Trump wanted war in 2013

Started by yankeedoodle, December 22, 2016, 12:11:18 PM

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   Trump: US will go to war with Iran

Donald Trump on Monday predicted the U.S. will eventually go to war with Iran.

In an interview on Fox News, Trump criticized Secretary of State John Kerry's negotiations on Iran's nuclear program.

"We are negotiating so poorly," said Trump. "First of all, we weakened the sanctions. We substantially weakened the sanctions because Iran told us that would be a good sign of good faith. Give me a break."

The business mogul said the poor negotiations will lead to armed conflict with Iran.
"Because of the fact that we have people who have no idea how to negotiate, we'll end up going to war with Iran," Trump said. "It's unfortunate because it [will cost] so much money and so many lives, and I'm talking lives on both sides.

"We will end up going to war with Iran because we have people who don't know what the hell they are doing," he said. "Every single thing that this administration and our president does is a failure."

Negotiations had hoped to reach a deal with Iran, but Kerry on Monday said Iran walked away from a possible agreement.

Fox News' Brian Kilmeade said the French stopped the deal. In response to Kilmeade, Tump said the French's intervention was yet another international embarrassment and refuted Kerry's comment that the U.S. "is not blind or stupid."

"Well he said we're not blind or stupid. Well, I don't think we're blind," Trump said.