Cabalistic 666

Started by Anonymous, July 28, 2008, 11:00:13 PM

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Intersting stuff.  The numerology is a bit off, given that Hebrew numerology is applied to the Greek word for Messiah, and the other compounds are formed using Pythagorian numerology... but it is interesting nonetheless!


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In September 1999 the
Jewish year 5760 had
begun.  It was the year
of the Hebrew Messiah!
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Theyear of the
His number is 666.
The Goyim-world enslaved!</font>
<font face="times new roman" size="3">The Hebrew language has no actual numerals.Numbers are represented by letters. The Hebrew &quot;V&quot; or &quot;VAU&quot; e.g.represents the number &quot;6&quot;. Jewish prophesies (those 90% who callthemselves Jews are really Khazars and not Jews) are almost entirelyCabbalistic fantasies bordering on the insane, which are pushing theworld to the brink of disaster. Cabbalism is not a matter of thepast, quite the contrary is true: <b>&quot;The influence of the cabbalahas remained predominant.&quot;</b> [1]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="times new roman" size="3">The number &quot;6&quot; plays a vital part in all of this. JewishCabbalists insist this to be Yahweh's number, a sinister power, which Judaismcalls God. A God who, according to the Old Testament, curses, kills anddestroys. Genuine Jews, like some Sephardim, the Torah-True-Jews [NetureiKarta Movement] and the &quot;Liberal Synagogue&quot;, do not identify themselves withthe Cabbalistic Khazars and their image of &quot;God&quot;.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="times new roman" size="3">The letters in the Hebrew-word &quot;Messiah&quot; added up,according to Cabbalistic interpretation, give the sum of 666 – i.e. threetimes &quot;V&quot;. However, Messiah is an English word and it is spelled different inGreek. Its origin is the Greek language: MEISSIAS. Now we want to take thatname in the Greek alphabet, add it up and see who the Jews are waiting for sofervently:</font><br/><br/>

M  E  I  S  S  I  A  S

40 5 10 200 200 10 1  200  =  666

<font face="times new roman" size="3">This number is known throughout the world as the sign ofthe Anti-Christ, the mark of the beast, it also signifies the year in whichthe Messiah will enslave all non-Hebrews: <b>&quot;When the Messiah comes, allwill be slaves of the Jews&quot;.</b> (Talmud, Erubin 43b)</font><br/><br/>
<font face="times new roman" size="3"><b>
&quot;This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let himcalculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.&quot;
</b>(Revelation 13:18) In autumn 1999 the Hebrew year 5760 begun. Add thedigits of that number and see what the number is: 5 + 7 + 6 + 0 = 18 (threetimes 6) - the year of the beast.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="times new roman" size="5">Mark of the Beast</font><br/><br/>
<font face="times new roman" size="3">The Cabbalistic meaning of the number 18 (as a compoundnumber, 666) was disclosed to us by a spiritually sympathetic Rabbi, whodefined the number <b>&quot;as a 'rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling;a wolf and a hungry do are seen below catching the following drops in theiropened mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them. It issymbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature.It generally associates with ... war, social upheavals, revolutions; and insome cases it indicates making money and positions through wars or by wars. Itis, however, a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from theelements such as storms, danger from water, fire and explosions. When thiscompound number appears in working out dates in advance, such a date should betaken with a great amount of care caution and circumspection.&quot;</b> It means,that, as from the year of the Hebrew Messiah, the world will be stricken bypure materialism that &quot;strives to destroy the spiritual side of nature&quot;. Underthe reign of Satan with the beginning of the 666-era (1999), wars anddestruction shall shake and devastate the world. We tasted a bit of it sincethe stooges of the anti-Christ arranged the 911 attack. Interestingly, exactly911 days after the WTC attack, the train stations of Madrid had become thetargets of another Satanic mass murder. The holocausts on Afghanistan and Iraqspeak volumes.</font><br/><br/>

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Let us now see who carries the MARK OF THE BEAST</font><br/><br/>
I S R A E L     The Cabbalistic numbers of the word Israel are as follows:
1 3 2 1 5 3
The compound number of Israel is: 15 (1+5 = 6)

J E W S     The Cabbalistic numbers of the word Jews are:
1 5 6 3
The compound number of Jews is: 15 (1+5 = 6)

6 (of the six million)      The symbolic figure to prove the Cabbalistic prophecy.

Jews, Israel and the 6 million is one thing, is Jewish existence!

