees group, GLOBE.

Meg Moritz, Ph.D. Director and member of the Executive Committee of GLAAD.

15)Barbara Raab, NBC-TV producer; a "Jewish lesbian feminist journalist, writer."


David Goodstein, Owner/publisher of the gay magazine The Advocate; co-founder of the National Gay Rights Lobby.

17) Kevin Koffler, Editor-in-chief, Genre gay magazine.

18) Judy Wieder, Editor-in-chief, The Advocate gay magazine.
19) Barney Frank, Member of U.S. Congress; helped create non-discriminatory employment policies in all U.S. federal agencies.

20) Jennifer Einhorn, Communications Director, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.

21) Evan Wolfson, Senior Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and the executive director of Freedom to Marry.
22) Kathy Levinson,American investor and philanthropist; serves on the board of PlanetOut; also on NGLTF Board of Directors.

23) Leslie Feinberg, American trade unionist, transgender activist and author of Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to RuPaul.

24) Roberta Achtenberg, Civil rights lawyer and federal official; appointed as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity by President Bill Clinton in 1993.

25) Richard Goldstein, Village Voice writer on gay culture and politics.

Terry Lobel, Executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
27) Surina Kahn, American lesbian activist.

28) Jay Guy Nassberg, Founder of the Lavender Healing Network; a former gay activist with the the Gay Liberation Front.
29) Judith Light, Actress, activist for gay causes.

Rick Rosendall, President, Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, DC.
31) Jack Fritscher, Editor in Chief of Drummer gay magazine.

32)Fred Hochberg, Deputy administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration; co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).

33) Sarah Schulman, American playwright, novelist, and activist (one of the founders of the Lesbian Avengers, a direct-action lesbian rights organization).

34) Rex Wockner, Longtime gay, American journalist who has reported news for the gay press since 1985.

35) Alison Bechdel,Cartoonist creator and author of the bi-weekly comic strip "Dykes to Watch Out For."

Hilary Rosen, a founding member of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund; former board co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign.
Dan Savage ~ American author of gay-themed books [The Kid: What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant; Skipping Towards Gomorrah: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Pursuit of Happiness in America] and gay- and/or BDSM-themed sex-advice columnist [Savage Love]. Out of nowhere, Dan was suddenly in all the newspapers, even small town weeklies.
David Horowitz ~ Board of Directors, PFLAG.
Eve Eisler/Ensler, author. Writer of the world famous pornographic play "The Vagina Monologues". This "play" features women looking at their genitals with hand mirrors and describing steamy scenes of lesbian sex with minors, masquerades as feminist empowerment. In fact, it is an invitation to lesbianism.

And the List Goes on...
Charles Kaiser [?] ~ author and founding member of National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association [NLGJA].

Garrett Glaser ~ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association [NLGJA] national board member.

Ronald Gold ~ reporter for Variety; a leader in the fight to overturn the American Psychiatric Association's policy that homosexuality is an illness.

Magnus Hirschfeld [d. 1935], early gay rights activist in Germany; founded one of the first gay rights organizations, the Scientific Humanitarian Committee; coined the term "transvestism"; fled Nazi Germany.
Michael Berman ~ member, Human Rights Campaign Board of Directors.
Mitchell Gold ~ HRC Board
Marty Lieberman ~ HRC Board
Andy Linsky ~ HRC Board
Dana Perlman ~ HRC Board
Abby Rubenfeld ~ HRC Board
Andrew Tobias ~ HRC Board
Lara Schwartz ~ Senior Counsel, HRC

Heather Wellman ~ HRC Field Coordinator
Dan Furmansky ~ HRC Senior Field Organizer, West
Sally Green ~ HRC Associate Field Director
Robin Margolis ~ American coordinator of the Bi Women's Cultural Alliance and author [Bisexuality: A Practical Guide]

Nancy Alpert [?] ~ Treasurer, GLAAD
Judy Gluckstern ~ Board of Directors, GLAAD.
Stephen M. Jacoby ~ Board of Directors, GLAAD.
Matt Riklin ~ Board, GLAAD
Carol Rosenfeld ~ Board, GLAAD.
William Weinberger ~ Board, GLAAD
Tanya Wexler ~ Board, GLAAD.
David Huebner ~ GLAAD Counsel.

Ron Schlittler ~ Director of Field & Policy, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays [PFLAG].

Craig Ziskin ~ Deputy Director of Development, PFLAG.

Debra Weill ~ Senior Field & Policy Coordinator, PFLAG.

Dody Goldstein ~ Board of Directors, PFLAG.

Shawn Frank ~ Board of Directors, PFLAG.

Leon Weinstein ~ Chair, Nominating Committee, PFLAG.

Kate Kendell [?], National Center for Lesbian Rights.

Gayle Rubin ~ lesbian author/activist.

Roz Richter ~ American attorney and activist.

Bob Kunst ~ long-time activist in gay and Jewish causes."Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network" [GLSEN]. Board co-chairs:
Marty Seldman ~ president "National Gay & Lesbian Task Force" [NGLTF]. Board co-chair
Rachel Rosen ~ Santa Fe, N.M
Dave Fleischer -- Director of Training [political training], NGLTF.

Craig Hoffman ~ Board of Directors, NGLTF.
Beth Zemsky ~ Board, NGLTF.

Marsha C. Botzer ~ Treasurer, NGLTF.
Jeff Levi ~ first, Levi was NGTF's lobbyist, early 1980s [NGTF became NGLTF in 1985]. Later, he was NGLTF executive director.

Bill Rubenstein ~ J.D. '86, developed the ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project

Martin Duberman ~ author/historian; founded the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York.

Ben Schatz ~ '81, J.D. '85, is executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Foundation.

Kevin Schaub ~ American; Executive Director and Dean of the Harvey Milk Institute in San Francisco, the world's largest center for queer studies.

Susan Spielman ~ principal/head of Common Ground, an education/consulting firm specializing in workplace sexual orientation education; her company has worked with hundreds of U.S. organizations, helping them to implement domestic partner benefits plans; co-author of the book Straight Talk About Gays in the Workplace.

Gertrude Stein ~ wrote the first openly lesbian novel, "Q.E.D.," in 1903, but it was only published posthumously in 1950.

Rikki Streicher (1925-1994), American activist and businesswoman.

Michael Goff ~ founded Out magazine in 1992.

Paulette Goodman ~ founder of local chapter [Washington D.C.] of PFLAG and served as President of the National PFLAG organization from 1988-1992.

Jeffrey Newman ~ American, president and COO of the Gay Financial Network; president and CEO of

Jim Levin ~ New York gay historian.

Barrett Brick ~ GLAA [Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance] Treasurer.

Robin Tyler ~ American comedian [born Arlene Chernick] who was the first openly gay comic in North America; Tyler is also an activist who was the stage producer for the first three gay marches on Washington and the national protest coordinator for the "Stop Dr. Laura" campaign; she produces women's comedy and music festivals, and operates a lesbian travel-tour company.

Dr. Bruce Voeller [1935?-1994] ~ American gay rights activist, molecular biologist, physiologist, and AIDS researcher (pioneer in the use of nonoxynol-9 as a spermicide); co founder and first executive director of the National Gay Task Force; creator of the Mariposa Foundation [an AIDS prevention research organization].

Mark Elderkin ~ co-founded

Leroy Aarons ~ American professor, journalist, and founder of the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association (1990).

Dr. Donald I. Abrams ~ American physician, HIV expert, medical marijuana researcher, and past president of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association.

Johnny Abush (1952-2000) ~ Canadian archivist of the International Jewish GBLT Archives.

Miriam Ben-Shalom ~ American Army Reserves drill sergeant and gay activist; in 1986 she won a ten-year legal battle with the Reserves when a court ordered her reinstatement; founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Veterans Association [GLBVA] in 1990, serving as its first president.

Larry Brinkin ~ American gay activist who brought the first domestic partnership lawsuit [against Southern Pacific Railroad, 1982].

Rob Eichberg ~ American psychologist, co-creator of National Coming Out Day [October 11th].

Scott Evertz ~ American; in April 2001, President Bush appointed him to serve as the Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy [ONAP].

Gene Falk ~ American business executive; Senior Vice President of the Showtime Digital Media Group; part of the team that launched and marketed the U.S. TV series Queer as Folk; Chair of the Board of Directors of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD].

Larry Kessler ~ founding director in 1983 of the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, the largest AIDS support organization in New England.

David Mixner ~ gay activist, political consultant; co-founder of the Municipal Elections Committee of Los Angeles [MECLA], a group of wealthy gays and lesbians who became influential in local politics; president Bill Clinton's Special Liaison to the Gay-Lesbian Community.

Scott Seomin ~ American entertainment media coordinator for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD].

David Sine ~ American CEO of C1TV, the first U.S. gay and lesbian cable TV network.
Garrett Glaser ~ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association [NLGJA] national board member. 

Michael Berman ~ member, Human Rights Campaign Board of Directors.
Ronald Gold ~ reporter for Variety; a leader in the fight to overturn the American Psychiatric Association's policy that homosexuality is an illness.

Long listing of Jew rabbi pedophiles / US Rabbis approve Gay partnership / Jews screwing-up children's gender / Totally Gay NY Synagogue / Jew's Kinky Seder



Jews know they took off the DSM.

Homosexuality is a Mental Illness
Thu, 05/01/2008 - 10:58

By Broadside Opinion Columnist Michael Gryboski

Between Pride Week and the Safe Zone stickers found on windows and doors, it is obvious that homosexuality is accepted by the mainstream of the campus community.

Pride Alliance is a large organization that receives recognition by George Mason University's administration as a legit outfit.

Other student organizations see the agenda of Pride Alliance and the overall gay rights movement to be quite valid, with Hillel co-sponsoring a Pride Alliance event last semester called "Twice Blessed," the implication being that to be homosexual is just as much a blessing as to be part of the Chosen People.

However, being homosexual is far from an equivalent to Judaism, as evidenced by psychology. Although not widely acknowledged, homosexuality does fit its former status as a paraphilia, or mental disorder pertaining to sexual arousal.

Those who have kept track of homosexuality's status in American society know that homosexuality was taken out of the American Psychiatric Association's DSM list of mental disorders back in 1973. This laconic defense ignores problems with the decision.

Even sympathizers with the APA's decision admit that politics, rather than science, was the chief reason for removal.

Gay gene proponent Simon LeVay concedes, "Gay activism was clearly the force that propelled the APA to declassify homosexuality."

Also, the final tally was not impressive. The vote was 5,584 to 3,810 out of about 30,000 APA members, meaning that only about 37 percent of the APA took part in the decision.

In total, only approximately 20 percent of the organization actually said yes to removal, meaning that as much as 80 percent of the APA in 1973 might have opposed removal.

Furthermore, the decision did not fully eradicate psychology's condemnation of this now acceptable act, as "ego-dystonic homosexuality" remained on the books until the 1980s. Yet, as Dr. David S. Holmes noted, "because of changes in social norms and strong political pressures ... homosexuality was not listed as a disorder."

In other words, not science, but politics, was the chief factor.

Even APA elites condemn that portion of the political intrusion into psychology, with the current APA President Gerald P. Koocher stating at a town hall meeting, "APA has no conflict with psychologists who help those distressed by unwanted homosexual attraction."

Many have said homosexuality is acceptable because the homosexual does not feel distress over his or her sexual orientation. From the 1973 decision and to this very day, that argument has been used extensively and advanced continually as seen with gay parades, movies and of course organizations who name themselves "Pride" Alliance.

However, just because an individual does not directly feel distress over a disorder does not make the disorder normal. There are a whole host of mental disorders known as ego-syntonic disorders.

An ego-syntonic disorder is a mental disorder in which the sufferer considers their disorder to be crucial to their sense of self. Individuals who suffer from an ego-syntonic disorder seldom feel distress directly. Homosexuality would not be the only ego-syntonic paraphilia, as frotteurism and voyeurism have ego-syntonic variations.

