Anyone had Experience with MiniDV Cameras?

Started by K-Sensor, July 14, 2008, 11:50:35 AM

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I'm thinking of buying a cheap 1080p minidv movie camera.  The quality of the capturing seems quite good and could be used for making your own documentaries or just documenting an event you're in.

eBay has one I'm interested in... approx. $180 USD ... dZViewItem
( manufactured by )

Amazon are selling Aiptek 1080pixel cams for cheap too.  $144 USD. ... 903&sr=8-1

Also see ; ... 0270491557

Note you'll need to buy a secure-digital memory card to record on.  They are about $30 USD for an 8gb card.

What do members think?


Doing some research, better cams have optical zoom.  The two above models don't have optical zoom, they do have digital zoom though which is just a selection of the overall capture frame.

1080p is the pixel height of a capture frame and is suitable for HDTV 1080p TV's or monitors.  The width of the capture isn't full HDTV defaults.

MiniDV's usually act as multi-devices, like you can use them as a webcam, voice recorder, media player, or capture from VCRs with input cables (like record old video tapes to the camera then put them on your computer or editing).  The two models above don't have the webcam mode but may get it later with firmware updates.  They also capture audio in wav format which is probably better for quality but will eat storage space up quicker.  '.wav' or raw formats are better for evidence based captures too.

To use the footage, you'd capture what you want and edit in a manipulator application, like Adobe Première or on linux KDEnlive.   For professional works you'd want to sample audio with a separate recorder and microphone.  That way you could direct the sound pick up separate from where the camera is pointing.  It's also another way to contrast angle in the story board/plot.  Using multiple cameras on the same subject can also improve interest in the final viewer.  You also have a backup source if one recording fails.

Both camera above allow for 60fps in a slightly lower resolution.  This will capture movement better if recording action and important sequences.  You'd probably want to capture everything in these fast frame rates so you get an excellent smooth quality look.

I think the great thing about these minidv's is that you can carry them around with you in your pocket.  Any trouble and you can whip them out and film.  Much better than phone cameras.