Great wealth of Info for those living in the US

Started by Roy Hobs, February 25, 2009, 11:46:50 AM

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Roy Hobs

For those of you who live in the US, please give this guy a try --

Search -- Eric Whoru

Try his Tuesday, February 3rd 2009 broadcast for a good "Intro" so to speak.

He has a Yahoo page as well and you can find the address at his TalkShoe page.  

He speaks of the Constitution and all things that pertain to it in a way I have never heard before.  It has truly "liberated" me as a person living here in the US.  The Consitution in simple terms is 'slavery'.  And the "ARTIFICIAL" entity known as the United States of America is VOLUNTARY.  The 13th Ammendment states............"INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE SHALL NOT EXIST".  If you don't want to be a member of the US governement and it's jurisdiction........just don't volunter.  It's that simple.

The concept of "individual personal sovereignty" has never before been explained as eloquently and as truthfully as this man has.  

You must listen to him and listen to him with no distractions.  His information is so foreign to our ears that it takes an incredible amount of focus and concentration and an 'openness' to shake the bonds of programming that has been engrained in our heads from public education.  

I will say, HOWEVER.............

The guy is a little Kooky.  I think he is in his early 80's or late 70's.  

He refuses to touch the "jewish" angle.  Although he talks about 9-11 being a false flag and the new world order with much frequency.  

I believe he believes that the NWO will never be conquered until people understand and recognize what he considers, "Fundamental Basic Natural Principles".  So, if and when the discussion goes outside of "basics" in his opinion, he just shuts down.  I've tried to incorporate jewish facts and figures and he won't go there.  I don't believe he is a disinfo agent.  I think he is just hard headed in his old age.  

Just ignore his conspiracy talk and his nutrition stuff.  

He ALWAYS addresses the consitution and individual personal sovereignty in every show.  

So................wade through the fluff and wait for the real meat.  

Give it a try.  ESPECIALLY if you live in the US.  It should be "required".

Hope you get something from it.  Sincerely.

Roy Hobs

I just received a 'group email alert' from whoru's website.  He is doing a critique of Andrew Hitchcock's timeline -- Wednesday night show.  He says ....

..."The following article is so full of half truths and total crap that I don't know where to begin...."

Depending on how he treats the information, I may have to change my stance on the guy.  He may be disinfo if he tries to deflect from the jewish argument.  Hope others can listen and give their impression.


Roy Hobs

Just wanted to give a shout out to Mobes for calling in to the broadcast mentioned above!  Good to hear your voice and good to hear you connect with the Host - Eric Whoru.  

I'll wait anxiously for your next audio file to hear your evaluation.  

I also think that Mobes call created what I think is a great "summary" if you will of Whoru's philosophy towards the Consitution and Individual Personal Sovereignty.  

Those of you living here in the States MUST listen.  

Download the Friday broadcast -- February 27 2009 episode.  Search - Eric Whoru.

Mobes call is almost exactly at the One Hour mark.  One Hour 2 minutes to be exact.  

From that point forward, the interview/broadcast is a MUST listen.  

A perfect and concise explanation of "Personal Individual Sovereignty".  And or "Fundamental Basic Natural Principles".

I wish those who have made comments on the other POST entitled the "14th ammendment" would have listened to at least one broadcast.  

Eric says......................."Thinking is the hardest Work".  This is why most people don't "think".  Because we are lazy.  Too quick to talk......too slow to listen.


Quote from: "Roy Hobs"He speaks of the Constitution and all things that pertain to it in a way I have never heard before.  It has truly "liberated" me as a person living here in the US.  The Consitution in simple terms is 'slavery'.  And the "ARTIFICIAL" entity known as the United States of America is VOLUNTARY.  The 13th Ammendment states............"INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE SHALL NOT EXIST".  If you don't want to be a member of the US governement and it's jurisdiction........just don't volunter.  It's that simple.

