Taika Waititi - wait...yes...he's a jew

Started by yankeedoodle, October 19, 2019, 03:35:29 PM

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QuoteScreenwriter and director Taika Waititi['s] new film, "Jojo Rabbit," is a satire set in Nazi Germany....His father's side of the family is indigenous Maori. His mother's side is Jewish.

Amazing, isn't it?  Here this guy is 1/2 Maori, and 1/2 jew, and he's from New Zealand, and, instead of making movies about the Maori, his father's people who are indigenous to New Zealand, and have suffered a bit, this guy, instead, makes yet another movie about the Nazis and the ever-suffering jews.

No doubt, his mother taught him well about her fucking suffering.  And, of course, she no doubt also taught him where the money is, too, which explains why he is getting so much media attention for this movie with the retarded title "Jo Jo Rabbit." 

Almost endless media attention here:  https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqcQgKImtDQklTU2pvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NqMEtFUWp5Mjh1c2pvQU1FZWE3VGJpazYtR3FFaWhVWVdscllTQlhZV2wwYVhScElHOXVJR1JwY21WamRHbHVaeUFuU205cWJ5QlNZV0ppYVhRbktBQVAB?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen