Re: Khazars, the Kabbalah and Jew Death Cults

Started by mgt23, October 02, 2012, 08:00:51 PM

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.......just a thought but this also prepares the ground for the JEW Milliband brothers to get in with an unelectable Labour. Needed if you want a war with Iran.



.....the jew. If we use CSR's definition, he misses shit loads of Qlippoth jews. My thesis explains them and correctly targets ALL of them.


You will note the use of the symbol of the SS(The main attack of Fitzpatrick and myself on the ZOHARITES as well as the TALMUDISTS"
You will note the Jewishness of the Golden Dawn and it's parallels of the current Greek Anti-Immigrant party in Greece.(None of these so called far right parties ever ever ever ever go after the bankers. Much more important is RACE rather than PRO GENTILENESS and attacks on immigrants. I am going to claim that this is because of a Zoharite initiation.

.........18:48 "....power that really turns on the JEWS"

......Note the priestess' use of the I A O (male/Union/female)
......Note the Parrells with the entwined snakes in my previous post on Hermes in this thread.(See its not wandering thread it all comes together.   FUCK YOU CSR <:^0 )

..........note the parallels with the Sepirot(IAO) and the Qlippoth(OAI)
I think Hitler recognised it was a british intelligence front and instead of rejecting it, used it in a German rather than British Israel interpretation. That's why it was so important for him to get the Spear of Destiny. Apparently it was a German that pierced and therefore killed the JEW Christ(Not roman or pharisee, they just gave the  judgement and prosecution  respectively). It explains why he allowed the SS religious exploration, contrary to the protestant and roman catholic tradition.
........I'm not saying its right or wrong or that that's what i believe either; I'm just saying that this is probably what Hitler thought behind the scenes. It is British Israelite in origin however and the British Zoharites got it from the JEWS(combination of Marrano and Khazar)

.....yes we are imperfect. Otherwise we wouldn't have a conscience.
.....yes we do have original sin for we are born ignorant and our DNA is flawed. Thats why we have evolution physically over generations.(And one of the reasons the JEW seeks to control that process rather than leaving it to natural God's law)


..........As I have previously stated the beast is the sum collective body of the TALMUDIC SEPIROT JEW, with the ZOHARITE QLIPPOTH JEW mind. Through a dialectical process of promoting psychopathy and military Technology via Education(Ala La the Carnegie Foundation) the beast will transform through TRANSHUMANISM into the UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTOR(Ala Professor Frank Tipler). When the Universal Constructor is made, a Black Hole will be opened after its universal conquest is complete.

Then the final war between the singularity and the void will begin.

.........unless we find a way to stop it peacefully.


mgt23, it seems the Church teaching on Moses uplifting the bronze serpent is that it was a dead serpent symbolizing the death of sin and a foreshadowing of Christ, who is said to have become sin, on the cross. Some of the serpent theorists are claiming that Moses was getting the Israelites to worship the serpent. I can see how the Talmud would pervert what the Old Testament really meant in order to justify actual serpent, or self-, worship.


Fitzpatrick Informer:


Do the Jews Live Within the Belly of the Holy Serpent? Is he the Deity Whom the Jews Worship?
The Holy Serpent of the Jews
"Ye serpents, ye generation (race or nation) of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

   Jesus Christ
Matthew 23:33

If I were to tell you that in the religion of Judaism the deity worshipped is the Holy Serpent, would you believe me? Few people would. Yet, it is absolutely true! In Judaism the deity most honored and venerated is, in fact, the Holy Serpent.

Now don't let the name Texe Marrs get in your way of discovering this awful truth. Some might contend that Texe Marrs is, after all, an anti-Semite, and an anti-Semite cannot be believed, right?

Book by Rabbi Joel David Bakst, teaching of the Jews' belief in the Sacred Serpent.
This is a well-known rabbinical doctrine of the Jews.
It is also a core secret revealed in the controversial book, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Let's say, then, that we ask the rabbis themselves, the top rabbis in the world. We could even go to the writings of the rabbinical sages—to some of the most famous rabbis who ever lived, so-called "holy men" whose historical writings to this day are frequently quoted and referred to as authoritative and definitive in the study of Judaic doctrine.
The Serpent Shall Rise From the Abyss

Take, for example, the celebrated rabbi known throughout the Jewish religious world as the "Gaon of Vilna." It was he who taught of the Kabbalah's doctrine that inside Judaism's vaunted Tree of Life there resides a great and Sacred Serpent whose masculine name is Leviathan and whose feminine name is Malkut. It is this Sacred Serpent, the Kabbalah teaches, that in the coming Messianic age shall rise from the abyss to conquer the Gentiles and exalt God's Chosen, the Jews. This Leviathan, the holy and piercing serpent, is the expected Messiah prophesied to appear, the one who will supernaturally possess the bodies of the world's Jews and lead them to global domination and glory.

This strange doctrine, accepted by the vast majority of today's Orthodox Rabbis, also makes the bold claim that the Jews are a Holy Race of wise and virtuous serpent beings. Collectively, World Jewry is claimed to be the very incarnation on earth of the Holy Serpent.

Could this be what the true Messiah and Lord of the Universe, Jesus Christ, meant when he confronted the wicked pharisaic Jews—equivalent to today's Orthodox Jewry—by flatly declaring:

"Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" (Matthew 23:33)
The House of Israel Left Desolate

In the King James Bible lexicon, the word "generation" here means "race, nation, bloodline, or ethnic group."

In this same Gospel, in Matthew 23 we also find Jesus telling the Jews, "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate."

QuoteIn the religion of Judaism, the Sacred Serpent is said to rise from the abyss.
Through his power and guidance, a divine World Jewry will triumph over the Gentiles,
and the Jews' Messiah will reign supreme.

"Desolate!" That means devoid of spiritual value, barren, a wasteland. Today, the House of Israel, the physical nation of Israel, is exactly what Jesus said it would be—a spiritual desert, a nation of lying, deceiving, terrorist killers; desolate of morality, devoid of righteousness. All of Rothschild's trillions and all of America's boatloads of foreign aid, diplomatic cover, and military armaments heaped on the artificially created nation of Israel for the past six decades cannot change one iota of what Jesus prophesied. Israel is a desolate place, a wasteland of inhuman cruelty and savage conduct, and it shall remain so.

Moreover, except for a tiny remnant, the Jewish people, wherever they may reside, spiritually are "serpents"—serpents whose cruel, black hearts are stained with filth and contamination. Just so, because the priesthood of rabbis, the keepers of the Judaic faith, are worshippers of the Holy Serpent.

The Holy (or Sacred) Serpent, of course, is identified in the New Testament as he who was cast out of heaven. In other words, the Devil, or Satan. The Sacred Serpent is represented in Hebrew gematria by the Hebrew alphabet letter "vav" of YHVH, the Jews' kabbalistic name for God. Since the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament) are said to be "the heart of Jewish existence," the doctrine that the Sacred Serpent is hidden within the Torah and appears as the letter vav is an essential foundation of Judaic tradition. The rabbis believe that this letter—vav—is evidence of their deity. They emphasize that the letter vav, indicative of the Sacred Serpent, is found exactly at the middle-point of the Torah, at Leviticus 11:42, which is said to be the belly of the Serpent deity.

Jerusalem scholar and rabbi, Joel David Bakst, excitedly writes of this doctrine which places the Jewish tribe within the very belly of the Sacred Serpent, exclaiming:

"We have journeyed to the center of the world and landed in the belly of a serpent!" ("Journey to the Center of the Torah," City of Luz,, 2007)

In the Zohar, the essential book of Jewish cabalistic magic, we find another amazing Judaism doctrinal statement: "The Holy Serpent is the fountainhead, root and essence for all of God's sacred, revelatory light..."

Read the above and ponder. Do you not see why Jesus told the Jews their religion is not of Abraham and is instead based on "man-made traditions?"
The Serpent is Satan and He is Not Holy!

From the New Testament we know that the serpent is neither holy nor sacred. Instead, he is described as "that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world" (Revelation 12:9).

However, in Judaism, as in all satanic religions, truth is turned upside down. The rabbis emphasize that the serpent is a godly being, a constant help and guide for Israel and its people. Rabbi Laitman, in his Daily Kabbalah Lesson of the Zohar, stresses that:

"...This snake comes as angel sent to us...we should be grateful to the serpent for its help...the serpent has a very important mission...

The Serpent is the Angel of Help."

The deep secret of Judaism is the rabbis' teaching that the Jewish people—also known as the House of Israel—is within the Sacred Serpent's belly and that the Serpent is sent to the Jews to be their helpmate and guide. That is what is meant when Rabbi Moshel Rabbinu says that the religious Jew embarks on a spiritual "Journey to the Center of the Torah: The Secret in the Serpent's Belly." (see Joel David Bakst, 2007,

In Judaism's gematria, the so-called science of numbers, we find the teaching that the one whom Christians know as Satan, the Devil, is for the Jews the divine instrument of... "sacred, revelatory light... This serpent is...the middle brain which is in the middle of the letters of the Torah."

The rabbis further insist that it is their Sacred Serpent, their deity, who is at the very center of the Torah. He is an essential being of their godhead, and he provides the serpentine energy that brings a Jew to a spiritually mature state. The religious Jew, say the rabbis, is brought to spiritual maturity—to a "Divine Consciousness"—through the help of the snake. He—that is, every Jew—lives inside the belly of the Serpent. It is his covering, protector, guide, Lord, and Messiah.

The rabbis go so far as to say that, "in messianic times and beyond, it (the Serpent) will be redeemed and revealed in all its glory and awesomeness." (Rabbi Joel David Bakst, "Journey to the Center of the Torah: The Secret in the Serpent's Belly," 2007,

Now do you see why God's Word twice in the book of Revelation (Chapter 2:9 and 3:9) warns of the horror and wickedness of the "Synagogue of Satan?"
Why This Is Important

Quote"They hatch cockatrice' (flying serpent) eggs, and weave the spider's web:
he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.
" Isaiah 59:5
Many unaware and undiscerning people over the years have contacted me and asked, "Texe, why do you write and speak so much about the Jews, Israel, Zionism, and Judaism. Why is this subject so important?"

Frankly, it is because my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, bids me do so. He Himself warned of the House of Israel, of its "abomination" and "desolation." He described it as the "Synagogue of Satan." Without flinching, He also identified the hateful and rebellious Jews as "serpents" and "vipers."

The Jews themselves, in their devilish religion of Judaism, admit their god is the Serpent. Their leaders well know that this is the Devil, or Satan. In some type of creepy and eerie doctrinal confession, the rabbis are even discovered to be boasting of their Sacred Serpent and they say that all Jews live inside its belly! Is this not unbelievable and revelatory?

Nevertheless, even the Jew can be saved. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah (chapter 59) testified that, indeed, the nation of Israel is of the Serpent. But the prophet also spoke of God"s mercy and willingness to save those who repent of this evil.

For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness...

They hatch cockatrice' (flying serpent) eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper."

"Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear:

But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear. ... f_jews.htm


This essay begins to introduce us to the sacred serpent, the letter "vav" of YHVH

and to the root of Moshe Rabbinu's soul.

