Transcription of Dr. Sabrosky's Description of his Presentation to Colleagues

Started by abduLMaria, September 09, 2021, 02:14:47 PM

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Video at

until Jewtube censors it.

I recorded it off the screen, as a backup.

Which web host is most Gentile-friendly ?

Please let me know if you hear ANY warbles in my transcription.

I don't want to miss a single word.

What I label reference 2 - what does Dr. Sabrosky say there ?

Sounds like "Sadists" but it's close to in-audible.

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"They (Israel) did it.

I have had long conversations over the past 2 weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters of the Marine Corps, and I've made it absolute (Ref.1)  clear in both cases, that it is 100% certain that 9-11 was a Mossad operation.

And what I show them immediately afterwards, the third building at the World Trade Center going down. WTC7.

And they look at that, and I say, now, you understand that if one of the buildings was wired for demolition, all of them were wired for demolition.

And what Americans need to understand, Sadists, Sadists, (Reference 2)

And if they do understand that, Israel will flat disappear from this Earth.

9-11 has led directly to 60,000 Americans dead and wounded,

God knows how many hundreds of thousands of people in other countries that were killed or wounded or made homeless.

If Americans ever know, ever know, that Israel did this,

They're going to scrub them off the Earth.

And they're not going to give a rat's ass what the cost is.

They are not gonna care.

They will do it.

The Zionists are playing this as truly an All or Nothing exercise.

Because if they lose this one,

If the American People Ever Realize what's happened,

They're Done.

It will be a bloody, brutal war, and they're gone.

I mean, it's not even going to be a close contest.

3 buildings went down, the third was not hit by a plane.

It was wired for Controlled Demolition.

They, all of them were wired for Controlled Demolition.

You know, what I, what I have done when I have presented   <inaudible>

Just look at this, look at this picture, I'm not going to give you an argument, just look at it.

And they look at the film, and without Exception, they come back and they say,

"They did it, didn't they".  They did it.  They did 9-11.

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Will the Jews' arrogance kill Israel, and demonstrate that the "Good Guys" perhaps didn't win World War 2 ?

Of course I'm not saying that Mr. Hitler was the good guys, the moron attacked the Soviet Union in 1941, when he was already in the middle of a war with several other countries.

That's like being in a fight with Mike Tyson (at his prime) and then taking a shot at The Rock (at his prime).

The background history that the Nazi kerfuffle may be designed to obscure.

Mr. Ebert and Mr. Hindenburg were the leaders of Germany from the quiet years after World War 1, to about 1934.

They recovered from the Weimar hyperinflation and built the most powerful industrial economy in the world.

During this time, there was a "Soft Expel" against Jews in 1920's & 1930's Germany.

Maybe that "Soft Expel", is what the Nazi Kerfuffle is

The German economy grew beautifully.

Then Mr. Hitler drove it off a cliff.

For those interested in background, I suggest "The Transfer Agreement".

About significant collaboration between the Israel supporters and WW2 Germany.
Planet of the SWEJ - It's a Horror Movie.!