Some Anti-Semitic Aphorisms

Started by yankeedoodle, January 16, 2025, 06:46:44 PM

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From Karl Radl:
Some Anti-Semitic Aphorisms

Some anti-Jewish Aphorisms that I came up with yesterday during my lunchtime walk. I thought I'd share them with my readers.

To wit:

If anti-Semitism is the longest hatred then how is it that that hatred isn't caused by Jews?

When a Jew calls you an anti-Semite: he means to tell you that he is anti-White.

Anti-Zionist is the politically correct way to say that one opposes Jewish behaviour: anti-Semite is the politically incorrect way of saying it.

If there is no Jewish conspiracy then why do so many conspiracies involve Jews?

If Palestine was meant for the Jews by God then why did God kick them out again?

If the Germans killed six million Jews then why aren't we told that the Jews killed eight million Germans?

If the Palestinians are terrorists and Israelis victims now: then doesn't that make the Jews terrorists and the Palestinians victims before?

If the Holocaust happened then why are there so many survivors?

If the Holocaust is the best documented event in history then why do historians cite so little of the documentation?

An anti-Semite is someone a Jew wants to silence.

If Communism wasn't Jewish then why were so many Communists born to Jewish parents?

If the Jews are White then why do they describe themselves as Jewish?

If Aristotle said a bad word about Jews would that mean he was therefore a bigoted and paranoid pseudo-intellectual?

If all Israel wants is to live in peace with its Arab neighbours then why does it always invade them?

If the rise of radical Islam was unrelated to Israel's treatment of the Arab world then why would the plight of the Palestinians be at the top of radical Islam's tally of grievances?

If radical Islam hates Jews then why were the creators of radical Islam themselves Jewish?

Being sceptical about Jewish claims is the first step on the highway to Hitler.


When a Jew calls you an anti-Semite: he means to tell you that he is anti-Gentile.
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