<font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><b>&quot;The mark, which is the name of the beast or the numberof his name. That calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculatethe number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.&quot;</b> (Revelation13:16-18)</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">The War-Criminal Winston Churchill, devoted to theCabbalists, introduced the Cabbalistic 6 (the Hebrew letter V) to the Goyimworld as the &quot;V&quot; for 'Victory sign'. The naive Goyim have taken over thisevil symbol, not realising that by showing it, promoting the Cabbalistic aimto subjugate the world.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">The Cabbalistic 6 and the holocaust</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">In the Hebrew-text of Torah-prophesies it states: <b>&quot;Youshall return.&quot;</b> In that text the letter &quot;V&quot; or &quot;VAU&quot; is missing (whichalso stands for &quot;6&quot;). The researcher Ben Weintraub was informed by Rabbisthat the missing &quot;V&quot; (= the missing 6) was the foreshadowing of the &quot;6million&quot;. Therefore, the prophesy: <b>&quot;You shall return&quot;</b>, is interpretedas: <b>&quot;You shall return minus 6 million.&quot;</b> [2]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">This self-imposed prophesy led to the <b>&quot;6million-prophecy-crash&quot;</b> in 1919. Based on the Balfour-Declaration of1917 the state of Israel was guaranteed, and the Diaspora-Jews would returnto the &quot;Promised Land&quot;. The leading Jews at that time expected 1920 amigration of their brethren into &quot;their Land&quot;. But, before the return couldtake place, &quot;6 million&quot; of them had to disappear, according to prophesies.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">In fact, Jewish organisations proclaimed already in 1919a &quot;6 million-holocaust&quot;, taking place in the Ukraine: <b>&quot;Six million menand women are dying; eight-hundred-thousand children cry for bread. And thisfate is upon them through no fault of their own, through no transgression ofthe law of God or man; but through the awful tyranny of war and a bigotedlust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of human life ...&quot;</b>[3]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Since the global political situation was such, that thefounding of the state of Israel was not possible and other Cabbalisticcriteria did not match at the time, the whole &quot;6 million&quot; idea of 1919 wassimply put on ice. However, the fulfilment of this prophesy is now takingplace in the courtrooms of Europe, where verdict after verdict againstcritical historians, serve as &quot;judicial notice&quot; proof that theholocaust-version of &quot;6 million&quot; Jewish victims murdered in the &quot;burningovens&quot; of the Nazis &quot;took place&quot;. Meaning, that the prophesy is fulfilledand the &quot;Chosen People&quot; own the promised land rightfully under the Cabbala.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Those &quot;6 million&quot;, which must be missing in order tocompletely evict the Palestinians from their land or to wipe them outentirely, was Yahweh's way of cleansing the Jewish souls of all sins, sincea return of sinful and unclean souls is not permitted. The cleansing of the&quot;chosen&quot; souls was to be administered in &quot;burning ovens&quot; according Talmudictenets: <b>&quot;God said: Could I forget the holocaust-victims? Rabbi Tanchum,Chanilias son said: In the hour, when Hananja, Misael and Asarja stepped outof the burning ovens, the people of the world came together to strike thehaters of Israel in the face.&quot;</b> [4]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Zalman Grinberg, who chaired the &quot;Munich Conference ofLiberated Jews&quot; on January 27, 1946 revealed:<b> <u>&quot;We sacrificed sixmillion people as an offering.&quot;</u></b> [5]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Do we have to understand now, that &quot;6 million&quot; had to disappear in the &quot;burningovens&quot; of Auschwitz (who quiet possibly stepped out of them again, as theTalmud says), in order to be worthy of returning to the &quot;Promised Land&quot;,cleansed and pure and, at the same time, to break the resistance in manyparts of the world against the Hebrew-leadership, aiming for world dominance?Since the Jews went allegedly through the crematories of Auschwitz, theworld &quot;strikes all haters of Israel in the face&quot;, as we all know. Since thesecond holocaust with its &quot;burning ovens&quot; in Auschwitz, the Jews have becomethe &quot;untouchables&quot;, they are invincible. Nobody dares to even utter onesyllable of criticism anymore <b>&quot;out of fear of the Jews&quot;</b> (Book ofEsther, 8,17) or as we know from the persecution of Jesus, the Christianredeemer: <b>&quot;But no-one would say anything publicly ... for fear of theJews.&quot;</b> (John 7:13)</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">No-one less important than the late Director of theInstitute for Contemporary History, Dr. Martin Broszat, stated under oath infront of a German court, that the <b>&quot;6 million holocaust-Jews is asymbolical figure.&quot;</b> [6]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Therefore, the 6-million holocaust has become the basisfor the existence of &quot;Israel&quot; through the most important prophesy, now beingfulfilled and protected by, literally, all European courts and lawmakers. <b>
&quot;By denying the mass-murder (holocaust) in the concentration camps ofAuschwitz, the basis for existence is denied to the Jewish people.&quot;</b> [7]Moreover, the judicial holocaust-protection includes the &quot;symbolic&quot;killing-method, outlined in the Talmud-passages about the &quot;burning ovens&quot;,since the crematories are an inseparable part of the gas-chambers: <b>&quot;Thedenial of those 'symbolic killing methods' besmirches the memories of thevictims.&quot;</b> [8]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">None other than the Jewish Peace-Nobel-Prize-Laureate(1982), Elie Wiesel, who calls himself a high priest of the holocaust,writes in his famous book (1986) &quot;Legends of our Time&quot;: <b>» &quot;What are youwriting?&quot; the Rebbe asked. &quot;Stories,&quot; I said. He wanted to know what kind ofstories: true stories. &quot;About people you knew?&quot; Yes, about things thathappened or could have happened. But they did not?&quot; No, not all of them did.In fact, some were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end. TheRebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more sorrow thananger: &quot;That means you are writing lies!&quot; I did not answer immediately. Thescolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense. Yet, I had tojustify myself: &quot;Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do takeplace but are not true; others are - although they never occurred&quot;.«</b> [9]Wiesel called his holocaust-writing, cynically, &quot;Legends&quot;. What is Wieseltelling us, that only Hebrews of the inner-circle can understand? Are the &quot;6million&quot; a Cabbalistic reality, while it is a &quot;Legend&quot; in factual terms?</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Haim Landau, after signing the restitution-agreement in1952 with Adenauer, called out to Schmul Dayan (Mapai) in Yiddish: <b>&quot;Luckyus! 6 million Jews were murdered and we can get some money&quot;.</b> [10] Canone really call it lucky to get paid for 6 million murdered brethren? Thiswould be unthinkable for us non-Jews. It is out of any imagination for non-Jews,to be paid for the artificial fulfilment of a prophesy, enforced by thevictorious Allies, permitting the Jews to return to the promised land and atthe same time acquire a title to receive <b>billions of Dollars for thingsthat may be true, but have not happened</b>, as Elie Wiesel is telling us.</font><br/><br/>
