Possible Cancer Cure. A Marijuana/Cannabis Oil Story - A film by David Triplett - Reupload

Started by /tab, July 13, 2010, 04:46:46 PM

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Possible Cancer Cure. A Marijuana/Cannabis Oil Story - A film by David Triplett - Reupload

 06 juli, 2010


Some of the chosen ones are already jumping high and taking themselves the credits about it ?

Jews for Marijuana - Joe Friendly Comes Out of the Closet


. . .  trying their efforts to drive & lead the slaves revolt as usual ?




Open Coversation from Scientists, Doctors, Officers and Judges on Cannabis





Quote from: "fourteento1"thanks /tab!!
Love You Muhfucka!!! xXX OoO.
Such a great post - more reason to keep spending my cash on Kush!!
Which Mary Jane strains do you smoke /tab?


2,700 Year Old Cannabis sativa Discovered

An interesting paper in the Journal of Experimental Botany published back in December discusses the discovery of 2,700 Year Old Cannabis sativa. The discovery was made in the Yanghai tombs in China.

There are an estimated 2,500 tombs in the region that date to around 3200-2000 years BP. A number of the bodies are actually mummified. The tomb we are interested in has been given the designation M90.

The burial at Tomb M90

The burial is that of a 45 year old male. The grave goods included bridles, archery equipment, a harp, a leather basket, and a wooden bowl. Both the basket and the bowl were filled with vegetative matter - about 789 grams (~ 1 pound 11 ounces). Radiocarbon dating was performed and a calibrated date of 2,700 years BP was returned. Analysis of the vegetative material indicated it was Cannabis sativa. Furthing testing indicated it was psychoactive. As the paper points out, there are still some unresolved questions:

Current data do not permit it to be ascertained how the cannabis from the tomb was administered. If used orally, perhaps it was combined in some fashion with Capparis spinosa L., as these plants were found together in a nearby but later tomb at Yanghai ... That date for that tomb was initially reported as 2700 years BP via radiocarbon methods, and since corrected to 2200-2400 years BP with additional calibration employing tree ring data. If this cannabis were smoked or inhaled, no mechanism for so doing has been excavated in the area. The Gushi could have sifted the cannabis through fabric after pounding, then fumigated it, much as described for the alleged cannabis candidate, the Sumerian A.ZAL.LA, administered medicinally for 'hand of ghost'..., since posited as nocturnal epilepsy ... While this culture could have arrived from the earlier BMAC region as 'oasis hoppers' ..., and certain cultural relationships are apparent to the Scythian culture with respect to cannabis use and equestrian prowess, those peoples were Iranian speakers ... In addition, Gushi cultural affinities and burial practices much more closely resemble those of the presumed proto-Tocharian speaking, incense-burning ... Afanasievo peoples in the Yenisei Valley to the north ..., whose putative southward migration some authorities have attributed to 'global cooling' c. 4000 years BP ..., and to their proto-Indo-European-speaking Yamnaya forebears further west, dating to 6000 years BP ... Abundant mysteries remain as to the origins and customs of the Gushi. Additional answers may accrue from future archaeological excavations or human genetic analyses that elucidate relationships with other ancient cultures and modern peoples of the region. The unique SNPs discovered in this ancient sample may yet be of critical importance in tracing the phylogeny and geographic spread of cannabis and the humans who used it.


By the way fourteento1, take please a look to this

The Judaic Role in the Black Slave Trade - Professor Tony Martin begins at minute 10.15





As much as I thought I knew about Cannabis (amidst a city supporting "Hempfest" every summer) I'd always thought the cancer cure claims could be a stretch, and this just buried the coffin of that doubt.  Thanks /tab.  Now on top of all the textile production denied (in favor of plastics) along with the innumerable wasted lives and dollars on incarcerations, we get concrete evidence cannabis cures cancer, well outshining all  cleansing, lubrication, and fuel potentials.  Talk about MuthaFuck-over.  May all dissidents of current Marijuana laws currently under incarceration for crimes against such anti-cannabis statutes be released immediately and all outstanding charges on such merits dropped. ( ...if only to have had for loved ones now gone... :cry: )
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." - JFK, NYC, April 27, 1961


One need not be a prophet to be aware of impending dangers. An accidental combination of experience and interest will often reveal events to one man under aspects which few see.

-F.A. Hayek




 "Possible" was exactly on the title because as for Rick Simpson, Jim Humble, Trevor Marshall  and even Jay Gutierrez they stil have their claims to be researched at extense and just then the truth most certainly will reach out if ANY, because we are not sure yet 100 % of their particular claims,  just time will tell, but after saying that first, sure every adult human being should be able to decide about their own body & soul, and sure we have something here with medical plants, no necessary solving all deseases existing, but in nature are all those marvelous healing  "mother Earth" gems are stil to be explore on helping us and the health of the needed, or do you maybe prefere to continue being at the hands of "the alchemists from talmudic hell working at the pharmaceutical imperial complex" to be treating you when illness appears ? Note here as follows: Trevor Marshall  is using alchemist power but for healing, as it supposes to be when helping people and not destroying them as the imperial kabbalah complex industry doing right now.


See here about why we can't wait for the empire to help us with "cures" against our deseases

QuoteIn 1492, Chemor, chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, when a Spanish law threatened expulsion.

This was the reply:

" Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:

1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.

2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.

3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians' lives.

4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.

5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.

6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.



El primer y principal antecedente es el libro sagrado de los judíos, el Talmud. Es ahí donde se encuentra la raíz de la ideología de la supremacía y el pensamiento de dominio imperialista y explotador.

Otro antecedente muy interesante lo encontramos en relación a un extracto del libro La silva Curiosa de Julián Medrano (libro escrito en el año 1540) donde podemos leer lo siguiente:

"Esta carta siguiente fue hallada por el Ermitaño de Salamanca en los Archibos de Toledo, buscando las antigüedades de los Reinos d´España; y, pues ella es sentida y notable, quiero escribirte la aquí.
Carta de los Judíos d'España a los de Constantinopla

Judíos honrrados: salud y gracia. Sepades que el Rey d'España por pregón público nos haze volver Christianos. Y nos quittan las haziendas y nos quittan las vidas, y nos destruyen nuestras Sinagogas, y nos hazen otras vexationes; las quales nos tienen confusos y inciertos de lo que debemos de hazer. Por la Lei de Moisén, os rogamos y suplicamos tengáis en bien de hazer ayuntamiento, & imbiarnos con toda brevedad la deliberatión que en ello huviéredes fecho.

Chamorra, Príncipe de los Judíos d´España.

Respuesta de los Judíos de Constantinopla a los Judíos d´España
Amados hermanos en Moisén: Vuestra carta recibimos,en la qual nos significáis los trabajos & infortunios que padescéis, de los quales el sentimiento nos a cabido tanta parte como a vosotros. El parescer de los grandes Sátrapas y Rabí es lo siguiente.

A lo que dezís qu´el Rey d´España oz haze volver Christianos, que lo hagáis pues no podéis hazer otro. A lo que dezís que os mandan quitar vuestras haziendas, hazed vuestros hijos mercaderes, para que poco a poco les quiten las suyas. A lo que dezís que os quitan las vidas, hazed vuestros hijos médicos y apotecarios, para que les quiten las suyas. A lo que dezís que os destruyen vuestras Sinagogas, hazed vuestros hijos cléricos y theólogos, para que les destruyan sus templos. I a lo que dezís que os hazen otras vexationes, procurad que vuestros hijos sean abogados , procuradores, notarios y consejeros, y que siempre entiendan en negotios de Repúblicas, para que sujetándolos ganéis tierra y os podáis vengar d´ellos. Y no salgáis d´esta orden que os damos porque por experientia veréis que de abatidos vernéis a ser tenidos en algo.

Ussuff, Príncipe de los Judíos de Constantinopla."




Quote from: "thirdeyewise"Cannabis has many healing properties, many.

Excellent video, thanks.  It sounds like Rick Simpson could still be in exile in Europe after the RCMP last raided his home in November of 2009 (*http://www.phoenixtears.ca/), the forum cites someone seeing him in Czech Republic consulting with officials on Cannabis therapies.  What an amazing example he's setting fighting for freedom by campaigning to distribute hemp oil to cancer patients for free.

