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Something New! How about: a critique of BBC: Pannonica Rothschild?

Started by Helphand, September 29, 2010, 04:39:58 PM

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Something New! How about: a critique of BBC: Pannonica Rothschild?

BBC 4 TV 2008/9 - Hannah Rothschild presents: The extraordinary story of her eccentric great aunt, Pannonica Rothschild: the baroness of the bebop jazz revolution.

  Something a bit different!   Audio rip from the above TV program.

  Features interviews with Hannah Rothschild's  great aunt Miriam, one of  Pannonica Rothschild / Nica's sisters. Nica was born December 10, 1913 (@16:45 of MP3 part  #1 below).
  Helen Mirren (Jewess of course) does the voice over of Pannonica (Nica) Rothschild.
  The above program has been on UK TV a few times. It portrays a rather different view of a "Rothschild": see below.  Daryl likes Jazz (ahem, "psychoemotus", PLEASE) so he might want to listen to the three portions of the unedited but slightly truncated soundtrack, urls below.
  No doubt either one or two stalkers that I've collected on this board or crypto-Jew mudslingers will lambast me for this one but WTF  :)

  My edited short version 5.92MB, reduced bitrate of 32kbs 22050Hz but loud 'n' clear, 25:53:43 minutes.


  Full soundtrack MP3 in 3 parts. The last part seems to cut off a few minutes before the end of the scheduled program:




  •  Someone once said to me: "These Jews play the Goyim like a violin."

  Paints a quite different view of (some - or just one - of) the Rothschilds; dialogue with Miriam who claims some died in the concentration camps in WW2.

  Fairly clearly constructed as good PR for Rothschilds and enables them to give vent to some whining about "anti-Semitism"  - AKA people justifiably defending themselves against unprovoked economic, spiritual etc attacks - but is it all a  big lie? (Well it is the BBC of course). Naturally Cherep-Spiridovich (The Secret World Government) (1926) refers in detail to the in-fighting of the Rothschild clan and their acts of murder upon members of their own family in the 19th century. Neverthless as TiU / the TFC seeks the truth (and this has some nice T. Monk stuff in it) you might consider a show on this or part dealing with the "facts" its actors represent.


  @26 of #1: Nica's sister Unity always took her pet rat to dances...

  Part #2: start - Nuremburg laws stripping Jews of rights, then germans entered Sudetenland and 1000 synagogues burned down and 30,000 Jews taken to concentration camps...
  Miriam R. says: One of the aunts aged 80 was caught in the Holo and taken to Auschwitz and removed from train with meat hooks (BS meter is flickering) and beaten to death. Nica in France escaped on boat and went to States; her mother-in-law was sent to Auschwitz and died there. UK Govt asked Nica's brother Victor R.[**] as head of British Jewry to give his response to events unfolding in Europe -- listen to broadcast quote. Pannonica enlisted as private driving ambulances, decoding and broadcasting (?) and caught last days of Reich. An uncle of Miriam R. she says survived in Hungary in a concentration camp.

  @15 of #2: mental problems[***] of Nica's father Rothschild, he killed himself. Her sister Liberty was a schitzophrenic (@23 of #1).

  @26 of #2: Charlie Parker's death in Nica's apartment.

  @28 Nica'd been an alcoholic. End of #2: current Lord Rothschild by sound of voice comments that Nica on waking would practice pistol shooting in her hotel on waking...

  @2 of #3: the cat house: her 306 (sic - from ~4:26 of part #1) cats, Cootie her favorite... Cat Houses of New Orleans / Jazz Cats.

  @5:38 of #3: sentenced to prison for her or Monk's possession of cannabis.

  @9:02 of #3 Nica had apparently been let out of prison... how surprising!  Lighting a candle to St Martin! "She got off on a  technicality"....

  •   ..."(2d) Marquess of Reading. He is the son of the late Rufus Isaacs, who was a privy councilor, and who was Lord Warden of
the Cinque Ports, a position once held by the present King when Prince of Wales; was also Viceroy of India, and was chiefly responsible for the "white paper" surrender of that vast empire, won to us by British valor and retained by straight dealing; was
made Lord Chief Justice of England 3 months after having admitted publicly his "mistake of judgment" in connection with the
Marconi scandal. Rufus Isaacs' brother was the power behind the British Broadcasting Co., and appointed its chief, Sir John

[**] An MI6 spy who abused his position by secretly passing British intel to Israel. See Peter Wright's ("With Paul Greegrass" - uh-oh - Published by Heinemann - uh-oh#2) "Spycatcher" (1987) - Wright was either a dozy dupe or in on it in which case was publication of  Spycatcher venting for controlled opposition?

[***] Mental Illness and Jews:

  William Zebrina Ripley: "The Races Of Europe" (1899).
  http://www.archive.org/download/raceseu ... pluoft.pdf

  page 385:
  "In conclusion, it may be said that these people are prone to nervous and mental disorders; insanity, in fact, is fearfully prevalent among them. Lombroso asserts it to be four times as frequent among Italian Jews as among Christians. This may possibly be a result of close inbreeding in a country like Italy, where the Jewish communities are small.
  It does not, however, seem to lead to suicide, for this is extraordinarily rare among Jews, either from cowardice as Lombroso suggests, or more probably for the reason cited by Morselli namely, the greater force of religion and other steadying moral factors."

  Eustace Clarence Mullins: "Mullins' New History of the Jews" (1968).

  page 146:
"Unable to accept himself for what he is, the Jew invents other explanations of himself, and when he begins to accept these delusions as reality, this is legally defined as insanity. Dr. Martin F. Debivoise recently concluded a ten-year study of Jews in New York. He found that 43% of them were mentally disturbed to the degree that they should be hospitalized. He also made a study of one thousand marriages between Jews and gentiles during this period. He found that 847 of these marriages ended in divorce within five years; in 681, there were no children, and of those who had children, 73% developed leukemia or cancer before the age of puberty. Typical was the death of the son of John Gunther from cancer as a product of one of these mixed marriages."


Thanks for the mp3s HelpHand interesting finds on the Rothschild family.
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan


Well, lookey here... birds of a feather...


Peter Mandelson documentary paints 'accurate picture'

"Mandelson: The Real PM?" ... Hannah Rothschild-directed film was premiered at the London Film Festival.

The director said the project had been "like being in the wake of a Great White Shark".

"He never stops, he is all seeing and all knowing," she said.

Classic bit of elite Luciferian Jew solidarity there, also as usual aggrandising themselves to the status of God himself.