US Plots "Pirate Bay Killer" Trade Agreement

Started by joeblow, May 23, 2008, 11:09:49 AM

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US Plots "Pirate Bay Killer" Trade Agreement

An anonymous reader sends word that Wikileaks has revealed that the United States is plotting a 'Pirate Bay killing' multi-lateral trade agreement, called 'ACTA,' with the EU, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland and New Zealand. "The proposal includes clauses designed to criminalize the non-profit facilitation of copyrighted information exchange on the Internet, which would also affect transparency sites such as Wikileaks. The Wikileaks document details provisions that would impose strict enforcement of intellectual property rights related to Internet activity and trade in information-based goods. If adopted, the treaty would impose a strong, top-down enforcement regime imposing new cooperation requirements upon Internet service providers, including perfunctory disclosure of customer information, as well as measures restricting the use of online privacy tools."


The Illuminati runs both sides on any law making (suing) scheme.

Ad money for clicks (who dreamed that up) until money for lawyers is available.

Fund Microsoft (by buying huge amounts of PC making them the business standard)
then suing to say their a monopoly.

Hanging on to scrapes of content gives them the right if the payoff is enough.