I've seen how simple old Castor oil repairs bad sprains and bruises when topically applied (which I only recently discovered first-hand to miraculous effect) so the claims that Cannabis oil cures cancer sound valid to me with all the other alternative benefits of the plant being denied (amidst all the other big lies we've been fed).

The Contemporary Alternative Medical ("CAM") movement is gaining ground, and I'm a first-hand account it corrects things conventional Western medicine can't after two decades of "modern" medical regimen's fucking up my circumstances worse. My Western Doc's now take notes on the alternative therapies I've been forced to find (or else I likely wouldn't be here typing).  I don't see how denial of centuries old wisdom and therapies well known to the East can hold given the number of folks I know discovering great remedies in CAM therapies.

One of the points the "Possible Cancer Cure" vid makes is that the toxicity of hemp is so low there's no evidence of a death from hemp oil.  Or like the "Run From The Cure" vid (on Top Documentary Films) states "Who died from hemp?"  You can't say that about alcohol with too many of us that can cite first-hand casualties of alcoholism.  Cannabis is non-addictive.

(That Jim Humble's a charlatan trying to capitalize on bleach-water when the potential benefits of such a concoction should be left to prescribing drops of bleach per units of water a la homoepathic remedy and instead Humble's barking snake oil genius trying to cash-in like some prosperity preacher.)
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." - JFK, NYC, April 27, 1961


Here in Holland weed & hasjes are labelled "soft drugs" but the oil is classified as "hard drugs" .(cocaine,heroine etc.)

This is strange because the label "hard drugs" is given to substances witch causes mental and physical dependency and Hasj oil doesn't cause these effects.
There is no such thing as "hasj-oil addicts" (exept maybe me :) ).

I have more faith in Rick Simpson than all Dutch doctors combined.(most of em aren't really Dutch but that is well known among T.I.U-ers)


Quote(That Jim Humble's a charlatan trying to capitalize on bleach-water when the potential benefits of such a concoction should be left to prescribing drops of bleach per units of water a la homoepathic remedy and instead Humble's barking snake oil genius trying to cash-in like some prosperity preacher.)

The Debate between HealthWyze.org and Jim Humble about whether M.M.S. is a Fraud

Sarah Cain
The Health Wyze Report
Fri, 06 Aug 2010 16:14 EDT


On the 30th of July, I browsed through my e-mail messages to make a startling discovery. We had received a message from none other than Jim "MMS" Humble. After a brief moment of eye rubbing, to ensure that I had not been hallucinating, I eagerly read his message and then shared it with Thomas. Humble was upset about the unflattering findings that our research uncovered about his cash cow, which I chronicled in the article, Another Fraud Of Alternative Medicine: M.M.S..

In the left corner, we have Jim Humble, inventor of Miracle Mineral Solution. In the right corner, we have weighing in, Sarah Cain of HealthWyze.org

His message thusly began:

Thomas and Sarahlcain,

In looking this site over I find quite a lot of useful information. Thus I wondered if you might be interested in opening a dialogue concerning what I am doing since there is a lot of inaccuracies in you information about my stuff, MMS, that is if you know who I am.

I have no animosity towards those of you who talk as you do. Possibly we could have an amiable dialogue.

up to you

Jim Humble
Thomas replied with:
Mr. Humble,

Yes, we did plenty of research into M.M.S., so we are familiar with you. There are two possibilities that I see here: 1. You really believe in what you are doing or 2. you have real guts. It is possibly both.

We take our work very seriously. Seeking the truth is one of our highest objectives: just behind 'first do no harm'. We would never print anything that we were not absolutely certain was true. Not only are there moral issues at play; but moreover, our credibility is always on the line.

If you would like a chance to debate us, in order to demonstrate that we have been wrong, then I suggest we do it out in the open. Let's not debate privately in the shadows, because complete openness and honesty are principals that we value, and because this issue has the potential to have a massive impact on the lives of our readers. We normally would not make such an offer to someone who we so strongly feel is harming people, but I get the overwhelming impression that you sincerely believe in what you are doing. Your noble intentions have earned you some karma in my opinion.

If an open and public debate seems agreeable to you, then we will need to agree to some basic rules, like how long our debate should last, and how long the replies may be. I will do no editing on your replies, unless you want me to. Perhaps I could use a picture of us and a picture of you at the top, if that's okay. Readers really like that sort of personal touch, and it draws them into the story.
- Thomas Corriher
Jim Humble accepted the challenge, so here we are with the debate for all to see. We play no games and have very few secrets here. Unfortunately, Mr. Humble did not do the same. Immediately after accepting our challenge, we suddenly and coincidentally began getting flooded with pro-MMS e-mails and article comments from people pretending to be concerned average Joes and regular readers of The Health Wyze Report. Mr. Humble and his sock puppet partners apparently believe that we are as naïve as M.M.S. customers are, despite the work that we have already done in exposing him. This MMS brigade has flooded countless online forums with deceptive astroturf messages in an attempt to convince everyone that M.M.S. is a legitimate medicine, and that people all over the world are using it safely every day to cure any and every ailment. Some of these posts even claim that it is doctor recommended by phantom doctors who do not seem to exist, even though it is not approved for human consumption (much less medicine) in any country in the world. Until we began getting such messages recently, a part of me wanted to believe that he meant well, and might actually conduct himself in an honorable manner. Further aggravation was caused by the fact that I have a personal problem with anyone who makes a habit of insulting our intelligence; especially concerning those who have not the intellectual resources to do it. Yes, that's a personal problem, and now all of you know that it is one of my buttons.

I suppose that we should have expected the behavior that he demonstrated from his well known reputation as a con artist; but whenever someone writes that he wants to begin a peaceful and friendly relationship, then a part of me really wants to believe it. I want people to be good and to do the right things, and it breaks my heart that it is so rare. In regard to Humble's infamous reputation, just look him up on the Internet for yourself. Readers will notice that he, and his business partners, are all over flooding forums with dishonest astroturf messages in an attempt to convince us that M.M.S. is legitimate medicine. The number of messages from people clearly hiding their identities and their exaggerated claims grow every time that we look. The usual pattern is that you don't need anything except M.M.S., because it does everything from cancer to AIDS, and it even makes a person stronger than Popeye. The M.M.S. claims are flabbergasting, but they barely compare to Humble's claims about himself.

Did you know that Humble is single-handedly wiping out malaria in Africa? All the Africans had to do was drink his bleach-like 'miracle' solution, and suddenly their malaria symptoms were not so noticeable anymore. Isn't that like hitting oneself on the toe with a hammer in order to forget a tooth ache? Now that's what we call 'medical progress' at HealthWyze. We are still waiting for the proof of Humble's 'miracles', but that data is just too suppressed to ever get out; according to Humble, that is. Convenient, isn't it? In the meantime, we'll just have to bank on Humble's integrity.

Believe it or not, that's not all that Humble has accomplished. According to one of his marketing sites, "Jim" is a former aerospace engineer. We figure he builds full scale space shuttles in his back yard, but that's not all! He also helped the moon missions by designing the lunar rovers. This just the beginning of Jim's glory. He helped design the first atomic bombs too, so he was likely personal friends with Albert Einstein. I must wonder if he constantly insulted Einstein's intelligence too. He also made the first satellite remote control digital logic circuits at Huges Aerospace Corp., and then he innovated analog electronics too, by documenting how forgone vacuum tube based computers work. He did that last task for the less gifted, little people.

On the topic of his MMS websites, there are some unique patterns to them. All of them pretend to be made by independent 3rd parties, yet virtually all of them are hosted with Bluehost. That's just a coincidence, of course. If that were not enough of a coincidence, then how about the fact that each of these sites hides the person who registered their DNS (dot.com name) by using the anonymous Domains By Proxy service? Indeed, the 'Miracle Mineral Solution' web sites' network 'whois' (Who Is ....) information is entirely unavailable for any of the main MMS sites, because all of their registrations are being hidden via Domains By Proxy. A person could get the impression that all those "independent" sites were produced, and paid for by a single person, who is trying to hide his identity.

When he's not building spacecraft for N.A.S.A., one of Humble's favorite hobbies is Photo Shop editing photographs to make it appear as if he has done things that he has not really done, or been to places that he has not really been. Closely inspect these forgeries from his sites.

In these photos, he's playing doctor again, and he is even sporting improperly fitting lab coats. Notice the glow around the guy's head in the yellow shirt, and around the two ladies' heads on the right? That isn't The Force we're seeing. These are remnants of cut and paste operations from photo editing software. Jim may be the world's best aeronautical engineer, computer engineer, and atomic weapons expert, but his Photo Shop skills leave much to be desired. Click on the right image to get a better view of Jim's lackluster photo fabrications. Less informed people might get the impression that Jim is not a completely honest person, but of course, we know that these photos actually show him saving Africa from malaria.

Anyway, Thomas specified the rules of my debate with Humble. The rules specified a 500 word limit for each side's replies, and a single argument per day, which was to last for a period of 2 weeks. Of course, Mr. Humble did not abide by the rules. He pretended like he was too confused to understand our previously agreed upon rules of conduct, once he began sending us his tirades. Considering his supposed past intellectual accomplishments, we found his sudden confusion to be rather intriguing, and it is what we would expect from a sociopathic manipulator. We have seen Humble's type of arrogance before, and we studied Humble's modus operandi enough to anticipate that he would flood us with overwhelmingly lengthy, circular arguments, in an attempt to wear us down. The confirmation of our predictions about him told us that Mr. Humble had no comprehension whatsoever of what, or who he was up against. We were okay with that. He was welcome to make a noose and insert his head inside. So be it.

Round 1


The first mistake that you enter into your Criticism of MMS is that you think that Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorine are the same thing and that they would thus have the same result in the human body. So let me address that point first.

The fact is, there is no available chlorine in chlorine dioxide. It's sort of like table salt, there is no available chlorine in table salt, if there were, you would have been dead long ago. Do you see? Table salt is made of chlorine and sodium. Yet it doesn't kill you. The same situation exists with chlorine dioxide.

Let me suggest a little bit of chemical technology reading. Lenntech a Corporation that sells many kinds of chlorine for various purification purposes has published a technical article on chlorine dioxide that is quoted in many Colleges and Universities around the world. The name of the article is "Disinfectants Chlorine Dioxide." Let me quote just a couple sentences in the paragraph labeled Chlorine Dioxide as an oxidizer: "As an oxidizer chlorine dioxide is very selective. It has this ability due to unique one-electron exchange mechanisms. Chlorine dioxide attacks the electron-rich centers of organic molecules. (I hope everyone understands that pathogens are made of organic molecules) "First, chlorine dioxide takes up a single electron and this causes it to reduce to chlorite: The chlorite ion is oxidized and becomes a chloride ion and that during this reaction it accepts 5 electrons. The chlorine atom remains, until stable chloride is formed from it." I hope you understand what that means. It means that no chlorite or chlorine is formed. It turns to chlorite first, but only for milliseconds and then to chloride (which is table salt.)

To explain those quotes a little bit if it is too technical, the "Chloride" that is mentioned that is formed is table salt (sodium chloride). The chlorine atom remains until chloride is formed. No free chlorine ever becomes available from the chlorine dioxide. The Lenntech.org article goes on to explain that chlorine dioxide has a very low oxidation potential (under .95 volts), much lower than chlorine which is (over 1.4 volts), or oxygen which is (about 1.3 volts), or hydrogen peroxide which is (1.8 volts) and thus cannot oxidize many of the microorganisms in water supplies and other plants where selective oxidizers are needed. And to then explain that in terms of MMS, chlorine dioxide in very low concentrates cannot kill some of the beneficial organisms located in the stomach and intestines that are required for digestion.

This data is available from many different educational sources in the world. Don't take it from me. Look it up for yourself. You may not be aware of the fact that sodium chlorite has been sold in Health food stores for 80 years in the US and was brought to America from Germany about 1930. Only the name was different it is called stabilized oxygen. Hundreds of thousands... [Word count rule exceeded]


Thank you for not getting "too technical" for our feeble minds. We appreciate your concern for us.

Mr. Humble, it has been you who has been intentionally blurring and confusing the lines between the different compounds that chlorine can form. On one hand, you claim MMS is as harmless as salt, while on the other hand, you speak of how powerfully reactive the chlorine is, which supposedly enables it to "kill everything". By the way, we actually agree on that last part. So which is it? Is the chlorine neutralized, so your customers are buying glorified table salt, or is it the powerful reactive chlorine that is well known for its toxicity? Either way, it's called "fraud". You cannot have it both ways, but nice try.

Just so you know, table salt is not harmless either, as I'm sure a great world-changing engineer like yourself knows. The only salt that is almost harmless is sea salt, because it contains minerals that counteract the toxic effects of the chloride. Table salt is well known for its toxic effects, so even if your safety claims were true, you would still be arguing from an eroded position. You also recommend M.M.S. for people with heart disease and high blood pressure, so if your product is safe "like salt", then you are part of their health problems.

As far as its safety, first let us state that your chlorine dioxide is identical to that used for pool decontaminations, and the effects of intentionally consuming it are well known. For one thing, it is an E.P.A. registered pesticide. According to the E.P.A., "Chlorine dioxide is an antimicrobial pesticide recognized for its disinfectant properties since the early 1900s. Chlorine dioxide kills microorganisms by disrupting transport of nutrients across the cell wall."

We already looked it up, and that's why we wrote the original article. The burden of proof is upon you to prove us wrong, if you can.

There is no chlorine dioxide in stabilized oxygen. There is a small amount of table salt inside it. Nice try, but we're well-versed in your sleight-of-hand tricks.

I'm standing here with Thomas' electronics multimeter, with its probes inside some hydrogen peroxide, and frankly, I'm just not getting any voltage reading from it. Should we recalibrate the meter? We are a little slow, after all. Seriously, we can talk about your atomic theories all you want, and go into as many circles with those as you want, but the fact that matters is that the effects of your product upon the human body are already well known, and the electrons really don't care. Let's stick with the real issues here, and you can impress us with your fancy-smancy nuclear knowledge later.

Round 2


In the criticism of MMS the writer continues to confuse the technologies of chlorine and chlorine dioxide not realizing that there is a life and death difference in the two technologies. So let me use the same heading on my article as is used in a section of the Critical article on MMS.

The effects of Chlorine on the Body.

In reading the Healthwyze write up concerning this subject I notice that the problems concerning ingestion of chlorine seemed to be pretty much according to the research of the literature that I also found. Chlorine is an oxidizer and in order to destroy most any compound found in the body, it must in the process of oxidation combine with that compound forming a totally new compound and these new compounds are often carcinogenic in nature. This kind of oxidation is known as chlorination. This is one of the main reasons that most new water purification plants employ chlorine dioxide. It does not combine with the item being oxidized, but rather it steals the electrons that hold the item being oxidized together. With the electrons being removed the item, pathogen or heavy metal or other poison, flies apart into its compounds which can be neutral or a poison. The electrons then change the chlorine dioxide components into a chloride which is the basis of table salt, sodium chloride. There is no chlorine dioxide in Clorox or any of the chlorine bleaches, only chlorine.

You may remember in my last article I mentioned that chlorine dioxide actually has no chlorine available at any time during the chemical oxidation cycle and that includes the degeneration cycle into chloride. The chemical oxidation cycle with any pathogen and chlorine dioxide consists of the chlorine dioxide stealing 5 electrons from the cell walls of the pathogen. The sequence goes like this. First a single electron is drawn off of the cell wall and onto the chlorine dioxide ion changing it to a sodium chlorite ion, but that only lasts for a millisecond or two. Then the newly formed sodium chlorite ion exerts a much heavier attraction and thus 4 more electrons are instantly drawn off. No other ion in pathogen chemistry has this unique sequence. The chlorine dioxide doesn't have the power until it converts to a chlorite and then it blows a hole in the side of the pathogen and thus killing it.