<b>»&quot;These numbers do matter,&quot;</b> Hilberg [one of the most prominent Jewishholocaust historians] said.<b> &quot;They also matter for a very simple reason --call it religious, if you like.&quot;«</b> [11]<br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">The Cabbalistic 6 and world power</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">However, the year 1999 (666), according to the Cabbala,was the year when the &quot;The Hebrew Messiah&quot; promised to his Jews to enslavethe world. All efforts of the Hebrews in high government positions, whodirect the policies of the US and most European Nations, are aimed totighten the grip on the globe since the year 5760 (1999) the &quot;Year Of TheHebrew Messiah&quot; which is 666.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">None other than the late President of &quot;The Council ofJews in Germany&quot; (interestingly enough, not German Jews) Ignatz Bubis,reaffirmed, to the amazement of the audience, the importance of thedominating numeral 6 and the 666 in Judaism – in front of running TV-cameras.E.e. the triple 6. Bubis chided the Jewish attorney Fagan, suing Germany forrestitution for the so-called slave-labour during WW II, that he issimplifying the case by trying things the <b>&quot;Hebrew way, demanding &quot;3x6=18,we demand $ 18 billion.&quot;</b> [12]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">In order to be able to control the world, the world'sriches must be controlled first. Thus, from the beginning, Yahweh made itvery clear to his chosen people, to whom the gold and silver of this worldbelongs to. Thus, controlling the world, providing that the covenant betweenhim and his people is fulfilled.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><b>»&quot;Lord of the world, we have created many market places,we have built baths and we multiplied silver and gold. And we did it onlyfor Israel&quot;</b> ... The Lord then speaks to them: <b>&quot;The gold and silverbelongs to me.&quot;«</b> [13]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">His followers are so certain about this fact that theywill do and dare anything to guarantee that all the control (acting astrustees) of material assets are arranged to his utmost satisfaction: <b>&quot;Foreignerswill rebuild your walls, and their kings will serve you [Jews]. ... For thenation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterlyruined.&quot;</b> (Isaiah, 60:10,12) The noticeable dramatic increase offinancial demands throughout the world is no longer restricted to theGermans, but has now spread to almost every nation on earth under onepretext or another. No nation is immune any longer to demands made by theChosen.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Even the most important prophecy, that 6 million Jews had to vanish intothe &quot;burning ovens&quot; (of Auschwitz), became &quot;judicial notice&quot; with the helpof specially designed laws in almost all countries of the western world.With this holocaust status (holocaust means &quot;fire victim&quot;) the Cabbalistsgrew to omnipotence.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">The US and Europe are now almost under their totalcontrol: <b>&quot;The Jewish World-Congress has considerable influence and aclout in all US-government decisions. In both, politics and the economy.&quot;</b>[14] And Ariel Sharon, Israel's Prime Minister, unabashedly stated in IsraelRadio that the Jews control the United States: <b>&quot;We, the Jewish peoplecontrol America, and the Americans know it.&quot;</b> [15] They work forunilateral policies, for unilateral opinions and the annihilation of allcriticism against Israel and the Jews – globally. Hallelujah!</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">The Cabbalistic 6 and Erez Israel<br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">This fitted in with the demands of the CabbalisticUS-foreign minister, Madeleine Albright, to have the Kurdish leader AbdullahÖcalan ultimately extradited from Italy to Turkey in 1998. Why was Öcalan soimportant to the Cabbala? Why did they want him hanged in Turkey?</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Öcalan documented that the founder of modern Turkey,called Atatürk, was a converted Jew, who not only denied the Kurds their owncountry, but also began to exterminate them. Why? The Kurds are no threat toanyone in that region.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">According to the Cabbala and the Old Testament, Yahwehpromised the Jews &quot;Erez Israel&quot;: <b>&quot;A number of discrepant versions ofBiblical borders of the Land of Israel, which rabbinical authoritiesinterpret as ideally belonging to the Jewish state, are in circulation. Themost far-reaching among them include the following areas within theseborders: in the south, all of Sinai and a part of northern Egypt up to theenvirons of Cairo; in the east, all of Jordan and a large chunk of SaudiArabia, all of Kuwait and a part of Iraq south of the Euphrates; in thenorth, all of Lebanon and all of Syria together with a huge part of Turkey(up to lake Van); and in the west, Cyprus.&quot;</b> [16]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">The area around the Lake Van is a Kurdish settlement.Kurds, therefore, without knowing, have become the biblical enemies of ErezIsrael. Since Öcalan taught his people about Jewish Cabbalism, he was allthe more hated. What made him even more hated, is the fact that he is <b>&quot;fascinatedby the clear illumination of Germany's history, which is obviously notrecognised by her own people and even denied.&quot;</b> [17] The present pactTurkey-Israel (a Turkey much to the liking of Israel's taste) is somethingto think about.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">Will the 666 be enforced by war?<br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">There are, however, a few difficulties in the way of thefinal implementation of world dominance. The Moslem world does not believein the &quot;6 million-holocaust&quot; anymore. This may require, according to theTalmud, to &quot;strike the 'haters of Israel' in the face&quot;, (who do not want tobow-down and surrender to the Cabbalistic prophesies).</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">There are, already, Talmudic measures in place to punishthe enemy. The Jewess Deborah Horan wrote in 1998 in the 'Washington Post':
<b>&quot;Israel's army is now preparing for the possibility of a war thatmilitary analysts say may come in 1999 if Palestinians make good on theirthreat to declare an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza in May.&quot;</b>[18] What we experience since the year 2000, the mass murder of thePalestinian people by Yahweh's forces and the confiscation of the entireIraq and her riches, confirms Deborah Horan's prediction.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">The Cabbalistic 6 and Terror</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">The Cabbalists regard the Palestinians as Amalek (peopleof Canaan, descendant of Esau, hereditary enemies of Hebrews). <b>&quot;TheAmalekites, meaning that one is permitted to murder [sic] them until theirremembrance is blotted out from under heaven.&quot;.</b> [19] The Nazis, just asthe Palestinians, are also considered to be Amalekites. The Jerusalem Post(22. March 1997) states: <b>&quot;The spiritual heirs of Amalek include theNazis, the Soviet communists, and those Arabs who will not rest until wedisappear from the Land.&quot;</b> [20]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><b>&quot;Germany is ill prepared for a gas-terror-attack&quot;</b>,writes &quot;Die Welt&quot; (Dec. 28, 1998, p.4) in a security analysis. And furtherdown is says: <b>&quot;Harald Müller (Peace activist) does not exclude thepossibility, that biological weapons may be used.&quot;</b> Thinking about thiswar against the Amalek, who may need to be removed from the face of theearth by the order of the Messiah following the year of the beast (666)1999. Germans recall in horror, when on July 28, 1995, a 31 year old Israeliby the name of Leon Bor hijacked a public transport bus in Cologne (usedmostly by foreign workers) and asked: <b>&quot;Who German?&quot; </b>[21] <b>&quot;Twobodies were left on the bus, the driver and a 64 year old woman fromBaden-Württemberg, who had to die only because she answered; 'I'm German'.&quot;</b>[22] This Russian Jew was, obviously, consumed by hate for the Amalek.According to him; he acted righteously. What if the next &quot;angel of hate&quot;arrives from Israel with a biological bomb in his luggage, which is mucheasier than kidnapping a bus full of passengers at gunpoint. Or, Israelfires some rockets from its nuclear arsenal onto the land of the GermanAmalek.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">Extinction under the guidance of the Cabbalistic 6?</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">The technical possibilities are breathtaking, consideringthe year of the Messiah (666) 1999, adding to that some mentally derangedpersons with a death-wish for the Amalek. Already in 1946, some Israeliswanted to eradicate 6 million Germans by poisoning them: <b>&quot;Full details ofa plot to kill millions of Germans - one for every Jew killed in theHolocaust - are revealed today in an exclusive Observer interview with theman behind the plan ... and they were helped by the man who became Israel'sfirst President. In fact, they had to be content with wiping out up to 400former SS guards, poisoned in one sweep by painting arsenic on their bread.&quot;</b>[23] This saintly Jew and first president of Israel, Chaim Weizman, activelyparticipated in the grizzly murder, while the world cannot stop praisingWeizman.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Another murderer, Joseph Harmatz, who was part of theplanning-circle, gives interviews and boasts about his mass-murder ofGermans, without winding-up behind bars. On the contrary, the Jewish LordJanner even praises this evil deed: <b>&quot;The people who took this action knew,even in 1945, that they would never get justice. It is not for me as aQueen's Counsel to advocate people taking the law into their own hands, butin this case they were right.&quot;</b> [24] On the other hand, 85 year old ErichPriebke received a life-sentence in Italy for his retaliation, in accordancewith the Hague-War-Charter, against communist partisans, who killed 35Italians and Germans, amongst them several children. Israeli mass-murdererscan pursue their own personal revenge unpunished and even receive greatenthusiasm, fame and staggering amounts of money for boasting about theirmass murders on TV and in their books.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">The extermination of Afghans and Iraqis are only theprelude of Yahweh's reign. We can soon expect many more man-made disasters.This is the age of gene-manipulations. We now learn that Israel isdeveloping gene-weapons, aimed to kill specific racial groups. According toIsraeli scientists, the Jewish state has the capability e.g. to wipe-out theIraqi people. The Sunday Times reports: <b>&quot;They have, however, succeeded inpinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic profile of certainArab communities, particularly the Iraqi people. The disease could be spreadby spraying the organisms into the air or putting them in water supplies.&quot;</b>[25]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Can we really rule out, that the Israeli scientists havenot discovered a specific German gene-profile by which to remove the &quot;TeutonicAmalek&quot; cleanly and completely, without harming Jews around them?</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">And the Cabbalistic-Khazars would no doubt meet theapproval of the free world if Sharon or any other Israeli leader wouldeliminate the Germans. The Jewish Harvard professor, Daniel Goldhagen,insists that the Germans have an inborn killer-gene which drives the Germansto kill Jews. However, the Germans have no right to complain, for HelmutKohl awarded this Harvard scholar 10.000 German Marks, signalling to theworld that born Jew-killers have no rights to live on this earth.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Who is to say that the Cabbalistic ethno-bomb is not alsoeffective on Sephardic Jews, real Jews, dark-skinned Jews, Torah-True-Jews?Let's look into the Book of John where Jesus tells his &quot;Jewish&quot; enemies thatthey are not the children of Abraham, but the children of the devil.Tora-True-Jews, too, do not recognise the Zionists and Khazars as real Jews:</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><b>&quot;How could the Zionist leaders and the World JewishCongress (a major Zionist organization) have the nerve to ask for Jewishassets? The world-wide boycott against Germany in 1933 and the later all-outdeclaration of war against Germany initiated by the Zionist leaders and theWorld Jewish Congress enraged Hitler so that he threatened to destroy theJews. By using the new atheist exile politics they provoked and increasedanti-Semitism in Europe which led to the Second World War and thedestruction of European Jewry. All the great Rabbis have warned of theterrible consequences of the Zionist heresy. The same exile politics hascaused the problems in the Middle East where Jews lived peacefully with theArabs until the advent of Zionism. Now the same tactics are being usedagainst the Swiss and other nations.&quot;</b> [26]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">Warnings of the Cabbalistic 6 madness<br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">The Cabbalistic insanity is managed by a relative smallbut powerful clique of Israeli Khazars. The late President of organisedJewry in Germany, Ignatz Bubis, tried in 1998 to distance himself bravelyfrom those insane Cabbalists. Those who know our position, know that we havevery little sympathy for the late Mr. Bubis. But in this case, we have tostand with him and admire his dangerous move to disassociate himself fromthe Cabbalistic clutches. In front of &quot;Frontal&quot; TV-cameras he warned of theHebraic madness and admitted, that there is, in reality, a 666 insanity. Hewas one of the highest authorities of Judaism in the world, when he admitted that theCabbala and the anti-Christ numerals really exist and that it was driving the worldtowards the brink of annihilation.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Even David Levy, ex-Foreign-Minister of Israel (aSephardic Jew) issued a sharp warning: <b>&quot;[This] takes us back to the darkages, with people looking for good luck charms and ascribing divinequalities to a human being. This has become a virtual industry,unfortunately based on superstition and leading us towards an abyss,blindness and near civil war.&quot;</b> [27]</font><br/><br/>
