Started by CrackSmokeRepublican, February 18, 2013, 02:38:49 AM

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This book says a lot and should be read by a lot of people... --CSR


The Second World War was said to have been waged for "the rights of small nations," but the author, like countless other Hungarians, is literally "on the run from Communism." He has been living in exile since 1945 because of his anti-communist views. Although he was never a member of any party, the Communist regime of Hungary, with typical effrontery, demanded that the U.S.A. authorities "hand Louis Marschalko over as a war criminal."

A former special correspondent of two leading newspapers in pre-Communist Hungary, Marshalko is a brilliant novelist, playwright and poet and has many hundreds of articles to his credit.

WORLD CONQUERORS expresses some of the bitterness and contempt of millions of enslaved Euro­peans for the rulers of the "victorious nations." It shows that by being urged to throw off the German yoke, the central European nations were tricked into becoming satellites of the Soviet.

WORLD CONQUERORS indicts the real war criminals. It gives horrifying glimpses of the agony behind the Iron Curtain and describes the plot to extend the slave system to the Western world. Thousands of copies of the Hungarian edition have been sold and this English translation is published to warn the West. It is written by one who is a firm friend of the English-speaking people but an implacable foe of their vacillating and corrupt governments.

To the memory of the Nationalist
Martyrs and victims of Bolshevism


FOR more than a century, under various pretexts, a battle has been waged for power over the nations. The exercise of power has become the supreme aim of many people. Bankers, politicians, clergymen, trade union leaders and Communist Party secretaries are all in the hunt for power. The storm troops of the dictatorships are no longer shouting the old Socialist slogans. They declare openly and trumpet brutally "Power is what we want". And the so-called Democratic parties, though trying to keep it a secret, have also in their hearts actually adopted the dictatorial battle-cry, "Power is what we want". Power, like possession of the magician's wand has become their obsession in life and it does not matter how it is achieved, whether through Conservative or Labour parties or through the Christian churches.

The structure of modern society with its overpopulation has as a consequence developed the idolatory of power. The golden calf has been taken off its pedestal and has by now become a secondary emblem only. The gold, the wealth and all parts of the symbolic sacred animal of Capitalism can be apportioned, distributed or sold by anyone who has the power to do so, as if it were meat in a butcher's shop. The Church aims to attain power by controlling the human soul, the Marxist through the autocracy and omnipotence of material means, the banker by his gold or by bolding in his hand the control of the Press, the Bolshevist by the sheer brutality of the tommy-gun. But all parties, groups, sects, democracies, dictatorships and churches have one thing in common; they all want power. And this is quite understandable, as power often appears to be absolute, more even than all the gold in Fort Knox. For if that gold were evenly distributed among all the people on earth the share per head would be so small that it would hardly be worth anything.

But power over empires, stales, societies and continents is infinite. It can be distributed like the five loaves and two fishes apportioned by Christ. It secures ministerial posts, episcopal positions and benefits, senior ranks in the police force, party secretaryships as well as other major and minor offices. But only for those who are the followers of power or who belong to the organisation of the bosses holding power. Included are those belonging to the herd following the party leader, trade unions, boss, dictator or bankers; those who are members of some democratic union. Christian trade unions or, of course, any of the masonic lodges.

So it is quite understandable that in these days nearly every slogan and school of thought is directed at one thing only the seizure of power. "Let us pray" say the churches, but behind their words it is not always Christ's kingdom that is built, but the wordly power of some high priests engaged in double-entry bookkeeping. "Freedom" shout the Communists to their bamboozled Party members and followers but as a background to this empty slogan loom the torture chamber, gaol, detention camp and the gloomy hovels of Siberian slave-labourers. Here we find side by side the misery of exploitation and the power and wealth of the privileged Communist ruling classes. "Democracy" is the slogan proclaimed througbout the Western world, but it is well known that the voting system here does not represent the power of the people, but merely screens the mysterious influence and hidden rule exercised by secret cliques.