Others have argued that homosexuality is genetic and therefore cannot be any more unnatural than being red-haired or black. Now, the argument of a genetic origin for homosexuality is dubious unto itself, but assuming the claim is true would make no difference. Several disorders, including Down syndrome, depression and schizophrenia, have genetic origins. None of these disorders are being taken out of the current DSM-IV.

So, if these various reasons for keeping homosexuality out of the DSM list of paraphilias are poor, are there good reasons for putting it back? There are three characteristics found in every mental disorder: extent of distress, impairment in life and abnormality of behavior.

Granted these earmarks for disorder are often socially constructed, but still one can feasibly have homosexuality fit all three. Regarding distress, there are plenty of homosexuals who do not desire their sexual orientation.

On the ego-syntonic level, homosexuality has been shown to be co-morbid with borderline personality disorder and gender identity disorder. Impairment would involve social requirements being missed.

This can be applied to individuals who are able to perform the cross-culturally required reproduction and continuation of the community but do not because they feel mentally unable to.

Abnormality of behavior is obvious, given the strong correlates with counterculture, various drug excesses, and Gender Identity Disorder, or as I like to name it, the next disorder to be taken out of the DSM because of politics.

Pride Alliance has a great acceptance here on campus, especially from university administration and fellow student organizations. Its agenda has a growing popularity and its Pride Week gets on the school calendars each academic year without fail. Hopefully people will come to understand that being widely accepted does not make it accurate.
 <WTF> ... l_illness2


Nice research Spectec!

I just had an overdue discussion with my sister tonight (prior to reading this topic) regarding her daughter (niece) being a "Nanny" for a lesbo couple and "their" son.  Seems the lesbians had a falling out and are now in a custody battle of sorts.  Meanwhile my sister said "marriages" breakdown often,...I couldn't stay silent.  My position was explained similar to your points above but I added that a child, whether a boy or girl, NEEDS both Male and Female influence when reared.  Who, I asked, was the Male influence in this little boy's life?

His grandfather on occasion........... <WTF>  Two carpet munchers playing Mommy and Daddy screwing up a child for life!  

People are so frickin jewified and politically correct that common sense seems to have gone extinct with most!
I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today.


Thanks, Wimpy...really can't take credit for it though...just information I found.

It gets worse...

Psychiatric Association Debates Reclassifying Pedophilia
Monday, July 07, 2008
By Lawrence Morahan

Editor's Note: Removes 1st Add at the request of one of the report's authors.

( - In a step critics charge could result in decriminalizing sexual contact between adults and children, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) recently sponsored a symposium in which participants discussed the removal of pedophilia from an upcoming edition of the psychiatric manual of mental disorders.

Some mental health professionals attending an annual APA convention May 19 in San Francisco proposed removing several long-recognized categories of mental illness - including pedophilia, exhibitionism, fetishism, transvestism, voyeurism and sadomasochism - from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Most of the mental illnesses being considered for removal are known as "paraphilias."

Dr. Charles Moser of San Francisco's Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality and co-author Peggy Kleinplatz of the University of Ottawa presented conferees with a paper entitled "DSM-IV-TR and the Paraphilias: An Argument for Removal."

People whose sexual interests are atypical, culturally forbidden or religiously proscribed should not necessarily be labeled mentally ill, they argued.

Different societies stigmatize different sexual behaviors, and since the existing research could not distinguish people with paraphilias from so-called "normophilics," there is no reason to diagnose paraphilics as either a distinct group or psychologically unhealthy, Moser and Kleinplatz stated.

Participants also debated gender-identity disorder, a condition in which a person feels discomfort with his or her biological sex. Homosexual activists have long argued that gender identity disorder should not be assumed to be abnormal.

"The situation of the paraphilias at present parallels that of homosexuality in the early 1970s. Without the support or political astuteness of those who fought for the removal of homosexuality, the paraphilias continue to be listed in the DSM," Moser and Kleinplatz wrote.

A. Dean Byrd, vice president of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) and a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Utah, condemned the debate. Taking the paraphilias out of the DSM without research would have negative consequences, he said.

"What this does, in essence, is it has a chilling effect on research," Byrd said. "That is, once you declassify it, there's no reason to continue studying it. What we know is that the paraphilias really impair interpersonal sexual behavior...and to suggest that it could be 'normalized' simply takes away from the science, but more importantly, has a chilling effect on research."

"Normalizing" pedophilia would have enormous implications, especially since civil laws closely follow the scientific community on social-moral matters, said Linda Ames Nicolosi, NARTH publications director.

"If pedophilia is deemed normal by psychiatrists, then how can it remain illegal?" Nicolosi asked. "It will be a tough fight to prove in the courts that it should still be against the law."

In previous articles, some mental health professionals have argued that there is little or no proof that sex with adults is necessarily harmful to minors. Indeed, some have argued that many sexually molested children later look back on their experience as positive, Nicolosi said.

"And other psychiatrists have written, again in scientific journals, that if children can be forced to go to church, why should 'consent' be the defining moral issue when it comes to sex?" Nicolosi said.

But whether pedophilia should be judged "normal and healthy" is as much a moral question as a scientific one, according to Nicolosi.

"The courts are so afraid of 'legislating someone's privately held religious beliefs' that if pedophilia is normalized, we will be hard put to defend the retention of laws against child molestation," Nicolosi noted.

In a fact sheet on pedophilia, the APA calls the behavior "criminal and immoral."

"An adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act that never can be considered normal or socially acceptable behavior," the APA said.

However, the APA failed to address whether it considers a person with a pedophile orientation to have a mental disorder.

"That is the question that is being actively debated at this time within the APA, and that is the question they have not answered when they respond that such relationships are 'immoral and illegal,'" Nicolosi said.

Dr. Darrel A. Regier, director of research for the APA, said there were "no plans and there is no process set up that would lead to the removal of the paraphilias from their consideration as legitimate mental disorders."

Some years ago, the APA considered the question of whether a person who had such attractions but did not act on them should still be labeled with a disorder.

"We clarified in the DSM-IV-TR...that if a person acted on those urges, we considered it a disorder," Regier said.

Dr. Robert Spitzer, author of a study on change of sexual orientation that he presented at the 2001 APA convention, took part in the symposium in San Francisco in May.

Spitzer said the debate on removing gender identity disorder from the DSM was generated by people in the homosexual activist community "who are troubled by gender identity disorder in particular."

Spitzer added: "I happen to think that's a big mistake."

What Spitzer considered the most outrageous proposal, to get rid of the paraphilias, "doesn't have the same support that the gender-identity rethinking does." And he said he considers it unlikely that changes would be made regarding the paraphilias.

"Getting rid of the paraphilias, which would mean getting rid of pedophilia, that would not happen in a million years. I think there might be some compromise about gender-identity disorder," he said.

Dr. Frederick Berlin, founder of the Sexual Disorders Clinic at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, said people who are sexually attracted to children should learn not to feel ashamed of their condition.

"I have no problem accepting the fact that someone, through no fault of his own, is attracted to children. But certainly, such an individual has a responsibility...not to act on it," Berlin said.

"Many of these people need help in not acting on these very intense desires in the same way that a drug addict or alcoholic may need help. Again, we don't for the most part blame someone these days for their alcoholism; we don't see it simply as a moral weakness," he added.

"We do believe that these people have a disease or a disorder, but we also recognize that in having it that it impairs their function, that it causes them suffering that they need to turn for help," Berlin said.

I'm currently trying to find a list of APA board members to see how many are Jews, homosexuals or homosexuals Jews.


Can you spot the Jews?

Again, NEVER any science or actual psychology involved in the declassifications of these obvious mental disorders...only politics. Creating and cultivating paraphilic cultures along the way.

And we can't forget about the Jewish Hollywood hand involved...

Sodomites lesbians and the rest of the sick share one thing in common and that is sentiment.

So if one knows about Crowd psychology you can create one.

How does one create a "crowd"? Affirmation, contagion and finally repetition.
"we're here we're queer get used to it"


Let's look at some actual psychological data...

Sexual Orientation and Suicidality
A Co-twin Control Study in Adult Men

Richard Herrell, MS; Jack Goldberg, PhD; William R. True, PhD, MPH; Visvanathan Ramakrishnan, PhD; Michael Lyons, PhD; Seth Eisen, MD; Ming T. Tsuang, MD, DSc, PhD
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1999;56:867-874.


Background  Several recent studies have found a higher lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts in homosexual males compared with heterosexual control subjects or population rates. These studies used either convenience samples, most without controls, or population-based samples in which confounding factors such as depression and substance abuse were not measured.
Methods  This study used twins from the population-based Vietnam Era Twin Registry, Hines, Ill. An analytic sample of 103 middle-aged male-male twin pairs from the registry was identified in which one member of the pair reported male sex partners after age 18 years while the other did not. Four lifetime symptoms of suicidality as measured by the Diagnostic Interview Schedule were analyzed: thoughts about death, wanting to die, thoughts about committing suicide, and attempted suicide. A composite measure of reporting at least one suicidality symptom was also assessed.

Results  Same-gender sexual orientation is significantly associated with each of the suicidality measures. Unadjusted matched-pair odds ratios follow: 2.4 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.2-4.6) for thoughts about death; 4.4 (95% CI, 1.7-11.6) for wanted to die; 4.1 (95% CI, 2.1-8.2) for suicidal ideation; 6.5 (95% CI, 1.5-28.8) for attempted suicide; and 5.1 (95% CI, 2.4-10.9) for any of the suicidal symptoms. After adjustment for substance abuse and depressive symptoms (other than suicidality), all of the suicidality measures remain significantly associated with same-gender sexual orientation except for wanting to die (odds ratio, 2.5 [95% CI, 0.7-8.8]).

Conclusions  The substantially increased lifetime risk of suicidal behaviors in homosexual men is unlikely to be due solely to substance abuse or other psychiatric comorbidity. While the underlying causes of the suicidal behaviors remain unclear, future research needs to address the inadequacies in the measurement of both sexual orientation and suicidality in population-based samples.


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IN THE 24 YEARS since the declassification of homosexuality as a pathological characteristic by the American Psychiatric Association, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, school counselors, and others have argued that the experience of being gay—in particular, growing up as an adolescent aware of homosexual feelings in the face of stigmatization and in the absence of social support—may be a risk factor for developing psychopathology.1-6 Studies have reported inconsistent findings of higher lifetime prevalence rates of depressive symptoms, alcohol and other drug abuse, and suicidal behavior in homosexual compared with heterosexual samples.7
Several researchers have argued that homosexual adolescents are particularly vulnerable to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.8-16 Studies using volunteer or convenience samples that measured the lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts in gay and bisexual adolescents found percentages ranging from 20% to 39%, with a median of 31%.10-11,15, 17-19 By comparison, the population-based prevalence estimate of lifetime suicide attempts from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study20 was 2.9%, with 1.5% in men, 3.4% in those aged 18 to 24 years, and 4.0% in those aged 25 to 44 years. Studies have identified risk factors for self-injury in gay youth, including intrapsychic conflict over nonconformist sexuality, nondisclosure of sexual orientation to others, gender nonconformity, and interpersonal conflicts including personal attacks within the family and at school.8, 10, 12, 14-15,21-22 These samples were recruited pri marily through support groups or social service agencies.

Based on these studies, an influential and controversial summary chapter2 prepared for the Surgeon General's Report on Youth Suicide concluded that gay youth are particularly at increased risk for attempted and completed suicide. Other researchers maintain that these samples are nonrepresentative groups of homosexual adolescents and that the key factors of importance in risk for attempted or completed suicide are extant psychopathologic characteristics, especially alcohol and other drug abuse and dependence, and depression.23-26 Several studies have found a higher prevalence of alcohol and other drug abuse in homosexual men compared with heterosexual men.27-35 According to this view, these factors are responsible for greater rates of suicidal behaviors in homosexual males.

