Palestinians are Logically Distant Relatives of Jesus Christ

Started by abduLMaria, May 31, 2021, 10:00:14 AM

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Conversation at Newsmax -

LBL   Dis-arm the Jewish Psychopaths and let them deal with Jesus' Semitic descendants - the Palestinians - themselves.

Crossbow   Jesus didn't have any children.

LBL   So you were around 2000 years ago to witness all of his sexual liaisons ? What are you, some kind of Ghost Pervert ?

Jesus Christ lived in a human body. Are Christians moronic enough to think Jesus NEVER had a girlfriend ?

Jesus was a Total Rock Star, in his time.

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Are the Palestinians the Distant Descendants of Jesus Christ ?

Zio-Christians seem to believe that Jesus was Celibate.

Say What ?  That is a LOT of masturbation.

Celibate from puberty, in the teens, until the time of his crucifixion, about 15 or 20 years later ?

While he has admiring female supporters around ALL THE TIME ?  Not a Condom in sight ?

Sorry, even if Jesus tried NOT to have children, human sperm is a Great Swimmer.

Looks like Israel is busy murdering the distant descendants of Jesus, 2000 years after they murdered the Family Patriarch.

What do you think ?

Christians are FULL of opinions about this.

They think Jesus lived in a human body and NEVER got an erection ?

and when he got an erection, none of his admiring female supporters NEVER said, "let me help you with that ?!"

Sorry, for sure, Jesus had children, or at least engaged in normal human sexual activity.

It's POSSIBLE that he was unable to have children.  Although that contradicts the basics - that he lived in the body of a normal human male.
Planet of the SWEJ - It's a Horror Movie.!


QuoteThe Recent Stuff is Lies! The Earlier Stuff? Fairy tales
No surprise to anyone, but there is no reliable history of the Jewish people.  It isn't just them, when it comes down to history, everyone lies....


The most likely thing is that Palestinians were once Byzantine Christians and before that Jews.  Why?  There is no proof they came from anywhere else.

There is proof they have been where they are pretty much forever.  There is also proof that people who lived there were, at one time, Jews, then Christians and eventually Muslims.  Why change religions?

Governments created incentives for people to change religions, some involved taxes, others involved serious persecution.

This religious persecution in Judea went on for centuries, Jews persecuting Christians and, later, Christians persecuting Jews.

This was long before Islam existed. This is real history.

Before Muslims became "terrorists," Jews claimed Christians were "terrorists."

Then Christians said Jews were all "thieves" and "mongrels" and had killed Christ.  Can we prove Christ existed?  Actually no, we can't.

However, the Gospels, such as they are, most burned, some horribly mistranslated, are something of a record, much more of a record than the wild discussions of Moses and "mana" and being lost in Sinai for 40 years.

Would any of it stand up in court?  Not for a friggin' minute!

So, where does this leave us?

Palestinians are probably, by genetic definition, if such exists, the only real Jews.

Most Jews are probably from ethnic groups pushed into Europe, no different than every other migration.  The idea of claimed "immunity" to two thousand years of historical resettlement, religious realignments and the total lack of either archaeological or rational written records as a basis of decades of warfare is insane.