Behind these false facades is hidden the substance of the most satanic dream of the world conquerors -to become the masters of the whole world! How can this ambitious goal, the dream and aim of Caesars, dictators, bankers and trade union potentates ever since Ezra and Moses and through Alexander the Great to Stalin, be achieved? Conventional armies have become obsolete for furthering this purpose. The hydrogen bomb might wipe out both parties. Both parties can be attacked by rockets. Such a conquest is now impracticable, so the plan is to conquer the world by "peaceful" means, such as by the cheque book, by Unesco, by re-education, by a new moral code and by peace-propaganda. From this idea Lenin developed and built up his diabolic strategic system to seize and expand power, and this system under the name of Bolshevism has proved until now to be irresistible everywhere where people were unaware of the details of this power-technique.

The supposedly cultured world failed to realise, however, that Lenin's Bolshevism was a component only, such as were also Marxism, Freemasonry and Capitalism itself. For there existed another more thorough, universal and gigantic scheme which had been working already for over a century and a half, its aim by now very nearly accomplished. On the basis of ancient doctrines this latter scheme was not going to conquer global power for any of the "isms", parties, sects, churches, professional organisations or social classes, but exclusively for one nation only.

The plans for Lenin's system were to some degree rough and superficial. Their greatest weakness was akin to tbat of a general who leis the enemy know in advance the point of attack and the strength of his forces and the tactics he intends to employ. Whereas, the other, the great fundamental plan, proved much more effective because, similarly to historically successful military operations, it has carefully guarded its secrets from outsiders and indeed often from initiated persons also. Its greatest asset was that it appeared much more general than, for example, the schemes of the trade union leaders limited to the class struggle, or the tactics of church leaders restricted to the spiritual level.

It was perfect and absolute Totalitarianism.

This planning, even to-day, does not attempt to capture global power by means of any particular movement or political system but through the simultaneous use of all creeds, churches, materialisms, political doctrines and patterns of power. It wishes to get built into all positions, movements, churches, masonic lodges and trade unions. It wants to take possession of all key positions in the most opposing movements, in the churches, parties and trade unions. It desires to hold in its hand both Bolshevism and Capitalism, materialism and idealism, to capture or hire spiritually all writers, artists. politicians and the mob. It aims at not being visible anywhere but at being present everywhere and at directing and controlling everything. To divide and rule! To march detached but at a given moment to assault united.

Anybody now surveying the world and world affairs may well realise that this plan has already taken shape. The atomic fission of human society has achieved perfect success. Mankind is divided not only by the natural God-created races and nations. Even the nations are split up now. East and West Germany are divided, as are also North and South Korea. China, Indo-China and Trieste are split up or separated while Europe is divided by the Iron Curtain. Populations are split up and divided into white and coloured persons, capitalists and Bolsheviks, employers and employees, moneyed classes and working classes, Catholics and Protestants, suppressors and suppressed, victors and vanquished. But, as we will see later, all this chaos, disorder and division is directed by the same iron will, by the same secret force acting according to the interest of the leaders of a single race of 15 million people. They are to be found behind the well-padded doors of world capitalism as well as behind the thick walls of the Kremlin. It is they who instigate enraged crowds to strike and demonstrate while at the same time giving wage rises and promoting inflation. They attack Christianity while acting simultaneously as trustees of the gold and other assets representing the earthly power of the churches "whose kingdom is not of this world". They are the atom scientists and the anti-atom humanists; they are the masters and the murderers of the Communist secret police, yet at the same time they condemn the murders of the nations in UNO: They are the arch-enemy of patriotic ideals; they preach against the sovereignty of stales and against racial discrimination, while all the time representing a racial nationalism of a vehemence so far unknown to have ever reigned over the nations of the earth.

