Jewish Naomi Wolf Is The Most Interesting Political Figure On Twitter Right Now

Started by maz, February 24, 2021, 10:06:38 PM

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This is just my opinion. If you don't know who Naomi Wolf is she is:

1. A feminist/LGBT/orthodox Jewish leftist who sometimes finds common ground with conservatives on constitutional issues like free speech and personal liberties. I've heard others say that she is also advocates for 2nd amendment rights although I've not personally seen or heard of her doing it.

2. She recently appeared on Tucker Carlson's show.

3. She was also interviewed by Alex Jones on 4th amendment issues in the mid to late aughts.

4. She has a book to sell

5. She seems to flirt with denouncing her Judaism, or at least pretends to?


6. She's going balls to the wall on stupid-19, even calling out slimy Jewish vaccine salesmen like Dr. Peter Hotex and forcing them to defend themselves.



She's a shill, and gets some stuff wrong in her research, but seems to mean well for the most part. On some issues, no lies detected. Credit where credit is due.


Well, they got her. She was temporarily suspended about two months ago but now it looks like she's gone for good.



She was doing some pretty good stuff in the fighting of digital passports, but she also had some sloppy and pretty speculative tweets.

She also posted a few videos of herself shooting an AR-15 out in the woods, which I thought was a good troll. All in all, she was a net positive fighting these various narratives and agendas and seeing her gone is a bit of a bummer.