Problem is that we volunteer into their contracts by our actions every day: by accepting the benefits they tendered for consideration , and by using their commercial paper, highways, postal service, citizenship protection  etc etc etc.   This creates a contractual obligation and we volunteered for all of it and continue to do so by our actions all the time.

It's not really about jurisdiction so much.  The jurisdiction cannot be refuted while we are taking advantage of the benefits.  It's a contradiction and that is what the courts rule on.

Roy Hobs

Problem is that we volunteer into their contracts by our actions every day: by accepting the benefits they tendered for consideration , and by using their commercial paper, highways, postal service, citizenship protection etc etc etc. This creates a contractual obligation and we volunteered for all of it and continue to do so by our actions all the time.

You didn't listen to ONE broadcast.  This is exactly what I was saying about "thinking".

Why don't you listen and "think" before you open your mouth.

Roy Hobs

What Targa is saying is totally and completely wrong.  If Targa had listened to at least ONE broadcast from Eric Whoru, he couldn't and wouldn't say such a thing.  

For those of you who care about your personal individual sovereignty, I implore you to take some time educating yourselves.  It is very simple.  Just download broadcasts from

Search Eric Whoru.

As I mentioned, the Friday broadcast with Mobes as a "call in", is a good place to start.  

The irony here is that I really don't even like the guy Eric whoru.  He wouldn't be my friend.  He runs from the truth of Judeo world government and control.  Why?  Not sure.  

However........this doesn't negate the fact that Eric Whoru is a "genius" when it comes to understanding "Fundamental Basic Natural Principles" and "Individual personal Sovereignty".

Targa is still under "mind control" even though he has very enlightening things to say.  I just wish Targa would take some time of his own to re-educate himself.  I challenge Targa to call in and speak with Whoru and tell Whoru that he (eric whoru) still volunteers into the artificial entity known as the US Government everytime he drives on the public roads to the store, or uses FRN's to purchase groceries.  You will surely lose.  I'll bet my life on it.

For those of you living in the artificial entity known as the United states, don't be dismayed by what Targa said.  There is a way to be "free".  

Please take some time to listen.


Targa is wrong!! know what they say.... " they only ever tackle the guy with the ball ".

Ok   I am wrong.

Are these guys wrong too ? ... _condo.htm

Roy Hobs


Targa -- why don't you just listen to a broadcast or two???  

You are stuck in a rut.  Open your mind brother.  Stop f#%king up this Post.  

Better yet.............tune in one of these nights and tell Whoru that he "volunteers" everytime he drives his car to town.

You don't have the guts.


Thanks for the info listened to a couple of shows and have to say it confirmed what I was already thinking.  Eric seems to stay away from the Jewish question as in one of his shows he explained there was no benefit in talking about it, because it does not provide any solutions to the current problems.  As he has stated he is trying to tackle one problem, trying to do more then that is not smart in his opinion.  I have to say he has a good understanding of the CONstitution and the trap that it was.  Listen for information on understanding the constitution and the trap that was set.  On another note he is right about the book Anastasia as well, if you have not read it get it. I read it in two days the most uplifting and profound book ever IMO.  I do not support all of what Eric speaks about and his knowledge of history seems to be a little suspect but as Bill Cooper said "read everything believe nothing until you have proven it yourself", I think read and listen can be interchanged.  Peace.


I did listen to 4 utube broadcasts Roy and the one you posted. Correct me if I am wrong but he seems to think that " if we just could fix the constitution things would be better ".  It's just not that simple.  The Constitution is irrelevant inside of commerce and commerce runs the world.
You can't have it both ways.  You can't operate your life in commercial jurisdiction and then defend your rights in common law.  That is the core of the issue.

I'll tell you what . I will go back and listen to him a bit more and come back with something more specific to make my case.  I watched his google video about monetary reform and I agree with 90% of it.  i have been on the web studying for 15 to 18 hrs a day for 60 days in a row.  When someone posts something from a new personality...... I take time to listen to them.

