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The jewish takeover of the Christian calendar and their contempt for Christians

Started by yankeedoodle, July 18, 2023, 02:19:51 PM

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Examining the Deep Contempt for Christians in the jewish Takeover of the Christian Calendar

Several decades ago, I encountered, for the first time, the use of BCE and CE to replace BC and AD, and my initial assumption was that this was an anglicization of the Christian Calendar, with BC, the acronym for Before Christ, being replaced by BCE, the acronym for Before Christian Era, and with AD, the acronym for the Latin phrase Anno Domini – in the year of the Lord - being replaced by CE, the acronym for the English phrase Christian Era.

Surely, most people will, like I did, think that BCE is Before Christian Era and CE is Christian Era, and think no more about it, and that's part of the jews' plot. Most people won't realize that the jews are trying to make the world believe that BCE is the acronym for Before Common Era, not Before Christian Era, and that CE is the acronym for Common Era, not Christian Era.

Yes, according to the jews, the "C" in BCE and CE means "common," and, you can be sure that the jews intend the use of the word "common" to be derogatory and an insult to Christians.

The Christian calendar is the dominant calendar in the world, and many people in the world who use it are not Christians, so there might be a perceived need to make the calendar secular, and replace the Latin AD, since, probably, billions of people around the world don't even know what the Latin language is, or was; and, of course, to them Christ is not their Lord. In that case, an acceptable neutral word would be "current." As in Before Current Era and Current Era.

Christians can, in their minds, see Before Christian Era and Christian Era, and non-Christian people can, in their minds, see Before Current Era and Current Era. A simple and effective meeting of the minds, with nobody being offended.

But, there is nothing neutral about the jews, and, so, they are changing the Christian calendar so that it actually insults Christians. Of course, the jews have their own dishonest "calendar" of their fabricated "history," but, they can't let Christians have their own calendar that is truthful; therefore, they must make the Christian calendar dishonest, telling the world that BCE and CE does not represent Before Christian Era and Christian Era, but Before Common Era and Common Era.

This is what I thought several decades ago, and I wondered why nobody was making an issue of this, but, obviously, naive and trusting Christians would naturally assume that "C" designates Christian, and, besides, little details like acronyms – however significant – just don't interest most people. And, of
course, the jews know this, and think themselves to be oh-so-sly and superior by getting Christians to tacitly acknowledge themselves to be common, in the derogatory sense of the word. Can you hear them snickering? I can.

But, in August 2022, I did find the BC/AD – BCE/CE issue raised in an article by Tobias Langdon at the Occidental Observer website https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2022/08/07/from-the-sublime-
to-the-repulsive-thoughts-on-gentile-beauty-and-jewish-uglification-in-architecture/.  But, he didn't not mention that the jews were using the word "common" to denigrate Christians.

Better late than never, I've been encouraged to write about this BCE/CE insult, and, a quick search turned up two web articles designed to explain "common" and to claim that it isn't a new – jewish – invention, but, rather, it is centuries old. Which is a lie, of course: another jew lie.

One is from the World History Encyclopedia website by the surely jewish Joshua Mark, Joshua being a common jewish name, and Mark being a variant of Marks, which is a variant of Marx.

The other is from the Time and Date website, which seems to just regurgitate the lies presented in the Joshua Mark/World History Encyclopedia propaganda. https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/ce-

The World History Encyclopedia is, obviously – much like Wikipedia – a jew-run internet propaganda/disinfo operation, designed to deceive. After all, it's an "encyclopedia," isn't it? The jews know that the goy grew up trusting - 100% - everything in the American World Book Encyclopedia or
the Encyclopedia Britannica, or any other encyclopedia in any other country.

Here is an excerpt from the entry from (((Joshua Mark))):

QuoteIn the 17th century the term "vulgar era" first appears as a replacement for Anno Domini in the writings of the German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler (1571-1630 CE). At this time "vulgar" did not mean "uncouth" but "common" or "ordinary" and was used to designate events previously noted as "in the year of the Lord" or, simply, the present era. The phrase "vulgar era" was then used by writers interchangeably with "after the time of Christ" or "in the common era" which eventually came to be written simply as "common era" and then CE which gave rise to BCE in defining events prior to the common era. The first use of "common era" in English dates to the 1708 publication of The History of the Works of the Learned or An Impartial Account of Books Lately Printed in all Parts of Europe with a Particular Relation of the State of Learning in Each Country printed for one H. Rhodes in London. The phrase appears in a sentence from page 513 which mentions "the fourth century of the common era".

What do we find here? A totally fabricated "encyclopedia"entry designed to tell Christians that they are vulgar (common) – in the current derogatory sense – because, centuries ago, vulgar (common) was not derogatory. You see, "common" wasn't derogatory centuries ago – so the jew says – but, now it is,
and, when do we live: now, of course.

Everything about this "encyclopedia" entry is fiction. But, we're supposed to accept everything because the jew Mark dropped the name Johannes Kepler. Now why would a great scientist like Johannes Kepler use such an imprecise word like "common," when he could use a precisely accurate word – Christian – as in Before Christian Era and Christian Era.

The long title for a "1708 publication" that is a pure fabrication. The name "Rhodes" in the website is a hyperlink, and it leads to an article about the island of Rhodes in the World History "Encyclopedia," and this "encyclopedia" entry mentions nothing about the fictitious "1708 publication."

We can see that the jew Mark is so contemptuous of Christians that, if a Christian went to the internet to research the use of "common" in BCE and CE, they would find his "encyclopedia" entry, and, since it drops the name Johannes Kepler and has a very long old-fashioned-looking fake book title and a link, this curious Christian would stop there, and not even go to the link, which would prove that the entire "encyclopedia" entry is a lie designed to deceive naive Christians.