Public, congressional, and media inquiries about rates of suicide in gay and lesbian youth led to the convening of a workshop in 1994 cosponsored by the American Association of Suicidology, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Institute of Mental Health. The report from this conference recommended that stronger research designs were needed to study the relationship between sexual orientation and suicidality.26, 36 It notably called for probability samples, standard measures of suicidal behaviors and sexual orientation, and attention to the role of factors that may confound the association between sexual orientation and suicidal behaviors. Since that time, 5 studies have measured sexual orientation and suicidal behaviors in unselected, population-based samples and have confirmed significantly higher rates of suicidality in homosexual youth.37-41 None of these studies, however, assessed the potential confounding effects of substance abuse and depression.

The analysis presented here uses data from the Vietnam Era Twin (VET) Registry of adult male-male twin pairs to examine the association between sexual orientation and the lifetime prevalence of measures of suicidality employing the co-twin control method. This method can be viewed as a variant of a matched-pair study that selects twins discordant on a trait, such as sexual orientation, and then examines factors potentially associated with that trait, such as suicidality. Co-twins serve as exceptionally well-matched controls, removing or substantially reducing the effects of genetics, age, and race, as well as many unmeasured factors, such as preadult home environment, schools, religious upbringing, and so forth. This sample and method permit addressing concerns of the workshop by using an unselected, population-based sample in which the critical confounding factors were assessed with the most widely used instrument in psychiatric epidemiology, the Diagnostic Interview Schedule.42


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The VET Registry comprises male-male twin pairs born between 1939 and 1957, both of whom served in the US military during the period from 1965 to 1975, either in Vietnam or elsewhere. Assembled in 1987, it consists of 4774 twin pairs who were identified from computerized records maintained by the US Department of Defense and who responded to an initial mail and telephone survey. The basic characteristics of the VET sample are as follows: the average birth year of the registry twins is 1949; 91% are non-Hispanic white and 5.6%, African American; 30% are high school graduates and 41% have some college or vocational training; and 93% were employed full time or part time at interview. The history of the development of this sample and its characteristics have been previously published.43-44


The VET Registry was used to investigate the genetic and nongenetic contributions to substance abuse as part of the Harvard Twin Study of Substance Abuse.45 This study administered the Diagnostic Interview Schedule, Version III, Revised (DIS-III-R) to the registry twins by telephone interview in 1992. The DIS-III-R ascertains the symptoms of psychiatric disorders in a structured interview following the criteria of DSM-III-R.46-49 Presumptive diagnoses were made by computer algorithm for the DIS-III-R version as of November 7, 1989. Approximately 3400 twin pairs completed the survey.


Much research on same-gender sexuality and on sexuality in general fails to distinguish different dimensions of a complex phenomenon. The National Health and Social Life Survey, the only national probability sample of sexual behavior conducted in the United States, is a notable exception in survey research. It distinguishes 3 dimensions of sexual orientation: (1) sexual behavior (ie, the gender of partners in sexual activity), (2) desire and attraction toward the other or the same gender; and (3) sexual self-identity as a heterosexual or homosexual as a social role (ie, as "straight," "gay," "lesbian," or, in many homosexual youth today, "queer").50 The questions included in the Harvard Twin Study of Substance Abuse44 about same-gender sexuality asked subjects only about the behavioral dimension, ie, their history of sexual partners in adulthood by gender. The VET Registry twins were asked the following: Have you ever had sexual relations with a man at any time since you were 18 years old? In total, 120 individuals (about 2%) in the VET Registry reported any adult same-sex partners, ie, any adult same-gender sexuality. While this proportion is smaller than the estimate of 4.9% measured by the National Health and Social Life Survey for American adult men, it is within the range of all recent estimates from probability samples, and formal policies prohibiting military service by homosexuals may have reduced this percentage.50-51 Those who reported any adult same-gender sexuality were additionally asked if they have had mostly same- or mostly other-sex partners. Of the 120 men who reported they had any same-sex partners in adulthood, 103 were discordant with their twin brothers on this measure. For the purposes of this analysis, "same-gender sexual orientation" and "same-gender sexuality" refer to respondents who reported any adult same-gender partners.

Suicidality was measured by the 4 questions used in the DIS-III-R to assess suicidal thoughts and behaviors as part of the symptomatology of depression: (1) Has there ever been a period of 2 weeks or more when you thought a lot about death—your own, someone else's, or death in general? (2) Has there ever been a period of 2 weeks or more when you felt like you wanted to die? (3) Have you ever felt so low you thought about committing suicide? (4) Have you ever attempted suicide? Each of these variables was coded dichotomously for lifetime occurrence. We also constructed a new variable defined as the positive response to at least 1 of the suicidality symptoms.


Four types of variables were considered as potential confounding factors for the association of homosexual orientation and measures of suicidality: (1) demographic factors, (2) zygosity, (3) military service factors, and (4) psychiatric comorbidity with drug and/or alcohol abuse and depression. As noted above, the co-twin control method inherently controls for age, race, and zygosity. Other demographic variables considered include household income, education, and religious affiliation at military enlistment. Military service variables include branch of service, year of enlistment, duration of military service, aptitude test score at enlistment, Vietnam service, and an index of combat exposure.52

A key set of potential confounding factors involves psychiatric comorbidity associated with completed suicide and suicide attempts, particularly affective disorder, alcohol abuse and dependence, and drug abuse and dependence.20, 53-54 Lifetime diagnoses of abuse and dependence on alcohol and other drugs were obtained using the DIS-III-R. A dichotomous variable was created for each of these diagnoses indicating the presence or absence of lifetime abuse or dependence.

The DIS-III-R includes a set of 19 symptoms in 9 symptom groups that are used for the diagnosis of major depressive episode. These measures permit the assessment both of individual lifetime symptoms and of the patterns of co-occurrence to make presumptive diagnoses of DSM-III-R disorders. One of these symptom groups relates to suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Since measures of suicidality form one of the symptom groups for the diagnosis of major depressive episode, it is conceptually inappropriate and, in some individuals, circular to use the formal DIS-III-R or DSM-III-R diagnosis of depression as a confounding factor when examining the association between sexual orientation and suicidality outcomes. To avoid this problem, we constructed a count variable of depressive symptom groups excluding the suicidal symptom group that ranges from 0 to 8. This variable represents the number of symptom groups reported by a subject for the worst period of depression he reported.


Initial analysis examined the simple prevalence (in percentage with 95% confidence interval [95% CI]) of each of the 4 measures of suicidality for all men participating in the Harvard Twin Study of Substance Abuse. Four groups of men were defined on the basis of concordance on the measure of sexual orientation within pairs: (1) men in pairs concordant for no adult same-gender sexuality; (2) men with no adult same-gender partners in pairs discordant for adult same-gender sexuality; (3) men with any same-gender partners in pairs discordant for adult same-gender sexuality; and (4) men in pairs concordant for adult same-gender sexuality.

The magnitude of the association between sexual orientation and each of the suicidality measures was then assessed using matched-pair odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs. Formal co-twin control analysis selects only those twin pairs discordant for adult same-gender partners (n=103 pairs, 206 individuals). Conditional logistic regression analysis for matched pairs was used to examine the effects of demographic, military service, and psychiatric comorbidity factors on the association between sexual orientation and suicidality.55 None of the demographic or military service variables demonstrated a confounding influence on the association of sexual orientation with any of the suicidality measures; consequently the results from these adjusted analyses are not presented. We also examined the data for evidence of a different association between sexual orientation and suicidality according to zygosity using tests for interaction terms in conditional logistic regression models. None of these tests indicate a difference between monozygotic (n=48 pairs) and dizygotic twins (n=55 pairs) in the associations of interest. The 2 types of twins are pooled in all analyses presented here.

Multivariate conditional logistic regression models were also used to assess the effects of psychiatric comorbidity factors (alcohol abuse and dependence, drug abuse and dependence, and count of depressive symptom groups excluding suicidality). An initial set of models was constructed that contains just the variable for sexual orientation and the 3 individual psychiatric comorbidity variables entered alone. Next, 3 models were fit that contain the sexuality variable and each of the comorbidity variables one at a time. This approach permits assessment of the confounding influence of the comorbidity measures on the association between sexual orientation and suicidality as well as the independent association of each comorbidity variable with suicidality. Finally, a full model was fit that examines the effects of sexual orientation and all 3 psychiatric comorbidity variables on suicidality.

The association between same-gender sexuality and the 5 suicidality measures was also assessed controlling for the other psychiatric diagnoses measured by the DIS-III-R, including antisocial personality, bipolar disorder, dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder, mania, panic disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. There was no indication of confounding by these diagnoses, and these factors were not included in the final multivariate models.

Models were also fit using 2 indicator variables to represent same-gender sexuality, ie, one for those reporting mostly same-gender partners in adulthood and one for those reporting mostly other-gender partners. The results of these analyses do not differ in direction or magnitude from the analyses using a single variable for any same-gender partners in adulthood, but the estimates become unstable (ie, SEs become large because of small sample numbers). Consequently, only the results from models using the single dichotomous sexuality measure are reported here. All statistical analyses were done with the SAS procedures (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) MCSTRAT (SAS version 5) and PHREG (SAS version 6).


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The prevalence of suicidal symptoms varied by the specific symptom examined and by whether the individual had any adult same-gender partners (Table 1). In twins concordant for no adult same-gender partners, the lifetime prevalence was highest for thoughts about death (21.9%; n=1409) and lowest for suicide attempts (2.2%; n=142). In twins discordant for adult same-gender partners, 49 men (47.6%) with same-gender partners reported a period of thinking about death compared with 31 (30.1%) of their discordant brothers; 27 (26.2%) report a period of wanting to die compared with 10 (9.7%); 57 (55.3%) report suicidal ideation compared with 26 (25.2%); and 15 (14.7%) report a suicide attempt compared with 4 (3.9%). The few pairs concordant for adult same-gender partners (n=16 men or 8 pairs) display the highest levels of symptom prevalence, but small sample numbers make these estimates unstable.

View this table:
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Table 1. Lifetime Prevalence of Suicidal Symptoms According to No vs Any Adult Same-Gender Partner Experience of the Twin Pair*


Table 2 presents the results from the co-twin control analysis of same-gender sexual orientation and the measures of suicidality in the 103 twin pairs (n=206 men) discordant for sexual orientation. Each of the 5 sections in this table contains an analysis of 1 of the 5 measures of suicidality: (1) thought about death, (2) wanted to die, (3) suicidal ideation, (4) suicide attempt, and (5) presence of at least one lifetime suicidal symptom. The first column displays the unadjusted ORs for the association of same-gender sexual orientation and suicidality. It also displays the unadjusted association of suicidality in the analytic sample of 103 pairs with each of the potential confounding factors (alcohol abuse and dependence, drug abuse and dependence, and the count of lifetime depressive symptoms, exclusive of the suicide symptom group). The next 4 columns give ORs from conditional logistic regression models for the sexuality-suicidality association after either single factor (models 1-3) or multifactor adjustment (model 4). Reading across the rows of the table shows the effect of the confounding factors on the sexuality-suicidality association as well as the magnitude of the association of the confounding factors with suicidality.