 Journey To the Center of the Torah:
 The Secret In the Serpent's Belly
Joel David Bakst © 2007
            In Kabbalah it is fundamental that the written Torah -- the Five Books of Moses – is the cosmic key of creation. This is much more than a metaphor. Rather, along with the metaphoric and philosophical meanings the Torah first and foremost functions as a cosmic code to reality. Every letter, from the first bet of Genesis to the final lamed of Deuteronomy, forms one long formula that spells out the genetic-like code for all phenomena this side of the Ain Sof. These formulas are also known as the divine Names of God. Just as we, however, wear clothing when we are in public, so does the Torah. The royal "garments" of the Torah is what is known to the world as the "Bible" with its narrative containing "stories" and laws. These diverse strands of the Torah stretch across the expanse of the space-time manifold and weave a fabric that encases Her. However, the supernal body of the Torah in her bare essence – also known as the Primordial Torah --, remains hidden beneath these many textured layers of a multitude of dimensional fabrics.
            There are, however, some areas in the fabric of the Torah where Her hidden light actually protrudes outward from beneath the covers. Although we are still viewing Her from the outside we can get a conceptual glimpse of what lies within waiting to be fully revealed. It is obvious that the Torah has a beginning and an end. The first letter of the Torah is the large bet of Beraisheet ("In the Beginning..."). The last letter is the lamed of the word "Yisrael" (" the eyes of all Israel)[1][1]. It has long been observed that these two letters – the lamed and the bet – when read backwards from left to right spell the word lev – a heart. Historically, the Torah is unquestionably at the heart of Jewish existence. Traditionally and kabbalistically, the Torah is the heart of Jewish existence.
Now, have you ever thought that the Torah must also have a middle? The sages have an ancient tradition[2][2] that when you count up all the letters of the Five Books of Moses there is one letter that resides in the middle of all the letters. What could possibly be the letter in the middle -- in the heart of the "heart" of the Torah? What will we find when we journey to the center of the Torah?
Imagine you are looking out into the black abyss of deep space laminated with endless white lights. You are gazing at a billion brilliant galaxies each with a billion stars aflame all being projected upon the celestial canvas of the universe. Now, take that image and imagine instead that you are traveling through the letter/numeral sequencing of the primordial Torah. In the words of the Kabbalah this is the divine white light penetrating the primordial black light -- "black fire upon white fire" – God's cosmic ink inscribed upon celestial white parchment. These fiery lights are the internal genetic code of space and time, past and future –– and you are about to land in the center of the spiritual universe, right in the middle of the heart of the Torah. And behold, where we have set down is in one of the last places one would think -- yet as we have come to expect.
The middle letter of the Torah has landed us in the book of VaYikra – Leviticus -- in the middle of the halachic laws of kosher animals! Yet, even stranger is the specific subject matter in which this middle letter is found. In the beginning of chapter 11 of the section of Shemini, it is written, "HaShem spoke to Moshe and to Aaron, saying to them. Speak to the Children of Israel, saying: These are the creatures that you may eat from among all the animals that are upon the earth. Everything among the animals that has a split hoof... that one you may eat of." Forty one verses later it is stated, "Every swarming creature that swarms upon the ground – it is a [spiritual] abhorrence, it shall not be eaten. Then in verse 42[3][3] we come to, "Everything that crawls on its belly... you may not eat them for they are a {spiritual] abhorrence". The word in Hebrew for "belly" is gachon – spelled gimal, chet, vav, and nun. "Everything that crawls on its belly" is referring to a snake.   It is this vav of gachon that is the middle letter of the Torah. We have journeyed to the center of the world and landed in the belly of a serpent!
The strangeness is not over yet. If you look into the Sefer Torah, the actual scroll of the Torah written by a scribe, you will see that this middle vav stands out from all the other letters and words because it is written larger than the other letters. Its elongated form is not due to a scribal embellishment. Rather, the Torah scroll must have this elongated vav in order for it to be halachically kosher to read from in the synagogue. This elongated vav is a "macro" vav as opposed to the usual "micro" vav. . It is an intrinsic component in the Torah's cosmic blueprint. On the deepest level, this "belly" is not just any snake, but as we will see this macro, elongated snake-like vav is emanating from the Primordial Holy Serpent, the source of the highest good!
We have reached the signpost that indicates that we are in the middle of the Torah. Now, let's take a peak over the edge but be sure to hold onto the railing. We are going to be looking down into the hidden parts of the Torah as if we were to peer over the edge into the sheer drop of the multi-layered strata of the Grand Canyon. For those who have gazed into the Grand Canyon you know that what little the eye can grasp is beyond words and beyond pictures. For those who gaze down into the vortex of the Torah what little that can be understood is also beyond words and certainly beyond pictures. Even then, what you are about to glimpse is nothing more that a black and white photocopy of one of most hidden, yet most extensive and far reaching secrets throughout the entire Torah: The secret of the macro vav in the belly of the Torah.
According to the rabbis there is an aspect of the serpent – the elongated vav -- that also signifies supernal truth and hidden knowledge. A little of the mystery of the macro vav is revealed in the Zohar's Book of Concealment[4][4]:
The Holy [macro] Serpent is the fountainhead, root and essence for all of God's sacred, revelatory Light from which emanates all dimensions of reality. This is the ray of Light of the Ain Sof that extends into the Ztimztum. This ray of light is what becomes the "supernal pathways of the image of the elongating [macro] Serpent who stretches out on both sides with its tail [united] in its head, its head "returning upon its shoulders".[5][5]
            The kabbalists explain: This [serpent] is the sod of the Cosmic Balance, the Supernal Da'at (the middle brain of the Godhead). This is Leviathan, [which splits into its two aspects of] the straight serpent and the curved serpent. Its root is from the penetrating and surrounding Light of the Ain Sof. The aspect of the straight serpent that stands in the "middle" is the letter vav in the word gachon (belly) which is in the middle of all the letters of the Torah. And because it is the central axis that extends from end to end [of reality], therefore the vav of "belly" is an elongated macro vav.
            Now, from this supernal da'at emanates the entirety of the Torah. From here also is the source of Moshe's soul. Therefore Moshe is also called by the appellation of Leviathan the "straight" serpent as it is written in the Zohar. And it is this Supernal Da'at that is the source of the Concealed Light through which one can see from one end of the universe to the other. It is this radiance that [emanates as] the secrets of the Torah.   Moshe our Teacher, who emanates from the macro vav of the "belly" – leviathan the straight serpent, the Supernal Da'at – drew upon this Concealed Light throughout his entire life.[6][6]
            The full explanation and ramifications of these concepts require years of study as well as developing a very intimate and sacred relationship with the Torah. We can, however, point out an observation or two for the reader who is capable of "understanding from the source of his own knowledge" ("maveen m'da'ato").  
There exists two types or modes of the letter vav that signify two different aspects of the snake/serpent. The micro vav signifies the serpent as it is generally known in the world, especially in the Western culture and in the "Judeo-Christian" tradition. Relative to the elongated vav the smaller version reflects its spiritual "smallness" and present state of constriction. The macro snake/serpent, however, signifies the same serpentine energy but in its fully-grown and spiritually maturated state. The Jewish concept of the spiritually maturated Holy Serpent and its corollaries actually precedes that of the evil snake and its associations as we have generally come to know it in the world since the "fall" from Gan Eden.
What makes this arcane subject confusing is that there appears to be many different names for this one entity. Additionally, the quality and character of these different manifestations often appear to contradict each other. However, the enigma of the serpent becomes more understandable and accessible when we realize that the macro vav and the micro vav, both with their numerous manifestations and symbolisms, are not separate phenomena. Rather, they are all different aspects of a single continuum. The Primordial serpent, the snake of Gan Eden, the Leviathan, the penetrating Ray of Light emanating from the Ain Sof, and the Supernal Da'at of the Godhead are different dimensions of a virtually endless spectrum of the Divine Consciousness, all in different phases of growth and maturation, purification or contamination. The higher states are all represented by the sacred macro vav hidden inside of the belly of the worldly and profane serpent. In messianic times and beyond it will be redeemed and revealed in all of its glory and awesomeness.
            In ancient Hebrew the letter vav was not pronounced with a "v" sound as it is today. This is essentially a Ashkenazic Jewish tradition that most likely was a cultural influence from the Germanic languages the Jews were exposed to as they began migrating to Eastern Europe over a thousand years ago. It is generally agreed that the original sound of the vav was a "w" and not a "v". Until the recent influence of revitalized Modern Hebrew this is how Hebrew pronunciation was taught in Oxford University and in Christian seminaries around the world (along with the "th" sound for the letter tav instead of the now accepted "t" sound, e.g. Shabbat instead of Shabbath or Sabbath). In fact, there are Sephardic Jews today who continue to pronounce the vav with the sound of a "w". Virtually all Yemenite Jews still pronounce the vav as a "w".
            Now, here is one of those enigmatic Torah synchronicities that, in spite of it bordering on the incredulous, it is indeed a fact. When you spell out the name of the letter vav in Hebrew it is written vav-vav (or vav-aleph-vav), pronounced "vav" – the name of the letter. When you spell out the letter in its original form it is written "wou -wou" (or wou-aleph-wou) and pronounced "wow". The original pronunciation of the letter "vav" is "wow". Aleph, beth, gimel, daleth, heh, wow ... . What will we find in the middle of the Torah? Where will we be when we journey to the center of the universe? What lies hidden in the belly of the serpent? These are questions that we can investigate for a lifetime even when explanations of the macro serpent appear at hand because the descriptions and ramifications are so awesome and mind-boggling that all we can begin to say is "Wow"!

