TFC Sunday 3 October, 2010: DBS / John Kaminski

Started by Helphand, October 08, 2010, 02:12:43 PM

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TFC Sunday 3 October, 2010: DBS / John Kaminski ... 3-2010.mp3

DBS: websites spreading fear, inciting violence. Fish killed by Oil spew across Mexican Gulf and spreading into Bahamas and Azores. Jeff Rense worrywort still pushing Henry Nyman on bird flu/vaccines; Dr Patricia Doyle(-stein?) on MRSA.

JK: fear mongering evident on; we know the problems, what are the solutions? Many people want the adrenaline rush or sense of participation of following fearful news on the net; reports of "bleeding from orifices" from the Mexican Gulf episode but 200 miles south of the spew locals ask what is the problem? Dolphins back, birds back, nothing obviously wrong in SW Florida - but dead commerce-wise.

All still waiting for second shoe to drop.

DBS: what to do? He recommends independence outside money stream, grow own food, wood fuel.  Legal paperwork supporting bank's home repossessions defective.

JK: usual scam of rowing the money supply, deflation, sucking money out of the system forcing fire sales as insufficient money in circulation to meet commitments.

DBS: just like forced farm sales in 1930s in Oklahoma / Ozarks.

JK: the trick keeps working cyclically because each new generation forgets the scam perpetrated on its predecessor and has been deceived by zio-media. Writing an article like "Dinosaur Fever" 4 years ago - know something's comin' but what is it and what to do?

DBS: unrest in European countries feeling pressure of "austerity" but anger not directed. Alex Jones pushing fear as per usual. Jeff Rense {does/did his mother have Mossad connections? per Ognir with CSR on TiuRadio 3/10/2010} now starting to blame Islam for the problems. Hard to know who to believe in the alternative media; DBS has been scammed: planet X/Nibiru. Eustace Mullins a link to previous generation of writer-investigators like Douglas Reed, Archibald Maule Ramsay {JK: many more than there are now!}; perhaps few writers today but more in the general population are switched on to the problems and the cause of them.  People asking worldwide why 7 out of 10 billionaires are Jewish when Jews represent 2/10 of 1% of the global population.

JK: that's a question that has been asked for 3,000 years!

DBS: not by as many as are asking today!

JK: the Rothschild based financial octopus has funded both sides in every war since 1600s: that's the big money maker. Jacob Schiff helped Japan build its arsenal to fight Russia in 1905 Russia-Japanese war as Jews wanted to destroy Russia - USA betrayed Russia, the nation that had helped USA preserve the Union in the US Civil War {See Cherep-Spiridovich: The Secret World Government OR the Hidden Hand (1926) for details on this} Standard divide and conquer MO.

DBS: USA was German centric before WW2 {1933: "Judea Declares War on Germany". Also Theodore N. Kaufman: "Germany Must Perish!" (1941)} Jews behind the Jacobite Scots Freemasons and the French Revolution - Les Miserables stage play illustrates the starvation attending the French Revolution. {See: Nesta Webster: The French Revolution (1920); Sir Walter Scott: Life Of Napoleon (1827) vols. 1-9.}

JK: once people understand this background they will wake up to the Left/Right paradigm and the other {Baconian/Hegelian} dialectic side shows which are to distract us from seeing who pulls the strings. Need to see first WHO is the problem before can defend against it.

Musician Bono's charity - 99% of money collected went to the charity admin, only 1% to beneficiaries! Typical for organised charities today. c.f. the Church charitable works. {Who said: every movement starts as a cause; becomes a business; and ends up as a racket?}

JK: say anything negative (however right) about certain topics including Jews and you get the HAMMER down on you. Rick Sanchez's sacking from CNN. Cannot speak candidly about this one section of society, which incapacity impedes action on it.

DBS: Should say John Stewart Liebewicz (sp.?) John Liebewicz is the name, what's he hiding changing his name? {Like JEW Bonesman & pretend-Irishman John 'Kerry'}

JK: JS known as a comic, soft-shoeing for Israel.

DBS: And he vilifies Islam, has an international version of the program out over Europe. It is a Jewish conspiracy.

JK: more reinforcement of the idea that you can't discuss these people or you will suffer the consequences: people knuckle under.

DBS: nearly all of Alex Jones' organisation is Jewish. Gerald Celente staff [entirely] Jewish, he won't address the Jewish element {is Celente a crypto/marrano by any chance? He sounds either drunk or highly excitable in a Jewy kinda way. He's also pretty gross in his conversation which is Jewy too, and that grossness has been remarked on elsewhere.} Gilad Atzmon a Jew who has been on target. Unlike Chomsky he has been honest. Must be prepared to identify the problems as ensuing from a Jewish leadership. How to fix?

JK: complex. US citizens have job and home loss problems but may be heading to worse like Afghanistan. Distractions like sport mentioned in Protocols of Zion.  {"Keep them busy, busy, on the farm". -H.K.}

Civilisation has resulted in dispensable people. To fix it involves belief systems and religious perspectives of divisions over small differences.

DBS: contrast faith and religion/ideology. The latter is the thing that can be manipulated to divide and rule. Hero worship {celebrity cult} is another distraction.

JK: they build up political stars like Stalin, Noriega, Clinton only to destroy them. Objective? Demoralisation.

DBS: good information can be attacked by linking it to someone and then character assassinating them (or linking to an already bad character): Charlie Sheen (real name {Carlos Irwin} Estévez; a marrano Jew?); {JK: Rosie O'Donnell}. Icelanders have kicked off against the banksters; no news coverage in mainstream. Ireland ripe, also small population, big debts. Both potential templates for awareness raising of the bankster scams.