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Table 2. Same-Gender Sexual Orientation and Measures of Suicidality*

Thought About Death

There is a significant increase in the lifetime prevalence of thoughts about death among those twins who report a same-gender sexual orientation compared with their co-twins who do not (Table 2) (OR, 2.4 [95% CI, 1.2-4.6]). Neither alcohol (OR, 1.6 [95% CI, 0.6-4.1]) nor drug abuse (OR, 2.5 [95% CI, 0.8-8.0]) displays a significant association with thoughts about death in these twins. However, the count of nonsuicidal depressive symptom groups is significantly associated with thoughts about death (OR, 1.4 [95% CI, 1.1-1.8]). The magnitude of the association between same-gender sexual orientation and thoughts about death is unchanged after adjustment for the effects of either abuse of alcohol or other drugs (models 1 and 2). However, the strength of the association is diminished after adjusting for the effects of depressive symptoms (model 3), which itself remains associated with the sexuality measure. There remains a 2-fold increase in thoughts about death among twins with a same-gender sexual orientation even after the simultaneous inclusion of alcohol, drugs, and depressive symptoms in the model (model 4). There is also a persistent association of the count of depressive symptom groups (excluding suicidality) with thoughts about death.

Wanted to Die

There is a strong unadjusted association between same-gender sexual orientation and a period of wanting to die (OR, 4.4 [95% CI, 1.7-11.6]). While alcohol abuse or dependence is not significantly associated with wanting to die, both drug abuse and depressive symptoms exhibit significant unadjusted associations. In the single factor adjusted analysis, the strength of the association between same-gender sexual orientation and wanting to die remains significant but is reduced after controlling for either drug abuse (which itself is no longer significant) or depressive symptoms. However, after adjusting for all 3 potential confounding factors, same-gender sexual orientation is not significantly associated with wanting to die (OR, 2.5 [95% CI, 0.7-8.8]). In the multivariable model, abuse of alcohol and other drugs is not significant while the count of nonsuicidal depressive symptoms remains associated with wanting to die.

Suicidal Ideation

There is more than a 4-fold increase in suicidal ideation (OR, 4.1 [95% CI, 2.1-8.2]) among the twins reporting a same-gender sexual orientation compared with their co-twins discordant on this measure. There is also more than a 5-fold unadjusted association between drug abuse and suicidal ideation (OR, 5.5 [95% CI, 1.2-24.98]). The count of depressive symptoms has a significant but modest unadjusted relation with suicidal ideation, but alcohol abuse displays no significant association. Single factor adjustment slightly decreased the association between same-gender sexual orientation and suicidal ideation, but it still is significant. Although the full multivariable model shows a reduced OR for same-gender sexual orientation, it nevertheless remains significantly elevated (OR, 3.6 [95% CI, 1.7-7.5]).

Suicide Attempt

Twins reporting a same-gender sexual orientation are 6.5 times more likely to report having attempted suicide than their co-twins (95% CI, 1.5-28.8). Alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and depressive symptoms all have OR above 1.0, but they have wide CIs that include unity, reflecting the relative rarity of attempting suicide. The results of the single factor adjusted analysis are unstable, with wide CIs, but continue to demonstrate a strong independent association between same-gender sexual orientation and attempting suicide; a model that includes more than a single adjustment factor cannot be estimated given the small number of events for this symptom.

Any Suicidal Symptoms—Lifetime

The composite measure of any suicidal symptom is associated with same-gender sexual orientation in the unadjusted analysis (OR, 5.1 [95% CI, 2.4-10.9]). Similarly, in the unadjusted analysis both drug abuse and depressive symptoms, but not alcohol abuse, are significantly related to suicidal symptoms. This pattern of association persists in the single factor and multifactor adjusted analysis. The multivariable adjusted OR for same-gender sexual orientation and any suicidality measure is 7.9 (95% CI, 2.4-26.6).


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These data demonstrate a substantially increased lifetime prevalence of suicidal symptoms in male twins reporting a same-gender sexual orientation (those with histories of same-gender partners in adulthood) compared with co-twins who report no same-gender partners. The magnitude of the association for thoughts about death, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and the composite measure of any suicidal symptoms is independent of the potential confounding effects of drug and alcohol abuse and nonsuicidal depressive symptoms. Like the most recent studies using probability samples, this sample was selected without reference to sexual orientation and therefore does not suffer from the selection bias that has been at the heart of criticism of much prior research on this subject.23-26 Additionally, for the first time to our knowledge the potential confounding effects of substance abuse and depression have been accounted for in a multivariate analysis.
Nevertheless, interpretation of the results of this analysis requires consideration of several potential limitations. Data were collected by telephone interview, and the respondents may have been unwilling to reveal same-gender sexuality as well as depressive symptoms to the interviewers. If the same men who were unwilling to discuss same-gender sexuality were also reluctant to discuss suicidal symptoms or if willingness to talk about these 2 subjects differed within individuals, the observed effects could be biased. Furthermore, these data are subject to bias from the recall of symptoms and behaviors over the life course in a sample of middle-aged men. However, previous research has documented the comparability of face-to-face and telephone interviews in psychiatric epidemiology.56-57 A second concern is that persons declining to respond to the survey could have biased the results. Since the analysis depends on twin pairs, however, a comparable group of pairs with opposite characteristics would have had to decline to participate to account for the associations reported here.

The generalizability of this sample is constrained by 2 considerations. First, it is a sample of Vietnam era veterans who are predominantly white. However, the reporting of same-gender sexual orientation is only slightly less than that reported by Laumann et al.50 Second, it is a sample of middle-aged men and may not generalize to youth. Since males at greatest risk for suicidal behaviors are adolescents and the elderly, this sample may have differed in youth from those at greatest risk, possibly possessing factors protective against having completed suicide at a young age.

The few questions about histories of same-gender behavior used in the survey are limited strictly to the behavioral dimension. By any definition this is a suboptimal measure. While behavior is clearly part of sexuality, other dimensions such as desire and identity may also be crucial for adequately specifying the relationship between sexuality and outcomes such as suicidality, especially during adolescence when sexual identity is being formed. (Age at suicide attempt was not measured in this survey and is clearly of interest. In 2 studies in which adult homosexual men were asked about lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts, all but a few attempts occurred in adolescence.28, 34) The underlying causes of suicide attempts in homosexual youth remain unclear and cannot be examined in this study. The most comprehensive study of gay youth to date found they are not confused about their sexuality but often are confused how to express it in a hostile social environment.18 The fact that an independent effect remains after controlling for factors typically comorbid with suicidality (alcohol, other drugs, and depression) and for the factors controlled by the co-twin method suggests the importance of social factors.

The suicidal symptom questions also have less detail than would be ideal for the purposes of the current study. In addition to age at attempt, the lethality of suicide attempts and whether multiple attempts were made are also of considerable interest but unavailable in this data set.58

The interpretation of the causal and temporal role of probable psychological and social stress surrounding same-gender sexuality, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and depressive symptoms influencing suicidality also remains unclear. Does substance abuse confound the relationship between distress over same-gender sexuality and suicidal symptoms, or is it part of the causal path? With the purely cross-sectional data on lifetime symptoms, it is not possible to infer a temporal order. Arguing that other psychopathologic processes commonly precede suicide attempts or that suicide more commonly occurs in persons with extant psychopathology does not address the origin of those disorders. In general, we found that the unadjusted estimates were higher than the estimates adjusted for alcohol and drug abuse. If abuse of alcohol and other drugs is a consequence of the same psychological stress over nonnormative sexuality, the unadjusted analysis may be a more valid estimate of the association. It is not possible adequately to address these questions with cross-sectional data.

In spite of these limitations, the results of the unadjusted analysis presented here are consistent with data available from previous studies in which published data present ORs or permit calculating them. In the 1960s, Saghir and Robins34 recruited a small, selected sample of 124 men, 89 (72%) of whom were homosexual. The point estimate of the OR from their data indicates that homosexual men were more than 5 times as likely to report having attempted suicide than nonhomosexuals, although the small sample size and small number of attempts in the data result in an unstable result (95% CI, 0.3-100.8). Bell and Weinberg,28 based at the Kinsey Institute, used a much larger, although still selected, sample (1023 men; 686 [67%] homosexual), also created in the 1960s. The OR estimated from their data for lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts is 7.4 (95% CI, 4.1-13.1). Among the 5 recent probability samples, 2 studies report ORs or data from which ORs can be estimated. Bagley and Tremblay37 selected a probability sample in 1991 and 1992 of 18- to 27-year-old men in Calgary (n=750) in which 69 (9.2%) reported sexual contact with men. The OR for homosexuality (measured by behavior or self-identification) and lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts in their study is 6.2 (95% CI, 1.4-26.3). Remafedi et al41 used the 1987 Adolescent Health Survey database, administered to a probability sample of adolescents in grades 7 through 12 in Minnesota. The OR for sexual orientation (measured by self-identification) and lifetime suicide attempts in the male students is 7.1 (95% CI, 3.1-16.5). The results from the current study are thus consistent with these earlier findings in spite of different sampling designs and selection criteria. The effect is also relatively constant across different birth cohorts spanning more than 30 years. The mean birth year for the Saghir and Robins34 and the Bell and Weinberg28 studies is about 1935, and the interviews were conducted in the 1960s. The VET sample has a mean birth year of 1949 and the interviews were conducted in the early 1990s. The men in the Bagley and Tremblay37 sample were in their 20s in the early 1990s when the interviews were conducted. The mean birth year of the male subsample used by Remafedi et al41 is 1972. There does not appear to be a reduction in the association over these birth cohorts that one might expect given social change in recent years. An explanation for the consistency of these ORs might be that the social changes have had less impact during adolescence than later in the life course.

In conclusion, reports of lifetime measures of suicidality are strongly associated with a same-gender sexual orientation. These effects cannot be explained by abuse of alcohol and other drugs, nonsuicidal depressive symptoms, or the numerous unmeasured genetic and nongenetic familial factors accounted for in the co-twin control design. The estimated effects are furthermore consistent with other studies in different populations using differing study designs. Future research should be conducted in other population-based samples and should use measures better designed to address the associations considered here.

I'm I suppose to believe that being a fucking queer is perfectly natural and in fact healthy?

More articles or should I say TRUTH at the bottom of the link.


If most of the American Psychological Association is run by Jews, then it becomes obvious that they are opting for a more sexually liberated society. So what happens when you begin to liberate the libido and allow sexual impulses to have no limits? It is safe to say that society begins to break down internally, paraphilic cultures emerge and moral compasses are a thing of the past.

heres an example of social engineering based on the concept of liberated libido...coming to a Jewish conquered city near you...San Francisco, CA (warnging...this shit is mad gay)

E. Michael Jones explains how sexual liberation is a form of polical control which the Jewish run radical homosexual movement has proven to be.


Homosexuals die alone!?!? Oh, man! No way!!!!  :o

Disparities: Illness More Prevalent Among Older Gay Adults
Published: April 1, 2011
Older lesbian, gay and bisexual adults in California are more likely to suffer from chronic physical and mental health problems than their heterosexual counterparts, a new analysis has found. They also are less likely to have live-in partners or adult children who can help care for them.

U.S. Panel Suggests Research Into Causes and Prevalence of Health Issues Facing Gays (April 1, 2011)
The research brief was based on data from the California Health Interview Survey gathered in 2003, 2005 and 2007 by the Center for Health Policy Research at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Older gay and bisexual men — ages 50 to 70 — reported higher rates of high blood pressure, diabetes and physical disability than similar heterosexual men. Older gay and bisexual men also were 45 percent more likely to report psychological distress and 50 percent more likely to rate their health as fair or poor. In addition, one in five gay men in California was living with H.I.V. infection, the researchers found. Yet half of older gay and bisexual men lived alone, compared with 13.4 percent of older heterosexual men.

Older lesbian and bisexual women experienced similar rates of diabetes and hypertension compared with straight women of their age, but reported significantly more physical disabilities and psychological distress and were 26 percent more likely to say their health was fair or poor.

More than one in four lived alone, compared with only one in five heterosexual women.

Steven P. Wallace, associate director of the U.C.L.A. Center for Health Policy Research and lead author of the brief, said it was important to raise awareness of these disparities. "The gay culture tends to be youth-driven, and the aging community network doesn't usually think about gay and lesbian elders," he said.