[1][1] Much has been written concerning the large bet as well as the combined numerical value of these two letter/numbers -– 32, which is well known as the 32 Paths of Wisdom and the 32 times the divine name E-lohim is mentioned in the first chapter of Genesis.
[2][2] Talmud tractate Kiddushin 30b
[3][3] The value and concept of the numbers 11 and 42 are both well known in the Kabbalah for their distinctive properties.
[4][4] Sifra DiZtenuta Chapter 1
[5][5] The image described here is that of a uroburos: the motif of a serpent swallowing its tail that is found in various cultures around the world. The Jewish uroburos, however, is unique in that is a serpent whose straight body splits into two tails with one curving around to the right and the other curving around to the left in order for both to connect with its head. Here, this sacred archetype is revealing the paradox of the "dual unity" that lies buried in the soul of the Jewish people and teachings of the Torah. Herein lies the mysteries of the masculine and feminine energies, the "straight light" and the "curved light" of God's Divinity, the two leviathans & the split Messiah: Mashiach ben Yoseph and Mashiach ben David. This unique "split uroburos" is essentially only discussed in the Kabbalah school of the Gaon of Vilna.
[6][6] Leshem Shevo VeAchlama Sefer Dayah p.179 ... -belly.htm


Fitzpatrick Informer:


Quote... hunting deer
There is a fourth mural, depicting the hunting of deer. The iconography of deer herds is out of place,
for there were few deer in the vicinity of Catal Huyuk, and their bones seldom appear in the rubbish heaps.
There are more horse bones than deer bones, but horses never appeared in a mural. ... eology.pdf
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan

Michael K.

Mgt23 wrote:

QuoteThat's why it was so important for him to get the Spear of Destiny. Apparently it was a German that pierced and therefore killed the JEW Christ(Not roman or pharisee, they just gave the judgement and prosecution respectively). It explains why he allowed the SS religious exploration, contrary to the protestant and roman catholic tradition.

What you say is not the apparent story, which for clarification is reprinted below:

QuoteJohn 19: 28-37

After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.  Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth.  When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.  The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him.  But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.  And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe.  For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken. And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced.

QuoteMark 15:33-39

 And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.  And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?  And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias.  And one ran and filled a spunge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink, saying, Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down. And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost.  And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.  And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.

It is clear from the context that :

1.)  The Spear of Destiny did not kill Christ, that he died on the cross "giving up the ghost"

2.)  The centurion present was convinced that Jesus was the Son of God.

