Evi Martyn, Scandal in Greece: The Jews Don't pay any Taxes AT ALL!

Started by /tab, February 09, 2011, 05:58:16 PM

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Evi Martyn, Scandal in Greece: The Jews Don't pay any Taxes AT ALL!



Of course, Evi Martyn had later in the same interview some other strange ideas and talk also about some suspect people as reference in other matters she was talking about (George Green! :(  and later Bob Chapman! ), but this: The Jews and their Corporations Don't pay any Taxes at all in Greece since 1978 (they just pay to their own jewish council) is very interesting news that we can all follow in the coming months, in the interview the parts about the Jews and Greece are in about  min 08:04, min 12:27 and later at 01 hour 31 min in the MP3 above. Also is important the information about Chase-Manhattan financing Papandreou in the 70's with 100 millions US$ in order to create the greece socialist party. Time will tell !