In the case of chlorine dioxide there are a number of conditions that the pathogen must meet in order to be destroyed. The most important condition is the ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) voltage of the cell walls of the pathogen. It must match the voltage of the chlorine dioxide in the proper way to be destroyed. Chlorine kills (oxidizes) everything in its path, but as mentioned above, by chlorination, but chlorine dioxide is very selective. It does not combine; it destroys by disassembling the biological components of the cell walls of the pathogen by removing the electrons that hold it together.... [Word count rule exceeded]


Stealing electrons? That is some bad, bad, naughty chlorine.

Maybe we could get back on topic now. We answered most of this in our previous rebuttal. All of your irrelevant atomic theory smoke screens will continue to get ignored. You may discuss those at a physics or chemistry site. Perhaps they'll even be impressed. We're not. We're concerned only with the health implications of M.M.S., and your attempts to distract our readers away from that topic will fail.

We agree that chlorine kills everything in its path, and so does chlorine dioxide. There is nothing "selective" about either. When your product is used as an E.P.A. registered pesticide, for instance, it does not merely kill the bad pathogens inside termites. It kills them. All of them. A poison in small doses is still a poison, regardless of whatever the electrons are doing. It is also worth noting that we, as humans, have cell walls too, so chlorine is also bad for us. What's worse is those scientific studies, like the one below.
Meggs et al. (1996) examined 13 individuals (1 man and 12 women) 5 years after they were occupationally exposed to chlorine dioxide from a leak in a water purification system pipe. The long-term effects of the accident included development of sensitivity to respiratory irritants (13 subjects), disability with loss of employment (11 subjects), and chronic fatigue (11 subjects). Nasal abnormalities (including injection, telangectasia, paleness, cobblestoning, edema, and thick mucus) were found in all 13 individuals. Nasal biopsies taken from the subjects revealed chronic inflammation, with lymphocytes and plasma cells present within the lamina propria in 11 of the 13 subjects; the inflammation was graded as mild in 2 subjects, moderate in 8 subjects, and severe in 1 subject.
I really liked this statement, "The chlorine dioxide doesn't have the power until it converts to a chlorite and then it blows a hole in the side of the pathogen and thus killing it." Wow, that must be impressive. Could you give us a peer-reviewed, 3rd party, independent study that proves this is exactly what your product does, while not harming human tissues and blood? I mean, I'm sure your contentions are backed with credible scientific evidence, after all. Otherwise, you would just be pulling this stuff out of your butt.

You actually state in one of your movies that your product kills only the weaker cancer cells, which would put your formula in the same category as chemotherapy; if this were indeed true. Didn't you also claim that your product would not harm human tissues (like chemotherapy does)? Aren't the cancer tumors made from human tissues? Oh, I forgot: it's "selective". I suppose the moral here is to never underestimate the intelligence of chlorine, at least not atomically, and always underestimate the intelligence of the Health Wyze Report Staff.

Round 3


It would seem only fair that someone being sarcastically critical of someone else's work should at least know their chemistry so that they can adequately explain the mistakes that persons is making. So let me correct their writing about how pathogens are killed so that later you the reader will be able to understand what really happens to diseases if you should take a drink of MMS.

My critic says, "Bleach kills the pathogens by poisoning them, and then corroding them." But you see that really isn't the chemical process at all. Actually the chlorine in the bleach actually attracts the electrons that hold the pathogen together and the pathogen and chlorine mix together to form a new compound and the pathogen is killed in the process of forming a compound with the chlorine. But although wrong, that really isn't important to us as MMS uses chlorine dioxide and no chlorine is available. Chlorine dioxide kills in a different way. As I already explained the chlorine dioxide removes the electrons that hold it together and it flies apart or at least part of it does.

Then the critical writer asks for a list of bleach resistant good bacteria, and then he says we know that they do not exist and of course I have to agree. But then again I am not talking about bleach and chlorine. I am talking about chlorine dioxide a substance as different from chlorine as is table salt.

The next paragraph the critical writer mixes chlorine bleach and sterilization and chlorine dioxide sterilization so thoroughly together that I cannot explain what he is saying. They are not the same thing. They are not used in industry for the same thing except on occasion Yes chlorine is poisonous to most everything, but there is no chlorine in chlorine dioxide. This is confusing because it has that same word in it "Chlorine," but a chemist quickly comes to understand that they are not the same. If they were the same, then table salt would kill you.

So last year 975 thousand people in the US died after taking a dose of one drug or the other ALL OF WHICH WERE FDA APPROVED. During that same time more than one million people used MMS and not a single one died and many reported getting better quickly. More than 5 million people have downloaded my free MMS book. I have personally given more than 5000 sick people drinks of MMS. Most of them became well in a few hours. I make no money from the sales of MMS. I don't manufacture it, or sell it, or receive royalties from the sale of it. I am just trying to make Earth a better place to live.


We really don't care about your Chemistry 101 homework. Likewise, none of our readers care whether you believe that an electron moves this way, or that. Some people believe gremlins are under their beds, but that has nothing to do with the health effects of chlorine dioxide, or the price of eggs in China.

As far as nobody dying from M.M.S., perhaps you should review the news articles here and here.

You already knew about Silvia's death, because you publicly attacked her grieving husband for telling the press about the horrific details of her death.

Most people won't immediately die from M.M.S., but from long term secondary conditions such as cancers, which will be difficult to trace to their real causes. It usually takes a large amount to die quickly, so most M.M.S. deaths will be conveniently blamed elsewhere.

O.S.H.A. has this to report about chlorine dioxide:
"Chlorine dioxide is a very unstable material even at room temperatures and will explode on impact, when exposed to sparks or sunlight, or when heated rapidly to degrees C (212 degrees F). Airborne concentrations greater than 10 percent may explode... Chlorine dioxide reacts with water or steam to form toxic and corrosive fumes of hydrochloric acid... Chlorine dioxide is a severe respiratory and eye irritant in experimental animals... Chlorine dioxide dissolves in water to produce chlorate and chlorite ions. Chlorite has been shown to produce methemoglobin in rats and cats"
Methemoglobin, a particular type of hemoglobin is useless for carrying oxygen to tissues. Since hemoglobin is the key carrier of oxygen in the blood, its wholesale replacement by methemoglobin can cause cyanosis (a slate gray-blueness) due to suffocation.

The National Institutes of Health reported, "The results indicated that CIO2 may have central neurotoxic potential." (May?)

One of the material data sheets from a chlorine dioxide manufacturer states that chloride dioxide is:
"CORROSIVE to the eyes and skin. Can cause damage to vegetation. Inhalation: Severe respiratory irritant. May cause bronchospasm and pulmonary edema, which may be delayed in onset. May also cause severe headaches. All symptoms may be delayed and long lasting. Long term exposure may cause chronic bronchitis. An LC50 value of 500 ppm/15m3 (rat) is quoted in the literature. Skin Absorption: May be absorbed, causing tissue and blood cell damage. Ingestion: Not applicable except for solutions, in which case the symptoms would be expected to parallel those for inhalation. Hazardous Combustion Products: Chlorine, oxygen, and hydrochloric acid."
Pay attention to: "Ingestion: Not applicable except for solutions, in which case the symptoms would be expected to parallel those for inhalation." Thus, interested parties should investigate the identical inhalation results. (Your own work says its gas is released during product preparation.) We hope those electrons don't mind.

Closing Arguments


Instead of believing you guys are chemists and especially you Sarah, you should spend a little money with a professor of chemistry at a university. You guys are not chemists. You haven't a slightest clue as to the facts here. You are sailing along in la la land. You should have read that paper I suggested.

More than 5 million people have downloaded my basic free book. My total book is printed in 15 different languages. I have done lectures to hundreds of people all over Europe and other parts of the world with many actual chemists in the Audiences. Again you don't have a clue as to the chemistry. I have personally treated 5000 people and another 5000 over the internet all free of charge. More than a hundred thousand malaria victims were treated by people I trained and they were OK in less than 4 hours. Normally 400 out of that many would have died, but there were no deaths. I have seen more people cured of more diseases than any other person on Earth, you you guys are denying thousands of people the chance to overcome their suffering or to live a longer healthier life.

Please tell me why would I do this. I don't sell MMS. I get no income from anyone who does sell MMS. Why would I spend the time in the jungle. Can you possible believe that I just want to stand up in front of people and lie to them for no reason?

