Jews in the modern world memorial

Started by yankeedoodle, September 18, 2022, 05:51:29 PM

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Jews in the modern world memorial


A lot has been written and, above all, talked about the multi-millenarian mystery of a small people from the arid area of ​​Palestine: the Jews.
With a written history of almost 5000 years, almost as old as that of the Chinese, but certainly "younger" than that of the Egyptians, Sumerians and Assyro-Babylonians (from which they seem to be drawn), the Jews represent and today an enigma of history through their model of cultural and historical continuity whose uniqueness is the fact that for almost two thousand years they were not tied to a specific territory and yet managed to preserve their identity among the peoples and territories on where they passed and where they settled.
Unlike the Gypsies, another nomadic people with strong identity elements, the Jews preserved a written cultural record of history and roots. And yet, what is the secret of their resistance to assimilation? Here is how some of the most prominent figures in world thought and politics portray Jews.

The Jews and Russia

The danger of the nefarious Jewish influence on Russia was also anticipated by the first empresses of the Royal House of Russia, - Catherine I and her daughter (and daughter of Peter I) Elizaveta Petrovna of the Romanov Dynasty, who issued the highest decrees  "On the expulsion of Jews from Russia," to prevent the accumulation of Russian gold in Jewish hands and its export to the West .

Here is the text of the first decree signed by Catherine I:

QuoteIn translation:
"Nominal Decree, held in the Supreme Supreme Council on April 26, 1727. About the expulsion of Jews from Russia and the observation that they do not take Russian gold and silver money with them.
On April 20, His Imperial Majesty indicated: The Jews, both male and female, who are to be found in the Ukraine and other Russian cities, send all of them abroad from Russia at once, and henceforth should not be allowed to enter Russia under any guise and warn. he firm in all places; and when they go, watch them carefully, so that they do not take pure gold coins and Russian silver coins and efimki from Russia abroad; and if they have red coins and efimka, or what kind of Russian coin will appear and give them copper money for them."

Below is the text of the second Decree  "On the Expulsion of the Jews from Russia" , signed by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, it indicates the concrete reason for their expulsion: commercial robbery of Russia:

QuoteIn translation:
"Somehow, not by our ancestors of old in different years, but finally, blessed and eternally worthy of remembrance, the most merciful Mother of Our Sovereign Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna, in April 1727, 26 days, it was decreed in all Our Empire, both in the Russian Sea and in It is forbidden for Jews to live in the Little Russian towns; but We know it happened that these Zhid are still in Our Empire, and especially in Little Russia in various forms, as if by trade and keeping taverns and taverns, they continue their residence, from which there is no other fruit, but only, as if from thus the name of Christ the Savior I hate . Our loyal subjects must expect extreme harm. And since it is Our most merciful maternal intention to protect and avoid all evil consequences which Our loyal subjects and our whole Empire expect to happen; For this reason, in oblivion, we do not want to leave. We graciously command: from all Our Empire, both from the cities, towns and villages of the Great and Little Russians, all Jews and women, regardless of rank and dignity. from the announcement of this Most High Decree of Ours, with all their property, immediately send them abroad, and henceforth under no circumstances let them enter Our Empire for anything; if one of them does not want to be the Christian faith of the Greek confession; thus baptizing in Our Empire, let them live, only do not let them go out of the State. And the unbaptized. as shown above, do not hold anyone under any pretext. When we release them through Our borders, according to the strength of the above-mentioned decree of Our Sovereign Mother, warn him and watch him firmly, so that he does not export a single gold cervonny and a single Russian silver coin and efimki from Russia abroad . And if any of them have such gold and silver coins, taking them from them, pay them with Russian copper money, as five-kopeck coins, money and half-coins, which I can give to Our Empire and where anyone has to take bills; what is the only thing in the provinces for the governors, and in the provinces and other cities for the governors, in Little Russia, for certain commanders and generals, regimentals and hundreds of majors to look firmly, with the fear of unfulfillment our highest anger and the worst torment.

And that all Our faithful subjects may know of this indulgence of Our Most Merciful, every rank and dignity. He has graciously commanded that this Most High Decree of Ours be published throughout Our Empire.

Published according to the edition: Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. First date. Volume 11. 1740-1743. SPb., 1830. S. 727-728. "

Also, immediately after Poland became part of the Russian Empire in  1791 , Empress Catherine II by her supreme decree of December 23, 1791 (from  January 3, 1792  according to the new style), a new edict for Jews ( Pale of Settlement)  according to which they were not allowed to cross Russian territories without special permission.