Our globe with all its Continents either openly or secretly is already dominated by this Jewish nationalism. By using certain methods this fact can be demonstrated just as the presence of atomic radiation can be demonstrated by the aid of a geiger counter. For instance, should any nation, state, press or politician, parliament or any other person commit any act not forbidden by law or by the moral code against another state, class or person, then in this sublime age of democracy everything is free and permitted without risk. But should anyone commit the same act against Jewry or even against one Jew, the Jews will wipe off from the face of the earth this offending entity, whether it be an individual or a great nation. This will be effected, if necessary, by the atomic bomb or by the victorious Red Army or by the aid of any of the "democratic "constitutions, perhaps by the use of terror prisons of the cheque book or tommy-gun.

Amongst many other things this invisible seizure of power owed its success to misapprehension and oversight on the part of anti­Jewish people during the last century. They regarded the Jew as an internationalist, which is not the real reason for opposing him. On the other hand, one could not justify his behaviour in destroy­ing his fellow-men any the easier because his motives were based on race, creed, or birth, which, in fact, is what does motivate them. So we are convinced that it is our God-granted right and human duty to fight against the reign of terror exercised on a super­national level by a small fanatical nationalist minority which has subjugated the world and driven mankind far along the road to total extinction.

By the flash of the atomic bomb we should see at last that we are living in a false, dishonest, deceitful world-order, in a dis­organised society on the eve of a universal catastrophe. This Satanic tribal nationalism holds world power in its grasp. It holds the hydrogen bomb, and in its mad blindness could destroy the whole of the globe and, with it, humanity. Is all this a bad dream or a nightmare? To answer this question we must learn more about this tribal nationalism and its tactics. Then we shall see that the nightmare will resolve itself into reality and fact.



" and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than your­selves."-Deut. xi. 23.

Without a detailed study of the Old Testament, i.e. Torah, we can neither find the solution to those Jewish aspirations bent on capturing world power nor understand the events of the present day. Those who are not intimate with the first five books of the Old Testament, i.e. the Pentateuch, might readily conceive doubts that any such Jewish intentions exist at all, and they will usually dismiss any references thereto as "anti-Semitic" delusions. Such people are unable to realise that Jewry is standing on the threshold of total world domination.

Since the end of the second World War and the defeat of German National Socialism they will label anybody a Nazi who dares to refer to these appalling facts; he will be accused of preparing a new dictatorship and, perhaps, planning another massacre. By making the word "Jew" taboo they are suppressing the freedom to express one's opinion and thoughts and at the same time making sure that people all over the world will not be able to see clearly in the moment of danger. The accusation of Nazism is handy, cheap and popular! The so-called man in the street knows as much about National Socialism as the big Jewish. press organs find fit for him to know and, therefore, in his ignorance he considers Jewry a "persecuted race" and to him the mere utterance of the word "Jew" represents "anti-Semitism".

So having his mind poisoned by propaganda, the man in the street, is disinclined to realise that everything which be now curses and condemns in German National Socialism, those principles for which its leaders were hanged in Nuremberg in the name of". have existed for the last three to four thousand years. During the "Fuhrership "of Moses, everything was the same in the totalitarian regime of JAHVE. The Jewish race­protection laws of those days and Jewish tribal nationalism have survived to outlive the leader of German National Socialism himself. For the conception of racial superiority, together with its religious and political cults are not Hitlerian inventions.

When Hitler, Goebbels and Rosenberg availed themselves of a racial conception they were doing nothing else but using against Jewry the weapons of Jewry. Everything that world-Jewry, under the disguise of the flag of the Allied Powers condemned, was actually of its own make and device. Jewry actually hanged itself at Nuremberg. For the laws relating to and establishing racial segregation were first published in the books of the prophets Ezra and Nehemiah, and not in the Rassenschutz-Gesetz (Race Protection Act) of Nuremberg. The first concentration camps were devised not by Heinrich Himmler but by King Solomon. The motto of total "annihilation" and total "extermination' of the defeated enemy first appeared in the orders of Moses, the Jewish Fuhrer.

Hitler only proclaimed that the Germans are a superior race to the Jews. On this point Moses went to far greater extremes in announcing that Jewry is of direct divine origin and the chosen people of God and, consequently, sacred. Each and every Jew is personally sacred and he who offends a Jew, offends God Himself! This is tacitly held even today in the opinion of Jewry.

