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Marta Andreasen - EU Corruption (RICR - September 8, 2009)

Started by Reboot, September 09, 2009, 05:30:03 PM

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Marta Andreasen MEP - Brussels laid Bare, Financial Fraud within the European Union

Download (mp3, 64 kbps, 27 MB - 59 minutes)

We have former European Commission Chief Accountant and current MEP Marta Andreasen with us to discuss the fraud and waste within the European Union. Marta was suspended from her job by the Commission in May 2002, for what they called "failure to show sufficient loyalty and respect". The reason for this was that she refused to sign off the 2001 European Commission accounts. As an insider of the EU she has shown loyalty and respect to all the peoples of European Union by not going along with the EU fraud, waste and corruption and she has helped exposing this subject to the public.

She is the author of "Brussels Laid Bare" (May 11, 2009): junepress.com (only £10 + very low shipping fee)

Andreasen sums up the problem (September 3, 2009 - Dublin, Ireland)


more videos: http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/20 ... 090908.php