I am sorry. I was merely trying to help. All I have gotten out of you is sarcasm and hate. I am going to have to let you poor that out on someone else as I am not going to even bother reading the rest of your rebuttal. The last paragraph I have read is where you have laughingly tried to measure the oxidation voltage of hydrogen peroxide (Round 1). That is so dumb I can't believe you expert chemists could possible prepare the formula for an apple pie. You all have less knowledge of chemistry than a 6th grader and you then you call me names with sarcasm and hate. Frankly I don't see why you don't apply for a nice job at the FDA as you all have the same mentality. Here is a guy trying to help mankind so lets just see if we can make him look like shit. And you can, for a little while, then you will find that you were wrong about everything. I offered to help you and you just treated me worse that a cow.

I must not understand me. Maybe you can help. Why am I spending 18 hours a day doing all this for no income for the last 14 years. People didn't listen at all for the first 10 years, just the last 4 years. I spent all my retirement money and sold everything I own and gave my house trailer away to one of those homeless girls... [Word limit Reached]


Firstly, chemistry is not the solution to the diseases that plague our society. It's the cause.

Your success statistics are only available from you: an uncredible and self-serving source of information. We have given you chance after chance to provide real evidence that M.M.S. has some benefit, and that it is indeed safer than the bleach that it is. With thousands of purported 'miracle' cures worldwide, we would expect for at least one credible, independent, verifiable, 3rd party somewhere to actually document it.

If we ever decide to begin a business of poisoning already sick people (for instance with bleach), then we'll accept your advice about getting proper chemistry degrees. Until then, we'll make due with our inferior educations and intellects.

Unlike yourself, real saints do not boast about their own greatness, stroke themselves publicly, or falsify information. You're far from the altruistic, selfless saint that you have consistently paraded yourself as being. It is unnecessary for truly righteous people to tell us of their greatness, and real saints have no desire to brag about themselves. You are hurting people, and you have willfully chosen to continue hurting people indefinitely. That is the opposite of saintly, as far as we are concerned.

Your allegation of not making money from your M.M.S. scam is cunning. You know that the one thing that we cannot verify is your financial records, and therefore we cannot prove that you are lying about this. Be aware that this will quickly change if you are ever prosecuted in the U.S. for your crimes, because the incriminating evidence would become public records. You can count on us to be one of the first to publish it. We noticed you moved to Mexico, which is a smart move for staying out of prison. I likewise noticed that you said elsewhere, "I live in Mexico, just in case." Would a saint cowardly flee to another country, and would he even have a reason to?

Your personality closely matches a sociopathic boyfriend from when I was age 14. He was a convict and a pedophile in his middle thirties. This boyfriend followed the familiar sociopathic pattern of first reigning me in with fantastic fabrications about his history that made him appear heroic and saintly. Later, when he felt that his position and power had diminished somewhat, he began beating my spirit down by telling me about how inferior I was morally, and about how intellectually crippled I was. We know people like that, don't we, Mr. Humble? Finally, when all else failed, and he had become really desperate from his manipulation failures, he appealed to my conscience with guilt games about how I was hurting a modern day messiah. Sounds really familiar, doesn't it?

You are too arrogant to realize that you were beaten long ago, Mr. Humble, and you're too prideful to ever admit that we read you like a book from the very beginning. I hope this stands as a testament of your modus operandi, so that others will not be taken in by your slick games in the future.

Mr. Humble, you are in ours and many others' opinion, an inherently evil man.

May we call you "Jim"?





Vitamin Cannabis-  Movie Cancer Cure Part One

http://www.metacafe.com/watch/5201168/vitamin_cannabis_movie_cancer_cure_part_one/  <- - -  This has potencial !VIDEO ABOUT A MOVEMENT  

_ _ _ _   _ _ _   _ _   _

A cannabis cure revolution ongoing?    

Is mother nature the answer? the only way to know the flavor of the pudding' s on the  tasting,


A beginning Understanding to how Cannabis plays a role with us


Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede






Exploring the Endocannabinoid System


Medical Marijuana - Dr. Robert Melamede Speech Favorite









They keep saying "This is a work of fiction". I understand they maybe trying to protect themselves from the federal power but maybe it is just that in this case, fiction, time will tell with this Colorado crew

VITAMIN CANNABIS Documentary Film Part One


VITAMIN CANNABIS Documentary Film Part two


VITAMIN CANNABIS Documentary Film Part 3


DrMelamedeResponds to DEA agent's lies stream.mov




Someone patented a simple extraction technique?  I believe it, i.e. the patent, but the absurdity and cronyism smells to high heaven!  We all might wish to patent the distillation of water, and not the special machine used to distill it, justified by a study showing that the improved cell function of distilled water is, say, more efficient than water with mineral impurities.  This cannabis oil patent is fraudulent and a criminal misappropriation of the patent theory.

Which leads me to conclude that studies have been thoroughly performed and the results were probably similar to those reported on the videos.  Being the case, it would make sense for those with plenty of money and influence to protect their racket by any subversive means available.  And, like typical jew behavior, miss-use and twist the law or literally create new law to attain your end goal.

While a young man, living in a cannabis neutral city (Ann Arbor-Hash Bash Era), we often made this 'oil' with the excess stems and leafs using PGA (pure grain alcohol).  These plants grew quite large so there was plenty of 'left over' material.

What I gather from these videos is the actual quantity of this oil to effect an empirically measurable result.  In terms of "smoking", its a huge amount while the route of ingesting this oil makes much sense in terms of side effects and measured dosage.  The videos also explain to me why "pot heads" are really ingesting near 'homeopathic' quantities relative to the dosages required for an effective medical 'cure'.  All very interesting!

Ronny Reagan and his appointment of Bob Bennet-"The Drug Czar" put an end to my consumption days.  What was once a non-enforced law became a witch hunt with life changing penalties.  I decided not to become a crime statistic but am still trying to recall what I did during all those years in college. :lol:   I do, however, hazily recall planting pounds and pounds of seeds in various Professors back yard gardens.   :shh:
I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today.



MMS again in the spotlight






Ms. Arnesen recently wrote on Facebook that she partially attributes her wellness to MMS, heavily marketed to vulnerable, injured, desperate people along the Gulf Coast. MMS, now rebranded and called Advanced Oxygen Therapy. This product is an extremely dangerous potion according to many professionals in the health arena, although others say otherwise.

In an interview conducted by Mr. Jeff Rense, Dr. Rodney Soto spoke in agreement with toxicologists who advocated that "no amount of a toxin is a safe amount."

Dr. Gabriela Segura has recently written that "MMS is dangerous to the extreme," and she "has had reports of fatal symptoms with only ONE drop of MMS."

Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors contends that, based on scientific reports by medical professionals plus the FDA, MMS is a dangerous toxin.

The writer has been unable to reach Ms. Arnesen, but to learn more about the MMS product and its impacts, Ms. Dupré is communicating with the MMS pioneer spearheading it, Mr. Jim Humble.  Communications being prepared will provide statements to the public about his product.






Vitamin Cannabis ~ Part Four (Documentary) - HB 1284 Morals Vs Money




Crohn's Disease Survivor Shona Banda Tells How Medical Marijuana Oil Helps Her "Live Free"

Live Free or Die
Reclaim your Life... Reclaim your Country!
By Shona Banda


The new guide to help us all survive in the new world to come. This book will spark something inside each and every one of us. Mrs. Banda reminds us that we must re-learn the things we have forgotten in order to truly live free in peace and harmony; respecting others, their property, thoughts, speech, and religion. Live Free or Die is meant to help the reader attain knowledge, it is up to the reader to use this knowledge understanding and knowing the risks/ and rewards, involved. The Author is brilliant at explaining her near death experiences with a terminal case of Crohn's Disease. She makes you feel as if you have walked the journey with her as she used a concentrated oil made from the cannabis plant to put her disease to rest. This book exposes deep corruption within our system, and ways to fight it. Picking up Live Free or Die will inevitably change the way the reader may view the world. It may empower the reader to get involved; it will save the lives of many, and will be the spark that will help to ignite the revolution to take back our country.