What else is this if not the most exaggerated Chauvinistic fonn of racial Totali tarianism? It is quite clear that this haughty and ancient consciousness of racial excellence and sanctity remain very much alive up to the present day, when we see Jewry protesting against the trial of an indicted Jew before any Gentile court, for when they regard and treat an affront against one Jew as an affront agai nst the wholl: of Jewry. According to the four-thousand-year­old standards of Jewish nationalism, any insult against a Jew is a direct insult against God and a crime against the sacred seed of Abraham.
The first and most important commandment of Moses, the great state administrator, is designed to safeguard racial purity. The ever-recurring motif of the Old Testament is this order of Moses, who before the conquest of the promised land. points at the neighbouring peoples and then says to the children of Israel:

"...Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto memo Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shah net give unto his son. nor his daughter shalt take unto thy son." (Deut. vii. 2·3.)

Four thousand years later, German National Socialism had the same object in view when marriage, friendship and commercial activities with Jews were forbidden by the Nuremberg laws.

The judges put forward by the Jews in the Nuremberg show trials could not emphasise enough in the name of "world conscience" that the German racial laws were barbaric. But at the same time these judges were unaware that by their sentence it was the Jews themselves they were condemning. For when the Jews returned from Babylonian captivity  "...they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude."
(Nehemiah xiii, 3.)

And the diary of the "Nazi" prophet continues:
"In those days also saw I Jews that had married wives of Ashdod, of Ammon, and of Moab, and their children spake half in the speech of Ashdod, and could not speak in the Jews' language, but according to the language of each people, and I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair and made them swear by God, saying, ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves. .
(Nehemiah xiii. 23-25.)

Nehemiah, the prophet of the race protection laws of those ancient times, nevertheless only curses and heats up those corrupting racial purity whilst Ezra acts with much more vigour and energy. He tells us in his book that the Jews have taken wives among the daughters of the Canaanites, Hittites, Jebusites. Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Ammorite according to the abominations of these people, and that therefore the holy seed was mingled with the people of those lands. (Ezra ix , I, 2. 12.) Ezra orders the polluters of Jewish racial purity to come to Jerusalem and he exposes and denounces them in his book and quoting the divine law, demands tbat they shall dismiss their non-Jewish wives --and there were among them wives who had borne sons already --relates the Old Testament. It does not matter! All have to perish who desecrated the holy seed, mothers as well as half-caste children. In the theocratic state, the racial God-Fuhrership will not tolerate mothers of foreign origin or cross-bred children. The prophets cannot foresee that two thousand years later in Mr. Sulzberger's New York Times this same "lack of toleration" will be stamped and condemned as a deadly sin against God when the laws of Ezra and Nehemiah are applied against the Jews themselves. The "Christian" churches teaching and preaching the Old Testament brand the Hitlerian laws of Nuremberg as "ungodly" and yet show full and pious understanding towards the ruling of the new Israeli parliament when, in 1953, it banned marriage betwen Jew and Gentile.
Such racial discrimination might appear to be a dark superstition, a heresy. Nevertheless, the Jewish laws regard racial purity as a commandment of the utmost importance.
"An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord forever." (Deut xau. 3.)

The later descendants of the Jews took this commandment of Moses so seriously that, according to Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Jewish girls who had evidently become pregnant by Gentile men were sent away to other communities, where the expectant mothers, together with their children were killed. American Jewish rabbis as recently as 1949, issued decrees banning intermarriage betwen Jews and Gentiles.
The magic of the sanctity of the "holy seed", the consciousness or being the master-race, burns in the Old Testament with the fierce glow of the most fanatical nationalism of all times. The Jews killed and destroyed the non-Jewish peoples of ancient times in obedience to the religious and national laws of the God-Fuhrership and when we think of the Nuremberg trials of the modern "war criminals" it makes us realise how much more the Jewish kings and prophets of old deserved condemnation on the very same score. But the so­called Christian churches condemn nothing, yet continue teaching Gentile children that most pornographic and bloodthirsty book ­the Old Testament. The so-called Jewish holy books on the other hand clearly boast of revenge, relating most macabre accounts of the slaying and extermination of entire nations. They proclaim the slaughter of the innocents, including even babies if they are non­Jewish, as the fulfillment of the highest national duty and as a deed most pleasing to God.

"Thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no Covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them." (Deut. vii. 2.)

The Judean master-race is at liberty to commit crime, According to Torah and the prophets the slaying and destruction of other races and peoples is not only a religious duty but an absolute right of the Jewish nation and this right includes the prerogative of ruling over others.

The prophet Isaiah already depicts this coming world-power in resplendent and brilliant colours, as follows :

"Thus saith the Lord God : Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers; they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet." (Isaiah xlix. 22, 23.)

"And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls. and their kings shall minister unto thee.. Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought. For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted...." Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the, breasts of kings...." (Isaiah lx, 10-12, 16.) Not only on the ground of racial prejudice, but on the basis of direct divine commandment, the Jews feel themselves entitled to subjugate strangers and to treat as slaves all those who fall into their power.

"And Solomon numbered all the strangers that were in the land of Israel... and he set three score and ten thousand of them to be bearers of burdens and four score thousand to be hewers in the  mountain." (11 Chronicles ti, 17·18.)  
After  Moses'  race-protection  "Nuremberg  Laws",  after the  is  racial segregation and world-power mania of Ezra and Nehemiah, we now see the first concentration camp and slave labour establishment in which foreigners work for the master-race. They are related as an accomplished fact without ever being condemned by a humanitarian court. The schemes of the Soviet terror chambers and the forced labour camps of the Kaganovitch Empire were conceived in the land of Israel.

It is the Old Testament and not Mein Kampf that must be studied in order to see that the gas-chamber made world famous by the Sulzberger Press was actually the invention of the chosen people. The prophet Samuel tells us how the "humanitarian race" in the ecstatic rapture of victory dealt with its defeated enemies:

"And he brought forth the people that were therein (in the
Ammonite city of Rabbah-translator) and put them under saws
and under harrows of iron and under axes of iron, and made
them pass through the brick-kiln; and thus did he unto all the
cities of the children of Ammon. So David and all the people
returned unto Jerusalem." (II Samuei xii, 31.)

The first concentration camp, the first gas-chamber (a brick-kiln) in the world were in the land of Israel. And the first ghetto was established in Jerusalem and not in Europe. "The Jew shaped his own fate!" wrote Houston Stewart Chamberlain referring to these things.

This Jewish tribal nationalism which created the race-protecting laws, the ghettos, the concentration camps and the gas-chambers of ancient times, never died out. It continued slaying and killing neighbouring peoples and races. Whenever it wilt defeated it arose again! It chanted the melancholic sounds of its irredentism by the waters of Babylon during the Captivity and after the liberation it began to build the New Jerusalem with the vehemence of a revived nationalism. It had suffered but was awaiting the new Messiah, the Jewish nationalist deliverer and political leader, the new Fuhrer, who would place world power over all the nations in the hands of Jewry.

Jewry has never abandoned this grandiose national dream. During the Zionist Congress of 1897 at Basle, Dr. Mandelstein, Professor of the University of Kiev, in the course of his speech opening the conference on August 29th, emphatically stated that "The Jews will use all their influence and power to prevent the rise and prosperity of all other nations and are resolved to adhere to their historic hopes, t.e. to the conquest of world power ". (Le Temps. September 3rd, 1897.) By such fanatical nationalism the first ghetto was established in Jerusalem and the complete separation from non­-Jews accomplished. (Joel. Chapter iii. 17.) It was promised that Jehovah, the celestial Fuhrer would dwell in Jerusalem for ever and that all non-Jewish people would be excluded from God's presence. It is taught by the Jewish Rabbis that all non-Jewish people must be excluded from sharing the new world or taking any part in it; they can only be tolerated as a despised herd. (Traktat, Gitlin, Fol; 57, Babylonian Talmud.)