A version of this article appeared in print on April 5, 2011, on page D7 of the New York edition. ... ref=health


Homosexuality should be reclassified as "paraphilia" and placed back on the DSM immediately...the condition is obviously a dangerous one... ... glgbpb.pdf

Shiksa Rage

Quote from: "SPECTEC"Homosexuality should be reclassified as "paraphilia" and placed back on the DSM immediately...the condition is obviously a dangerous one... ... glgbpb.pdf
I agree. I've always said, albeit half jokingly and in reaction to the constant 'gay' propaganda bullshit we are subjected to, that homosexuality should be illegal on public health grounds alone let alone moral reasons.


Same theme, different variation:

Pair 'overwhelmed' by response to gay kiss at Soho pub

The MOSSADomites and "others of that ilk" must be rubbing their hands (and probably other body parts) at this show of Flash Faggism.

Christopher Marlowe

A reminder of the origin of the term: sodomite.

Genesis 18:20-22;19:29
QuoteAnd the Lord said: The cry of Sodom and Gomorrha is multiplied, and their sin is become exceedingly grievous.

[21] I will go down and see whether they have done according to the cry that is come to me: or whether it be not so, that I may know. [22] And they turned themselves from thence, and went their way to Sodom..

[21] "I will go down"... The Lord here accommodates his discourse to the way of speaking and acting amongst men; for he knoweth all things, and needeth not to go anywhere for information. Note here, that two of the three angels went away immediately for Sodom; whilst the third, who represented the Lord, remained with Abraham.

Genesis 19
Lot, entertaining Angels in his house, is delivered from Sodom, which is destroyed: his wife for looking back is turned into a statue of salt.

[1] And the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of the city. And seeing them, he rose up and went to meet them: and worshipped prostrate to the ground, [2] And said: I beseech you, my lords, turn in to the house of your servant, and lodge there: wash your feet, and in the morning you shall go on your way. And they said: No, but we will abide in the street. [3] He pressed them very much to turn in unto him: and when they were come into his house, he made them a feast, and baked unleavened bread and they ate: [4] But before they went to bed, the men of the city beset the house both young and old, all the people together. [5] And they called Lot, and said to him: Where are the men that came in to thee at night? bring them out hither that we may know them:["know" here means "to have intimate knowledge of".  The original Hebrew apparently has no translation: "untranslatable mark of the accusative case."-ed.]

[6] Lot went out to them, and shut the door after him, and said: [7] Do not so, I beseech you, my brethren, do not commit this evil. [8] I have two daughters who as yet have not known man: I will bring them out to you, and abuse you them as it shall please you, so that you do no evil to these men, because they are come in under the shadow of my roof. [9] But they said: Get thee back thither. And again: Thou camest in, said they, as a, stranger, was it to be a judge? therefore we will afflict thee more than them. And they pressed very violently upon Lot: and they were even at the point of breaking open the doors. [10] And behold the men put out their hand, and drew in Lot unto them, and shut the door:

[11] And them that were without, they struck with blindness from the least to the greatest, so that they could not find the door. [12] And they said to Lot: Hast thou here any of thine? son in law, or sons, or daughters, all that are thine bring them out of this city: [13] For we will destroy this place, because their cry is grown loud before the Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them. [14] So Lot went out, and spoke to his sons in law that were to have his daughters, and said: Arise: get you out of this place, because the Lord will destroy this city. And he seemed to them to speak as it were in jest. [15] And when it was morning, the angels pressed him, saying: Arise, take thy wife, and the two daughters which thou hast: lest thou also perish in the wickedness of the city.

[16] And as he lingered, they took his hand, and the hand of his wife, and of his two daughters, because the Lord spared him. [17] And they brought him forth, and set him without the city: and there they spoke to him, saying: Save thy life: look not back, neither stay thou in all the country about: but save thyself in the mountain, lest thou be also consumed. [18] And Lot said to them: I beseech thee my Lord, [19] Because thy servant hath found grace before thee, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewn to me, in saving my life, and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil seize me, and I die: [20] There is this city here at hand, to which I may flee, it is a little one, and I shall be saved in it: is it not a little one, and my soul shall live?

[21] And he said to him: Behold also in this, I have heard thy prayers, not to destroy the city for which thou hast spoken. [22] Make haste and be saved there, because I cannot do any thing till thou go in thither. Therefore the name of that city was called Segor. [23] The sun was risen upon the earth, and Lot entered into Segor. [24] And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. [25] And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth.

[22] "Segor"... That is, a little one.

[26] And his wife looking behind her, was turned into a statue of salt. [27] And Abraham got up early in the morning and in the place where he had stood before with the Lord, [28] He looked towards Sodom and Gomorrha, and the whole land of that country: and he saw the ashes rise up from the earth as the smoke of a furnace. [29] Now when God destroyed the cities of that country, remembering Abraham, he delivered Lot out of the destruction of the cities wherein he had dwelt.
This is what the Bible says will happen:
2 Peter 2:1-22
Quote1 There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Master who ransomed them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.
    Many will follow their licentious ways, and because of them the way of truth will be reviled.

    In their greed they will exploit you with fabrications, but from of old their condemnation has not been idle and their destruction does not sleep.
    For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but condemned them to the chains of Tartarus and handed them over to be kept for judgment;[Tartarus: a term borrowed from Greek mythology to indicate the infernal regions.]
    and if he did not spare the ancient world, even though he preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, together with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the godless world;
    and if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (to destruction), reducing them to ashes, making them an example for the godless (people) of what is coming;
    and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man oppressed by the licentious conduct of unprincipled people
    (for day after day that righteous man living among them was tormented in his righteous soul at the lawless deeds that he saw and heard),
    then the Lord knows how to rescue the devout from trial and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment,
    and especially those who follow the flesh with its depraved desire and show contempt for lordship. Bold and arrogant, they are not afraid to revile glorious beings,
    whereas angels, despite their superior strength and power, do not bring a reviling judgment against them from the Lord.
    But these people, like irrational animals born by nature for capture and destruction, revile things that they do not understand, and in their destruction they will also be destroyed,
    suffering wrong as payment for wrongdoing. Thinking daytime revelry a delight, they are stains and defilements as they revel in their deceits while carousing with you.

    Their eyes are full of adultery and insatiable for sin. They seduce unstable people, and their hearts are trained in greed. Accursed children!
    Abandoning the straight road, they have gone astray, following the road of Balaam, the son of Bosor, who loved payment for wrongdoing,
    but he received a rebuke for his own crime: a mute beast spoke with a human voice and restrained the prophet's madness.
    These people are waterless springs and mists driven by a gale; for them the gloom of darkness has been reserved.
    For, talking empty bombast, they seduce with licentious desires of the flesh those who have barely escaped from people who live in error.
    They promise them freedom, though they themselves are slaves of corruption, for a person is a slave of whatever overcomes him.
    For if they, having escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of (our) Lord and savior Jesus Christ, again become entangled and overcome by them, their last condition is worse than their first.
    For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment handed down to them.
    12 What is expressed in the true proverb has happened to them, "The dog returns to its own vomit," and "A bathed sow returns to wallowing in the mire."
Isaiah 3:1-10
QuoteThe confusion and other evils that shall come upon the Jews for their sins. The pride of their women shall be punished.

[1] For behold the sovereign the Lord of hosts shall take away from Jerusalem, and from Juda the valiant and the strong, the whole strength of bread, and the whole strength of water. [2] The strong man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the cunning man, and the ancient. [3] The captain over fifty, and the honourable in countenance, and the counsellor, and the architect, and the skillful in eloquent speech. [4] And I will give children to be their princes, and the effeminate shall rule over them. [5] And the people shall rush one upon another, and every man against his neighbour: the child shall make it tumult against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.

[6] For a man shall take hold or his brother, one of the house of his father, saying: Thou hast a garment, be thou our ruler, and let this ruin be under thy hand. [7] In that day he shall answer, saying: I am no healer, and in my house there is no bread, nor clothing: make me not ruler of the people. [8] For Jerusalem is ruined, and Juda is fallen: because their tongue, and their devices are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his majesty. [9] The shew of their countenance hath answered them: and they have proclaimed abroad their sin as Sodom, and they have not hid it: woe to their souls, for evils are rendered to them. [10] Say to the just man that it is well, for he shall eat the fruit of his doings.
And, as their wealth increaseth, so inclose
    Infinite riches in a little room


But these people, like irrational animals born by nature for capture and destruction, revile things that they do not understand, and in their destruction they will also be destroyed,
suffering wrong as payment for wrongdoing. Thinking daytime revelry a delight, they are stains and defilements as they revel in their deceits while carousing with you.

At work, I'm surrounded by homosexuals...most of them have leadership positions...most, if not all, of the corporate division are sodomites or bull dykes...I'll probably never forget these two versus from now on...


Gays, like Jews, are the chosen people
Porn star Michael Lucas responds to readers, who were disgusted by his gay porn donation to IDF combat troops
Michael Lucas
Published:    08.24.06, 15:32 / Israel Opinion

I was both hurt and surprised by some blogs and comments made in reaction to my upcoming Israel show. Yes, I did take time to read them. The opinion of my people is very important to me.
I did not care about any of the hatred filled comments from Arab or Muslim men. But the hateful comments from Jews were profoundly depressing. We Jews were persecuted, killed and hated for thousands of years. All of our rights were always taken away and we were always considered second class citizens. I can't believe that some of us can be so intolerant, especially to gay people.
Entertaining gay Israeli troops  / Leslie Bunder
Gay Jewish porn star to visit Israel to show solidarity with country, perform for gay community
Full Story
Jewish people and gays were pushed into gas chambers together during the Holocaust. How can we be so disrespectful to thousands of homosexuals, many of whom died in the Second World War, many of them fighting Nazis, with many still dying defending Israel?
Contrary to the opinions I've been reading, the Israel that I know and love is a democratic, free, fun-loving society, seen as a blemish in the eyes of Arab nations. I am sure these countries would like to destroy Israel for its tolerance and open-mindedness.
Did you ever think how many parallels can be drawn between gays and Jews? This letter would be way too long if I even started to list. But for one, we were both persecuted and hated throughout centuries, and we both gave the world the biggest artists, scientists, writers, actors, musicians. So maybe we both are chosen people.
There is a big enemy Israel is facing and the enemy is Islam, not homosexuals. Do not confuse the two.
I make them happy
Look, I am one of you, my gentle readers. I have experienced a great deal of anti-Semitism growing up in Soviet Russia. Like all Jews, I had a paragraph in my passport which read "Jewish". People called it "5th paragraph".    

Russians never gave me the opportunity to be one of them. Israel is my country as much as it is yours. To come to Israel is my birthright.
Yes, I produce gay porn. But for the most part, I am just like you, proud to be Jewish, love my family, proud of Israel, and was glued to TV for the past month, worried for my people.
The fact is, lots of people love and need porn. I do not harm anyone, I make them happy.,7340 ... 73,00.html



Quote from: "Wimpy"Nice research Spectec!

I just had an overdue discussion with my sister tonight (prior to reading this topic) regarding her daughter (niece) being a "Nanny" for a lesbo couple and "their" son.  Seems the lesbians had a falling out and are now in a custody battle of sorts.  Meanwhile my sister said "marriages" breakdown often,...I couldn't stay silent.  My position was explained similar to your points above but I added that a child, whether a boy or girl, NEEDS both Male and Female influence when reared.  Who, I asked, was the Male influence in this little boy's life?

His grandfather on occasion........... <WTF>  Two carpet munchers playing Mommy and Daddy screwing up a child for life!  