Scots Sov Gary Talking to Shona  Banda on her complete and full  recovery from crohn's disease using hemp oil.- and Chris Mcclelland regarding solutions


Overcoming a Terminal Disease - The Shona Banda Story - by Justin Kander

I would like to tell you about a friend of mine who defied all traditional reason and was able to overcome a terminal disease. Her name is Shona Banda, and I came to know her after finding out about a book she had written regarding her experience. Once I become acquainted with Shona, and actually read the book, I realized just how powerful she could be in helping to change the world.

Who exactly is Shona Banda? She is simply a citizen of the United States like you or me, with a husband and two children. Shona is in her 30s and has had a varied career life of working as a bartender and banker, among other things. For a long time, she was out of work due to her diagnosis of Crohn's disease. In 2002, Shona learned she had this disease and was set on a path of pain and struggle. For almost eight years, she dealt with neverending pain, a barrage of surgeries, and the constant anxiety of wondering if she was going to die today. But with a family that she desperately wanted to grow old with, Shona never gave up.

It was not long into her disease that Shona's husband recommended she try smoking cannabis. After all, she was constantly throwing up and feeling horrible, and knowing that cannabis helped chemotherapy patients with these symptoms, Shona was willing to try it. She found that it was very effective in alleviating her nausea and helping with the pain, moreso than other things she had tried. For the time being, it was a great relief.

Unfortunately, Crohn's disease is extremely powerful, and smoked cannabis merely helps deal with symptoms. Eventually, smoking stopped working as much and Shona could not find relief by any means. By chance she came across a documentary called Run From the Cure, which explained how ingesting cannabis oil could cure diseases like cancer, arthritis, Parkinson's, diabetes, heart disease, physical wounds, and more. Shona wanted to try it, but the video only specified how to make large quantities of oil, which is hard for the average person to do. She was stuck only being able to dream of relief, with actual bliss just out of reach.

Shona's husband bought her a vaporizer to try and make things better for her. With this kind of device, cannabis smoking is supposed to be more efficient and medically effective. Shona did not like it and felt it was not working at all. Yet her experiment with the vaporizer turned out to be life saving in the end.

After trying out the vaporizer for a couple weeks, Shona's husband noticed that a brown goo was accruing on the inside of the glass. He told Shona that it looked like the oil they had seen in the documentary Run From the Cure. So Shona began eating it in hopes that it would work like the oil. Her hopes paid off.

While she did not feel anything for three days, after that, the changes became immense, and they just kept getting better. Pain that Shona had felt for years melted away, as did the nausea and vomiting. Certain areas of pain that originated from years of intense surgery took longer to heal than others, but that too eventually gave way to the power of the oil.

Shona began taking the oil in early 2009. She was on her deathbed and truly was about to die; anybody could see that. It is 2010 now, and she looks like she never had a disease in the first place. There is no doubt that this oil saved her life and cured her disease; a supposedly terminal condition.

Shona Banda is not the only one whose life has been saved from cannabis oil. There are stories far and wide of people curing terminal cancer with cannabis extract medicine. I've talked to people who have used it with ridiculous amounts of success for fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, Parkinson's, chronic pain, skin cancer, and infections. The oil works for everything!

You do not have to take my word for it. Go out and do some research, as it very well could save your life or someone you love. First, watch the documentary Run From the Cure, which is linked to below along with other testimonials (including Shona). Then tell people about this. Because the only way the world will change is with mass public support, and every day this movement does not get it, literally hundreds of thousands of people die who do not need to.

One of the best things you can do right now is Digg this page. Digg is a social media website that gets millions of visitors every day, and if this story makes the front page, then a large percentage of those visitors can learn the truth about how to save themselves and the world. I implore you to please help with this, as it is a simple yet powerful way to bring others out of pain.




Damn.  You mean that old domed vaporizer was actually good for something!? Just scrape off the film into gelcaps for a treatment!?  I know several folks who needed this production method yesterday.  Thank you /tab.
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." - JFK, NYC, April 27, 1961


Quote from: "ahaze"Damn.  You mean that old domed vaporizer was actually good for something!? Just scrape off the film into gelcaps for a treatment!?  I know several folks who needed this production method yesterday.  Thank you /tab.

If this is a cure and wich diseases it can help with, well, I am stil not sure to wich extend it can help ppl but there are some interesting testimonies coming from out there, my hunch is that chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases are more likely to be a good target, here you can compare to the (trevor) marshall protocol, anyway if your people ahaze  are gonna try it, be sure that Decarboxylation (heating) is involve and maybe even Carboxylation (cooling freezing) in orden to activate and max the quality and amount of the healing cannabinoids, i e freeze first the cush/hemp putting the marihuana into the frezze under the night and then make the oil a lá (rick) Simpson or use the (shona) Banda method. Gelcaps can you get at the drogstore or buy those using the internet, be well !





Quote from: "/tab"If this is a cure and wich diseases it can help with, well, I am stil not sure to wich extend it can help ppl but there are some interesting testimonies coming from out there, my hunch is that chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases are more likely to be a good target, here you can compare to the (trevor) marshall protocol, anyway if your people ahaze  are gonna try it, be sure that Decarboxylation (heating) is involve and maybe even Carboxylation (cooling freezing) in orden to activate and max the quality and amount of the healing cannabinoids, i e freeze first the cush/hemp putting the marihuana into the frezze under the night and then make the oil a lá (rick) Simpson or use the (shona) Banda method. Gelcaps can you get at the drogstore or buy those using the internet, be well !



Thanks for the call-outs on carboxylation and decarboxylation, and encouraging the 'proceed with caution' approach.  There's no quick way into it thanks to the vilification of the plant, so there's no choice but to go slow, but I do know several medicinal users stuck in that stage Shona talks about where all they can do is smoke it for pain relief.  Like Shona they've tried the vaporizers but find the effects too mild.  Like Shona they had the dome vaporizer but unlike Shona they didn't discover they could scrape out the film off the dome to make capsules and so they ended up forfeiting the device.

An acquaintance suffering from a terminal illness who Western Docs told would be dead within 6 months over a decade ago became a regular smoker at that time.  Then when he didn't die the Docs told him he had 12 to 18 months to live, then when he didn't die again they pushed their forecast for his longevity out another 2 years and said they didn't understand it but something appeared to be forestalling his disintegration and so to keep up with whatever lifestyle change he had adopted and quit concerning himself with their forecasts.  The pain mitigation it provides (and these unknown peripheral benefits?) now has him pushing towards 2 decades past their original forecasts.

I know a bunch of folks that prefer to ingest it because they find more mild mental effects and enormously more physical pain relief, but cooking requires larger quantities and control of the dose is tenuous.  Like Shona points out, Rick Simpson's approach also requires larger quantities and a bunch of equipment.  With the dome device affording a concise means of concentrating the vapor crystals, and methods of dealing with the film residue I've known people to adopt without realizing the benefits Shona discovered, her reality check hits like a harsh toke. :Whip:

Ah hah, so it really is all about the CBD not the THC.  Concentrate the CBD and ingest it to realize more complete distribution through the physiology and malfunctioning organs beyond the brain derive therapeutic benefit.  Hmmm, maybe that's why cannabinoids deserved a recent patent.

QuoteUnited States Patent    6,630,507
Hampson ,   et al.    October 7, 2003

Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants

Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. A particular disclosed class of cannabinoids useful as neuroprotective antioxidants is formula (I) wherein the R group is independently selected from the group consisting of H, CH.sub.3, and COCH.sub.3. ##STR1##
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." - JFK, NYC, April 27, 1961


The Israeli's bought up those patents the last I heard (which was around 2003). Ingestion provides differing effects also due to the modification of thc and other CBD's into other forms after they pass through the liver. One of these things is actually much stronger than thc which is interesting. I can vouch for the pain relief and I'm dealing with a chronic musculo-skeletal injury (horrible tendon strain and plenty of scar tissue).

I'm hoping this latest bout of physical therapy will be my last and that I can get back on my feet. Thank god for pot. The opiates can be overwhelming.


Quote from: "jai_mann"The Israeli's bought up those patents the last I heard (which was around 2003). Ingestion provides differing effects also due to the modification of thc and other CBD's into other forms after they pass through the liver. One of these things is actually much stronger than thc which is interesting. I can vouch for the pain relief and I'm dealing with a chronic musculo-skeletal injury (horrible tendon strain and plenty of scar tissue).

