Analchore Attacks DBS & Ognir

Started by MonkeySeeMonkeyDo, June 09, 2010, 06:25:22 PM

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<lol> You know they are truly pissed when they type in large, bold font.   (*)> ... ming-jews/
QuoteCapitalist Rats try to Save Themselves by Blaming Jews
Some psychopaths (see the previous post on Campbell) even try to blame the Jews and assuage their own guilt and complicity, but when you look at these people they are no good, they have no vision because they are bourgeois just like the J-ws they decry.

- Ognir of TIU says it is the J-ws that are the problem, he is wealthy and knows a lot about economics; he is a guilty capitalist rat and he knows he is guilty but points at the 'higher crimes' of the banksters

- Daryl Bradford Smith lives on an estate in France, and claims poverty while consorting with economic rats like Ognir and  Rafeeq(don't know about him, probably another capitalist rat since he knows so much about economics)

-Adam Austin who calls for the extermination of all Jews runs a 'business', of unknown moral merit

-Remember the Jewish Kosher Nazi Bill White?  Slumlord!

The world is indeed turned upside down, when the capitalists deprive us, and try to blame the totality of their denuding system on one group of people, when it is them that have bought into the usury system and are even more guilty than the mass of Jews they criticize.

The world will be indeed righted once more, and sadly for the capitalists they will be on the lowest rungs.

The likes of Ognir and DBS should be sent out to slave in the fields for a few years.

Will the likes of Gordon Campbell also seek the politically expedient route of clemency for their crimes against the people, by telling us it was the fault of the Jews?  You can bet on it, as the anti-Zionist movement continues to grow.

By itself the anti-Zionist movement is worthless unless it is also an anti-usury and capitalism movement.

June 9th, 2010 at 11:10 am
I finally see what a deceptive, lying, mentally ill piece of shit DBS and his followers and friends/guests are. The bourgeois thought process is quite apparent.
This is on DBS' website:
The French Connection striking at the root
The Byzantine Solution:
Every pogrom in history has played into talmudic hands, and has been cleverly instigated by them.
-Get the jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.
-Get the jews out of education and they cannot pervert the minds of the young.
-Get the jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation.
-Get the jews out of media and they cannot defile the culture.
-Get the jews out of law and they cannot corrupt the truth.
-Get the jews out of medicine and they cannot invalidate the Hippocratic oath.
Yep, blame the Jews, and everything will be fine eh?
Fuck you DBS, Fuck you Ognir, Fuck your economic scumbags, we are going to have another Khmer Rouge style movement, worldwide... maybe there should be piles of your capitalist pig skulls, maybe not, but the movement should be against the capitalist scumbags of all races, not just to protect some of the guilty at the expence of many others who are not, with the illusion of justice.
Obviously DBS and those like him are not suited as leadership to those seeking justice, when they want to divert us from the criminal system they profit from, whose status quo they would happily like returned to the ages when economic oligarchs could enjoy 'stablility'... but the very psychopaths who they emulate are causing a strain on this system of exploitation... well I'm sorry you scum, but it's not going back, and you are going to be doomed just like the Zionist economic pigs. It is you economic pigs that are the core problem.

Owned in his own comments section!  :lol::
June 9th, 2010 at 12:03 pm
man i have a small estate and live from a garden wow im now an evil capitalist. my friend owns a small computer buisness and puts a small chunck away for a rainy day man he is such a rat. we should rant about something else but hte problems we face and say fuck u and fuck him fuck fuck fuck and hope that decent people will listen to me . hey maybe your jealous that these guys have been prepared for whats coming and u r still paying off mortgages loans and selling yourselves on the streets to pay for ur cars. if they are smart with their money whats wrong. and can you tell me what dbs is actually worth . no. me i have alot of money henery ford was very rich what about benjamen freedman ramsey maul nesta webster did these people deprive us.

p.s. I banned anarwhore about a week ago. He is proabably just itching to want to post again and start more infightng and arguments.  :^) According to this p.o.s. anyone who has money or has done well for themselves is a "capitalist rat". He's just mad becaue he's probably dead-broke living above a bakery or in the basement of a brothel in hymie-town. <:^0


Anarchore embodies many, many Jewish stereotypes. He is a "wanderer", an "internet nomad", who traipses around the internet posting thousands of shit eating comments on blogs, news sites, forums, discussion boards, youtube, etc. He is an internet gutter-dwelling bottom-feeder, a "carp of cyberspace" who runs a gay blog where he posts other peoples articles all day and then spends hours hanging around the comments section on his own site. He is "neurotic", "yappy", "overzealous", "egotistical" and a "control freak" who cannot accept that people have an opinion that differs from his and cries foul when his shotty ideas are rejected. Like Jews, he contributes absolutely nothing original, he doesn't author any of his own pieces, yet still is all too comfortable to offer up his criticism of others who are actually doing something. He pollutes simple ideas with useless rhetoric and circular reasoning, so that we are all helplessly trapped "debating" amongst ourselves in a never-ending circle jerk. He uses the Alex Jones ploy of envoking several "boogeymen" to keep people chasing their tales. Instead of the usual AJ style poltergeists (i.e., "globalists", "elites", "bilderbergers", "luciferians", "illuminati", "skull & boners", "bohemian grovers", "reptilians", etc) Anarchore has invented a "second wave" of ghosts if you will. He will say it's "zionists", "pharisees", "masons", "capitalists" or "systems of governance", when all five essentially amount to the same thing -- the international Jew.

These are the actions of a parasite.  <$>


Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe


The JIDF *JEWISH Internet Defense Force* at its WORST!  


LINDSEY   (*)>
The Military KNOWS that Israel Did 911!!!!