Starbucks bucks the kosher tax

Started by yankeedoodle, July 26, 2018, 06:44:14 PM

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From Karl Radl at

Corporation of the Week

With the announcements from a prominent but mid-ranked Kosher Food Tax collection agency called Star K – the industry being dominated by the Orthodox Union – that Starbucks has terminated its kosher food tax tithes. (1) For once the company – which was started and is still largely run by a jew named Howard Schultz – (2) has decided to do something sensible rather than closing down all its stores after employees kicked out two black males trying to use a store's toilets as a gay bar and even before then promoting the homosexual agenda in a very forceful and open way.

To quote the Jerusalem Post:

'Regarding Starbucks' individual items and their kosher status, the spokesperson said – echoing the Star-K's own views – that the company's unflavored coffees are still considered kosher and that many of its packaged products have certification from other kosher agencies. "Unfortunately, our hand-crafted beverages and unpackaged food items cannot be considered kosher due to the fact they are not being prepared and served under the appropriate supervision," the company said.

When asked why Starbucks chose to sunset the program at this time and if the company has any plans for reaching out to other kosher certifying agencies or to kosher-keeping consumers, the spokesperson said: "We do not have further information to share about [sic] this time."' (3)

When pressed Starbucks have stated that it was ended for 'internal reasons', (4) but if you translate this from business speak to English. The implication is obvious enough.

That is that kosher certification simply doesn't pay its way – which I have suggested based upon my analysis of the Kosher Food Tax – (5) and that the entire idea that kosher certification equates more sales and profit is the sales pitch of what essentially amounts of a massive multi-faceted Ponzi scheme by rabbinical organisations.

Therefore Starbucks withdrawal from kosher certification may possibly the beginning of a wider trend among companies recognizing it for the scam that it is.


(1) ; ; ;
(4) Ibid.
(5) See and