Jewish tribal nationalism faced the most perilous times in its history following the birth of Christ. This was, or could have been, a fatal moment in the history of Jewry. It was also a bitter disappointment. The Jews were shocked to learn that He was not the Messiah they were awaiting. He was no nationalist liberator, to rid them of the Roman soldiers. He was anti-nationalist, or, as He would be called today, an international rebel- One who, in the temple, dared to kick over the merchants' wares, to overthrow the desks of the money-changers and to evict the representatives and agents of the local money authorities. It was just as if a determined McCarthyist were to raid the New York Stock Exchange with a whip in his hand. This new prophet did not believe in the racial superiority of Jewry, but in the brotherhood of all mankind. According to the standards of Jewry His racial origin is highly doubtful and open to suspicion, because He came from Galilee, and in Jerusalem everybody could recognise His disciples by their Galilean dialect. In the streets of Jerusalem this Master and His disciples preached against the doctrines expounded by the most powerful authorities on the Jewish Chauvinistic way of life and on Jewish nationalism, i.e. they preached against the Sanhedrin and against the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees. This Master and His disciples did not believe in a separate tribal alliance between God and the Jews. In contradiction to the tenets of the Chief Rabbis, Peter, the fisherman from Galilee, tells Cornelius the captain and centurion of the Roman Empire that "all nations" are pleasing to God which fear Him and act righteously. These disciples teach in the name of the Lord Jesus that Romans, Jews and Greeks are all human beings and that there is no exclusive deliverance reserved for any single nation that there is no special Messiah for Jews only, that there is no racial superiority for the followers of Jehovah as all are human beings,children of the one and only God.

He told them that He was the deliverer not only of the Jews but of all mankind and that He was not prepared to accept the supremacy and rule of any master-race. Therefore, He had to be crucified.
"Crucify Him!" they shouted to the Roman governor, who -an opportunist state official similar to the eternally shameful figure of the public prosecutor of Nuremberg-faced the mob's concentrated hatred in confusion of spirit. "Crucify Him "-after all, this Messiah might well prove not to be the descendant of the Holy Seed of Abraham.

Houston Stewart Chamberlain in his book entitled Die Grund· lagen des neun leh nlen Jah rhunderts (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century) deduces clearly the fatal consequences attending Jewry's entry into world history and is the earliest author to discover that Christ, insofar as racial descent is concerned, was not a Jew. Chamberlain was the first author who came to the conclusion that the name of Galilee itself is actually "Gelil haggoyim", meaning "heathen or Gentile Land" where non-Jewish settlers lived. They were easily distinguished by their dialect. ..The possibility that Christ was not a Jew and that there was not a drop of Jewish blood in His veins is so great that it nearly equals to certainty", he writes in the book quoted above -Volume I. page 256.

The question "Was Christ a Jew?" is posed by Ferenc Zajthy, the Hungarian historian, in his monumental hook Hungarian Millennia in whicb be proves that the Jews themselves doubted Christ's Jewish descent. Zajthy points out that in the seventh century B.C. Shalmaneser drove the whole population of Galilee into captivity in chains and that not a single Jew was left there. The Scythian pastoral tribes who subsequently settled into the home of the displaced population adopted the Jewish creed with its religious teachings, but, as the Jews themselves termed it, they were "under Jewish laws" only. The Jews never accepted them as true descendants of Abraham's Holy Seed.

"... Search. and look: for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet" (John vii. 52) the Jews told the apostles. Prophets can arise from Jewish racial communities only.

The ancient Jewish laws protected Jewish individuals to the utmost, and the death sentence could only be pronounced on a "estih" i.e. on a person who tried to persuade Jews to abandon their creed or who attempted to cause a rift in their racial unity. Ferenc Zajthy describes how, according to the ancient Jewish laws and customs, the way of escape was all the time kept open for even such a person when under the death sentence. On the way leading to the place of execution observers were posted at every hundred steps. The observers' duty was to report if any new witnesses gave a sign by raising their arm that Ihey were willing to come forward and testify in order to save the life of the condemned. In the case of any new witnesses coming forward the laws ordered new trials to be held or an amnesty to be granted.