Quote" Pale of Settlement  (full name: Line of Permanent Jewish Settlement) - in the Russian Empire from 1791 to 1915) - the border of the territory beyond which Jews were prohibited from permanent residence, except for several categories, which at various times included, for for example, merchants of the first guild, people with higher education, retired conscripts, artisans assigned to craft workshops, Karaites, Mountain and Bukhara Jews. The surface of the territory is approximately 1,224,008 km²..." .

In the work "Journal of a Writer" written in 1877 (40 years before the revolution of 1917!), the great philosopher and thinker Fyodor Dostoevsky warned about the Jews:

Quote"... the Jewish revolution  must begin with atheism, because the Jews must destroy that faith, that religion, from which came the moral foundations that made Russia both holy and great!" "Godless anarchism is near: our children will see it... The International has ordered the Jewish revolution to begin in Russia... It is beginning, because we have no reliable resistance against it—neither in government nor in society. The rebellion will begin with atheism and the looting of all wealth, they will begin to break down religion, destroy temples and turn them into barracks, into stalls, they will flood the world with blood, and then they themselves will be frightened. The Jews will destroy Russia and become the head of anarchy. The Jew and his kahal are a conspiracy against the Russians. A terrible, colossal, spontaneous revolution is predicted, which will shake all the kingdoms of the world with a change before this world. But that will require a hundred million heads. The whole world will be flooded with rivers of blood . " .
(Dostoevsky FM Diary of a writer. / Compiled, comments by AV Belov / Editor-in-chief OA Platonov. – M .: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2010. – 880 p.).

Everything F. Dostoevsky described exactly 140 years ago, exactly 40 years later!
Similar to the alarm signals raised by Mihai Eminescu in Ziarul Timpul, in the Russian press since 1911 appeared the series of articles  "  Letters to the Russian nation"  signed by the Russian writer Mihail Osipovich Menshikov.

"The stranger who is among you will rise higher and higher above you, and you will sink lower and lower. He will lend to you, and you will not lend to him; he will be the head, and you will be the tail..." (Deut. 28:43-44).

"  In the State Duma, worse than treason is planned - a national treason is conceived: the permission of an entire foreign people to make an invasion of Russia, to occupy not by army, but by commercial and legal violence our territory, our wealth, our crafts and trades, our liberal professions, and finally every power in society.

After all, you are preparing the same thing, and nothing else, for Great Russia, the only country in Christendom that is not yet fully accessible to the Jews. In these days, when we are excited by the memories of serfdom, let us think seriously:  Are we not on the eve of a new yoke, incomparably more bitter?
Fifty years ago, 23 million peasants left the political and property subordination of 100,000 Russian nobles, and both sides hail this as a blessing. And in fact, it was good, because with the mediocrity and lack of consciousness of most people, such a heroic form of life as patriarchal could not be corrupted. Relations that were not at all slavish began to degenerate into slavery somewhere, and the great men belonging to the aristocracy of mankind, the Aryan race, could not long endure the prevailing humiliation. But let us not forget that the Russian nobles were in the great majority of the peasants who had served their wings, that is, the flesh of the flesh of the peasantry and the bone of its bones. The nobles were the native children of the Russian people, only more successful children – people are more talented, with increased energy and courage, which gave them the opportunity to advance through the ranks.

The vast majority of Russian nobles - the offspring of the brave who shed their blood for the common fatherland, not some kind of "blue" blood, but the same red, popular-Russian, flowing in their veins from time immemorial. The vast majority of the Russian nobles never renounced their kinship with the people, their common mother tongue, their thousand-year-old faith, their immemorial origin from a single cradle. And what? This is power — brother over brother — and it seemed heavy, godless, unbearable! What do you say to the Russian people now, arrange an invasion of a completely foreign tribe, and not even a superior, but obviously an inferior race?

The Russian nobility was belied and, perhaps deservedly, all noble privileges were taken away, and the remnants of the distinctions of property and estate gradually melted away. In reality, only the title remained for the nobility, only the empty sound. But by creating the  Jewish invasion  the Russian Idiots are preparing a new nobility, namely Jewish, and it won't be half a century until we actually have a new feudalism, only in the most disgusting forms of Jewish domination.

I will not talk about the tireless passion with which the Jews climb into the tribal aristocracy, give (or rather, sell) their daughters to the Ruriks and buy for themselves coats of arms and titles. Even without becoming a "pure Russian noble," Mr. Movsha Ginsburg has the opportunity, as he recently did at his reception, to compel Russian admirals and knights of St. George to tiptoe with Jewish women, and next to each Jew was a retinue of noble Russians. I'm not talking about the pogrom that brings with it a bag of gold to the top of society. Nobility is created not at the top, but in the middle –the new nobility emerges from the bourgeoisie, from gifted men who have worked their way up from the bottom and mastered those forms of labor which require exceptional energy and talent. In these very central positions of society the Jews surpass the Russians, but they surpass them not in energy and talents, but in the falsification of these qualities.