Ignatz Bubis' suffered a sudden death following MichaelWolffsohn's demand of Bubis' resignation. Wolffsohn, an Israeli Professor,teaches holocaust-history in the &quot;Bundesrepublik's&quot; Army: <b>&quot;The historyprofessor at the 'Bundeswehr' (the new German Army) university, MichaelWolffsohn, demanded the resignation of the chairman for the 'Council of Jewsin Germany', Ignatz Bubis. The professor wrote in the Rhein-Zeitung; the 71year-old Bubis is overworked and suffers from reality-dilution and is nolonger politically competent.&quot;</b> [28]<br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">War and the number 6</font><br/><br/>
<img border="0" src="" width="162" height="224" />
Rabbi Teitelbaum: &quot;Zionism, an invention of Satan.&quot;
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">According to Prof. Israel Shahak (commenting on a 'Maariv'article on Sept. 2, 1994, titled 'The Jewish Laundry of Drug Money') statedthat †Yoel Teitelbaum, a Rabbi of the 'sacred family' of the Hassidic lineof Judaism, had published learned books in which <b>Zionism was described asan invention of Satan.</b> Israeli victories (especially the one in the 6Day War) were attributed solely to the direct Satanic help given to theIsraeli army. Teitelbaum's accusation is also in line with Christ'srevelation that the leading Jews &quot;belong to the devil&quot;.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">As we are well aware, in reality the so-called 6-Day-Warbetween Israel and her enemies in 1967 lasted more than &quot;6&quot; days - yet, theCabbalists call it the 6-Day-War! The Israeli invasion of Lebanon took placeon June 6, 1982. It took &quot;6&quot; years to defeat the German Amalek in World WarII. Was this the reason why brutal mass bombings of civilian German targets,violating all international conventions, had to be carried out to completethe campaign in time.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">The Allied Invasion of Normandy commenced on the 6th ofJune 1944. Once again we see the 6th day of the 6th month. And adding thedigits of the year 1944 = 18, which is 3 x 6.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">The United States of America tropped the Atomic Bomb ('Yahweh'sDream' was written on the bomb) on the &quot;6&quot;th of August 1945 on Hiroshima. Weare taught that the world was created by God in &quot;6&quot; working days, is it true?Is Teitelbaum suggesting that a certain God is really Satan? Could this bethe reason why there is never peace, justice and truth in our troubled world?However, the importance of the number 6 to the Cabbalists is clearly shownonce more in the above examples.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Jesus Christ said to the Jews: <b>&quot;You belong to yourfather, the devil and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was amurderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truthin him.&quot;</b> (John 8:44)</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">Will the Cabbalistic 6 escort the decline of Jewish power?</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">As from 1999 the world has become an increasinglyperilous place. In 1998 the NATIONAL JOURNAL wrote in the earlier version ofthis article: <b>&quot;It may start with the total destruction of Iraq, since,according to Cabbalistic fantasies, Saddam Hussein embodies the rebirth of aBabylonian Amalek.&quot;</b> Preparations were already made in 1998 (1998 dividedby 3 = 666) and, how interesting, that in January 1999, leading Cabbalistshave already announced the arrival of the Messiah, the Jewish control of theworld: <b>&quot;The arrival of the Messiah is imminent or he could have alreadycome and is living amongst us, without wishing to expose himself at thismoment.&quot;</b> (29)</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">However, the Cabbalists could also suffer a tremendousdefeat, should it become known that the Cabbalistic prophesies wereconcocted with artificial prophesies to deceive the devil, their god. Theyare in terrible trouble. Not only because they have tried to trick Yahweh,the all knowing power, of which the Cabbalists are fully aware and afraidof, but as biblical history has shown, if Yahweh's demands are not obeyed tothe letter, terrible punishments on his Chosen People usually follows. Theirevil game is also monitored by their spiritual enemy, Jesus Christ. Soonthey have to fear punishment from both sides. From the redeemer of mankind,Jesus Christ, and from Yahweh. Perhaps Christ, the adversary of Yahweh, maybeobserving it all, finally deliver them into oblivion, if Yahweh does not actbefore him.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Besides schedule problems and other unfinished tasks, theCabbalists suffered also in Germany in autumn 1998 an unexpected setback.The German general elections, always held in October, had this time beenre-scheduled for the 27th of September (2+7+9 = 18 = three times 6), inorder to safeguard Chancellor Kohl's re-election. Therefore, some peoplecalled Kohl &quot;Satan's Chancellor&quot;. However, Kohl lost the election, Yahwehmust have been enraged by this failure of his people. Yahweh was right again.It turned out that Kohl's successor, Gerhard Schröder, refused to supportthe Jewish war against Iraq in 2003.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Since the Cabbalists failed to complete all their tasksto Yahweh's satisfaction in the year of the Anti-Christ (666), 1999, theymight lose it all and it will be a long time until they would get anotherchance to enslave the Goyim world. In Putin's Russia, Jewry suffered themost graven failure by losing the globalistic grip on the country's richesand the control of the media. This is a disaster because they gained totalpower in Russia under the stooge Boris Jelzin. Yahweh, who is intolerant offailure may choose another people to fulfil his plans and enslave hisearlier favourites.</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Here is another more important danger on the horizon. Thearrival of Yahweh's arch enemy, the arrival of Marduk. The year 2013 is a crucial datefor Yahweh and his chosen ones. It's not coincidental that leading Cabbalistshave already warned in 1996: <b>&quot;Indeed, many Jewish leaders are warning ofdanger signs on the horizon this year, suggesting the organized clout of thecommunity may be facing a long period of decline.&quot;</b> [30]</font><br/><br/>
<font face="Times New Roman" size="3">And we know from the Bible: <b>&quot;You serpents, you brood ofvipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?&quot;</b> (Mathew 23:33)</font><br/><br/>