It is peculiar. though under the circumstances quite natural, that in the procession following Jesus to the Cross, no witness volunteered to testify and save Him. Among those who received Him on Maundy Thursday with jubilant festivities not one raised his hand. Nor did any of those who heard His teachings and saw His miracles. No witness volunteered to save Him. And here we have the decisive proof that He was not a Jew in that nobody was permitted to come forward. Because, according to the laws of the Jewish state, re-trial was permissible for the descendants of Abraham's holy seed only. From this right the Goyim, the Gentiles, the strangers, the descendants of those of all non-Jewish blood were excluded, as well at those who came under the jurisdiction of the Jewish laws but were not Jews racially. So excluded were the hated Galileans, the Cushians and the Huvilains that, according to the Jewish laws, they were to be pressed under the water and drowned by any wayfarer, happening to pass who should see them struggling in the water.

Chapter 1 from "The World Conquerers"
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan


A piece from Chapter 6:



HITLERISM was not the only thing that world Jewry hated. They dreaded even more those movements paving rhe way for a new understanding amongst the nations of Europe. Jewry's main aim was to discredit these new trends as well as to make them disliked by the rest of the world. While campaigning on one side for full co-operation, they tried to strangle on the other side all those whu were collaborating with their enemies-the Germans.

"They unhesitatingly opposed even the slightest thought of making peace!" writes Maurice Bardeche.

But today we have definite proof that the Germans tried most earnestly to establish co-operation and partnership among the Euro­pean ilile. They were not looking for "Quislings" but for these who were considered good patriots in their own country, people dedicated to the cause of their own native land. An almost exaggerated idealism pervaded the elite of the National Socialist revolution. In their own country they stated what they believed to be the truth. They recognised that the individual has social rights. They demonstrated that this is the only satisfactory solution on a national basis, if Bolshevism is to be avoided.

They believed with revolutionary fervour that if they could succeed in liberating the European masses from capitalist exploitation then peace might be secured for a long time. They bad seen bow Jewish "nazism" interposed itself to disrupt the unity of the German people by means of its money power and its control of the press in order to secure exclusive domination over the entire nation. Having success­fully done away with all this by their National Socialist revolution they bad high hopes of securing peace and also the co-operation of neighbouring peoples. once the influence of that supranational Old Testament "nazism" was eliminated in these countries too.

This was "New Europe" in the making. And this was the very thing world Jewry bad to prevent at any cost, even if it entailed reducing the Christian culture of Europe to the dust. Because, should this plan succeed, more and more states would be released from the grip of Jewish domination.
Therefore the mere thought of European unity, or of any possible co-operation had to be discredited. And because more than the sixty per cent of the press of the Western world is in Jewish hands and, according to American statistics, eighty-five per cent of the American press and 100 per cent of American films, this campaign was conducted on a larger scale than any other propaganda operation in the history of the world.

By misinterpreting the racial concept the Jews pretended that the Germans were claiming sole supremacy for the German nation over all other nations, Thus they succeeded in estranging the other nations from Germany. They distorted the racial theory by insinuating that Germany wanted to conquer the world and on the basis of tbis theory was claiming world supremacy, The Ninteenth Century magazine in its issue of September, 1943, during the height of the war, admitted on the contrary that "..The general belief that Germany started this war to achieve world power is, in our view, a mistake. Germany wanted to become a first-rate power, but to be a first-rate power and to achieve world domination are two different things. Great Britain is also a world power but she does not rule the world."

