Oops...SNL joke exposes jewish supremacism in apartheid Israhell

Started by yankeedoodle, February 22, 2021, 10:12:05 AM

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Michael Che jokes that Israel is only vaccinating Jews, on 'SNL'

Many news organizations have been celebrating Israel's vaccination rate. From the PBS News Hour to NBC Nightly News, again and again. In fact, NBC ran a How-did-they-do-it miraculous story a couple of days ago.

Well we're not buying, and neither are halfway-aware Americans. This was SNL last night, Michael Che doing the news.

"Israel is reporting that they vaccinated half of their population. And I'm going to guess it's the Jewish half."

As Omar Baddar says, SNL took a dig at Israeli apartheid. The cat is out of the bag on Israeli racism. The Israeli brand is tanking. And US liberal Zionist organizations can't even reckon with the fact that it has been declared an apartheid regime. But SNL can.

And look, people are already calling it antisemitic! The Israel lobby never sleeps.

Israel has all but ignored the millions of Palestinians in the occupied territories. The Health Minister even joked that Israel has no more responsibility for the Palestinians than the P.A. does to care for dolphins in the Mediterranean.