People are so frickin jewified and politically correct that common sense seems to have gone extinct with most!
Yeah, thanks Spectec.  I'd only ever heard general references to the DSM getting gutted, and these pieces of research provide eye-opening examples.  The epidemic of gay relationships enveloping my locale has eluded my understanding until now.  Similar to the situation Whimpy notes, I've seen nothing but tragedy unfold between gay couples over recent decades watching couples have or adopt kids and then disintigrate as a couple to leave the kids stranded.  Probably 30% of the casual acquaintances I know are openly gay and hell-bent on ensuring everyone knows and accepts it with this mission as their primary cause in life.  Being raised liberal amid a family stressing 'all men are created equal', I've tried to be accepting of the gay-life-mission but more than once found my tolerance exploited by gays acting inappropriately.  Ultimately I've always found homosexual orientations repulsive and more than once been offended by boundary crossing gay behavior, and these facts about the Jews sponsoring the Pride parade and eradicating the distinction of 'ego-dystonic homosexuality disorder' from the DSM just supplied game changing details.
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." - JFK, NYC, April 27, 1961



I began researching this topic when I moved to down town Jewish conquered San Francisco and when a male homosexual family member of mine suffered through a nasty break up when his boyfriend discovered he was sleeping with a FEMALE co worker of his...

I'm somewhat convinced that a majority of homosexuals choose to be homosexual and the rest really do suffer from some sort of psychological trauma...nonetheless, it should be furthered studied...

I was also want to study homosexuality amongst animals...I feel that this topic might also be an embellished, misunderstood Jewy psy op.

I figured a homosexual dog would be easier to take care of...since it would probably watched what it ate...not be soo aggressive...and I would save money also because I wouldn't have to neuter it... placed an add on one ever called...son of a bitch.


Quote from: "ahaze"
Quote from: "Wimpy"Nice research Spectec!

I just had an overdue discussion with my sister tonight (prior to reading this topic) regarding her daughter (niece) being a "Nanny" for a lesbo couple and "their" son.  Seems the lesbians had a falling out and are now in a custody battle of sorts.  Meanwhile my sister said "marriages" breakdown often,...I couldn't stay silent.  My position was explained similar to your points above but I added that a child, whether a boy or girl, NEEDS both Male and Female influence when reared.  Who, I asked, was the Male influence in this little boy's life?

His grandfather on occasion........... <WTF>  Two carpet munchers playing Mommy and Daddy screwing up a child for life!  

People are so frickin jewified and politically correct that common sense seems to have gone extinct with most!
Yeah, thanks Spectec.  I'd only ever heard general references to the DSM getting gutted, and these pieces of research provide eye-opening examples.  The epidemic of gay relationships enveloping my locale has eluded my understanding until now.  Similar to the situation Whimpy notes, I've seen nothing but tragedy unfold between gay couples over recent decades watching couples have or adopt kids and then disintigrate as a couple to leave the kids stranded.  Probably 30% of the casual acquaintances I know are openly gay and hell-bent on ensuring everyone knows and accepts it with this mission as their primary cause in life.  Being raised liberal amid a family stressing 'all men are created equal', I've tried to be accepting of the gay-life-mission but more than once found my tolerance exploited by gays acting inappropriately.  Ultimately I've always found homosexual orientations repulsive and more than once been offended by boundary crossing gay behavior, and these facts about the Jews sponsoring the Pride parade and eradicating the distinction of 'ego-dystonic homosexuality disorder' from the DSM just supplied game changing details.

Same here... it is troubling to see "reality" behind the "fantasy" especially when kids get adopted by gays.  Most fags are really not "socially" and "morally" responsible people as most of us know already.  Most of them are just degenerate to various degrees. Repulsive is a good word to describe them.  

Great research here Spectec and Whaler. It clearly shows the entire problem with trying to "normalize" this wayward and corrupting lifestyle - moreover, it shows who is leading this corruption into the mainstream.
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan


Quote from: "SPECTEC"We Jews were persecuted, killed and hated for thousands of years. All of our rights were always taken away and we were always considered second class citizens.

why, Porn star Michael Lucas ?

QuoteJewish people and gays were pushed into gas chambers together during the Holocaust. How can we be so disrespectful to thousands of homosexuals, many of whom died in the Second World War, many of them fighting Nazis, with many still dying defending Israel?

the Holocaust card is like a counterfeit joker in a deck of cards.  when you keep playing that same card, over and over again, people do wonder.
QuoteContrary to the opinions I've been reading, the Israel that I know and love is a democratic, free, fun-loving society, seen as a blemish in the eyes of Arab nations. I am sure these countries would like to destroy Israel for its tolerance and open-mindedness.

what a blind motherfvcker.

QuoteDid you ever think how many parallels can be drawn between gays and Jews? This letter would be way too long if I even started to list. But for one, we were both persecuted and hated throughout centuries, and we both gave the world the biggest artists, scientists, writers, actors, musicians. So maybe we both are chosen people.

there's nothing more comforting than believing that you are part of an elite who is in possession of The Truth.

QuoteThere is a big enemy Israel is facing and the enemy is Islam, not homosexuals. Do not confuse the two.

Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims, Scary Muslims.

The Zionist equivalent of Yadda Yadda.
Planet of the SWEJ - It's a Horror Movie.!



Jewish sodomite Frank Kameny debates author of The Born Gay Hoax Ryan Sorba.

Jewish sodomites live in an upside down world.  <:^0



I need to get the fuck out of this town.


One of the Wachowski bros goes bat shit crazy and gender bends...

What a  :^) fag.


Director Larry Wachowski has publicly revealed that she is transgender and now goes by the name Lana in a new promo for her upcoming Tom Hanks film "Cloud Atlas."
The 47-year-old moviemaker has undergone a sex change operation and now goes by the name Lana.
With her hair in pink dreadlocks, Wachowski introduced herself for the first time as a woman in a behind-the-scenes trailer for the new drama, saying, "Hi, I'm Lana."
"The Matrix" director was previously married to Thea Bloom. They divorced in 2002 after nine years of marriage.
Wachowski is not the first celebrity to come out as transgender in recent months – Cher's daughter Chastity is now known as Chaz Bono, Against Me! singer Tom Gabel recently became Laura Jane Grace, and Warren Beatty and Annette Bening's eldest child, daughter Kathleen, is formally called Steven Ira.


G*d D*mn !

it's getting to the point where if you meet someone, you need ask to see their birth certificate to see what sex they were born.

unless your name is Michelle and you meet someone named Barack ...
Planet of the SWEJ - It's a Horror Movie.!


......its because he/they have been infected with a quirina. They either know and are not saying or it has in this case fully taken over and trys to change the body. David Shaylor is another. My theory is that he's done DMT and SHE/his wife attached a female parasite. When he lost his wife he tried to replace her by becoming her. Do note that David Shaylor also was divorced from his wife. The DMT Satanic Alien is the real enemy and I'm starting to think causes "JEWISHNESS" from pain based trauma of circumcision/abuse, causing a DMT release and parasite/demon(memory) attachment.


Quote from: "mgt23"......its because he/they have been infected with a quirina.
Whats a quirina? I googled it but did have much name?
I think the mysteries of the kabbalah are the origins of "Jewishness". Planet/Star worship and the effects it has on their minds.

mgt23 ... /chap5.htm



AMONG all the superstitions in Islam there is none more curious in its origin and character than the belief in the Qarin or Qarina. It probably goes back to the ancient religion of Egypt , or to the animistic beliefs common in Arabia as well as in Egypt , at the time of Mohammed. By Qarin or Qarina the Moslem understands the double of the individual, his companion, his mate, his familiar demon—in the case of males a female mate, and in the case of females a male. This double is generally understood to be a devil, shaitan or jinn, born at the time of the individual's birth and his constant companion throughout life. The qarina is, therefore, of the progeny of Satan.

There are many passages in the Koran in which this doctrine is plainly taught, and by reading the commentaries on these texts a world of superstition, grovelling, coarse, and, to the last degree, incredible, is opened to the reader. The Koran passages read as follows: 1 (Chapter of the Cave, verse 48) "And when we said to the angels, 'Adore Adam,' they adored him, save only Iblis, who was of the jinn, who revolted from the bidding of his Lord. 'What! will ye then take him and his seed as patrons, rather than me, when they are foes of yours? bad for the wrong-doers is the exchange!'" The reference here is to the words, "Satan and his seed." (See especially the Commentary of Fahr al Razi, margin, vol. 6, p. 75.)

In speaking of the resurrection when the trumpet is blown and the day of judgment comes, we read: (Chapter Qaf, verses 20-30) "And every soul shall come—with it a driver and a witness! 'Thou wert heedless of this, and we withdrew thy veil from thee, and today is thine eyesight keen!' And his mate (qarina) shall say, 'This is what is ready for me (to attest).' 'Throw into hell every stubborn misbeliever!—who forbids good, a transgressor, a doubter! who sets other gods with God—and throw him, ye twain, into fierce torment!' His mate shall say, 'Our Lord! I seduced him not, but he was in a remote error.' He shall say, 'Wrangle not before me; for I sent the threat to you before. The sentence is not changed with me, nor am I unjust to my servants.' On the day we will say to hell, 'Art thou full?' and it will say, 'Are there any more?'"

And again we read: (Chapter of Women, verses 41, 42) "And those who expend their wealth in alms for appearance sake before men, and who believe not in God nor in the last day;—but whosoever has Satan for his mate, an evil mate has he."

Again: (Chapter of the Ranged, verses 47-54) ". . . and with them damsels, restraining their looks, large-eyed; as though they were a sheltered egg; and some shall come forward to ask others; and a speaker amongst them shall say, 'Verily, I had a mate (qarina), who used to say, "Art thou verily of those who credit? What! when we are dead, and have become earth and bones, shall we be surely judged?"' He will say, 'Are ye looking down?' and he shall look down and see him in the midst of hell. He shall say, 'By God, thou didst nearly ruin me!'"

(Chapter Detailed, verse 24) "We will allot to them mates, for they have made seemly to them what was before them and what was behind them; and due against them was the sentence on the nations who passed away before them; both of jinns and of mankind; verily, they were the losers!"

(Chapter of Gilding, verses 35-37) "And whosoever turns from the remainder of the Merciful One, we will chain to him a devil, who shall be his mate; and, verily, these shall turn them from the path while they reckon that they are guided; until when he comes to us he shall say, 'O, would that between me and thee there were the distance of the two orients, for an evil mate (art thou)!' But it shall not avail you on that day, since ye were unjust; verily, in the torment shall ye share!"

To speak of only one of these passages, what Baidhawi says in regard to the Chapter of the Ranged, verse 49, leaves no doubt that the qarina, which has been the mate of the believer all through life, is cast into hell on the day of judgment, and that this evil spirit, which is born with every man, is determined to ruin him, but that the favour of God saves the believer, and that one of the special mercies of heaven for the believer is to behold his companion devil for ever in torment.

Before we deal further with the comment as given on these verses and the teaching of Moslem books, we may well consider the possible origin of this belief as found in the Book of the Dead of ancient Egypt . "In addition to the Natural-body and Spirit-body," writes E. A Wallis Budge (Book of the Dead, vol. i. p. 73), "man also had an abstract individuality or personality endowed with all his characteristic attributes. This abstract personality had an absolutely independent existence. It could move freely from place to place, separating itself from, or uniting itself to, the body at will, and also enjoying life with the gods in heaven. This was the ka, a word which at times conveys the meaning of its Coptic equivalent κω, and of ειδωλον, image, genius, double, character, disposition, and mental attributes. What the ka really was has not yet been decided, and Egyptologists have not yet come to an agreement in their views on the subject. Mr. Griffith thinks (Hieroglyphs, p. 15) that 'it was from one point of view regarded as the source of muscular movement and power, as opposed to ba the will or soul which set it in motion.'" "In September, 1878, M. Maspero explained to the Members of the Congress of Lyons the views which he held concerning this word, and which he had for the past five years been teaching in the Collège de France, and said, 'le "ka" est une sorte de double de la personne humaine d'une matière moins grossière que la matière dont est formé le corps, mais qu'il fallait nourrir et entretenir comme le corps lui-même; ce double viviat dans le tombeau des offrandes qu'on faisait aux fêtes canoniques, et aujour-d'hui encore un grand nombre des génies de la tradition populaire égyptienne ne sont que des doubles, devenus démons au moment de la conversion des fellahs au christianisme, puis à l'islamisme.'"