The Jews also falsely interpreted the theory of "Blut and Boden "(blood and soil), Le. the theory that a man belongs to his native soil; the concept of a unity between a country and its inhabitants was so twisted as to suggest that the Germans claimed all those territories in which any inhabitants of German origin happened to be living, By this means they aroused the jealousy of all independent European nations where German minorities were to be found, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Bohemia, Rumania, and other neighbouring states began to regard with distrust the German Reich.
They tried to explain away Germany's steadily growing export trade as a preparation for war and attempted to make the world forget that Goering's slogan of "guns or buner" had a precedent in the boycott by American Jewry. They ridiculed the sincerely pro-British parts of Mein Kampf, at the same time working on the fears of both East and West by quoting certain passages of this book out of their context.

This poisoning of the mind was thus stimulated on a gigantic scale throughout the world. When the German administration tried to stop this trouble-mongering at home it was promptly accused • . dictatorial tyranny, As a background to all these forms of an?!'­German propaganda there was, of course, the undeniable fact that the abolition of the reign of gold together with the establishment of peaceful co-operation between capital and labour was a real shock for Jewry, World opinion was induced to believe that the German worker's living standard was rising only because of rearmament. But, in fact, they knew very well that large workers' settlements were every­where under construction, and that the existence of the workers' and satisfied families was a living refutation of those things taught by Jewry for over a century,  "What can have happened?" they asked one another in fear. "Have these hated Nazis really wrecked the splendid theory of the Marxist class-struggle which was serving our ends so well?" As Bettelheim expressed it, can great cities such as Berlin, Vienna and Budapest get along without Jews? Can a nation really live without exploitation, without a Jewish nationalist press. without the films, theatre and Jewish "mercenary spirit"? After all, we have kept the whole world under our influence for centuries by suggesting that without our cultural activities, our business sense and supercilious intellect all nations would perish and all "progress" would cease. And now Germany prospers without us --with a prosperity which is the living negation of our arrogant nationalism Anybody looking at these steadily growing garden-cities, at the satisfied and happy people and at the prospering intellectual and economic activities can see that our great nationalist writer, Bettelheim, was wrong when he predicted that world civilisation would perish without the Jews. So far, these Christians are becoming more and more satisfied, while we Jews are losing more and more ground. If the rest of the world learns about this on an international level, and if the foreign tourists and the world's proletariat see that all this is possible without us, indeed, even against us, they will realise that we have lied to them. Our politicians, journalists, trade union leaders, capitalists and labour leaders will all become liars! Therefore we must destroy the proofs!

Therefore, these nice homes with their gardens, together with the new factories, day nurseries, youth camps and hospitals must be wiped off the face of the earth. For we have at our disposal our secret nationalist weapon --the same one used with such effect at the siege of Jericho. Let us, therefore, sound the trumpets for our world propaganda.
World Jewry must be regarded as the sole war criminal of the Second World War because, in the first place, it prevented reconciliation between the nations and the possibility of cooperation, destroying even the pre-requisites to these aims. With the help of untruthful propaganda and falsehood, and by use of radio and press, it projected a totally false world picture before the eyes of mankind. It created a general world atmosphere in which the mere utterance of the truth in connection with the German question might entail danger to life or loss of livelihood, or suspicion of high treason. All peace offers made by the German statesmen were labelled sheer lies. It derided all sober and honest plans. It made all social achievements in Germany appear as reactionary red tape, all the progress as an anti­progressive obstacle, every manifestation of the elite concept as barbarism and all forms of anti-Bolshevism as anti-democratic. Colonel Charles Lindberg, the national hero of America, became suspected of high treason when he dared to state his honest opinion about National Socialism, based on his own personal experience.

Meanwhile. in 1938, Roosevelt, who can only be regarded as a puppet of the Jewish brains trust, sent the following gaily worded wire to Churchill for the promotion of war preparations:

"You and I can rule the world! "

World Jewry declared war on Europe and on Christianity at the very moment Hitler came to power, or perhaps even before. The anti-German boycott movement flared up in America as early as 1932. Jewish organisations published full-page advertisements in the New York Times reading : "Let us boycott anti-Semitic Germany."

Seeing that this did not have much result, they began to prepare the New York-Moscow axis.
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan