CIA's Mothball Piece Pieczenik turns gray as loss of Afghan White looms

Started by rmstock, August 23, 2017, 09:18:25 PM

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CIA's Mothball Piece Pieczenik turns gray as the loosing of Afghan White looms

Pieczenik's frustration is certainly valid. But not because Trump is
the evil mad-dog war hawk, but because Pieczenik, CIA's Great White
Powder Grand Daddy, goes ape-shit at the prospect of loosing
Afghanistan's Poppy plantation. This possible mischief certainly looms
as the Trump Administration with its many Generals, Kelly, Maddog
Mattis and McMaster, all have openly disavowed the sale and use of
drugs, like Canabis and Marijuana. But also the appointment of Kelly as
Chief of Staff, after his outstanding work as Chief of Homeland
Security, was preceded by the executive Presidential order, to have
transgender people not serve in the Military. Hence Trump's Generals
and Trump himself are proper and decent people. In this light it is
disgusting to see how the CIA Mothball Piece Pieczenik was cussing and
swearing at Trump's Generals.
What would happen if Trump's US Military in a classic fashion puts
boots on the ground in Afghanistan ? It would hunt down all the Islamic
terrorist Taliban factions and destroy them. All the Taliban Cocaine
Dope Lords would be hunted down and destroyed. Complete towns and
regions would be liberated from the evil Taliban. In general the
repressive Islamic impact on Afghan society, in religion and sharia
law, would be structurally lowered. The real evil villains would then
flee to Pakistan, which can be seen as Eastern Failed State part of
India, who keeps very cozy relationships with Communist China, as they
appear to have a nearly open borders relationship.
When Trump is done with Afghanistan, Pakistan will be next, as a week
ago a former IT Staffer of the Democratic Party and House and Senate
Democrats, Imran Awan, has started to sing like a Pakistani ISI
Coal-mine Canary. The goods and deeds done to the detriment of American
Security and Intelligence, which during the Obama era consisted of
real-time updates to Chinese Intel Agencies, through the Pakistani ISI
-- which received a renewed overhaul and startup with the aid of the
CIA, during the time that Karzai became the new Viceroy of Afghanistan
-- might be enough for Trump and his Generals to also clean house in
Pakistan, and relief the people and its Government there from the
burdens of the failed Islamic religion of peace.

``I hope that the fair, and, I may say certain prospects of success will not induce us to relax.''
-- Lieutenant General George Washington, commander-in-chief to
   Major General Israel Putnam,
   Head-Quarters, Valley Forge, 5 May, 1778