In the mean time read the articles that I put in the last post.  The read " Invisible Contracts " by George Mercier  if you want to get deeper into the subject of commercial jurisdiction.  That is where we are operating now and have been for a long time.


Ok   here is what I am specifically talking about.  Listen to this U tube clip and not more than a few minutes in he starts talking about the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. This is what set me off. ... re=related

I heard him say prior to the mention of the 13th Am. that he didn't care for the rest of the Constitution so we agree on that.  However, the 13th am which forbids involuntary servitude is the ABSOLUTE LYNCH PIN for the heart of the problem. WE VOLUNTEERED and we volunteer every day.

The problem is that the judeo power mongers got us to volunteer into the jurisdiction of negotiable instruments law.  Everyone keeps talking in generalities about slavery, slavery slavery.  I absolutely agree in spirit. It feels like slavery to me. BUT, and this is a BIG BUT....... if all we ever do is talk in generalities we will never understand what we agreed to when we signed into law the measures used to keep legal control and ....we are doomed to do it all over again.  Mark my words. When the financial fallout gets real bad on the streets,  Obama is going to start instituting government handouts.  Those government handouts will be contractual benefits that will ratify a new era of legislation that will give away more of our rights which, as Eric W says come from nature.  I agree.  Furthermore to my last part re; contracts.  Just the act of taking the benefit will create a reciprocal obligation which they will hold over the entire country without ever telling us that we volunteered  for the agreement when we took the handout.

It's all voluntary.  It is set up this way so they can always say we were given a choice.
Guys...we need to get our heads around how this works so we realize that no matter what we ask for as a solution, it will come with a reciprocal obligation.  The political mutterings everyone goes on about are just fear tactics. When we get afraid, we ask big bro for change.  Big bro offers us something.  We take it.  A contract is ratified by our taking. We use this benefit constantly which reinforces the adhesion of the agreement. When we object they incarcerate us based on an invisible agreement. We piss and moan that our rights are violated when it's all just a damned contract and we asked for it too.  Offer ,acceptance, contract.

If we as a people do not understand this we are doomed to repeat it.

 Quote from Justice Felix Frankfurter    

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible
and exercise power from behind the scenes."              Question..... was he talking about people ?  Or invisible contracts ?

Quote # 2 from Felix Frankfurter

" equity is brutal, but we are merely enforcing agreements. "

"Wisdom too often never comes, and so one ought not to reject it merely because it comes late."
Felix Frankfurter

Roy Hobs

For what it is worth................

I asked Whoru about Mercier.  This is his response:

".....As for Armen Condo and his YHPA organization, yes we were familiar with it but distanced ourselves from it because we felt that Armen Condo was not on the up and up, and neither did I agree with his position on Title 26 and the Sixteenth Amendment nor with his charging a membership fee.  

We did agree that the government could not require anyone to furnish all the info required under title 26 but for a different reason - "Where had we ever volunteered?"  I do not agree with George Mercier's analysis of the source of jurisdiction - I do agree with his claim that it is the use of government property that causes the snare, but it is not due to the signing of a bank signature card, it is mush more fundamental and extensive.  

If a person is truly Sovereign then how could a signature on such a card possibly have any effect?  If I am truly Sovereign, then I would not be in any way subject to the codes or contract rules of any other Sovereign, especially an artificial one such as is the government.  I have proven this many times in my own interactions with the government.  And on that same point, why did the government not use such means to continue its attack upon me in 1970?

As the product of its creator, being men, the government can not have more authority than any one single man among all those that joined together to create it.  That is, as none of the Creators had any individual authority to lay a tax on any other individual how could the artificial entity created by men be lawfully assigned with the authority to tax a non-volunteer, and the determination of "volunteering" cannot properly be determined by the artificial entity for several reasons, the first being that assuming such authority would constitute a grievous conflict of interest!

The clear issue of and source of the government's jurisdiction, upon which the government relies, as indicated by the opening words of the federal prosecutor in his case against me on 1970, wherein the prosecutor said, "Citizens of the United States have an obligation to ...."