JK: the opposition do have the weapons and they take different forms {"Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars} Get people sick and that will lead to dependence on government.

Government involvement in drug trade through its street proxies. Manipulation from a deeper level.

DBS: in Portugal all (recreational) drugs legalised. No meltdown, prison population down. {freeman/sovereign}.

JK: Thomas di Lorenzo (besmirching Abraham Lincoln) on the extermination of Plains Indians: during Civil War, Sherman's march to Atlanta demonstrated North's animosity to South; scorched earth in Georgia. When war over, next Govt. push was for railroads to the West Coast and Sherman was put in charge of getting rid of Plains Indians / penning them on reservations. The subject was frequently aired in America's newspapers.  Pre-Civil War, little organised violence in the West and self-policed.

DBS: Jewish intermediaries - Lehman Bros - post Civil War in the mid West and South as carpet baggers. Jewish involvement in African slavery. Rum to Africa, Slaves on return journey. Aaron Lopez. {Walter White Jr.: "Who Brought the Slaves to America".}

Goy Captains retained by Jew slave ship owners. Rhode Island area ship builders for the slave trade. Gentiles acquiesced in it, 50-50 culpable.
DBS's last show with Gordon Duff: DBS disagrees with GD's take on there being no constitutional freedom at founding of the country; instead States' rights ensured through the system {check out what is said about Constitutional protections for States against Federal tyranny and the imposition of Federal Emergency powers in the last 1/4 of R.H. Williams (1957): "The Ultimate World Order As Reflected in 'The Jewish Utopia' by Michael Higger. Crypto-Jew A. Ralph Epperson has been pushing the "esoteric" aspect of the US Constitution for 20 years (e.g. "The Unseen Hand: An Introduction To The Conspiratorial View Of History (1995)), interesting his co-religionist likes the angle too. For more of the same check out the footnoted at
  • below (not yet read in detail).}[/i]

    JK: "Hamilton's Curse" book by di Lorenzo (on Alexander Hamilton); Hamilton was Washington's chief aide who made sure the Bank of England established its roots in the USA against the Constitution.  The inflationary debt money model with built in wave forms enabling successive transfers of real world wealth from the population to the banksters.
    IS DBS's ideal of self-empowerment in reality a side of post-apocalyptic society? But that doesn't release from yoke of tyrannous government.

    DBS: Bing delivering different stats for TFC visitors from Google. Rick Sanchez in his 20s was involved in drunk driving case in Florida, killed a Jew. His firing was payback? Is Mel Gibson a plant? All his organisation is Jewish.


  • ... merica.pdf


Forgot to add this morsel about the likely forces influencing the Constitution:

  Walter White Jr. - Who Brought The Slaves To America? (1968)
  Signficant Jewish involvement in US African Slave Trade of 17th-19th centuries: Aaron Lopez of Newport, Rhode Island etc.

  This pamphlet* by White published in 1968 contains some brief interesting remarks that may be worth taking into account in order to explain the history of the US Constitution, the freedoms it (as Amended) purports to embody, and its real legal status and effect.

  (*Rather poor scan - many typos, some passages do not parse, paragraph near beginning starting "An authentic, contemporary report.." suggests some of original document's margin was omitted from the scan.)

"  In the year 1749, the first Masonic Lodge was established.
Ninety percent of the members of this first lodge, fourteen all told,
were Jews. And one knows that only so-called "prominent" individuals
were accepted
. Twenty years later, the second Masonic Lodge,
"King David," was established. It is a fact that all of these members
were Jews.
  In the meantime, the Jewish influence in Newport had reached such
proportions that President George Washington decided to pay them a visit.
Upon his appearance, both of the Masonic Lodges sent an emissary—a Jew
named Moses Seixas (4) —to approach the President with a petition, in which
the Jews of Newport stated: "If you will permit the children of Abraham to
approach you with a request, to tell you that we honor you, and feel an
alliance...... and then: "Until the present time the valuable rights of a free
citizen have been withheld. However, now we see a new government coming
into being based on the Majesty of the people, a government, not sanctioning
any bigotry nor persecution of the Jew, rather, to concede the freedom of
thought, which each shares, whatever Nation or Language, as a part of the
great Government machine."
  It is necessary at this point to consider the disclosures as to who in reality
obtained this legendary freedom in America at the founding of the Union. To
be sure, the province became independent and severed from the English
Jurisdiction. However, we can see from the petition (5) which Moses Seixas
offered President Washington in the name of the Jews of Newport, that it was
not in reality this type of freedom which they had in mind. They were merely
concerned about themselves, and their "own civil rights," which had been
withheld. Therefore, following the Revolutionary War, the Jews were accorded
equal rights, and freed of all restrictions!
And the Negroes? The Revolutionary
War not withstanding, they remained Slaves! In the year 1750, one sixth of the
population in New York was Negroid, and proportionately in the Southern
parts of the Country, they outnumbered the others, but the proclamation of
Freedom did not touch them. More of this later."

Crypto Jew A. Ralph Epperson has long been pushing the idea that the constitutional documents
have an esoteric effect quite different from the exoteric effect which an interpretation
based on the natural meaning of words provides. The reference above to the approach
made by the Jews to Washington and the Masonic influence may be further evidence of
an undisclosed influence upon the founders of government tending to corroborate the
idea that the Constitution was crafted in such a way that the rights it purports to confer
were not endowed on the people but on the kingpins.

But if martial law has never been formally rescinded following the US Civil War then maybe it
doesn't matter anyways...??

PS: Check out also the July 2009 archive revelations about Rothschild and law firm Freshfields'
involvement in the US slave trade, originally published in the Financial Times.