The same thing happens in the social struggle as in the market. Try to provide a pure, high-quality product in the area captured by the Jews; The very next day, in Jewish stores, what appears to be your own product, only a third cheaper, and you will be ruined. The public is unable to understand  fakes , she does not realize that she is drinking fake wine, made from cheap berries and alcohol, the public can get sick and even die of poisoning, but still she goes - like a simple minded beast to the bait - to the Jews, and a Christian merchant with his high-quality (and therefore expensive) goods perishes.

In all the liberal professions, in all fields of intellectual work, the Jews bring the same crushing force of falsehood, falsehood, deception, pretense and falsification, and all, in a kahal conspiracy against the Christians, all constitute a powerful secret conspiracy, which supports all the tricks of base of each with a hit system.

This is pure slander, as if Russians are inferior to Jews because Jews are supposedly more talented and capable than Russians! This is blatant slander, disproved at every turn. In no field do the Jews offer superior talents; as an Asiatic and yellow-skinned people, the Jews are organically incapable of rising to genius, but they remove all average talents with a counterfeit not too difficult for them.

Not only is the Russian bourgeoisie inferior to the Jewish: we see the same everywhere in the West, where only the Jews settle in significant numbers. Not only Russia is threatened by Jewish feudalism. This feudalism was recently proclaimed in the French Chamber by Jaurès1, who cannot be accused of nationalist chauvinism. In France, there are not eight million Jews, as we have, but only about a hundred thousand so far  —  but this great country is also struggling, feeling that it has been eaten by the Jews, and that it is necessary either to banish completely, as in past centuries, or perish in social consumption.

The characteristic story of the Jew Bernstein in Paris these days shows how humbled a noble country is in its hospitality, and how acutely it begins to feel its error...

Like plague and cholera, which are nothing but invasions of lower organisms into the realm of higher ones, the terrible calamity of external intrusions has been observed in the life of peoples. Go to churches, listen to what the Church prays for daily: deliverance from famine, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, foreign invasion and internal strife. The last generations have forgotten many tragic things in their history, but the experience of centuries speaks through the mouth of the Church. If violent invasions of neighbors, like a flood, are dangerous, then peaceful, invisible invasions like an infection are even more dangerous.

With violent invasions, people fight with every instinct of self-preservation. Pressure causes a pushback, and most often the war ends — fortunately or unhappily — with the departure of the enemy. In the worst case, the loser pays a stipend and stays at home. They are not at all peaceful introductions, like the Jewish one: here the instinct of self-preservation sleeps for a very long time, deceived by silence. The invisible enemy does not inspire fear until he takes possession of all the central positions. In this case, the enemy, such as consumption or malaria, nests in the deepest tissues of the human body and inflames the patient's blood. It remains a peaceful invasion – such is the horror of the people struck by it!

Of all the tribes of the old continent, we Slavs seem to be the most unlucky when it comes to invasions. We have settled, as it were, in a passage room between Europe and Asia, right on the path of the great migrations. Almost all our history is a continuous drama of people living on the high roads: now on one side you are waiting for robbers, then on the other.

Even before the yoke of the Tatars, we experienced a series of invasions from the north, south, west and east in historical memory: Ostrogoths, Varangians, Pechenegs, Khazars, Polovtsy, Lithuanians, Teutons - which simply did not shake us bound and many . torn times state culture! Then the Tatars, the Crimeans, the Poles, the Swedes – our ancestors had to fight back at all four cardinal points. After all, not even a hundred years have passed since Napoleon's colossal invasion with the forces of twenty nations. According to the law of history:  "What has been, is what will be"  - In the future, we are threatened from all sides by invasions -both from the rising sun and from the setting sun. It would seem that it is more necessary to take into account the eternal covenant of our unity and our inner wholeness. But precisely to disturb the iron structure of the race, to crush internal resistance, the  Russian Idiots and traitors are arranging a peaceful preliminary invasion of foreigners, the penetration to us of a huge number of foreign, indigestible, indigestible elements, which would transform the great our tribe from pure to impure  would add sand to the metal and make it brittle.

Russia is great, it is hard to conquer, but it has already been conquered - both in whole and in parts. Let us not forget that Western Russia emerged from Polish captivity only a hundred and fifty years ago, and Chervonnaya Rus is still under the Austrian yoke.

Let us not forget that all the Slavic powers, with the exception of Russia, perished from external invasions, which were preceded in many cases by internal ones.

Let's not forget that the only great Slavic power (except Russia). – Poland – died from foreign invasions, prepared by the peaceful invasion of the Jews. A lesson of terrifying significance, still poorly learned by us.