Thereupon I immediately orally challenged the IRS and the court to present proof that I had volunteered into U.S. citizenship.  The resulting discussion between myself and the "judge" indicated their entire case was based on their assumption that I was a citizen of the United States, which the judge tried to get me to admit in some manner, but which he was not able to do and I have never ever been contacted by the IRS since.

I agree with George that it is the use of government property that is the snare, but I contend that it is the person's use of the "name" entered on the birth certificate purportedly created in regard to the person's birth.  I write "purportedly" because the government cannot possibly prove any connection between the person and the BC, without the person's agreement.  The "name" selected by the child's parents is entered by them on the BC and filed by them with the government, thereby the child's parents assigned the ownership of the "name" (not the child), over to the government.  

When the person then later uses that BC in any way to prove who he is, he has thereby, by the use of government property, established his totally voluntary submission to the political jurisdiction of the government.  It is similar to George's claim but much more fundamental and binding as it not only binds the person in regard to title 26, but in every facet of the person's life, requiring the person to surrender every possible authority existing in his life, over to the government, with no restriction what-so-ever!!


Why are you trusting in Eric Whoru for an answer instead of trusting in yourself.( ie Read Invisible contracts and decide for yourself what Mercier is saying )  First of all, Mercier does not say that it is the " signing " that is the issue.  It sounds to me like they both agree on the same thing.  Erics question to the judge is quite right, but that is what Mercier is saying too.  What Eric is claiming Mercier said is probably a misinterpretation.

As for his question " why didn't the Gov come after him after 1970 ? " .  That is impossible to answer, so it is dangerous to presume we know why.  It's even more dangerous to be so arrogant as to presume we have the answer based on something we cannot prove, and then dismiss other peoples arguments based on that flawed hypothesis.
Look at the Howard Freemen case.  He got the IRS off his back in 1969 and they never bothered him again either. BUT...Howard tried to use his defense several years later to help another guy and it failed.  The guy was incarcerated. Assuming he had the right defense  was wrong.  It is possible that government left him alone because it was simply a matter of going after easier fish to catch.  Russ Porisky won his tax case in Abbotsford BC as well.  Try to find court transcript for it.  They don't keep them on file. Porisky started a huge tax movement in canada after that based on the premise that " because I won my case I must have the answer ".  Go and see what is happening to him now.  I knew he was wrong from day 1.  When I lost my tax case I was considering following Porisky until I reviewed his material.  I was much wiser by this time and saw the flaws early.
 If Eric is correct about his defense in court then he should be screaming from the rooftops about it instead of talking about marijuana laws and minimum wage issues and how they affect young peoples growth into adulthood. He's right but aren't there bigger issues.

I cannot see the distinction between what Eric presented in the information you have put in your post and what Mercier is saying.
When the person then later uses that BC in any way to prove who he is, he has thereby, by the use of government property, established his totally voluntary submission to the political jurisdiction of the government. It is similar to George's claim but much more fundamental and binding as it not only binds the person in regard to title 26, but in every facet of the person's life, requiring the person to surrender every possible authority existing in his life, over to the government, with no restriction what-so-ever!!
Actually Mercier says the exact same thing but goes further to say it is not the document that is at issue.  How can the birth certificate be the issue when the party in question was not of legal age to contract at the time of the creation of the birth certificate?  It is the various actions taken after the age of consent. It is in fact a series of actions reinforced by the receipt of implied benefits after the age of consent that matters. If it is the "use of the name " at issue, then simply rebut the presumption that it is your name.  That has been tried to death.

I agree with George that it is the use of government property that is the snare, but I contend that it is the person's use of the "name" entered on the birth certificate purportedly created in regard to the person's birth. I write "purportedly" because the government cannot possibly prove any connection between the person and the BC, without the person's agreement. The "name" selected by the child's parents is entered by them on the BC and filed by them with the government, thereby the child's parents assigned the ownership of the "name" (not the child), over to the government.

