Zeitgeist: Addendum

Started by theshowpodcast.com, October 04, 2008, 03:35:52 PM

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Quote from: "GordZilla"
Quote from: "Loxxa"
Quote from: "JohnSavage"Circus Show with Alex J and Zeitgeist creator

I thought this was pretty interesting to listen to thanks for posting it.

I thought it was FUNNY how Alex was countering him and his pompous attitude. I think that Peter (the Zeitgeist creator) MAYBE has overall good intentions but he is a hypocrite and Alex WAS right in pointing that out. Just giving some vague ideas doesn't mean much, there is no real solution... Why does he again push his anti-religious ideas when it's supposedly the "environmental conditioning" that is responsible for human behavior and societal constructs etc. basicly, he picks and chooses his information and uses examples that jive with HIS views! Well fine. Use religion as an example, but again we see the same focus on Christianity and Jesus, why not Judaism? Jewish influence has far more of an effect on our society. What the fuck do Christians do to further our "social construct"? all Christians do is get brainwashed by Zionists and Jews into ignorantly supporting Jewish interest and the Jewish dominated/created system furthing the end JWO. He FAILS at not exposing Zionism or the connections between our political system, monetary system and social systems of control and their links to the Zionists or Jews. He fails to explain the who and why, making it seem as though it's not an issue. He does that for one of a few reasons the main ones I consider is, A. He has reason not to expose it out of personal interest, perhaps he's working for them or has some kind of connection. or B. He's concerned with the audience judging him, gaining more popularity or doesn't want to be labeled, which is again a personal interest that is focused around his own gain.

But if you look at it again it reeks of the same nonsense we see all the time, it's just a further distraction away from other more important information, ideas and facts and is more like the Jewish mind control shit from Hollywood.

I submit that Alex played exactly the part he was supposed to. To 'act the fool' and leave little doubt in the logical and mature mind as to who won the debate. More fuel to Zeitgeist's fire, supplied willingly by Alex.

Both are still crap.

Zeitgeist 2 is nothing more than an advertisement made for the Jewish elite to show off what they plan to have the remaining gentile slaves build for them in their 'perfect utopia' after the mass culling, of course.  Of course it can't work. Ideologists so easily, and to their own detriment, dismiss human nature.

Drop Zeitgeist 2 where we left the first one; in the trash.


Yes, trash. Like all Jewish reverse psychology warfare.

The whole futuristic efficient world concept... What better than machines to take over gentile slavery?
"God moneys not looking for the cure.
God moneys not concerned with the sick among the pure.
God money lets go dancing on the backs of the bruised.
God moneys not one to choose."