3.)   The soldier which pierced Christ's side with a spear prevented the JEWS from breaking his legs, a method of quickly suffocating the crucified person to death.

This soldier used the customary Roman battlefield method of dispatching wounded, not to kill Jesus, but to make apparent to all that he was dead, and to say to the JEWS,"hands off."  Herod knew the prophesies well, and sent his guards to break Jesus' bone so that he could say to the believer, "look at his body, the prophesy has not been fulfilled, this is an ordinary man, an imposter."  The centurion who prevented this blasphemy was believed by some scholars to have been a German called Longinus.  Some scholars believe the spear he used to have been the ancient Hebrew Spear of Phineas.  

The Spear of Destiny was believed to be a talisman of magic because of its divinely appointed role in insuring prophesy would be fulfilled, even by people who had no understanding of the back story.  The suggestion that it was because a German rendered execution on the King of the Jews is not supported by the story.  Nor was it likely believed so by the Christian commander of the Theban Legion, Mauritius (a Negro), who held it in his hands when he was martyred in 286 A.D. along with his entire legion by the emperor Maximian, for refusing to sacrifice to the pagan gods, and thus refusing to crush a rebellion in German Switzerland.

St.Mauritius: another soldier, saint and martyr for Jesus Christ.

Feast: Sept. 22

St. Maurice was the foremost of a great company of Martyrs who suffered in the year 286 for their faith in Christ. He and Sts. Exuperius, Candidus, Victor, Innocent, and their 6,600 companions were sent from Egypt to Agaunum (15 miles from Lake Geneva) to put down a rebellion against Roman authority. When the commander ordered sacrifices and oaths in preparation for battle, the whole legion refused. He had the legion decimated (killed every tenth man), but this had no effect. So he had the survivors decimated, again with no effect. Thus every last man was put to death and they reunited, with wreaths of victory, in their homeland above.  


Looks like some recent genetic research comes to the aid of the "Khazarian Hypothesis".  

QuoteThe Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses

Eran Elhaik

(Submitted on 6 Aug 2012)

    The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries and has yet to be resolved. The "Rhineland Hypothesis" proposes that Eastern European Jews emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the "Khazarian Hypothesis" suggests that Eastern European descended from Judean tribes who joined the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century. The Judaized Empire was continuously reinforced with Mesopotamian and Greco-Roman Jews until the 13th century. Following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo-Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo-Khazars. Thus far, however, their contribution has been estimated only empirically; the absence of genome-wide data from Caucasus populations precluded testing the Khazarian Hypothesis. Recent sequencing of modern Caucasus populations prompted us to revisit the Khazarian Hypothesis and compare it with the Rhineland Hypothesis. We applied a wide range of population genetic analyses - including principal component, biogeographical origin, admixture, identity by descent, allele sharing distance, and uniparental analyses - to compare these two hypotheses. Our findings support the Khazarian Hypothesis and portray the European Jewish genome as a mosaic of Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries, thereby consolidating previous contradictory reports of Jewish ancestry.

QuoteWednesday, August 8, 2012

Khazar origins of European Jews finally confirmed?

This week saw the release of yet another study on the origins of European Jews (in fact, a pre-print). This one's called "The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses".

The author seems quite content that he's finally demonstrated a link between European Jews and the Khazar Empire. But has he really?

I do like the analysis presented is this paper. It's varied, thorough, and looks at Central European Jews separately from Eastern European Jews, with some interesting outcomes. But in the end, I think the author fumbled his interpretation of the results.

His mistake was treating the Armenian reference sample as a Caucasus group, and also a proxy for the gene pool of the Khazar Empire. Thus, when the Jewish samples showed strong affinity to the Armenians, the author mistook this as a signal of Khazar ancestry in Jews, because the Khazar Empire included parts of the Caucasus.

But what do modern Armenians of the South Caucasus have to do with ancient Khazars of the Pontic Caspian Steppe? Not much, I'd say. Armenians aren't even a useful Caucasian reference set, in my opinion. They're better treated as an Eastern Anatolian group, due to their high affinity to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern populations.

Moreover, they show low North/East European genetic input, and very little East Eurasian influence, which is actually the sort of stuff we'd want in a proxy for the inhabitants of the Khazar Empire in what is now Southern Russia.

All those looking for Khazar influence in Jews should be aware that the Eurasian steppes are part of the Northern world, and this has been the case for thousands of years. We know this from ancient DNA, from samples all the way from what is now Ukraine to South Siberia. This Northern world is separated from the Southern world by some mighty barriers to gene flow, like the Black Sea, Caucasus Mountains and the deserts of Central Asia (see here).

Based on my own analyses of Jewish genomes, I'd say that Ashkenazi Jews are genetically an Eastern Mediterranean group, but with various other admixtures, like Western European, Eastern European, Eastern Anatolian, and even African and East Asian. Does that mean ancestry from the Khazar Empire? Perhaps in part, but it's hard to say for sure.

So, what could be a sure signal of Khazar influence in modern Jews? The best bet is probably the R1a-Z94 carried by many Ashkenazi Levites. This marker is very common in modern Indo-Iranian and Turkic groups, so it's not difficult to imagine its presence in ancient Khazaria. The only problem is that it's also seen in the Semitic Arabs. That's why it's not possible to say at the moment if the Z94 in Jews is of Semitic, Khazar or some other origin, like, for example, Persian. Someone should look into that.

By the way, as per the supervised ADMIXTURE bar graph from the study, it's interesting to see the much higher levels of "Eastern European" influence in Eastern European Jews than in Central European Jews. I suppose that's to be expected, considering the geography, but the reason I find it interesting is that it indicates recent Slavic introgression into the Eastern European Jewish gene pool. That's because if it was older, like from Khazaria, then Central European Jews would also carry it at decent levels.

Eran Elhaik, The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses, Submitted on 6 Aug 2012, arXiv:1208.1092v1 [q-bio.PE]

Update 22/01/2013: The full study is now out at Oxford Journals as a free article. See here.