Other authorities whom Mr. Budge quotes think that the ka was a genius and not a double. Mr. Breasted thinks that the ka was the superior genius intended to guide the fortunes of the individual in the hereafter. But Mr. Budge goes on to say: "The relation of the ka to the funerary offerings has been ably discussed by Baron Fr. W. v. Bissing (' Versuch einer neuen Erklärung des Ka'i der alten Aegypter ' in the Sitzungsberichte der Kgl. Bayer. Akad. , Munich, 1911), and it seems as if the true solution of the mystery may be found by working on the lines of his idea, which was published in the Recueil, 1903, p. 182, and by comparing the views about the 'double' held by African peoples throughout the Sudan. The funeral offerings of meat, cakes, ale, wine, unguents, etc., were intended for the ka; the scent of the burnt incense was grateful for it. The ka dwelt in the man's statue just as the ka of a god inhabited the statue of the god. In the remotest times the tombs had special chambers wherein the ka was worshipped and received offerings. The priesthood numbered among its body an order of men who bore the name of 'priests of the ka,' and who performed services in honour of the ka in the 'Ka chapel." Although not in any sense an Egyptologist, yet I believe further light may be thrown on the real significance of ka by what popular Islam teaches today.

Whatever may be the significance of ka in Egyptology, we are not in doubt as to what Mohammed himself thought of his ka or qarina. In the most famous volume of all Moslem books on the doctrine of jinn, called Kitab ak am ul marjan fi Ahkam el Jan, by Abdullah-esh-Shabli (769 A . H .), we read in chapter five as follows: "It is related by Muslim and others from 'Ayesha that the Apostle of God left her one night and that she said, 'I was jealous of him.' Then she said, 'Mohammed saw me and came for me and said, "What's the matter with you, 'Ayesha? Are you jealous?" And I replied, "Why should one like me not be jealous of one like you?" Then the Apostle of God said, "Has your devil spirit got hold of you?" Then I said, "O Apostle of God, is there a devil with me?" Said he, "Yes, and with every person." Said I, "And with you also, O Apostle of God?" Said he, "Yes, but my Lord Most Glorious and Powerful has assisted me against him, so that he became a Moslem."'" Another tradition is given in the same chapter on the authority of Ibn Hanbal as follows: "Said the Apostle of God, 'There is not a single one of you but has his qarina of the jinn and his qarina of the Angels.' They said, "And thou also, O Apostle of God?' 'Yes,' he replied, 'I also, but God has helped her so that she does not command me except in that which is true and good.'" The tradition here given occurs in many forms in the same chapter, so that there can be no doubt of its being well known and, in the Moslem sense, authentic.

Here is another curious form of the same tradition. "Said the Apostle of God, 'I was superior to Adam in two particulars, for my devil (qarina), although an unbeliever, became through God's help a Moslem, and my wives were a help to me, but Adam's devil remained an infidel and his wife led him into temptation.'" We also find an evening

prayer recorded of Mohammed as follows: "Whenever the Apostle of God went to his bed to sleep at night he said, 'In the name of God I now lay myself down and seek protection from him against the evil influence of my devil (qarin, shaitan), and from the burden of my sin and the weight of my iniquity. O God, make me to receive the highest decree.'"

As regards the number of these companion devils and their origin, Tradition is not silent. "It is said that there are males and females among the devils, out of whom they procreate; but as to Iblis, God has created . . . (the significance of this passage, which is not fit for translation, is that Iblis is an hermaphrodite) . . . there come forth out of him every day ten eggs, out of each of which are born seventy male and female devils." (Ibn-Khallikan, quoted in Hayat al-Hawayan, Article on "jinn.")

In another tradition, also found in the standard collections, it is said that Iblis laid thirty eggs—"ten in the west, ten in the east, and ten in the middle of the earth—and that out of every one of those eggs came forth a species of devils, such as al-Gilan, al-'Akarib, al-Katarib, al-Jann, and others bearing diverse names. They are all enemies of men according to the words of God, 'What! will ye then take him and his seed as patrons, rather then we, when they are foes of yours?' with the exception of the believing ones among them."

Al Tabari, in his great commentary, vol. xxvi. p. 104, says the qarin or qarina is each man's shaitan (devil), who was appointed to have charge of him in the world. He then proves his statement by a series of traditions similar to those already quoted: "his qarin is his devil (shaitan)"; or, according to another authority there quoted, "his qarina is his jinn."

According to Moslem Tradition, not only Mohammed but even Jesus the Prophet had a qarin. As He was sinless, and because, in accordance with the well-known tradition, Satan was unable to touch Him at birth, His qarina like that of Mohammed was a good one. "On the authority of Ka'ab the Holy Spirit, Gabriel, strengthened Jesus because He was His qarin and his constant companion, and went with Him wherever He went until the day when He was taken up to heaven" (Qasus al Anbiya, by Al Tha'alabi.)

Now while in the case of Mohammed and Jesus and perhaps also in the case of other prophets, the qarin or qarina was or became a good spirit, the general teaching is that all human beings, non-Moslems as well as Moslems, have their familiar spirit, who is in every case jealous, malignant, and the cause of physical and moral ill, save in as far as his influence is warded off by magic or religion. It is just here that the belief exercises a dominating place in popular Islam. It is against this spirit of jealousy, this other-self, that children wear beads, amulets, talismans, etc. It is this other-self that through jealousy, hatred and envy prevents love between husband and wife, produces sterility and barrenness, kills the unborn child, and in the case of children as well as of adults is the cause of untold misery.

The qarina is believed often to assume the shape of a cat or dog or other household animal. So common is the belief that the qarina dwells in the body of a cat at night-time, that neither Copts nor Moslems would dare to beat or injure a cat after dark.

Many precautions are taken to defend the unborn child against its mate, or perhaps it is rather against the mate of the mother, who is jealous of the future child. Major Tremearne, who studied the subject in North Africa , says (Ban of the Bori, p. 97): the qarin "does not come until after the child has been actually born, for the sex is not known before that time." And again (p. 131): "All human beings, animals, plants, and big rocks, have a permanent soul (quruwa) and a familiar bori of the same sex, and, in addition, young people have a temporary bori of the opposite sex, while all living things have two angels (mala'ika) in attendance. Small stones are soulless, and so are those large ones which are deep in the earth, 'for they are evidently dead,' else they would not have been buried. The soul has a shape like that of the body which it inhabits, and it dwells in the heart, but where it comes in and out of the body is not known. It is not the shadow (ennuwa), for it cannot be seen, and in fact the ennuwa is the shadow both of the body and of the soul. Yet the word quruwa is sometimes loosely used for shadow, and there is evidently some connexion, for a wizard can pick the soul out of it. Neither is it the breath, for when a person sleeps his soul wanders about; in fact, it does so even when a person is daydreaming."

All this, which is descriptive of conditions among the Hausa Moslems of North Africa, closely resembles the belief in Egypt . The jinn of the opposite sex, that is the soul-mate, generally dwells underground. It does not like its particular mortal to get married. For, again I quote from Major Tremearne, "It sleeps with the person and has relations during sleep as is known by the dreams." This invisible companion of the opposite sex is generally spoken of in Egypt as "sister" or "brother." His or her abode is in quiet shady places, especially under the threshold of the house. The death of one or more children in the family is often attributed to their mother's mate, and, therefore, the mother and the surviving children wear iron anklets to ward off this danger. Most people believe that the qarina dies with the individual; others that it enters the grave with the body. Although generally invisible, there are those who have second sight and can see the qarina. It wanders about at night in the shape of a cat.

The following account of the popular belief I took down verbatim from Sheikh Ahmed Muharram of Daghestan and recently from Smyrna . He says that his statement represents the belief of all Turkish and Russian Mohammedans. The quran a (plural of qarina) come into the world from the A'alam ul Barzakhiya 2 at the time the child is conceived before it is born; therefore during the act of coition, Moslems are told by their Prophet to pronounce the word bismillah. This will prevent the child from being overcome by its devil and turned into an infidel or rascal. The qarina exists with the fœtus in the womb. When the child is born the ceremony of pronouncing the creed in its right ear and the call to prayer in the left is to protect the child from its mate. Among the charms used against quran a are portions of the Koran written on lead images of fish or on leaden discs. The quran a are invisible except to people who are idiots and to the prophets. These often have second vision. The quran a do not die with their human mates, but exist in the grave until the day of the Resurrection, when they testify for or against the human being. The reason that young children die is because Umm es Subyan (the child-witch) is jealous of the mother, and she then uses the qarina of the child to put an end to it. "The way I overcome my qarina," said Ahmed Muharram, "is by prayer and fasting." It is when a man is overcome with sleep that his qarina get the better of him. "When I omit a prayer through carelessness or forgetfulness it is my qarina and not myself. The qarina is not a spirit merely but has a spiritual body, and all of them differ in their bodily appearance, although invisible to us. The qarina does not increase in size, however, as does the child." The Sheikh seemed to be in doubt in regard to the sex of the qarina. At first he would not admit that the sex relation was as indicated, thinking it improper for a man to have a female mate, but after discussion he said he was mistaken. He admitted also that all these popular beliefs were based upon the Koran and Tradition, although superstitious practices had crept in among the masses.

A learned Sheikh at Caliub, a Moslem village near Cairo , was also consulted on the subject. At first he tried to explain away the idea of popular Islam by saying that the qarina only referred to the evil conscience or a man's evil nature, but after a few questions he became quite garrulous, and gave the following particulars: The expectant mother, in fear of the qarina, visits the sheikha (learned woman) three months before the birth of the child, and does whatever she indicates as a remedy. These sheikhas exercise great influence over the women, and batten on their superstitious beliefs, often impersonating the qarina and frightening the ignorant. The Moslem mother often denies the real sex of her babe for seven days after it is born in order to protect its life from the qarina. During these seven days she must not strike a cat, or she and the child will both die. Candles are lighted on the seventh day and placed in a jug of water near the head of the child, to guard it against the qarina. Before the child is born a special amulet is prepared, consisting of seven grains each of seven different kinds of cereals. These are sewn up in a bag, and when the infant is born it is made to wear it. The mother also has certain verses of the Koran written with musk water or ink on the inside of a white dish. This is then filled with water and the ink washed off and the contents taken as a potion. The Sheikh told me that the two last chapters of the Koran and also Surat Al Mujadala were most commonly used for this purpose. One of the most common amulets against the qarina or the child-witch is that called the "Seven Covenants of Solomon." 3