<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="750" cellspacing="2">
<td width="375" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFF80"><font SIZE="2" face="arial,helvetica,geneva">
1- Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, London 1994, Pluto
Press, page 32. (Cabala: Hebrew, medieval Jewish secret teachings, <em>Duden</em>, German
dictionary, 18. edition, valume I, page. 363, Duden Publishers, Mannheim 1980, ISBN
2- Ben Weintraub, The Holocaust Dogma, Cosmo Publishing, Washington,
1995, page 3<br/><br/>
3- THE AMERICAN HEBREW, Oct. 31, 1919, Nbr. 582<br/><br/>
4- The Talmud, Goldmann Publishers, Munich 1980, pages 138, 225<br/><br/>
5- Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16.2.2001, Seite 53)<br/><br/>
6- &quot;Dr. Martin Broszat declared [regarding the 6 million] that
this figure must be considered a symbolic one, rather than a factual one.&quot; (Letter to
the editor by Prof. Dr. Ernst Nolte, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Aug. 23, 1994, page
7- Reasoning of a written verdict against a revisionist by the
Magistrate Court Munich (File nbr: 115 Js 3344/94)<br/><br/>
8- Sentence against a Revisionist. Source: Mittelbayerische Zeitung (a
regional paper in Bavaria), March 7, 1996, page. 1<br/><br/>
9- Elie Wiesel, Legends of Our Time, Schocken Books, New York 1982, S.
VIII (Introduction)<br/><br/>
10-Tom Segev, The Seventh Million, Hill and Wang, New York 1994, pages
11- Guttenplan in THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Boston (USA), February, 2000<br/><br/>
12- German TV, the very popular magazine &quot;Frontal&quot;, Nov
24,1998, 21:00 h<br/><br/>
13- The Talmud, Goldmann Publishing Co, Munich 3/1988, IISBN
3-442-08665-5) page 132 (»&quot;Herr der Welt, viele Marktstraßen haben wir errichtet,
viele Bäder haben wir gemacht, und viel Silber und Gold haben wir gemehrt. Und das alles
haben wir für Israel getan&quot; ... Der Heilige, gelobt sei er, spricht zu ihnen:
&quot;Mir gehört das Silber und das Gold&quot;.«<br/><br/></font></td>
<td width="375" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFF80"><font FACE="Arial" SIZE="2">
14- It was said by Israel Singer, Secretary General of THE JEWISH WORLD
CONGRESS. Source: Michael Wolffsohn, THE GERMAN FILE, edition ferency with Bruckmann,
Munich 1995, page 343.<br/><br/>
15- <font size="2">Washington Report on Middle EastAffairs - WRMEA&nbsp; 10 Oct 2001)</font><br/><br/>
16- Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Pluto Press, London
1994, page 9<br/><br/>
17- DIE WELT, May 20, 1996, p. 7<br/><br/>
18- Washington Times, Sep. 2, 1998<br/><br/>
19- Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Pluto Press, London
1994, page.77<br/><br/>
20- Jerusalem Post, March 22,1997<br/><br/>
21- Bild am Sonntag (Germany&#146;s largest Sundy Paper), July 30,1995,
page 1<br/><br/>
22- Die Welt, July 31,1995, page 10<br/><br/>
23- The Oberserver, London, March 15, 1998, page 1.<br/><br/>
24- The Oberserver, March 15, 1998, page. 1.<br/><br/>
25- The Sunday Times (London) Nov. 15,1998, page 1.<br/><br/>
P.O.B. 1030, New York 10009, New York Times, Sep. 30, 1997<br/><br/>
27- Jewish Chronicle (London) Oct. 9,1998, page. 3<br/><br/>
28- Süddeutsche Zeitung - Nov. 17,1998, page 5<br/><br/>
29- Der Spiegel nbr. 1 (Jan. 4, 1999) page 119<br/><br/>
30- Jewish Chronicle (London) Nov. 1, 1996, page 5</font><br/><br/></td>