I'm hoping this latest bout of physical therapy will be my last and that I can get back on my feet. Thank god for pot. The opiates can be overwhelming.

I'm dealing with similar musculo-skeletal structural realignment, all along my left-side from my ankle to my shoulder, partly the result of my own ineptitude but in large part due to Western Doc negligence.  The corrections for me have only come by ditching Western medicine entirely and receiving soma neuro-muscular therapy in tandem with bio-cranial work from an Osteopath.  It's no exageration to say I've been in blinding pain, unable to see straight, and cannabis stabilized me enough to work through it.  My Western Docs were all looking so stupidly at one another about what to do for me after they fucked me up, they finally conceded and said yeah the cannabis is OK ('but you'll get cancer and you'll become impotent').  So its been a long journey to the realities crystallizing here about the multi-dimensional therapeutic benefits of it, and I only wish I'd figured it out sooner for folks I've seen suffer through more than me.  In any case its become apparent to me and a whole host of others out here in the Jet-fumed Emerald City that the 'reefer madness' campaign hard-tying cannabis with delinquent belligerence specifically targets programming society with a ruse concern.  'Nobody must notice the textile, nourishment, and oil potentials completely apart from the psycho-active benefit, let us moralize to you about intoxicated conduct and create conflict by suppressing a natural resource.'  :evil:
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." - JFK, NYC, April 27, 1961


Spice: Getting High on Synthetic Cannabinoids
Chris Goldstein
Thursday, 04 March 2010 05:33

The new street drug Spice or K2 is increasingly causing a stir. Spice users seek an undetectable marijuana-like high and the product may be delivering. On Wednesday, it was officially banned in Ireland, Missouri and Kansas are actively seeking to outlaw the herbal substance, and the Feds have taken an interest.

K2 BlondeK2Spice can be purchased in stores in the U.S., Japan, Europe and other countries sold as various brands of a smoked product, such as K2. It contains a mix of chemicals on loose, generic plant material. Synthetic cannabinoids are the common ingredient.

The most prevalent is JWH-018, a new synthetic cannabinoid created by scientists to test receptor function in the lab. Here's how it works:
• Cannabinoids binding with the CB1 receptor produces the euphoric effect or high in humans.

• JWH-018 binds with CB1 receptors at a rate four times greater than THC (natural or synthetic).

• The common marijuana drug tests are calibrated to detect THC and THC metabolites, not the synthetics used in Spice or K2.

NORML's deputy director and an expert in drug testing Paul Armentano says Spice or K2 users would pass a drug test.

The Missouri and Kansas efforts to outlaw K2 in some cases lump it in with Salvia, causing confusion about the two separate drugs. Federal authorities are enforcing a new crackdown on shipments of the cannabinoids and the K2 type products, such as two recent seizures of K2 and JWH-018 at the Philadelphia Airport UPS shipping facility.

Renowned cannabinoid scientist Jahan Marcu (below) conducts research at Temple University and is on the Medical Advisory Board for Americans for Safe Access. Last month, he published a landmark paper on the effect of cannabinoids on tumors.

"A brave group of scientists in Germany in December 2008 went out and purchased Spice," Marcu reports. "They smoked it and then proceeded to do blood and urine samples on themselves. In the two scientists who had taken the drug they were able to measure several things: They got red-eyes, increase in pulse rate and cottonmouth. And there was an alteration of mood and perception. They took a relatively low dose in a cigarette: About .3 grams of Spice Diamond,  a variety of Spice. They were able to detect it in their blood. Some of this begs the question: Are these therapeutically useful?"

But the amount of chemicals, minerals, herbs and substances that are combined to create Spice are inconsistent, Marcu says. "In Japan they surveyed over 40 herbal preparations on the market and JWH-018 ranged from 2.0 to over 35 milligrams in a gram of this Spice substance. So it varies widely."

The Spice/K2 phenomenon could have implications for the marijuana policy issue. Though new drug tests might be able to detect JWH-018, it's just one of hundreds of synthetic cannabinoids according to Armentano and Marcu.

This may up the ante significantly in a war that pits the government against people who want to be able to activate their cannabinoid receptor system whenever they choose.

Although long-term safety of these products is still a big question, Spice and K2 don't seem to be going away. As they are prohibited, they'll simply move underground, sadly right alongside natural cannabis.

Chris Goldstein is media coordinator for Philly NORML and hosts Active Voice Radio

Jahan Marcu photo by CelebStoner

Quote43 Saturday, 26 March 2011 11:34
If you haven't tried herbal incense or aromatic potpourri before, you need to be really careful. Start slow. It's not like weed where the effects are immediate. Take a puff and wait 15-20 minutes to see what the effect is. Only then will you know if you should smoke more or stop there. My favorite incense is Freedom .50. Just relaxes you and gives you a really mellow, less inhibited feeling. Love it. If you want to go into orbit, I would try Cloud 10 Vortex. Again, please, please, PLEASE don't smoke more until you've waited to see how it works on you. These things are stronger than the natural stuff.

http://www.celebstoner.com/201003043876 ... noids.html
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan


Some research on Cannabinoids and Gliomas:

http://www.bbm1.ucm.es/cannabis/archivo ... 4-1385.pdf

QuoteAmphiregulin Is a Factor for Resistance of Glioma Cells to Cannabinoid-Induced Apoptosis

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, School of Biology, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain


Cannabis: from pariah to prescription
 By Ethan Russo

After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan


Thanks for the book-link, CSR.It looks promising from the intro.(although the alarm went off on ''Russo")

One thing i know is that the oil really works, i don't discuss it because of the illegality but it's the most amazing thing i've seen.

I think, now with the radiation, it's a smart thing to consume the oil as a prevention for nasty things to come.


This is likely also related to Cancer... but is relatively unknown at this time... if you look at how Cancers are "powered" you see the same things in MRSA.


Chemicals in Marijuana May Fight MRSA
Study Shows Cannabinoids May Be Useful Against Drug-Resistant Staph Infections
By Caroline Wilbert
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Pot Fights MRSA

Sept. 4, 2008 -- Chemicals in marijuana may be useful in fighting MRSA, a kind of staph bacterium that is resistant to certain antibiotics.

Researchers in Italy and the U.K. tested five major marijuana chemicals called cannabinoids on different strains of MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). All five showed germ-killing activity against the MRSA strains in lab tests. Some synthetic cannabinoids also showed germ-killing capability. The scientists note the cannabinoids kill bacteria in a different way than traditional antibiotics, meaning they might be able to bypass bacterial resistance.

At least two of the cannabinoids don't have mood-altering effects, so there could be a way to use these substances without creating the high of marijuana.

MRSA, like other staph infections, can be spread through casual physical contact or through contaminated objects. It is commonly spread from the hands of someone who has it. This could be in a health care setting, though there have also been high-profile cases of community-acquired MRSA.

It is becoming more common for healthy people to get MRSA, which is often spread between people who have close contact with one another, such as members of a sports team. Symptoms often include skin infections, such as boils. MRSA can become serious, particularly for people who are weak or ill.

In the study, published in the Journal of Natural Products, researchers call for further study of the antibacterial uses of marijuana. There are "currently considerable challenges with the treatment of infections caused by strains of clinically relevant bacteria that show multi-drug resistance," the researchers write. New antibacterials are urgently needed, but only one new class of antibacterial has been introduced in the last 30 years. "Plants are still a substantially untapped source of antimicrobial agents," the researchers conclude.

http://www.webmd.com/news/20080904/mari ... fight-mrsa
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan


Add this amazing child to the list of cases demonstrating the curative powers of cannabis.  

Here's a recent article telling the boy's tale.  Don't let the headline fool you, it should read 'cannabis cures cancer ridden two-year old on death-bed'.  This child endured great suffering first from the cancer and then undergoing chemo before the cure found its way.  I've already seen too many similar storylines play out without the delivery of the cure.

QuoteFather: Medical marijuana eased pain of my cancer-battling son

SPOKANE, Wash. -- June 21, 2008 is a day Mike and Kalli Hyde will never forget. It was the they brought their second son into the world.

Cash "Cashy" Hyde was born a healthy baby boy in Missoula. Never could his parents have imagined the journey little Cashy's life would take.