Posted by Davidski at 10:01 PM

QuotenonanameDecember 13, 2012 at 2:38 AM

    I think author misinterpreted results of his own research.

    The Caucasian component in Jewish DNA comes from Hurrians [1] of Southern Trans-Caucasus (roughly modern Kurdistan) and not from Khazars (who most likely where predominantly Turkic, Uralic or of mixed Caucasian origin).

    Hurrians spoke language similar to the language of modern Lezgins of the Northern Caucasus.

    This is also confident with biblical accounts, that Abraham "made souls in Haran". [2]

    Also in his estimation the geographical origin of EEJ and CEJ clustered in Turkey and Kurdistan, more than thousand of kilometers from Volga delta. The previous publications also found link between Jews and Kurds/Anatolian Turks.

    The ancient Judeans/Israelites most likely where Caucasian people who adopted local Semitic language of Canaan [3].

    There is geographic proximity and large area overlap between Southern Caucasus and Northern Meopotamia ("Aram Naharaim"), so this explains author's mistake.

    Also large part of Armenians are Jews who forced to convert to Christianity in ancient times.

    There are also was Adiabene - Jewish Kingdom in Assyria (modern Kurdistan), who's population converted to Judaism.

    There are some places in the paper, where author stretching too much and making assumptions, without supporting them.

    Equating Armenians and Georgians with Khazars is one of them. Mentioned "banks of Volga" in the context of Caucasus is another. Volga is not in Caucasus.


QuoteRobert M. SoranDecember 22, 2012 at 9:08 AM

        Nonaname is stretching too much and making assumptions, based on popular scientific sources, not on supporting evidence.
        The aim of the posting is overly transparent: attempt to save what can be saved from a Zionist (not Jewish!) point of view from the myth of A common Judean root of the whole "Jewish people", no matter where they are nowadays in the world. Harran and the Hurrians aren't a valid explanation for the admixture, and the Kurdish admixture elements aren't a temporal fit.

QuoteZulfia Ivanovna December 28, 2012 at 11:59 PM

        Robert, "saved from Zionist point of view", ok. So all this "research" is politically driven to manipulate and confuse the public. Khazars theories are so discredited that everyone who pushing this ideas are seen as a hired guns to promote political agenda. Everyone in the region has oriental/mongoloid admixtures. You can see it in their faces without looking for genetic markers. For example 1/3 of Iranian population was exterminated by Mongols and what happened with rest is anybody's guess. Despite that Iranians, like Jews, manage to preserve their identity and core values.

QuoteEliyahu  TsiyonDecember 29, 2012 at 2:40 PM

    I understand from the review above that Elhaik proved Khazar affinity to presentday Ashkenazi Jews by taking Armenians as representing Khazars. He had to do that since Khazars disappeared as a people long ago. But as the review points out, this assumption is really not tenable for various reasons given --and others. Yet the Armenian genetic link to Jews is supported by ancient written historical testimony. Not only were Israelites deported by Assyrians & Babylonians to the regions of northern Mesopotamia & Kurdistan & eastern Turkey of today [as per the Bible], but Jewish rebels were deported by the Persian Empire from Judea [Yehud in the Aramaic used in that empire; found on early coins] to the area between the Caspian & Black seas. This happened in the reign of Artaxerxes III [called Oco] according to the Chronography of Eusebius.

    At best, Elhaik is reinventing the wheel since Armenian-Jewish [& Kurdish-Jewish] genetic affinities have already been pointed out in earlier studies of Jewish genetics. But to my knowledge, nobody before assumed that the Armenians could be equated or even approximated with the Khazars. The next problem for Elhaik is to disprove the Jewish [including Ashkenazic] genetic affinity with many Syrian & Palestinian Arabs, as shown in prior studies. Did Elhaik deal with this problem for his thesis?

QuoteAJ75February 24, 2013 at 11:35 PM

    I agree with your analysis. European Jews show clear evidence of admixture with their host populations (i.e. Western European populations and as you point out in some cases Eastern European populations). This artifically creates a proximity with Armenian populations but between this and reaching the conclusion that there is evidence of Khazar ad-mixture is the most ridiculous conclusion I've ever come across - I'm really surprised at how geneticists with clearly no grasp of history or geography happily jump to conclusions.

    It's a shame that Elhaik hadn't carried out even the most basic research on the Armenians. The Armenians have had a distinct national identity since around a 1,000 BC and during the period of the Khazar kingdom had an independant state - they have never lost this national identity and while they have from time to time been under Byzantine, Arab and Turkish control have always maintained a distinct identity.

    A very very poor work of scholarship by Elhaik. I would be embarrased to have such a paper under my name. [/quote]

QuoteGene study settles debate over origin of European Jews

Thursday, 17 January 2013
Jews of European descent, often called Ashkenazis, account for some 90 percent of the more than 13 million Jews in the world today. (AFP)
Jews of European descent, often called Ashkenazis, account for some 90 percent of the more than 13 million Jews in the world today. (AFP)


Jews of European origin are a mix of ancestries, with many hailing from tribes in the Caucasus who converted to Judaism and created an empire that lasted half a millennium, according to a gene study published on Thursday.

The investigation, its author says, should settle a debate that has been roiling for more than two centuries.

Jews of European descent, often called Ashkenazis, account for some 90 percent of the more than 13 million Jews in the world today.

According to the so-called Rhineland Hypothesis, Ashkenazis descended from Jews who progressively fled Palestine after the Moslem conquest of 638 AD.

They settled in southern Europe and then, in the late Middle Ages, about 50,000 of them moved from the Rhineland in Germany into eastern Europe, according to the hypothesis.

But detractors say this idea is implausible.

Barring a miracle -which some supporters of the Rhineland Hypothesis have in fact suggested - the scenario would have been demographically impossible.

It would mean that the population of Eastern European Jews leapt from 50,000 in the 15th century to around eight million at the start of the 20th century.

That birth rate would have been 10 times greater than that of the local non-Jewish population. And it would have occurred despite economic hardship, disease, wars and pogroms that ravaged Jewish communities.

Seeking new light in the argument, a study published in the British journal Genome Biology and Evolution, compares the genomes of 1,287 unrelated individuals who hail from eight Jewish and 74 non-Jewish populations.

Geneticist Eran Elhaik of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, trawled through this small mountain of data in search of single changes in the DNA code that are linked to a group's geographical origins.

Such telltales have been used in past research to delve into the origins of the Basque people and the pygmy people of central Africa.

Among European Jews, Elhaik found ancestral signatures that pointed clearly to the Caucasus and also, but to a smaller degree, the Middle East.

The results, said Elhaik, give sound backing for the rival theory -- the "Khazarian Hypothesis."

Under this concept, eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, a hotchpotch of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries AD and, influenced by Jews from Palestine, converted to Judaism in the 8th century.

The Judeo-Khazars built a flourishing empire, drawing in Jews from Mesopotamia and imperial Byzantium.

They became so successful that they sent offshoots into Hungary and Romania, planting the seeds of a great diaspora.

But Khazaria collapsed in the 13th century when it was attacked by the Mongols and became weakened by outbreaks of the Black Death.

The Judeo-Khazars fled westwards, settling in the rising Polish Kingdom and in Hungary, where their skills in finance, economics and politics were in demand, and eventually spread to central and western Europe, according to the "Khazarian Hypothesis."

"We conclude that the genome of European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including Judaised Khazars, Greco-Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews and Judeans," says Elhaik.

"Their population structure was formed in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga, with roots stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan."

Many things are unknown about the Khazars, whose tribal confederation gathered Slavs, Scythians, Hunnic-Bulgars, Iranians, Alans and Turks.

But, argues Elhaik, the tale sketched in the genes is backed by archaeological findings, by Jewish literature that describes the Khazars' conversion to Judaism, and by language, too.

"Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language" before being reclassified as High German, he notes.

Another pointer is that European Jews and their ancestral groups in the Caucasus and Middle East share a relatively high risk of diseases such as cystic fibrosis.

The investigation should help fine-tune a fast-expanding branch of genomics, which looks at single-change DNA mutations that are linked with inherited disease, adds Elhaik. ... 60915.html
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan


Quote from: Timothy_Fitzpatrick on November 04, 2012, 01:04:20 PM
Quote from: Wimpy
Quote from: Timothy_FitzpatrickYou assume that because people won't convert to the occult through the Nazi school that they are OK with Jew ripoffs. There is not an ounce of truth or logic in this. And I don't see Nazis as merely compromised. I see them as part of the problem. I don't view Jews and Nazis differently. They are the same. You are like them.

The jew criminals won't be prayed away or wished away, Timothy. We need to kick the money changers out, literally, as Jesus showed us.  The Germans tried and are now vilified, regardless of your highlighting and elaborating  some of their side note diversions & perversions.

Me thinks you are confusing certain personality defects and German social/religious deviance and the core of their intent:  Stopping the Bolshevik conquest of Germany, Europe & the World.  I'm with CSR,
Quote...where do you stand?

But the Nazis didn't try to throw the moneychangers out. I think that is the whole point. All they did was intern rank-and-file Jews while making backdoor deals with Jew bankers. Michael K did a good job of demonstrating that Germany was not an autarky.

What sources for this claim, which is at odds with my understanding?


The Germans weren't making backdoor deals with Jew bankers. These theories claiming "Nazis" were in bed with the banksters are misguided. I'll give you an example: In many small communities here in the US, Wal-Mart is the only place within 50 miles to buy groceries. Even when there are other choices, there are certain products that Wal-Mart sort of has a monopoly with especially in terms of pricing. Wal-Mart has put many little guys out of business. I hate Wal-Mart. I am anti Wal-Mart. I wish Wal-Mart did not exist. Now if I live in a community where Wal-Mart is the only place within a 50 mile radius to buy groceries, even though I hate Wal-Mart I'm not going to drive 50 miles to pay a higher price on something essential. Does that make me a hypocrite? If you're a useful idiot, sure. It would improve my credibility if I drove 50 miles to make a better statement, but does it really matter? I'm against socialism which includes programs like US social security yet I'll take any social security they give me, especially since I've paid into it.

Expecting the Germans to kick out all the banksters Jesus-style is economically unrealistic. That doesn't mean they were working with the Jews, it just means they did not want to hurt their global economic and trade standing. They were working on the Jew banker problem, but in the meantime you gotta play the game and work on a plan which will EVENTUALLY cut off their influence. Playing the game involves making deals that you might not want to make and might appear to useful idiots that you are in league with the enemy and a hypocrite.

The "Nazis" printed their own currency backed by work which is a lot more valuable than being backed by thin air and faith like Jew bankster notes. They traded this with the Jew currency. If they didn't, it would be worthless which would be economic suicide. Germany eliminated unemployment and turned their economy around in 5 years. That is historically unprecedented. It also caught the Jews off guard. Jew banksters supported the NSDAP initially because they NEVER imagined it would succeed, they thought it would further destroy Germany. They did not, they turned Germany into a world power. This upset the Jews (especially when they started expelling them) and the other world powers so they started a war to destroy Germany. Germany lost, but at least they took a bite out of communism and Jew pride.

Anyways, this and the "Hitler was a Rothschild" story are 100% BS. I understand if you live in a country which holds a grudge against Germany for what the "Nazis" did, but they weren't the bad guy or even in bed with the bad guy. There is just so much BS and disinfo about WWII obscuring easy-to-research facts that it's proof of a clear agenda being carried out to the present day and not just the ignorant parroting propaganda. When Germany wakes up from their 70+-year slumber, sheeits going to get real. BTW, I'm aware of the agreement with Zionists. That was just business, ending Jewish boycotts against Germany in favor of training German Jews on German soil to live on a Kibbutz. Some of these facilities are today considered "concentration camps". You gotta play the game to win, you can't just disagree with everybody with a differing opinion (unless you're a liberal or a communist) or assume that if "Nazi" Germany made a deal with Zionists that they were in league with the Zionists. They absolutely were not. Hitler would have been glad if all the Jews moved to Palestine. Would have saved him a lot of trouble. Hitler would also be appalled with how the Zionists treat the Palestinians. Hitler was a human being, not a monster. Nobody is perfect, although some people believe Hitler was an avatar of Vishnu.... He was a good leader who made a few mistakes trying to play the game and made more progress than anybody else given the hand he was dealt. In the end at the very least he crippled the Jewish power structure and communism exposing who the bad guys are to anybody with an ear to listen. If you can see past holocaustanity you can still listen.

Quote from: CrackSmokeRepublican on January 16, 2013, 03:16:13 AM
<!-- m --> ... eology.pdf<!-- m -->

I love all these theories about Saturn. I just wrote a bit about it in the star of david thread:

I like Bode's law, but that doesn't mean Earth (or Earthlings) didn't use to be closer to Saturn. The current configuration resulting after things settled wouldn't debunk Bode's law. Bode's law is proof, for me, that a planet used to exist at the asteroid belt (the mass of which is now mostly orbiting Jupiter in the form of the four major moons). Even though Neptune doesn't fit with Bode's law, Pluto does and Pluto (even though it is small) has a strange orbit which brought it in front of Neptune a while back. The solar system is probably constantly being disrupted and over time things fall into place.

I was once of an atheistic, materialistic, and scientific mind but now I don't know anymore. So much science is bullshit. The big bang theory. Relativity. Plate tectonics. This bullshit science has a political cult backing which silences better alternatives through various means. Group-thinking consensus, Jewish tribalism in academic form, the peer-review process, etc. So many layers of kosher-approval and bullshit. Sure real science exists and anybody can be a scientist. If you want to be a "credible" scientist you need to agree with the tribe. Disagree and your career is over, even if your theory is supported with strong evidence. I even have my doubts about the science of nuclear bombs. Either they are a hoax or we do not know how they really work. The current 'scientific' explanation to how they work is just more Ashkenazi nonsense.

The Greeks used to call the Jews atheists. Many Jews are atheists or to use their PC term "secular". The entire Talmud is available on and I've read some of it. I like reading mythology and ancient scriptures, but the Talmud is not an easy read. It is the most boring "religious" writing in existence and reads just like a legal contract. So many rhetorical questions all related to practices of law and virtually nothing religious. Everything is about this planet, this material world. I've since decided that atheism is rooted in Jewishness. So is new age spiritualism, but that's another story...

There is something very wrong on this planet. Something off that does not mix with strict materialism or any of that BS science they teach us in school. I'm not saying to accept the biblical alternative. I'm just saying something isn't right. There is plenty of evidence, and not just circumstantial (now I wonder about circum since the unrelated measure of a circle and the removal of male foreskins and feamle clits/labias also begins with it...) that Jews (especially elite Jews in powerful positions) participate in ritual child sacrifice. Yes the ADL will smear anybody telling this truth as promoting an antisemitic canard of blood libel. But lets be honest, the ADL is part of the "ritual" acting as a shield to allow it to continue. If it's not child sacrifice, it's ritual circumcision. Just today the Israeli news had a story about a NYC baby getting herpes because of the practice of sucking the blood of the foreskin.

And since I've already written way too much (sorry about that, I guess I have a lot to say... I'm currently writing a book about this Saturn thing) all I'll say is that this all comes full circle back to Saturn. Or Cronus, El, Shamash, the original Sol and Helios, Solomon, etc. And the Jews, at the very least the Jewish elite and their leaders and rabbis, have something to do with this ancient sort of 'worship' that I think has less to do with just Earth being nearer to Saturn and a lot to do with who we really are and our origins. That's all I'll say here for now.

(PS, the Khazar theory is only one piece of a much larger puzzle. I do not recommend following this dead end as being the only origin of the Ashkenazi Jews. Jews were EVERYWHERE long before this in ancient times. From Western Europe to the far Eastern edge of Asia and including North Africa! The diaspora BS does not explain this and Khazaria is only part of it. After all, where did the Khazars come from? Khazars are 1,000 years ago and there was a Jewish problem before this even in Europe in Rome. Jewish history begins where Phoenician history ends, for a reason. DNA haplogroups support this. Yes Jews were in the Caucasus where we find genetic markings that exist wherever the Phoenicians had colonies. Spain, Tunisia, Lebanon, even among Palestinians we find these markings. Do not ignore them just because it places a sizable percentage of Ashkenazi in the middle east. Again, the theory is a dead end and does not explain the presence of the Jew, his language, his culture, his great influence and power in every single era. Do not take your eye of the ball so-to-speak and look at the entire picture with an objective mind!)


i suggest you  rename the thread title 'khazars,the kabbalah and saturn death cults'...this is because it isnt just jews that practice the dark arts


khazars........are important because they are the cannibal fallout of tengrism combined with a resurgent zuism of the occult talmud and later the zohar.  the mind archonic infection is what got transmitted to the khazars and earlier migratory zuism is what created jews and infected westwards and eastwards on metal trading routes. All judaism is zuism. If i can get some time ive been working on Gaelic northern mysticism of the ice age battling the new form of archonically infected zuists via the metal and maths trade; id like too release it more thing hitler was paid 1300 tonnes of gold by ludwig wittgenstein and an unknown sum of cash a week before hitler invades poland, via new york. Paid by british jews whom promply declare war on germany. This is an ashkenazi problem......merely supported by other apocalyptic zuist elements.