Academic Assertions of Conspiracy

Started by 0th0d0xypr0xy, March 30, 2013, 12:11:33 AM

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Hey everyone, this probably has already been covered but I found Anthony Sutton's work to be quite illuminating. Also the works of Carroll Quigley Tragedy and Hope and Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's The Occult Roots of Nazism and Major General Smedley Butler War is a Racket make interesting, informative and perhaps most importantly academic support to what many dismiss as simply the pass-times of stoners and wasters.

CSR, I think you'd be interested in this as it shows demonstrates the Jewish link between the Russian Revolution and also the success Hitler had in establishing the Third Reich. All with Jewish money in which to perpetuate a false enemy.

I would like to add also a short piece elaborating on why I'm skeptical of the Nazi movement and reject White supremacism as a means to rebel within our Prison Planet. As my research has been spent predominantly on Europe during the years 1892-1992 - covering in academic fields the Boer War, First and Second World War, the Cold War and the development of the European Union yet, in conspiratorial terms - the Protocols, the Sykes-Picot agreement, the Balfour Declaration, Holocaustianity, attack on USS Liberty etc.. I undoubtedly came across the Jews several times. It was only with the assistance of my friend that the connections started to appear and my understandings of the world transformed irreversibly. "Grab a paddle" was my only recommendation.

However, and I'm sure this has been covered before - both Jews and Nazis ascribe to a hierarchical view of the world, defining themselves by what they are not. For the Jews this is 'goy' and for Nazis it is 'non-white/Jew'. I've also noticed generally how both neo-Nazis and Jews re-affirm and certify their polar-opposite identities through each other seeking what they are not to solidify what they consider themselves to be. Keeping together the tribe from the crisis of interbreeding/miscegenation. Furthermore, the Nazis as previously discussed were formed with occult influences - the Thule Society being perhaps the chief one.

I draw attention to this issue because I believe it is needed. Sutton went further than most in discovering the mystery schools which exist that hold power, be it money, political influence or media, within our daily lives. The Skull and Bones society being the subject of Sutton's most notorious work America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of the Skull and Bones Society I think its worthy to note that earlier S&B was simply referred to as 'The Order'.  Charlotte Iserbyt (perhaps worthy of a Jew-check) proved influential in Sutton completing his work. Quigley doesn't go into the same detail but exposes perhaps more mystery schools. Ranging from the Round Table group (which I bet my money is Freemasonic landed-gentry qlipoth Jew reacting to the post-WW1 British government's decision to impose death duties thereby dealing a large and decisive blow to the ailing aristocracy) among others.

My research has also lead me to this man:

Which I heavily suspect of being a Jew, considering (and forgive me for prejudice) the size of his nose, his wife was called Jewel, and nearly all his relatives are either involved in conspiracy of some form or are economists and milking the cow until it explodes.

I'd be interested to hear of any thoughts you had on the matter, as this is the subject which interests me the most. As mentioned before on another thread I've been trying to find ways of engaging in conversation in an academic setting and exposing this without coming across like Fatboy or a 'conspiracy nut'. I feel if I remain confident, discreet yet act with courage I should be able to establish the thinking which universities allege to engender within people. As a friend once told me "it costs nothing to light a candle from one already lit".

My interests right now, my dissertation on anarchist Catalonia aside, dwell in determining a time before the Jew, how to out Jew the Jew without losing moral, spiritual and psychological damage and finally following assertions made by Alexander Hislop (The Two Babylons) among others that the Roman Catholic Church is in fact a pseudo-Pagan religion of Orthodox Christianity with the Pope himself being truly and properly the lineal representative of Belshazzar, the Christogram 'IHS' really standing for Isis, Horus, Seth and the religion itself worshipping Nimrod and his wife, Semiramis - Queen of Babylon.

Like I said, many of this may be old info. But any comments and feedback would be good.
Here's the right valiant Cornish Man,
Who slew the Giant Cormilion