Flotilla of US and Israeli Navy in Suez Canal

Started by mchawe, June 20, 2010, 06:18:39 AM

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http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-d ... a-1.297068.

Is History to repeat itself ?
Rothschild declared war on Germany in 1933 for refusing to pay tribute via the central banking system
Iran unilaterally went off the the US Dollar for payment for oil a couple of years ago.
You can be sure Iran does not pay tribute either.

Iran manufacturing a nuclear bomb ? That is the excuse for the consumption of the sheeple.

An idea of the kind of city Teherean is:

It appears the Aircraft Carrier crossing the Suez is the USS Harry Truman, under the control of Herman "Herm" Shelanski, who is quoted by aish.com as saying "I understood that the strength of the United States is directly proportional to the safety of Israel."
It is believed that there are 3 Israeli nuclear armed cruise missile delivery submarines now operating off the coast of Iran.

Doc Holliday

Sounds more like Satanic Israel is being protected again by the US. Israel probably fears World retaliation and the US Zionists will bow to Israel's demands once again. <:^0