Breivik: Sending a message to the elites

Started by Anonymous, July 28, 2011, 04:10:36 PM

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Anonymous ... he-elites/

(There are many comments on the article at the site. One that is noteworthy - 'What Breivik did was inhuman, amoral, and devastatingly effective.[/b]')

Is this the very first time that a gathering of leftists in a Western Nation, post 1960, has been made to pay the ultimate price for their anti democratic multicultural impositions?

If so, then I suspect that the pictures of dead young adults will have a rather powerful deterrent effect on parents who might otherwise encourage their kids to be leftists.

It is hard to imagine a more powerful and socially compelling deterrent than to inject the sort of horrific risk that these pictures implant into the minds of multiculturally inclined parents .

Viewed without emotion, this incident implies a multi-layered level of calculation that I find quite remarkable -  an example not to be emulated to be sure – but remarkable nonetheless.

Thus far, Islamic terrorism has been confined to subway commuters in Spain, Street car commuters in Britain, and primarily, office workers in Manhattan – all nobodies that the elites could, quite frankly, care less about losing.

All that the Islamic terror attacks carried out on average working stiffs accomplished was to generate broad popular support for the war on terror and the vast increase in budgets for the security state. In short, their targeting was terrible as they never terrorized the elites responsible for their grievances.

This attack was entirely different, as it appears designed to inject an element of extreme risk into volunteering to join the ranks of the multicultural political elite.

Further, the soft sort of totalitarianism of the Frankfurt School variety that is spreading throughout the West is carefully designed to avoid pushing its victims over the edge to the kind of violent reaction that occurred in Norway.

Multiculturalism was supposed to be something you could impose on the proles without any cost!

This attack seems to be a rather remarkable demonstration that the velvet glove totalitarianism that we all live under has failed in its primary mission to keep the elites safe from harm. What are they going to do? Have platoons of guards armed with automatic rifles patrolling the campus of Harvard to protect the future elites from the townies?

Wouldn't that be a bit obvious?

After Norway hasn't the task of obliterating the White race become a bit more "messy"?

The analogies of others to the killings commanded by Bush and Western butchers are apt, but miss the point. This job had the kind of purposefulness that one would expect from a state planned attack, not an attack prompted by the rage of some lone nutter. And the fact that these same Norwegian multi-culturalists were about to recognize the Palestinian state and that the attack occurred on the anniversary of the bombing of the King David Hotel does nothing to allay those suspicions.

As James Bond would say; "Do you want a clean kill, or do you want me to send a message?"

It hit the aspiring elites were it hurts, in their training camp for future leaders, and it hit the proud, self righteous multi-culti parents where it hurts as well.

It revealed the soft underbelly of the multicultural regime for all to see.

On a personal level, I feel sad for the parents and relatives of these dead young adults. After all most were lured into a wildly risky scheme of Quisling oppression of their fellow countrymen thinking that the enterprise was riskless and profitable.

But putting on the cap of an intelligence analyst, I see a picture of profound significance and meaning, one sure to be a major turning point.

Michael K.

Dear bluejelly,

I don't agree with this author's viewpoint, and I'll tell you why.  The notion that Breivik was anti-elitist seems implausible if not disingenuous.  I can go as far as seeing those kids he killed as some kind of elite.  However, to fully characterize this crime as intrinsically and essentially "anti-elitist" and even "pro-democratic" it would require Breivik to be; first, a member of an under-class; and second, a member of a majority in his political opinions.

Instead, Breivik is from a very wealthy and important family, perhaps even a Jew; and the party he attacked has a clear majority in the polls.  Essentially the "occidental", "Western" and "pro-White" view presented is an inversion of the facts, a complete case of what George Orwell called "blackwhite."  This story represents a world turned upside down.  I hope you can at least see where I am coming from.


Yes, Breivik was not fully on our page, but certainly taking down the children of politicians and future wannabe labor politicians.......I do not feel any remorse for those people. I have read John Kaminski's piece, claiming that the jews killed the best and brightest of the future politicians, that is a load of shit, they are the same as the current politicians we have today when they were children, Kaminski claims that the camp was all revolved boycotting Israel, it was not,  at best it was a side note and simply a flavor of the month thing for these people. Here in Australia we had the same thing in the Greens party, afew members talked about boycotting Israel, nothing has happened with that. These are politically correct anti-zionists which likely the demands revolve around Israel treating Palestinians 'a little' better than they are currently being treated, demand they follow human rights closer etc etc.