"He was just your average happy little kid," said Mike. "Then he started to get to get sick."

It all started shortly before Cashy's second birthday.

"He started being very tired, sleeping a lot, cranky. He started throwing up," Mike said. "We took him to the doctor, and the doctor would tell us he had mono."

For six weeks, doctors gave the same diagnosis times over, but Mike refused to accept it. His instincts told him something was terribly wrong.

"I was like, 'He's dying in my arms. We need to take him somewhere else.' So we took him to the ER. That's when they did a CAT scan and found the 4.5 centimeter tumor on his brain."

Within hours of arriving at the ER, the Hydes were on their way to Salt Lake City. At Primary Children's Hospital, they received the devastating news: brain surgery revealed a PNET tumor wrapped around Cashy's optic nerve.

"When we arrived in Salt Lake in May, Cashy was so sick, his eye was starting to get pushed out," Mike said. "He was sleeping 16, 18 hours a day. He was vomiting. He was pretty much as sick as you can get without being on your deathbed."

Doctors cut into Cashy's brain, but were only able to remove 10 percent of the tumor. The Hydes could only hope aggressive treatment could the rest. Doctors recommended three rounds of chemotherapy followed by stem cell rescue followed by three more rounds of high-dose chemo.

"The first night of chemo, we did 10 hours worth of seizures down in the ICU," said Mike. "The doctors told us then, 'He could have brain damage from these seizures. We don't know where it's going to be in the morning."'

Cashy survived the night. He spent his second birthday in a hospital bed, swollen and sick from the medication intended to save his life. Doctors were uncertain whether he'd see his third birthday.

"It's overwhelming, I guess, to say the least," Mike said. "We had a lot of scary things happen. In June, he got a blood infection, went into septic shock, went into the ICU, ended up coding and they had to resuscitate him. I was standing like two feet away. I had to watch the whole thing.

"There were a lot of days we were told we weren't going to beat it. 'You're not going to take him home. He is going to die.' Those are the days you have to really believe."

They believed and they prayed. High-dose chemo was killing Cashy's cancer, but it was making him sicker than ever. He was taking 120 milligrams a day of five different drugs to make him comfortable. That, Mike said, wasn't helping to ease Cashy's pain.

"By the end of September, he had gone 40 days without eating. He was vomiting nine, 10 times a day. He couldn't lift his head off his pillow. He was laying their shivering," Mike said. "The doctors came in and I said, 'Is there anything I can do for Cash?"'

The doctors had no answers, so Mike found his own -- relief for Cashy in the form of cannabis oil. It's illegal to possess without authorization from a medical professional. It's something doctors wouldn't even discuss.

Mike got authorization to give Cashy the oil and, without telling them why, told the doctors to wean Cashy off the anti-nausea cocktail. Inserted through Cashy's feeding tube, a tiny amount of oil replaced all those drugs. The result, Mike said, was almost immediate.

"You're watching a kid who hasn't had the will to eat in four months, five months actually take a bite of something," Mike remembered. "He hadn't eaten a thing in 40 days, and it was really incredible to watch him take a bite of a piece of cheese. It shows that he wants to live."

Cashy's last round of high-dose chemo involved no anti-nausea drugs. Mike said the doctors were amazed. He never told them what had changed.

"I wanted to tell them, 'Hey, he's on cannabis oil.' But I didn't want them to take it away from him," the father said.

KXLY4 wanted to know about side effects, about the dangers of giving kids as young as Cashy medical marijuana. But despite the fact it's not illegal in Washington or in Cashy's home state of Montana, no doctor wanted to discuss it on camera.

But a nurse practitioner at THC clinic in East Spokane had a few words. Shari Allen travels every few week from Oregon to evaluate potential patients and sign off on medical marijuana permits.

"What I try to do here at this office is create an atmosphere that is truly medical. Because I do believe that cannabis is a medicine, and we're trying to use it as a medicine," she said.

As someone who's spent many years working with pain management, Allen believes in the power of this drug and its benefits for cancer patients. She signs off on up to 50 patients a day. But she wouldn't say whether she's ever signed off on a patient as young as Cashy.

"It is not common, and I'm not going to say whether I've authorized for a child," she said.

That's a typical answer, as doctors are concerned about federal law and company policies. Mike Hyde, though, doesn't care about the controversy or the political battle over this drug. He cares that his son survived and is convinced cannabis not only helped Cashy feel better, but also prevented long-term damage to his organs. For Mike, the proof is in his vibrant 2-year-old boy.

"Its very controversial. It's very scary," he said. "But there's nothing more scary than losing your child."

A few weeks ago, Cashy returned to Salt Lake City for scans and learned he is now cancer-free. He's back home in Missoula, back with his family and back to teasing his big brother, Colty. In a couple of months, he'll spend his third birthday like every kid should, with the fight of his life behind him.

Throughout their ordeal, the Hydes family received tremendous support from their community. Now, they're paying it forward. The Cash Hyde Foundation aims to provide financial and emotional support for families whose children are battling cancer.
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." - JFK, NYC, April 27, 1961


Quote from: "ahaze"[...]
Ah hah, so it really is all about the CBD not the THC.  Concentrate the CBD and ingest it to realize more complete distribution through the physiology and malfunctioning organs beyond the brain derive therapeutic benefit.  Hmmm, maybe that's why cannabinoids deserved a recent patent.

QuoteUnited States Patent    6,630,507
Hampson ,   et al.    October 7, 2003

Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants

Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. A particular disclosed class of cannabinoids useful as neuroprotective antioxidants is formula (I) wherein the R group is independently selected from the group consisting of H, CH.sub.3, and COCH.sub.3. ##STR1##

And finally following up to the 2003 patent of cannabinoids we now receive this exciting new innovation soon to be delivered by big bro pharma...

CBD Extraction Process Patent Pending by Medical Marijuana Inc. Consortium (THC Free Product Line)
CannaBANK Transfers Third Asset to Medical Marijuana Inc. SkinAgain Joint Venture

SAN DIEGO, CA — Medical Marijuana Inc. (PINKSHEETS: MJNA) and CannaBANK™, in association with SkinAgain® (_http://www.skinagain.com), a Carlsbad, CA-based cosmeceutical firm, are proud to announce a patent filed for extracting cannabinoids (CBD) from cannabis.

Recognizing the potential healthcare benefits of cannabinoids, the United States government successfully filed a patent for CBDs as antioxidants and neuroprotectants that was granted on October 7, 2003 (see _http://tinyurl.com/6hwwmt). Cannabidiol, the most specific non-psycho active, beneficial compound had originally been listed in the Federal Register (7372) as a Schedule 1 drug or substance but was notably absent from the list in a Code of Federal Regulations change since April 1, 2010. Some of the benefits stated in the government's patent brief included cannabinoids having antioxidant properties and being useful in treating autoimmune disorders, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV.

CannaBANK™ and SkinAgain® researchers, while undergoing a thorough 'landscape' patent search and discovering that CBDs were removed from the Schedule I list, designed a specific process that would not only extract CBDs, but also remove the Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC) from cannabis, which would result in a form enabling end users to receive the full efficacy of the CBDs without experiencing any of the psychoactive effects caused by THC. The THC-free cannabinoid material will be formulated into capsules, tablets, and topicals. CannaBank expects to release the first CBD-infused products into the marketplace over the next several months.


Medical Marijuana Inc recognizes the vast and unequaled opportunities that exist in the rapidly expanding hemp and medical marijuana industries. The scientific recognition of cannabis has brought legalized marijuana use to the forefront of mainstream discussion, thus opening the door for safe and lucrative investment opportunities.


CannaBANK's mission is to help create a sustainable economy which in turn helps create a sustainable planet offering health and economic freedom through education and awareness.

Riiight, because it's not possible to grow non-psychoactive, high-CBD hemp.  :crazy: :Whip:
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." - JFK, NYC, April 27, 1961



The REAL Cure For Cancer And Many Other Things








Great documentary, a must-see imo.Thanks for posting /Tab.

Bit ironic that the uploader's name is ''Legalizeisrael", when the jew-pharmaceutical industry and jew-petrochemical industry are the main reasons for the present legislation involving cannabis.