great Post!

Crowley called the number of the beast: 616.

just one of many links:

http://ordoantichristianusilluminati.or ... number.htm:

"The Infernal Number of the Sun 616 is the Number of a Man, it is His Unholy Talisman.  In the Magick of Thelema, 666 is the sum equivalent of the enigmatic Aleister E. Crowley, the historical personage of the Apocalypse whom is ThRIVN (Therion = 666), the Great Beast of the Sun, who was ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSV (T).  The Arcane Number of the Sun 666 also is equivalent to the sum of OMMV SThN (Ommo Satan) the esoteric Sabbatic triad of Typhon-Apophis-Besz; also SVRTh, the Spirit of the Sun and the Qabalistic value of ShMSh IHVH, the all-pervading Sun of Tetragrammaton.  The Last of the arcane Numbers of the Sun is bonded unto the mystical nature of ShM IHShVH, the name of the mythic Christ-Jesus as solar logos.  Thus, the Occult nature of the Number of the Beast, 616, refers the Initiate to incalculable and arcane Mysteries of the Sun, its earthly emissaries, esoteric noumenon and involution of solar-spiritual consciousness.  The Holy Number of Our Lord the Beast is Sol Invictvs, the "Unconquered Sun", a source of creative solar-phallic Illumination, the primal isolation of Life in the Macrocosm, and inner passion.  The obsessive identifying of the Mystick Number 616 with insidious images of Lucifer as ultimate evil incarnate in Man, a malicious devil adoring a false countenance of Baphomet consecrated unto vile and profane forces of ruin and desolation"

It seems from these sources that 666 is Satan/Baal/Yaldabaoth/ etc.etc. , and 616 is 666 incarnated into a human.


Leonard Nimoy: The Origin of Spock's Greeting (Vau)

don\'t believe that Anti-Semitic Canard.


Quote from: "Canard"Leonard Nimoy: The Origin of Spock's Greeting (Vau)

Maybe that's what's meant by "taking your vaus."

The comments on that YT video are so insipid and fawning it's quite puke inducing. A very revealing find.
Take heed to yourself lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither you go, lest it become a snare in the midst of you.
-Exodus 34]


The Kabbalistic Freemasons sure love....."VULCANS"  .


All Hail,

I agree, Kolnidre - this material is far beyond the reach of YT video.

Here is a bibliography that I regard as essential reading / thinking about what is being discussed here.  And scrolling through these posts it is really exciting to see so many who are getting a handle on this difficult subject matter.  My contribution:

Blood on the Altar. Heimbichner.  His masterful study of the OTO - Ordo Templi Orientalis which is based upon the Magick of Crowley. An order that applies this to the world game. You have to have permission of the U.S. Electoral Commission to be intiated into this stuff.  Currently the OTO has gag orders upon a group in Australia called the Gaia Guys who published material about their pedophila racket.

Traditions of the Jews. Johann Andreas Eisenmenger - suppressed for more than 250 years. Eisenmenger was a Prof of Hebrew and Aramaic at U of Heidelberg specializing in Talmud and Qabbalah. Probably the West's greatest scholar of this subject.

