TFC Thursday 26 August 2010: DBS / Dr. Nancy Turner Banks MD - Pt II.

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TFC Thursday 26 August 2010: DBS / Dr. Nancy Turner Banks MD - Pt II.;32;17.mp3

Cookin'... and chillin'.

Chapter 9 of her book: Henry Kissinger/Nixon/China/drug production.
Congressman Gerry Vorhuis (sp.?) understood the Federal Reserve's impact and wrote little book called "Out of Debt, out of Danger". This man threatened the banksters so Nixon got their backing for Presidency.

The 1960s during the VietNam war: social changes, sexual liberation, Women's Lib., Civil Rights Movement (but Civil Rights for Jews, not for you whites and blacks as Eustace Mullins might say).
MK Ultra program introduced LSD and other drugs into youth scene. The Elite knows how to make adjustments but without making any substantive change to the power base. US (CIA) was buying drugs from VietNam; Viet-Cong buying weapons from Chinese. This became a strategy; drugs are a currency for e.g. weapons.

Nixon was working to open markets in China knowing those markets were supplied by, in effect,  slave labour which would undermine the US workforce.

Dr. B grew up in the Mid West and witnessed towns like around Akron that were formerly prosperous manufacturing towns being decimated.
Nixon's War on Drugs and War on Cancer. Late 1960s Dr Otto Warburg (who was a Noble prizewinner twice) understood cause of cancer as changes in inner energy metabolism of the cell and was making waves. His funding seemed to dry up around then. (See Eustace Mullins: Murder By Injection for broad commentary on this theme of cancer as the lucrative industry).
Donald Rusted instrumental in pushing certain pharmacy drugs like sweetener aspartame which is a neuro-toxin.
Vitamin K and redox metabolism of the cell keeping itself healthy, chemical things are secondary to the electrical or electrical magnetic force.
Recent research suggests 85% of drugs on the market have little effect. Iatrogenic "Death by Medicine" (Gary Null).

Banco Santander built on drug money says DBS. Dr. B. says Iran Contra. was a scam on the US people, drugs were used to trade with terrorists, selling arms to Iran. George Bush Snr seemed to be in charge of running it but he was not visited with any retribution. Crack cocaine epidemic started to erupt in inner cities. "Dark Alliance" book. Katherine Austin Fitz documented that Govt was targeting Afro-Americans and Hispanics for drug dependency. Properties in drug neighbourhoods lost value and were bought up cheap and packaged portfolios sold.

Globalists don't identify with any particular country, they regard it all as just business, however socially destructive eg drugs: so alleging treason is irrelevant to them.

Eugenics idea associated with Nazi Germany but it had been developed in the USA before then; ideas of restrictive breeding tied in with excess population numbers.

DBS: the Bill Gates Foundation and inoculations in Africa.
Chapter 11 of Dr Banks' book - pellagra mainly in southern USA, nutrional deficiency from bad diet, niacin / Vit B lacking. Also immune system gets compromised so open to other infections. Harrimans and other East Coast Liberals put up a lot of money into research but that research was buried for 20 years; same being done with AIDS research now. Eugenics freaks knew the problem wasn't infection but diet and let it run.
Bertrand Russell (see The Impact of Science on Society, 1953 in particular) George Bernard Shaw started promoting in literature ideas of culling the herd.

Conspiracy Theory (two words lately joined at the hip!): Conspiracy also is itself a crime, even if the intended outcome can't be proven.

Burroughs-Wellcome produced drugs known to be immuno-suppressant.

People given the drugs sometimes developed AIDS type symptoms like Kaposi's Sarcoma; but when the drugs stopped, these, lymphomas etc went away. So some cancers shown to be reversible.
Opiates are immune-deficient and crack cocaine causes immune deficiency more than opiates and this was known in the literature. Amyl-nitrite to dilate heart vessels but adopted by Gays. Kaposi's sarcoma victims were using a lot of this drug.

DBS: Dr Lorraine Day said that lifestyle was cause of AIDS and dangers inherent in male homosexual practices. Dr B. emphasis: those afflicted were multiple partnered. Semen is oxidising and cases tissue damage causing rectal tears and blood stream entry.

Energy is used up in fighting environmental toxins and this will result in disease of some sort.

HIV studies show no evidence that HIV is a sexually transmitted disease. HIV test (Gallo(?)) is indirect and tests for HIV sugar proteins but shown to cross react with 70 different things, including flu vaccine! This could mask a more dangerous cause.
Dr Duisburg (sp?) being isolated for his heterodoxy on AIDS cause.
Glutathione (sp?) is method by which body stores energy, when depleted, body cannot function effectively, it seems to be a marker of the AIDS syndrome of 29 or so diseases. Dr Otto Warburg's work needs to be rediscovered.

US Health Bill {sidenote not raised in the talk: does it really envisage you can be forced to take the chip????}: scope for counteraction from people refusing to take mandatory vaccines for entitlement to health care.
Last Chapter: positive actions for AIDS / HIV patients. Most important is Glutathione, n-acetylcystein (sp?) but it needs selenium to work and possibly others, listed in her book. Deficiencies relevant eg Vitamin K, Co-enzym Q-10, L-arginine, omega 3 fatty acids etc short in Western diets. Also many people dehydrated. Be conscious about energy use, personal relations' impact on health: stress.

DBS mentions the Power of  Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale {actually a  32/33rd degree Freemason I believe who was rewarded for his perpetuation of the "create your own reality",  ye will be as gods, meme}.

People must also take responsibility for taking care of their health, not just pill popping.

But hard to get people out of a comfort zone TV hypnotism state of delusional security.

But read around; don't believe Dr B. or DBS or anyone else; come to your own conclusions - and that's the power of the secret!

Her book: "AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire: the Deadly Virus of International Greed".