Lindsey Williams: Crude oil $50 barrel, McCain President, New Cold War Russia, Dubai Ghost-town!

Started by joeblow, July 29, 2008, 03:41:03 PM

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Recently on AJ ... 3a73d5aab5 Lindsey Williams confessed that he was threatened by Illuminati Oil Barons not to discuss the Oil Industry. But he was allowed to say that the price of crude oil will fall to $50 barrel, because of new oil fields discovered in Indonesia and north of Russia.

The goal is to destroy the US and all Arab oil producing countries. Dubai will become a ghost town. The Cold War with Russia will begin again. New cultures will be created in Russia and Indonesia. He was told John McCain is their man. He said that something will happen just right before the US Presidential Election. The massive oil fields in America will never be developed and Americans will only use imported oil.