Ridiculous...the government can prove this in an instant. Simply get you original application for a SS #. Besides , the court won't even waste their time with something so minor.  You are accessing the benefits through your use of bank accounts, Red Res notes, citizenship, use of the roads, credit cards, public schools,  franchise agreements etc etc. THE PRESUMPTION HERE IS  " NO REASONABLE MAN WOULD REFUSE A BENEFIT !!! " The court simply rules in summary judgment on this fact which is provable on its face. THAT IS ADMIRALTY.  Eric got lucky in 1970 just like Porisky did.  If Porisky had not started a group to promote the materials he used to gain this win they would have probably left him alone too.   I personally think the system lets some of the leaders of movements go every now and then, so they will go out and become a dragnet to reel in the next age of potential tax protesters. Rothschild was quoted to have said something to this affect once.

Getting back to my original statement, I suggest you read Invisible Contracts for yourself instead of trusting what someone else says about it.  I think you will find that what Eric is stating is an inferior argument to what Mercier says. The real issue is to see for yourself.

At any rate, Eric is obviously a learned man. That is not my contention with him. My contention with him is re; his discussion about Art 13 and involuntary servitude. If we are going to hold people like Eric to a standard of performance ( and we should since he is a recognized authority by virtue of his taking a position of public authorship )  it must be the same standard which we should have held public officials all along. I not only have a right to critique his statements I have a duty to do so.  If he is not going to further qualify a discussion about involuntary servitude as it pertains to our engagement with the public realm, then he is doing people a disservice. I can see the error but neophytes may not.


Do you have a link to the information presented by Mercier on invisible contracts.  

Without studying the information I would like to ask some questions on the basis of the theory of an Invisible contract.  If the contract is invisible how does the government prove it exists.  I may say I have an invisible friend but trying to prove such a claim would be impossible, unless the invisible entity could prove it's own existence.  The same notion applies to the claim of an invisible contract how do you bring something that is invisible to court.  All that exists in reality is nature, anything else is created by man and no man has the authority to place any restrictions on any other man nor any group of men.  They may have the power to do so through implied or actual force but that still does not give them authority unless you submit.  A robber may tell you to stay in your living room while he goes upstairs to rob you that does not mean you are contractually obligated to stay in the living room because you are in the living room when the order is given.  Maybe not the best example but just trying to get the thinking going as that is the only way we will be able to beat these scum is by using our brains given to us by nature also known as "creation".  Peace


Actually it's easy to demonstrate an invisible contract. It may not carry the weight of the type described in the book but it gets one thinking on the correct terms.

 I am a construction subcontractor.
 I work on a job for a main contractor.
 The main contractor has a written contract with the developer.
 The main contractor introduces me to the developer.
 The main contractor never sets foot on the site again and I start to working at the project for the developer.

Does a contract exist between myself and the developer ?
 Answer.............absolutely.  But it is implied not written.  Therefore INVISIBLE.

Why is it implied ?    Because he derives the benefit of my labor.  My labor is the consideration that ratifies the contract and it is 100% enforceable, as it should be. Offer , acceptance, consideration , agreement ....period.

Legal maxim  " one who derives the benefit, ought also to bear the burden "

The developer will obviously argue  "I have nothing in writing with you " , thinking that his written contract prevails because it has SUBSTANCE ".   But WHO bears the GREATER  burden ...myself or the main contractor that has the written agreement and labors not ?  I bore the greater BURDEN so I have the superior claim.  And rightly so.

Which would look like this    " he who bears the GREATER burden , ought to derive the greater BENEFIT. "

It is actually common sense when you break it down in a real life example.  What is hard , is for people to make the mental leap that something this simple could operate on such an immense scale as to reign over a country.  But it is just a corporation isn't it ! And a corporation is reduced to the level of a citizen  in equity law. This follows the second legal maxim of commerce which is " all are equal under the law.