Carnivals of Life and Death. James Shelby Downwards. Skullduggery (in the original sense) and the codes of the Cryptocracy.

Hate Whitey. Michael Hoffman. Hollywoods psy war against the American ethnicity which founded the Republic.
Also Masonic Assassination by the same author.

And finally, the long awaited Judaism Discovered: A Desideratum. Michael Hoffman. This is his masterwork, his study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit.  

For all these works and more visit the bookstore of Revisionist History: Beyond the Gatekeepers


Quote from: "blueocean"The Kabbalistic Freemasons sure love....."VULCANS"  .

I see two curious meanings...

1. The Vulcans is a nickname used to refer to Republican Presidential candidate George W. Bush's foreign policy advisory team assembled to brief him prior to the 2000 U.S. presidential election. The Vulcans were led by Condoleezza Rice and included Richard Armitage, Robert Blackwill, Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle, Dov S. Zakheim, Robert Zoellick and Paul Wolfowitz. Other key campaign figures including Dick Cheney, George P. Shultz and Colin Powell were also closely associated with the group but were never actually members. During the campaign, Bush sought to deflect questions about his own lack of foreign policy experience by pointing to this group of experienced advisers. After the election, all the members of the team received key positions within the new Bush administration.

2. In Roman religion, Vulcan is the god of beneficial and hindering fire,[1] including the fire of volcanoes. He is also called Mulciber ("smelter") in Roman mythology and Sethlans in Etruscan mythology. He was worshipped at an annual festival on August 23 known as the Volcanalia.

Vulcan was identified with the Greek god of fire Hephaestus.
don\'t believe that Anti-Semitic Canard.


In the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the Elders state "Our philosophers will discuss all the shortcomings of the various beliefs of the "Goyim" BUT NO ONE WILL EVER BRING UNDER DISCUSSION OUR FAITH FROM ITS TRUE POINT OF VIEW SINCE THIS WILL BE FULLY LEARNED BY NONE SAVE OURS WHO WILL NEVER DARE TO BETRY ITS SECRETS."  14.4

In 1976, the young (aged 29 yrs) personal assistant to N.Y. Senator Jacob Jarvits however felt so confident in the invincibility of Jewish Power, that the plan for "Jewish world domination" had been so largely realized that he did feel free to be interviewed by Walter White Jr, ed. of the Conservative monthly Western Front.  In that interview, Harold Wallace Rosenthal stated candidly: "Our god is Lucifer."  And Rosenthal did meet a very untimely end.  Perhaps he should have not presumed to mess with Protocol 14.4.  

So to understand the secret core of Talmud and Kabbalah - you do have to understand the Luciferian mythology. In that mythology Mercury and Vulcan are twins.


Lucifer (the Light Bearer) is generally regarded as dual.  In some religions Demon / Angel of Light. In classical mythology - Hermes is a hermaphrodite, associated with the planet Mercury.

In Western arcana, Mercury / Hermes is the god of light, thieves, money making, communication, connection. Vulcan is the god of fire and iron, mines and metallurgy - in other words the application or expression of fire. Venus (the blazing star of the Luciferian torch) is the wife of Vulcan.

Mercury as the planet closest to the sun is the Light Bearer of the Daystar.  Vulcan was historically thought to be a planet hidden within the orbit of Mercury, only capable of being observed during Dark Sun or solar eclipse.  This was never confirmed. But the existence of the hidden planet accounted for anomalies in the perihelion of Mercury - called the observed advance of the perihelion.

This anomaly is now explained by the curvature of space so close to the large mass of the sun.


Just a correction on "Hermes is a hermaphrodite", not quite... Hermes and Aphrodite created their son Hermaphroditus, that is where the unisex/intersex hermaphrodite term comes from.

Hermaphroditus is also symbolized as Sun and Moon being male and female, respectively.

Hermes caduceus is also used in medical establishment's seal

Additionally, there is also a synthesis of Hermes mysticism and Kabbalah -> Hermetic Kabbalah


What is even more interesting is that Vulcan is adored in Masonry under the name of Tubal Cain. In the Masonic Quiz Book the question is asked: "Who was Tubal Cain?" The answer is: "He is the Vulcan of the pagans.''

In Masonry, Tubal Cain is the name of the password for the Master Mason (or third) degree.

Listen to what occultist and Mason, Manly Palmer Hall, has to say:

"When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mastery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a ploughshare.''

There is also a sexual connotation associated with Vulcan and Tubal Cain. Former Mason, Bill Schnoebelen, explains:

"For Masons who wish to conceal their membership from non-Masons, but still advertise it to their Lodge brothers, there is a special pin (or tie tack) they can wear. It looks like an upside down golf club with two balls near the top....Many people assume the person is a golfing enthusiast, but it is actually a visual Masonic pun.

"This is called the 'Two Ball Cane,' and is a pun on the secret password of a Master Mason, 'Tubalcain (sic).'...It is also an all-too-obvious pun on the 'god' of Masonry, the male reproductive organ. Nice, eh?...especially when many men wear these wretched things to church on Sunday!"

Can = serpent and, Vul can be the VULVA or Vagina, so hermaphrodite again!