In some aspects, the gantlet has been thrown down, I don't know what is going to come from it, but it is better than nothing imho.

Moe Foe

Quote from: "bluejelly"Yes, Breivik was not fully on our page, but certainly taking down the children of politicians and future wannabe labor politicians.......I do not feel any remorse for those people. ...
In some aspects, the gantlet has been thrown down, I don't know what is going to come from it, but it is better than nothing imho.

For clarity, are you advocating deadly attacks on innocent youths (+adults) because you object to their formative political views? That they should be exterminated like farmyard vermin before they become some kind of hypothetical opponent of yours in the future?

Because killing innocent these people is better than doing nothing i.e. not killing them?


Bluejelly wrote :

QuoteHere in Australia we had the same thing in the Greens party, afew members talked about boycotting Israel, nothing has happened with that

Norway did lot more than just talking about boycotting israel, or do you have some info that proves otherwise?

Quotebluejelly wrote:Yes, Breivik was not fully on our page, but certainly taking down the children of politicians and future wannabe labor politicians.......I do not feel any remorse for those people. ...
    In some aspects, the gantlet has been thrown down, I don't know what is going to come from it, but it is better than nothing imho.

For clarity, are you advocating deadly attacks on innocent youths (+adults) because you object to their formative political views? That they should be exterminated like farmyard vermin before they become some kind of hypothetical opponent of yours in the future?

Because killing innocent these people is better than doing nothing i.e. not killing them?

I agree with Moe Foe's amazement.Damn, that's pretty cold.

QuoteKaminski claims that the camp was all revolved boycotting Israel, it was not, at best it was a side note and simply a flavor of the month thing for these people.

You talk like you were there!If you got some new information, why don't you post it?

Father Brown

Quote from: "Moe Foe"
Quote from: "bluejelly"Yes, Breivik was not fully on our page, but certainly taking down the children of politicians and future wannabe labor politicians.......I do not feel any remorse for those people. ...
In some aspects, the gantlet has been thrown down, I don't know what is going to come from it, but it is better than nothing imho.

For clarity, are you advocating deadly attacks on innocent youths (+adults) because you object to their formative political views? That they should be exterminated like farmyard vermin before they become some kind of hypothetical opponent of yours in the future?

Because killing innocent these people is better than doing nothing i.e. not killing them?

Yes. That is a good question. I don't think this was a false flag sponsored by Israel. I think it was what happens when Christian Zionism causes mental illness. I was just listening to Mark Glenn's podcast from this evening. He and his guests are of the opinion that the story is off the radar, and that Israel is going to start a conspiracy theory of their own involving Belarus. That the story is going to come back in this fashion. Because, what we had here was an opportunity to tell people like John Hagee and lesser known pastors all across the world to shut the hell up about Muslims and being Pro-Israel. Becasue the other side of this sickness known as Christian Zionism or Judeo-Christianity is hatred of Islam. This sickness is also promoted by the MSM and politicians like Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Right Wing talk radio. We could have told them to shut the hell up too over this tragedy.


Father Brown
QuoteI don't think this was a false flag sponsored by Israel.

Oh No ?

Suggest going through this thread.......viewtopic.php?f=4&t=14900, which contains a lot of interesting info,

(and I do have a bit of a problem where people start a new thread where info can be attached to the existing thread on the same subject, because it causes dilution and makes it difficult for people to look things up later where there are multiple threads on the same subject.)

 It is impossible to prove anything conclusively except in mathematics: anything else is beyond a reasonable doubt. Here the reasonable doubt in my mind is shrinking !
1. Motive. This attack "benefits" Israel. Norway was going to pull out of NATO operation in Libya. Norway not going to supply oil (Whalers post in that thread. BTW note the Barbara Lerner Spectre Tape has now been removed due to a copy right claim by the IBA Israeli Broadcasting Authority ). Norway was going to promote a Palestinian State. Antisemitism in Norwegian Govt (Govt funding anti-Israel film) and generally. Israel seems to directly attack governments that counter Isaeli ambitions of seizing all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates.
2. All sorts of anomalies, like a van full of fertiliser not deemed enough by explosive experts to cause such extensive damage.
                                    No crater.
                                    Conduct of police.
                                    Security exercise a few days before. (cf 911 and 7/7/05 both definitely Mossad jobs!)
                                    Posssible second shooter.
                                    Possibly all can't be done without assistance
                                    CNN immediately stating Al Quieda.
                                    and other anomalies that don't make sense such as pavement being broken upwards
                                    where is the CCTV footage etc ?
3. Freemasonery connection. To pull this off requires a conspiracy. It was just about impossible to pull this off alone. Freemasonery is tailor-made for conspiracies, as history shows throughout the last few centuries. Norway appears to have a lot of freemasons.

