9/10/20 - as 9/11 approaches, learn how American jews are turning on Israhell

Started by yankeedoodle, September 04, 2020, 01:03:47 PM

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On 9/10/20, the day before the 19th anniversary of Israhell's attack on America on 9/11/01, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) and the Institute for Research, Middle East Policy (IRMEP) are hosting a free online event from noon-1pm, on 9/10/20.  https://mailchi.mp/a3d2d5edb9ac/american-jews-and-israel-a-faltering-relationship-910-at-noon-israellobbyconextra-1371498?e=25e68a2f6e

QuoteAmerican Jews and Israel: A Faltering Relationship
9/10/2020 at Noon - Sign up on Eventbrite!  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/american-jews-and-israel-a-faltering-relationship-tickets-119276987681?aff=irmep09042020email

Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Jewish Voice for Peace, will describe Jewish Zionism as a failing ideology for many younger American Jews who reject Israel's oppressive occupation policies and bellicose actions toward Iran, as well as the relationship between U.S. and Israeli militarism. But how will this impact their future as activists in electoral politics? Will they remain mostly captive to the Democratic Party, voicing opposition while accepting candidates captured and mentored by AIPAC?

Allan C. Brownfeld, American Council for Judaism, discusses the growing disillusionment of American Jews, and some Israelis, with the Jewish state and Zionism. Young American Jews who champion civil rights at home, including the right to vote, freedom of movement, due process and equality, realize that Israel is denying those same basic rights to Palestinians. Peter Beinart, Seth Rogen, Marc Maron and other Jewish Americans who are urging Israel to dismantle its apartheid policies face bitter attacks from the Israel lobby and Jewish Establishment organizations, charging they've "crossed a line." Brownfeld will offer some suggestions about how progressive Jewish voters can influence both the Democratic and Republican parties.

Free! Register online through Eventbrite!  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/american-jews-and-israel-a-faltering-relationship-tickets-119276987681?aff=irmep09042020email