Charms and amulets against the qarina abound. Books on the subject are printed by the thousands of copies. Here, for example, are the directions given for writing an amulet in the celebrated book called Kitab Mujaribat, by Sheikh Ahmed Al Dirbi (p. 105): "This (twenty-fourth) chapter gives an account of an amulet to be used against qarina and against miscarriage. This is the blessed amulet prepared to guard against all bodily and spiritual evils and against harm and sorcery and demons and fear and terror and jinn and the qarina and familiar spirits and ghosts and fever and all manner of illness and wetting the bed and against the child-witch (Um es Subyan) and whirlwinds and devils and poisonous insects and the evil eye and pestilence and plague and to guard the child against weeping while it sleeps—and the mystery of this writing is great for those children who have fits every month or every week or who cannot cease from crying or to the woman who is liable to miscarriage. And it is said that this amulet contains the great and powerful name of God—in short, it is used for all evils. It must be written the first hour of the first day of the week, and read as follows: 'In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate, there is no God but He, the Living, the Eternal, etc. (to the end of the verse on the throne). In the name of God and to God and upon God, and there is no one victorious save God and no one can deliver him who flees from God, for He is the Living, the Self-subsisting, whom slumber seizes not nor sleep, etc. I place in the safe keeping of God him who carries this amulet, the God than whom there is no other, who knows the secret and the open. He is the Merciful, the Compassionate. I protect the bearer by the words of God Most Perfect and by His glorious names from evil that approaches and the eyes that flash and the souls of the wicked and from the evil of the father of wickedness and his descendants and from the evil of those that blow upon knots and from the evil of the envier when he envies, and I put him under the protection of God, the Most Holy, King of the Angels and of the Spirits, Lord of the worlds, the Lord of the great throne, Ihyashur Ihyabur Ihya-Adoni Sabaoth Al Shaddai ; 1 and I put the bearer under the keeping of God by the light of the face of God which does not change and by His eye which does not sleep nor slumber and His protection which can never be imagined nor escaped and His assistance which needs no help and His independence which has no equal and His eternity without end, His deity which cannot be overcome and His omnipresence which cannot be escaped, and I put him under the protection of the Lord of Gabriel and Michael and Israfil and Izrail and of Mohammed, the seal of the Prophets, and of all the prophets and apostles, and in the name of Him who created the angels and established their footsteps by His majesty to hold up His throne when it was borne on the face of the waters, and by the eight names written upon the throne of God. I also give the bearer the protection of K.H.T.S. and the seven H.W.M.'s and H.M.S.K.'s and by the talisman of M.S. and M.R. and R. and H.W.M. and S. and K. and N. and T.H. and Y.S. 4 and the learned Koran and by the name of God Most Hidden and His noble book and by Him who is light upon lights, by His name who flashed into the night of darkness and destroyed by His blaze every rebellious devil and made those that feared trust Him; and by the name by which man can walk upon water and make it as dry land; and by the name by which Thou didst call Thyself in the book which came down and which Thou didst not reveal to any but by whose power Thou didst return to Thy throne after the creation; by the name by which Thou didst raise up the heavens and spread out the earth and createdst paradise and the fire; the name by which Thou didst part the sea for Moses and sent the flood to the people of Noah, the name written on Moses' rod and by which Thou didst raise up Jesus, the name written on the leaves of the olive trees and upon the foreheads of the noble angels. And I put the one who wears this amulet under the protection of Him who existed before all and who will outlast all and who has created all, God, than whom there is no other, the Living, He is the Knowing and the Wise; and I put the bearer under the protection of the name of God by which He placed the seven heavens firmly and the earth upon its mountains and the waters so that they flowed and the fountains so that they burst forth and the rivers so that they watered the earth and the trees brought forth their fruit and the clouds gave rain and night became dark and the day dawned and the moon gave his light and the sun his splendour and the stars went in their course and the winds who carried His messages; and I put the bearer under the protection of the name by which Jesus spoke in the cradle and by which He raised the dead from the grave and by which He opened the eyes of those born blind and cured the lepers, the name by which He made the dumb to speak. And I protect him by the Merciful God and His great name and His perfect words, which neither riches nor the sinner can resist, from the evil which comes down from heaven or the evil that ascends to heaven and from the evil which is found upon the earth or which comes out of the earth, and from the terror of the night and of the day and from the oppression of the night and of the day; and I protect him from all powerful influences of evil and from the cursed devil and from envious men and from the wicked infidel; and I protect him by the Lord of Abraham the friend of God, and Moses the spokesman of God, and Jesus, and Jacob and Isaac and Ishmael and David and Solomon and Job and Yunas and Aaron and Seth and Abel and Enoch and Noah and Elijah and Zechariah and John and Hud and Elisha and Zu Kifl and Daniel and Jeremiah and Shu'aib and Ilyas and Salih and Ezra and Saul and the Prophet-of-the-fish and Lokman and Adam and Eve and Alexander the Great and Mary and Asiah (Pharaoh's wife) and Bilkis and Kharkil and Saf the son of Berachiah and Mohammed the seal of the prophets; and I protect him by God than whom there is no other, who will remain after all things have perished, and by His power and by His might and by His exaltation above all creatures and above all devils male and female, and all manner of jinn male and female, and familiar spirits of both sexes, and wizards and witches, and deceivers male and female, and infidels male and female, and enemies male and female, and ghoul and demons, and from the evil eye and the envious, from the evil in things of ear and eye and tongue and hand and foot and heart and conscience, secret and open. And I protect the wearer from everything that goes out and comes in, from every breath that stirs of evil or of movement of man or beasts, whether he be sick or well, awake or sleeping, and from the evil of that which dwells in the earth or in the clouds or in the mountains or the air or the dust or the vapour or the caves or the wells or the mines, and from the devil himself, and from the flying demons and from those who work sorcery and from the evil of the whirlwind caused by the chief of the jinn, and from the evil of those who dwell in tombs and in secret places, in pools and in wells and from him who is with the wild beasts or within the wombs, and from him who is an eavesdropper of the secrets of the angels, etc., etc.'" [After this the amulet closes with the words of the Moslem creed written three times, the call to prayer twice and] "May God's blessing and peace be upon the Prophet and upon his companions forever until the day of judgment. Praise be to God the Lord of the worlds." All this seems the height of folly to the educated Moslem. Yet it is taken from one of the best selling books on popular magic and medicine, printed in Cairo, third edition, 1328 A.H.; 192 pages, fine print, and sold for sixpence!

No one can read of these superstitious practices and beliefs, which are inseparable from the Koran and Tradition, without realizing that the belief in the qarina is a terror by night and by day to pious Moslem mothers and their children. For fear of these familiar spirits and demons they are all their lifetime subject to bondage. A mother never dares to leave her infant child alone in Egypt for fear of the qarina. The growing child must not tramp on the ground heavily for fear he may hurt his qarina. It is dangerous to cast water on the fire lest it vex the qarina. On no account must the child be allowed to go asleep while weeping. Its every whim must be satisfied for fear of its evil mate. It is the firm belief in Egypt that when a mother has a boy her qarin (masculine) has also married a qarina (feminine), who at that time gives birth to a girl. This demon-child and its mother are jealous of the human mother and her child. To pacify the qarina they sacrifice a chicken, which must be absolutely black and sacrificed with the proper ceremonies. It is impossible to see the qarina except in one way. Following a Jewish superstition (Jewish Encyclopædia, Article on "Demonology") a man may see evil spirits by casting the ashes of the fœtus of a black cat about his eyes, or by sprinkling these ashes around his bed he can trace their footsteps in the morning.

When we remember that only one-third of one percent. of the women of Egypt are able to read, we can imagine the power that is exercised over them by the lords of this superstition, who sell amulets and prescribe treatment for the expectant mother and her child. Pitiful stories have come to me from those who were eye-witnesses of this swindle which is being carried on in every village of the Delta.

Al-Ghazali himself in his great work, The Revival of the Religious Sciences, in speaking of the virtue of patience, says: "He who is remiss in remembering the name of God even for the twinkling of an eye, has for that moment no mate but Satan. For God has said, 'And whosoever turns from the reminder (remembrance) of the Merciful One, we will chain to him a devil, who shall be his mate (qarina).'"

We may perhaps appropriately close this chapter with what one of the learned men relates regarding the victory of the believer over his demon and its powers. It may lead us to a new conception of that petition in the Lord's Prayer which we offer also for our Moslem brothers and sisters: "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the Evil One." "Verily, the devil is to you a foe, so take him as a foe. This is an order for us from Him—may He be praised!—that we may take him as a foe. He was asked, 'How are we to take him as a foe and to be delivered from him?' and he replied, 'Know, that God has created for every believer seven forts—the first fort is of gold and is the knowledge of God; round it is a fort of silver, and it is the faith in Him; round it is a fort of iron and it is the trust in Him; round it is a fort of stones and consists of thankfulness and being pleased with Him; round it is a fort of clay and consists of ordering to do lawful things, prohibiting to do unlawful things, and acting accordingly; round it is a fort of emerald which consists of truthfulness and sincerity toward Him; and round it is a fort of brilliant pearls, which consists of the discipline of the mind (soul). The believer is inside these forts and Iblis outside them barking like a dog, which the former does not mind, because he is well-fortified (defended) inside these forts. It is necessary for the believer never to leave off the discipline of the mind under any circumstances or to be slack with regard to it in any situation he may be in, for whoever leaves off the discipline of the mind or is slack in it, will meet with disappointment (from God), on account of his leaving off the best kind of discipline in the estimation of God, whilst Iblis is constantly busy in deluding him, in desiring for his company, and in approaching him to take from him all these forts, and to cause him to return to a state of disbelief. We seek refuge with God from that state.!'" 6


1 Palmer's translation is used throughout.

2 The unseen world, Hades, the abode of souls after death and before birth.

3 A translation of this appears in my book, The Disintegration of Islam (F. H. Revell and Company, 1916).

4 This portion shows Jewish origin and gives some of the Hebrew names of God.

5 These are mystical letters which occur in the Koran text.

6 Al-Damiri, Hayat-ul-Hayawan, vol. i. p. 470. (English translation by Jayakar).

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Hi Mommy2be, this is what i ve found:

Lilith in Islam
The figure of Lilith was transposed from earlier Jewish and Arabic cultures and adopted into Islamic lore. In most Islamic sects, Lilith is said to be the consort of Iblis/Shaitan (Satan or Samael) and is identified as the mother of the jinn. [88] In Morocco, however, Lilith is considered a "holy dame" and is identified by the title Lalla.[89]

Islamic and Arabic legends often portray the jinn as identical with the karin or karina, the doubles who accompany individual men and women; and depictions of the jinn bear many similarities to those of the Hebrew Lilith. According to Moslem tradition, the jinn were created of fire some thousands of years before Adam. However, the jinn are considered to be like men, capable of future salvation and damnation; they can accept or reject God's message; they are believers or non-believers. [90]

Islamic myths of Lilith as mother of the jinn also hearken back to the earlier Arabic Karina, who is identical to Lilith (see above section, "The Arabic Karina"); and while Lilith/Karina is never mentioned as a singular demoness in the Qur'an, the idea of the individual karin/karina that accompanies each man or woman is referenced in several passages.

"And those who expend their wealth in alms for appearance sake before men, and who believe not in God nor in the last day; - but whosoever has Satan for his mate (qarina), an evil mate has he." [91]
"...and some shall come forward to ask others; and a speaker amongst them shall say, 'Verily, I had a mate (qarina) who used to say, "Art thou verily of those who credit? What! when we are dead, and have become earth and bones, shall we be surely judged?' He will say, 'Are ye looking down?' and he shall look down and see him in the midst of hell. He shall say, 'By God, thou didst nearly ruin me!'" [92]
"And every soul shall come - with it a driver and a witness! 'Thou wert heedless of this, and we withdrew thy veil from thee, and to-day is thine eyesight keen!' And his mate (qarina) shall say, 'This is what is ready for me (to attest). Throw into hell every stubborn misbeliever! - who forbids good, a transgressor, a doubter! who sets other gods with God - and throw him, ye twain, into fierce torment! ' His mate shall say, ' Our Lord! I seduced him not, but he was in a remote error.'" [93]
The famed Persian scholar of Qur'an, Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, claimed that the karin or karina is each man's personal devil or shaitan, who was appointed to have charge of him in the world [94]. According to Moslem traditions, not only Mohammed but even Jesus had a karin.

Likewise, al-Tabari alludes to both the masculine karin and the feminine karina: "his qarin is his devil (shaitan) [masculine word form]"; or "his qarina is his jinn [feminine word form]." [95]

Furthermore, the Islamic conception of Iblis/Satan is remarkably similar to earlier or same-period Lilith myths; and both Lilith and Iblis/Satan were said to have defied God by refusing to bow down to Adam. [96]