Alex Jones Quotations

Started by joeblow, December 04, 2009, 11:37:29 AM

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Alex Jones Quotations

"And I got a lot of friends in Hollywood."
- Alex Jones

"Hollywood is owned by the Arabs."
- Alex Jones

"I mean so, the point is, they just own everything. I mean, they control the whole deal."
- Alex Jones, talking about Arabs

"And the Arabs are the biggest owners now of media in the United States, okay, and over stock exchanges. And in many major U.S. cities they're the majority owners."
- Alex Jones

"And everybody's running around talking about 'Zionists' all day. Okay, just keep parroting that over and over again."
- Alex Jones, mocking and laughing at people who say that Zionist Jews are the dominant elite

"Now the British are still the biggest owners of raw land...oil...uh...uh...mines...uh...a lot of infrastructure. The British are the most wealthy in the world, that is the elite that's based there. They're the 'King Daddies'."
- Alex Jones

"I do a real analysis of who actually owns things - it's the British...the Dutch...then it's the Arabs...then it's the French...then it's the Jews...and then, on down the line."
- Alex Jones

Alex Jones Quotations

"And I don't even blame Israel for this."
- Alex Jones, talking about the U.S.S. Liberty attack

"But that doesn't mean Israel carried out the attack."
- Alex Jones, talking about the 9/11 attacks

"Now...uh...I...have know...jumped on the bandwagon to say that Israel carried out 9/11."
- Alex Jones, talking about the 9/11 attacks

"Now lets be clear. Neither I, Avery, or Fetzer...uh...think it's an Israeli attack. In fact, they've had national polls of people who believe it's an inside job...[only] seven percent believe Israel was involved."
- Alex Jones, talking about the 9/11 attacks

"Folks, I've done the research! Israel could not carry out these attacks. And...and...I...uh again, I'm just saying that on the record. I'm trying to go after who's guilty. I'll say who I believe did it, and th...all the evidence shows it. And it'''s Dick Cheney 'n it's people above him."
- Alex Jones, talking about the 9/11 attacks

"Every time we look, they're killing Jews."
- Alex Jones

"Why? Why are they always wanting to kill Jews?"
- Alex Jones

"They're good people. I have a lot of Jewish friends."
- Alex Jones, talking about Jews

"'s a religion bash Jews, and I'm just not gonna take part in it."
- Alex Jones

"And I certainly don't like the white supremacists and those whose religion is hating the Jews, period."
- Alex Jones

"The Jew haters and white supremacists...all they do is fight with each other all day too."
- Alex Jones

"And I found out...again...a lot of the Zionist organizations are covertly funding white supremacists."
- Alex Jones

"I'm saying...I don't wanna be anywhere near the white supremacists...but not even them so much...just the Jew-haters...uh...are...are just the most mentally ill, lying freaks!"
- Alex Jones

"I mean there are a bunch of people who I've heard worship Adolf Hitler who don't like me because I don't think Jews have 14 inch fangs and drink blood and sneak around in bushes."
- Alex Jones

"It''s easy to have some little bitty website and use a fake name and sit there bad about Jews all day and enjoy yourselves...uh, you know...getting your kicks 'cause you live in, you know...a...a one room apartment and your mad at life or whatever and wanna blame know."
- Alex Jones

"I'm about the truth. I'm about integrity."
- Alex Jones

"Because I know I'm for real, ya know. I know I've got my integrity. I know I try every day to be a moral, upstanding person. And I try to not hurt people's feelings either."
- Alex Jones


Yes, I read this in the responses to Brother Nathaniel's article on AJ & the ADL's "hit piece" (advert) I assumed it would be posted on this site? They also analysed the words Jones used in his recent video.... it says it all really... what he doesn't say!

Obama = ninety-four times.
Zionism, Israel, Mossad, Jew = zero times!