4. He sent an email to this freak about 90 minutes before he did the dirty deed. Why would he do that ?  The recipient was in Israel at the time, and although masquerading as a Swede, he is an obvious Jew. The name of the freak is Isak Nygren who denies he is a Jew even though he looks like one and spends time in Israel.

5 He started his Facebook and Twitter pages just 1 week before the crime. Indicates conspiracy

Michael K.

Editorial Comment:  Not a popular opinion around here, but let's remember Jesuits = crypto-Jews ;  Opus Dei = crypto-Jews ;  Pope Benedict XVI = crypto-Jew, etc...

QuoteVatican Assassins and the Norway Massacre Connection

...Anders Behring Breivik adopted a stance against the Lutheran Church, the state church of Norway, and argued for a "collective" counter-reformation to return the Protestant churches to the control of the Vatican and Pope. Breivik lambasted the Lutheran Church and other mainstream Protestant churches, condemning "Priests in jeans who march for Palestine".  As a Freemason, and probably a member of The Knights Templar Order, considering that he is using their iconography all over his manifesto, he obviously knew for what goal he was fighting...

How does all of this fit with claims that certain intelligence services, like Mossad, MI6, and the Surveillance Detection Unit for the U.S. Embassy in Oslo, were involved?  It is a fact that the most expansive intelligence services in the world are under the control of the Order of the Knights of Malta...

...The Jesuits will also continue to foster international anti-Americanism depicting the Empire as "the Great Satan" to the Arab world and the "NATO Nazi mass bombing bully" to the rest of the world. The NATO crusades in Iraq and Yugoslavia have increased the nations' hatred for us Americans, they not knowing that the Jesuit-CFR-controlled American government is also the enemy of the American people. Meanwhile, the Jesuits have furthered their quest to reduce the world to the universal rule of their "infallible" Papal Caesar in Jerusalem...

Father Brown

Michael K.,

From what I have read of your posts, I think you are a very intelligent man.

But, I have to disagree with the post directly above. Opus Dei, may be infiltrated and they may be influenced by Jews, but they are not crypto-Jews. I know some people in that organization and I believe one member was trying to recruit me. He is no Jew.

Now the Jesuits. They are a bunch of modernists these days and they have wreaked havoc on the Church. But, I am not prepared to start calling them crypto-Jews. St. Robert Bellarmine, Father Hardon, St. Edmund Campion, all Jesuits.

I have seen at Maurice Pinay blog, that he calls Opus Dei, Opus Judei. And I believe what he means by that is they are on the verge or perhaps already over the cliff in adopting a Catholic type of Christian Zionism. Perhaps if he contributes here, he can comment.

My view on Opus Dei, is that it would not be necessary if the Church did not filp out in the post Vatican II era. They claim to be conservative, but the Church always has been, and always should be conservative. It is its esscence. The last 40 to 50 years is the latest blip. But there have been almost countless heresies that have had to be fought over the 2,000 year history of this institution founded by Christ. And the Jesuits fought some of the greatest battles.

What I am trying to say, is that Opus Dei is for the more traditional minded Catholic who has not found a Tridentine Latin Mass near his home, or does not know about it. The danger, however, is that since the Trotskyites changed their spots and became Neo-Cons, it seems that lots of good people have been fooled. Because to be conservative in today's environment makes one highly susceptible to the Neo-Con argument. And these people believe, because they have been lied to by the MSM, and powerful propaganda, that the Muslims are the problem.

Michael K.

Dear Father Brown,

Of course you are correct that the majority of Jesuits and Opus Dei types are neither ethnic Jews nor Orthodox Jews.  My intention in calling them crypto-Jews is to make a connection to the fact that both orders were founded by ethnic and religious crypto-Jews, and that the essential activity and direction of those organizations is philosophically Jewish by reason of "Tikkun Olam," translation: "Fixing the World," which is a rejection of Christ's plan of salvation and will bring in the Anti-Christ, who is the Pharisee's Messiah.