It is really actually very simplistic, but what is hard is to quit thinking in terms of SCALE, which is substance and not fiction.  Law is fiction. Try this ....does it take more energy to think of $1 or $1,000,000,000?  They take the same energy because it's fictional.

Here is the book.   If your really a pioneering type, read the second document ( I read half of it ).  It's  The law of Obligations.

Free Truth

Good stuff, lots of shows...

QuoteDownload the Friday broadcast -- February 27 2009 episode. Search - Eric Whoru.

Mobes call is almost exactly at the One Hour mark. One Hour 2 minutes to be exact.

Are you sure that it is the Feb. 27th show which Mobes calls into? I want to hear that... I have the Feb. 27th show now, but no Mobes yet and I've gone past 1H by quite a bit...


Quote from: "Free Truth"Good stuff, lots of shows...

QuoteDownload the Friday broadcast -- February 27 2009 episode. Search - Eric Whoru.

Mobes call is almost exactly at the One Hour mark. One Hour 2 minutes to be exact.

Are you sure that it is the Feb. 27th show which Mobes calls into? I want to hear that... I have the Feb. 27th show now, but no Mobes yet and I've gone past 1H by quite a bit...

Actually it was the Feb 26th show.....


Quote from: "&C."I actually like this guy Eric Whoru from what I've heard. [Uhuru, Ant Man Bee.]

The Moderator, Eric WhoRU, was formerly a talk show host on internet radio - Eric was kicked off of RBN by RBN owner, John Stadtmiller, because Eric insisted on telling the truth - but neither John Stadtmiller nor any of the other hosts on RBN could "Handle the Truth". ... &ref=share

True Freedom Begins With Monetary Sovereignty
A people cannot truly be free, as long as they are required to pay taxes.
As it stands now, the private owners of the Federal Reserve create the money of the United States by lending it out, at interest, which interest they then keep for themselves instead of using that interest to fund all four levels of government, which would allow the total elimination of all taxation in the entire Federation.
The day we take control of our monetary system from the private ownership of the private banksters, will be the day that we can honestly claim that we are truly free.

WhoRU - 4 The Politically Challenged
Eric currently moderates his two hour+ Intenet talk show, "Eric WhoRU Teaches Fundamental Basic Principles", on, M-F, 8:00 PM (Central time).
Call in during the show: (724) 444-7444 - the show ID is 27767
Eric's email:
Order DVD copies (cash only)to:
Eric WhoRU
P.O. Box 413
Yellville, Arkansas 72687
5 DVDs - $7.00 - 10 DVDs - $14.00 (Eric's DVDs are NOT copy protected) ... hread=1548

I thought that it would be a good idea if people would tune in to listen to Eric Whoru's 2 hour radio broadcast on from 1-3am eastern time on weekdays.

While the show is entitled "Eric Whoru Promotes Ron Paul for President," the host regularly dives into issues of sovereignty and jurisdiction that are extremely pertinent to us canadians as well as americans. In particular, I would recommend downloading the following archived broadcasts:

-The Feb 13th show, whiched discussed matters of assumed political jurisdiction of the courts.

-February 14th: touches the issue of court once again, and gives some good ideas on what question(s) to ask the court

-February 15th: are you a "citizen?" If so, how do you know and how did you become one? Very good show.

-The Feb 22nd show, that covered apostilled documents, and how they can/should be used.

He might not be on the air much longer though, so get these while you can, or listen live if time permits.

Eric also has a website:

He has a rather interesting solution to the issue of money as well; definitely some one we can all learn something from.

Free Truth

Thanks Mobes.
I'm on your side...

Shame that Mr. Whoru would defend usury!!! That's not cool...

Roy Hobs

"....Shame that Mr. Whoru would defend usury!!! That's not cool......"

He doesn't defend "Usury".  That's just ridiculous.  Listen to the damn show will ya.  

In fact........the Monday show 03.02.09 he discusses this issue.