Stealth, mysteriously, from under the floor, the knee of Gessen 2 and Vinaver pushed a draft in the State Duma  regarding the removal of the Jewish Pale of Settlement . They expect to take both our legislation and society by surprise.

And what do you think? It is quite possible that the treacherous law will be carried out and Russia's death sentence will be signed with her own hands.

All this is possible because our history is full of elementary mistakes. Not only Moscow burned from a penny candle - the whole large country, like an elephant sliding over an abyss, can die from a moment's carelessness, if fatal conditions arise for it.
They say: why is the Pale of Settlement removed in other countries? Why are Jews given equal rights in the West?
To this I will answer: it was done there because there are relatively few Jews. If we had but 60,000 Jews, as in England, or 100,000, as in France, —perhaps we should not have even a Jewish question, though already a hundred thousand Jews are enough to bring about the most deplorable decay in such an architectural country as France.

Where there are comparatively many Jews, as in Austria and Germany, the whole thinking society is already aware of the disastrous mistake of equal rights, and begins a stubborn struggle against the Jewish invasion.

We will give the Jews equality at the very moment when the West raises the question of removing this equality! That, by the way, is why the Jews are so busy opening up Great Russia to them: they feel that the time is not far off when they will be driven out of all civilized countries, as has happened several times in their history. , and prepare their refuge in those countries which are not yet completely poisoned by them.
Not only in Europe, but even in America, in just a few decades, the Jews managed to acquire self-contempt, and in some places even hatred.

Read the epigraph of this article carefully. – the biblical interpretation of a foreign loan. "He will be the head, and you - the tail!" Truth is eternal, like a revelation! Here in five words  the whole point of the Jewish question .

It is time for the Russian people to wake up: they are on the eve of a great calamity, perhaps the worst in their history. Not a bunch of adventurers — a whole tribe millions strong is moving against Russia, the most adventurous known in history, the most criminal, the most corrupt of all.

Even a few tens of thousands of Jews allowed to pass through this side of the Settlement Palace were enough to confuse the spirit of the people, to undermine the great faith, to profane the conscience, that historical conscience on which Russia was built. Now they want to completely remove the encircling dam and flood once-holy Russia with a deluge of hostile foreigners who hate Christianity..."

The conclusion about the sad fate of Russia was drawn by the British Minister of War and Minister of Air Winston Churchill in 1920 in his article "Bolshevism against Zionism" in which he bluntly stated:
Quote"The revolution that took place in Russia is the work of the Jews and the worst representatives of the Jewish people. A lot of "exceptional individuals from the heart of the big cities of Europe and America grabbed the Russian people by the hair and established their dominance over a vast empire...",

The Jews and Japan

Japanese Prime Minister Mobuchum Okuma Shigenobu (1838–1922), who led the Government of Japan under Emperor Mutsuhito, felt it his duty to warn the Japanese:

Quote"This tribe has no homeland and wherever it comes, it tries to destroy the feeling of patriotism by corrupting human minds. The Jews are striving to create a world republic, then they will be the rulers of the world. We are more afraid of the Jews than anything in the world, and don't let them in. We see how America and Europe have taken over. We can say that all the wealth of the world has accumulated in their hands. The war depends largely on the Jews, owing to the accumulation of capital in their hands. They play the world markets like balls. We saw this during the war Russia was strong and strong in spirit until it was shaken by the Jews. The Jews are destroying Russia, they have shaken the foundations of its patriotism. They destroyed both France and other European states ..."  .

The Jews and France

Here are the opinions he had about the Jews of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, which he expressed in an address to the Council of State on May 7, 1806:

Quote"Jews are the main troublemakers in the modern world. They are the eagles of mankind. The evil in them does not come from individuals, but from the fundamental nature of this people. The activity of the Jewish nation since the time of Moses, by virtue of its predisposition, has been usury and extortion. The French Government cannot look on with indifference how a low, degraded nation, capable of all kinds of crime, is taking sole possession of the two beautiful provinces of old Alsace! Entire villages were looted by the Jews, they reintroduced slavery. These are real flocks of crows! These are worms and locusts that ravage France! The Jews are a nation capable of the most heinous crimes. I wanted to make a nation of citizens out of them, but they're only good for second-hand trade. I had to enact laws against them for their usury, and the peasants of Alsace sent me their thanks. Philosophical teachings cannot change their Jewish character; they require exceptional, special laws. The Jews are treated with disgust, but we have to admit that they are really disgusting! They are despised, but they are worthy of contempt!"

THE CONCLUSION is that the Jewish people managed to survive identity and culturally through the racism and elitism promoted by religious customs due to their status as the "chosen people", infiltrating into the bosom of other peoples, parasitizing them but rarely mixing or allowing themselves to be assimilated , due to this multimillenarian supremacist desire to dominate other peoples.
