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Started by Rockclimber, April 22, 2008, 09:39:05 PM

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Hello to all,

Several of you already know me but for those who don't I have been a regular member of Conspiracy Central, TIU (the previous forum) and now this one. This is a great bunch of people who are dedicated to finding truth, exposing scum from A-Z, not just B-Y as I like to say it. True activists whose only fear is losing this battle.

I spent many years exposing Bush, Cheney, Rummy and anyone else who was a disgusting, tyrannous degenerate. As my research progressed though, I kept stumbling across the word Zionist and had my own idea of what that word meant. As a former Zionist Christian, and believe me it was a very narrow definition, I felt as if I had been duped and so had the Zionist Christians, all the way up the leadership chain. I prefer now to call myself a follower of Christ as a side note.  One problem I had when others were exposing Zionism early in the game was this: if AJ and others were not exposing them then it couldn't be true. (Group think) And anyone that did was labeled FBI, Co Intel pro, you name it. Their names were dragged through the mud. And btw, if your research stops short of so many of the 9-11 gatekeepers who ridicule the anti z movement, then I hope you will one day open your eyes a bit more and step away from the group think and become your own individual investigator/researcher.

To continue I took it upon myself to investigate Zionism and I found it had many far reaching tentacles. (You will find many of those tentacles exposed here) I also found that many preferred not to discuss it for fear of being labeled, or I found that a good majority were either Christian Zionists, or had Zionist leanings. I found that there are gate keepers and 'cryptos' as well. (You will find names named here as well) At first I felt disgusted for conducting this research because that's how we have been programmed to think. I say we because most of us were indoctrinated to believe that to say anything bad about a Zionist was hateful. Ridiculous. If they are truly in the wrong, then it's fair game. As time went on I noticed that many people outright labeled you an A-S no matter how logical your argument was. I never met this kind of resistance when exposing Bush, or anyone else for that matter. Only the Zionists and I kid you not-huge resistance. Or our opponents preferred to dumb it down or flat out ignore the topic out of fear, indoctrination, or perhaps for other suspicious reasons. (Make no mistake about it, their are 'plants' that work against us and are often among us). Meanwhile I continue to research this topic and I believe that the Khazars/Zionists hold power in very key areas of power, that a small minority of them are truly evil, and it is a topic that I will continue to expose. The label means nothing to me as I know I'm not a hater of any one group, in fact I totally acknowledge the tyrannous and evil leadership across the world who think they know better than the rest of us what is good for us, and I too will continue to expose them as well. Whether white, black, Asian, jew, no one is immune. But....if you expose 'them', any criticism is well...A.S. So get used to it, but let

Hei Hu Quan

Ramblings? Holy crap that was the most honest introspection and cogent analysis of the current situation I think I've ever read. Spot-on my friend, certainly glad to count you among this forum's most capable and dedicated warriors.
"We Will Fight and Fight from This Generation to the Next" - Vietnamese People\'s Fighting Slogan


Quote from: "Hei Hu Quan"Ramblings? Holy crap that was the most honest introspection and cogent analysis of the current situation I think I've ever read. Spot-on my friend, certainly glad to count you among this forum's most capable and dedicated warriors.

Thanks HHQ, I'm always humbled by your kind words while knowing the warrior who typed them.


Hi Rockclimber. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay. :D

j / k, nice post dude. :p
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Quote from: "shZ"Hi Rockclimber. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay. :D

j / k, nice post dude. :p

Thanks shZ! Hey where is you intro? C'mon man!


Quote from: "Rockclimber"
Quote from: "shZ"Hi Rockclimber. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay. :D

j / k, nice post dude. :p

Thanks shZ! Hey where is you intro? C'mon man!
I've already had three  :-P
Minimal, Techno, Tech House / Minimal, Techno, Tech House, Progressive House, Breaks
Minimal Tech Session v2.3 / Minimal Tech Session v1.3
The Journey to Here / Psy Eclipse