Free Truth

Well it kind of sounded like he was at cerain parts... (I listened to over an hour of the audio, but not the full thing)

I think I was actually turned off by the tone he was using to address Mobes while he was just making comments in the chat. I doubt his comments warranted that...

Roy Hobs

Free Truth...........

I apologize for my 'short' response.  It was out of frustration because of the reaction to Whoru by some of us here.  

I had to listen to Whoru for 6 months before I really understood what he was saying.  6 Months!  

I suppose I didn't like him in the beginning.  But my heart told me he had something very unique to hear.

And I still don't like him for other reasons.  Mainly because he won't "out" the Jewish crime network.  He has explained why in previous audios.  

He believes we will never conquer our foes until we all can understand what "Fundamental Basic Natural Principles" are.  

We here believe we can conquer our foes if we can educate enough people (especially the military) and throw the bums out.  

I guess it is the old Chicken or the Egg scenario.  Which one comes first?  I think he feels that if we throw the bums out, but fail to educate on the Fundamental Basic Natural Principles, then we will eventually end up right back where we started.  

"....No one single person has any authority over any other person.  So, therefore, how can anyone claim to have authority over anyone else?  i.e, the Government; Police; etc., etc...."  

For Whoru................if we can take the Money System out of the hands of the Jewish Crooks, then they go away.  Which is obviously very true.  But obviously hard to do because of how deep the corruption runs.  

Example -- he says it's not the Federal Reserve's fault for our failing Economy.  It is Congress, for allowing it.  But he fails to recognize that "Congress" is essentially the Federal Reserve.  They all act in one accord.  

Blah, blah, blah.

I'm not here to defend Whoru.  But I was trying to give everyone here the same "gift" I believe I received by listening to him for over 2 years now.

My understanding of 'who' I am, and how this world works etc., etc. is like never before.

And I can only hope and offer to others to give the guy's message TIME to really digest into your soul.

That's all.  

In regards to Usury versus Interest....................

If I work hard for 10 years of my life and I have $100,000 in savings and my buddy wants to borrow $50,000.  If I loan him $50,000 dollars of MY hard earned money, it is not unreasonable, unbiblical, immoral, unethical, for me to ask for a "fee" for the borrowing of my money.  

This is the kind of scenario/interest Whoru endorses.  He doesn't endorse the "current" system which he calls a "closed" system which takes interest money out of circulation to never be put back into circulation which creates what we have now -- a Depression. was never "their" money to begin with.  

Money creation/distribution can never be in the hands of a Private entity.  It must be a system by the people and for the people.  

He explains it much better then me.  

I hope everyone will spend a few hours a week and listen.  Thanks.

Free Truth

It's all good...

Mr. Whoru does definitely make some good points.

He gets to the bottom line, which is good.
Seems his main idea can be summed up as using common sense...asking things like "How does this apply to me?" "Where did the jurisdiction/power over me come from?" Just keep asking questions!

I think it could be a good idea for him to cut down the length of his shows and cover one or two specific topics per show. From what I've heard, he touches on a lot per show...

He does say we have to get the control out of private hands. We can all agree on that!

I've disagreed with a few things he's said, but like I said he has made good points and I do appreciate his efforts.

Are there any shows that you know of where he speaks truth about any of the "terrorist" attacks?


Eric WhoRu Says: "If a person is truly Sovereign then how could a signature on such a card possibly have any effect? If I am truly Sovereign, then I would not be in any way subject to the codes or contract rules of any other Sovereign, especially an artificial one such as is the government. I have proven this many times in my own interactions with the government. And on that same point, why did the government not use such means to continue its attack upon me in 1970? "

This is a huge point that he is completely wrong about - he seems to not understand fully that part of being Sovereign is the unlimited ability to contract. Including abrogating away your sovereign rights which is what you unwittingly do with these contracts which is why it is so important that people read Invisible Contracts by Mercier as Targa suggested.

This is how the Jew-dish-ill system is setup - just like their corny Vampire allegory, they have no power till you invite them in.


Quote from: "humanparable"Do you have a link to the information presented by Mercier on invisible contracts.  


Roy Hobs

This is a huge point that he is completely wrong about - he seems to not understand fully that part of being Sovereign is the unlimited ability to contract. Including abrogating away your sovereign rights which is what you unwittingly do with these contracts which is why it is so important that people read Invisible Contracts by Mercier as Targa suggested.

This is why I am "dropping" out of this Post.  

Fuck you to everyone who says Whoru is wrong without listening to the guy for at least 6 months.  To say something like this is just total STUPIDITY and I can't stand it anymore.   Anyone who can't take the time to "LISTEN".........fuck off.  Be a slave........what do I care.  Out.


Lmao, 6 months - if you listen to anyone repeat nonsense long enough you're liable to start getting confused.


You don't have to believe everything you hear. I don't. Take it with a grain of salt. I do my own research and follow my own path. I've got nothing against the guy personally, but I do understand fully what he meant when he defended the usury. And he's right. Because the 'money' we allegedly have does not belong to us. It's theirs.

The solution is to create our own money. We always had that power but we've never known it. How do you create your own money? I'll put that as a topic for my next show.  ;)


Reply to Targa ;)

QuoteProblem is that we volunteer into their contracts by our actions every day: by accepting the benefits they tendered for consideration , and by using their commercial paper, highways, postal service, citizenship protection etc etc etc. This creates a contractual obligation and we volunteered for all of it and continue to do so by our actions all the time.
It's all voluntary. It is set up this way so they can always say we were given a choice.
Guys...we need to get our heads around how this works so we realize that no matter what we ask for as a solution, it will come with a reciprocal obligation. The political mutterings everyone goes on about are just fear tactics. When we get afraid, we ask big bro for change. Big bro offers us something. We take it. A contract is ratified by our taking. We use this benefit constantly which reinforces the adhesion of the agreement. When we object they incarcerate us based on an invisible agreement. We piss and moan that our rights are violated when it's all just a damned contract and we asked for it too. Offer ,acceptance, contract

You are absolutely right with regards to our sovereignty.  Here is an excerpt from Byron Beer's book, Treatise-Sovereignty:

Since the concept of government ruling by sovereign power is contrary to the natural order of things, force, as in a national military or civil officers, or law enforcement officers is necessary to maintain control. A conqueror is deemed to be the sovereign over the conquered, but this is to be a voluntary submission by each individual. Fleming v. Page, 50 U.S. 603 (1850)

We have voluntarily submitted as citizens by accepting the benefits of the state.   In order to be truly free from the state laws (man made laws) you must give up every benefit that you are now deriving from the state.  You can't have your cake and eat it too.  (Do you want some coffee with that cake?)

Reply to Roy Hobbs:

QuoteIn regards to Usury versus Interest....................
If I work hard for 10 years of my life and I have $100,000 in savings and my buddy wants to borrow $50,000. If I loan him $50,000 dollars of MY hard earned money, it is not unreasonable, unbiblical, immoral, unethical, for me to ask for a "fee" for the borrowing of my money.

I absolutely agree with you on the interest issue.  This is an old argument.  The issue is not interest but how it is created, who controls it and who benefits from it and we know it's the zionist bastards.  Whoru definitely understands the economic concept much better than he does the law.  I posted his video in the Economics forum under:  The Best Alternative to Monetary Reform I have seen thus far ... 2080377528

Reply to Mobes:

QuoteYou don't have to believe everything you hear. I don't. Take it with a grain of salt. I do my own research and follow my own path. I've got nothing against the guy personally, but I do understand fully what he meant when he defended the usury. And he's right. Because the 'money' we allegedly have does not belong to us. It's theirs.

I applaud you in keeping an open mind to finding the truth.  

Most importantly, this is a great forum for debate.  It gives us all a chance to present our information, ideas and thoughts to finding the truth and hopefully, some solutions along the way.
Matthew 22:  36-40
Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him.  Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.